Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Yanhua Fortune Telling _ Is Yanjiao Fortune Telling Accurate?

Yanhua Fortune Telling _ Is Yanjiao Fortune Telling Accurate?

Why is the work getting poorer and busier?

Why is the work getting poorer and busier?

After working for so many years, has your bank card number ever gone up? Why the busier you go to work, the poorer you get. I hope it will help you.

Busy for a long time, working for several years. When I opened the bank card, I found that the number in the card was pitiful, and somehow I became a moonlight family. This should be the status quo of many office workers! It's really unfair to think that you are so bitter and tired but you can't get the corresponding reward. What makes us poor and busy? Is this state a necessary process or is it caused by our own mistakes?

In recent years, the word "workingpoor" has become popular in domestic forums. "workingpoor" is a proper noun in English, which translates as "poor and busy person" or "working poor person". It refers to people who work hard but don't get rewarded and don't see much hope.

Recently, an online survey jointly conducted by the Social Investigation Center of China Youth Daily and Tencent News Center showed that (1 135 1 people participated), 75% people thought they were "poor and busy", of which 82.6% were on-the-job personnel and 9.2% were students.

"I want to know if anyone is like me, executing multiple cases at the same time? Working poor-sacrificing holidays and making money machines. "

Now more and more netizens are complaining that they are "poor and busy people", including some middle-income working-class people and even office white-collar workers with a monthly income of nearly 10,000 yuan.

"Being poor and busy" is a necessary stage of career development?

"Our' poor and busy family' is much worse than the' moonlight family'." Huang Yanhua, a white-collar worker of a private enterprise in Beijing, admits that he is an out-and-out "poor and busy person".

The survey shows that, like Huang Yanhua, 75% people think they are "poor and busy", 12.7% people say they are "unclear" whether they are "poor and busy", and 12.3% people clearly indicate that they are not "poor and busy".

Huang Yanhua said that the "moonlight clan" may have some "self-enjoyment" in it, and the "poor and busy clan" is more "the busier, the poorer and busier".

Because of work, Huang Yanhua often goes in and out of high-end office buildings. "People have to dress decently to meet customers; If you have customers, the benefits will be good. " To this end, Huang Yanhua, 26, who is in her prime, has to spend most of her monthly expenses on dressing up. "There are many' poor and busy people' around me. Most of them have several jobs. They are not only busy every day, but also confused. They always feel that they are just alive, not alive. " However, Huang Yanhua is convinced that "being poor and busy" is an inevitable stage of career development, but when it comes to the future, she is still at a loss.

In addition, the survey shows that more than half of the people (57.6%) agree that the "poor and busy families" are mostly "post-80s", 16.7% think they are mostly "post-70s", and 13.2% think that "they exist in all ages, but the number is small".

Are the "poor and busy people" caused by the expansion of desire?

Through objective indicators, European and American countries find that there is a huge "working class" ethnic group in their society. In addition, with the globalization of Japan and Taiwan Province Province in recent years, there are more and more "poor and busy families".

Castel, an American urban sociologist, observed the development process of developed countries in recent 20 or 30 years, and pointed out that globalization and flexible development of the labor market have led to a large increase in high-tech and core personnel, and there are more and more atypical and marginal sex workers, who are far behind the former in terms of labor rights and social security. The emergence of "poor and busy people" has become a common problem in post-industrial society.

Liu Bo, a consultant of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, believes that although the division of "poor and busy people" has a strong subjective color, it is inevitable to put forward "poor and busy people" today when people pay more and more attention to CPI, income distribution and personal finance.

According to the survey, 60.9% people think that the hard work of the "poor and busy families" is not rewarded, and the main reason for not seeing too much hope is that the social pressure is too great and the competition is fierce; 48.9% people think that the reason is that the "poor and busy people" lack reasonable life and career planning; 39.5% people think it is because the starting point is too low and there are too few opportunities; 26% people think that they are too eager for success, but they are easily frustrated; 24.5% people think that it is caused by blind obedience and conformity; 18.8% people think it is because of lack of patience.

In addition, in this survey, 88. 1% people felt pressure because of fierce competition, and 1 1.9% people said they didn't feel pressure.

Wang Min, a national psychological counselor, believes that the "poor and busy people" feel great pressure, which is largely a matter of values. "Feeling that self-worth is not recognized is mainly measured from the perspective of money. Young people should look at their long-term goals from the perspective of their entire working life. "

To get rid of "poverty", we must actively charge.

"I am poor and busy, but I am not a poor and busy family!" Antai, who works in an investment company in Beijing, tried to draw a line with the word "poor and busy people".

Antai, who entered the workplace two years ago, earns 3000 yuan a month. In his view, his professional web page maintenance is just a simple grass-roots job of "edge ball", and the frequency of voluntary overtime is still very high. "So when I take out my salary card at the end of the month, I won't feel too happy. But I will never be a' poor and busy family' because I can see hope. " Antai said that many colleagues around him resigned because of low wages, but he certainly won't. "If you work hard, you won't be busy in vain, and the boss can see it." In this survey, like Antai, 14. 1% people think they should be "poor and busy", and there will always be gains in the process. However, more people are struggling to get rid of "poverty".

According to the survey, when asked "What can I do to get rid of' poverty'", people ranked it as positively charging and enhancing competitiveness (55.7%); Adjust the mentality in time and decompress at work (50.4%); As long as there are reasonable life plans and goals, they will not be "poor and busy" (46.5%); Actively adapt to society (39%); Society should not put too much emphasis on competition (12.6%). Regarding how to get rid of poverty, Zhou Xiaozheng, a professor in the Department of Sociology of China Renmin University, believes that the trend of employment marketization is becoming increasingly obvious because China's economy and society are in a period of continuous transformation. Various risks are also constantly presented in the process of marketization. Therefore, the ability to cope with risks and adjust your mentality in time when facing risks is more important than how much culture and technology you have learned. At the same time, young people entering the workplace should not think too much about material conditions or additional conditions. It is best to choose your favorite career.

In addition, the state should gradually improve the social security system, intervene in the secondary distribution of social wealth, achieve social justice, provide more and fairer employment opportunities and living security for workers, advocate the rational flow and cooperation of social classes, and form a positive and diverse culture.

Zhou Xiaozheng reminded young people that it is understandable that "poverty and busyness" appears at the beginning of their careers, but if it always appears in their careers, they should be vigilant and avoid going to extremes.

Are you there every day? Work hard to make a living.

When I was a child, there was a neighbor named Liu Yi. She has great ability and runs a cotton shop. She gets up at four o'clock every morning to work in the shop and doesn't go home until ten o'clock in the evening. She is handy and looks good in everything she does. My mother always boasted that she would change her clothes and make her a quilt.

At that time, there were about a dozen cotton shops in the town, and her home was the most popular.

Supposedly so smart and capable, you should have a good life, right?

However, this is not the case.

Her house is in rags, the window glass has never been complete, and food and clothing are far from ordinary people. She has always wanted to change a bigger pavement, but she has never been able to do so.

If I remember correctly, her family has been heavily in debt.

Strangely, every time she scrimps and saves money to pay her debts, there will always be something more expensive: her home was stolen, her husband had a car accident, her son made trouble and ruined her classmates, and she became seriously ill and went to the hospital.

Every time something happens to her family, people always say one word: evil.

A fortune teller said that although her fortune is good, her horoscope is too fierce and easy to break, so it is doomed to be bad.

When I was young, I couldn't figure out why some people are ingenious, hardworking and thrifty, but their lives are so miserable.

Until the beginning of this year, I heard that Liu Yi's son was imprisoned for theft, and she asked for help everywhere, but to no avail. Many past events resurfaced, and I finally got a little understanding.

Her son was smart when he was a child, but he didn't like studying. He often skips classes and hardly does his homework. In the eyes of teachers, he is a problem child.

The teacher called Liu Yi to communicate with the school. She said there was a lot of work waiting for her in the shop and she couldn't go. She is always away from home when the teacher calls at home. Once the teacher waited for her until after 10 in the evening and repeatedly told her to take good care of the children. She agreed, but the child left the next day while he was still sleeping, and the child didn't come back until he fell asleep.

In addition, her husband is in the field all the year round, so it is conceivable that a child who is out of the control of his parents will eventually develop into something.

In fact, other so-called in her family? Break money? Everything can be traced: the lock at home was broken, so she hired a thief; She is too tired to eat, so her stomach, eyes, waist and joints are not good.

Therefore, Liu Yi's bad karma is not because of her bad temper, but because she only cares about the present and ignores the long term.

As the saying goes, if a person has no long-term worries and is short-sighted, his life will not be very good.

There is a famous four-quadrant theory about time management. People have to face four things every day:

Urgent and important

Urgent but not important.

Important but not urgent

Not important or urgent.

Arrange these four things, and life will be fine.

Urgent and important things, such as writing a graduation thesis, going to the hospital seriously ill, and the boss calling you to talk about things, must be done at the first time, as everyone knows.

We also know that things that are not urgent and important, such as listening to songs, following dramas and playing games, should be done at the end (of course, whether it can be done or not is another matter).

What fascinates us is. Is urgency not important? And then what? Is it important or not? The order of things.

Urgent, unimportant things, such as friends asking you to go shopping, strangers visiting, and work to deal with.

Important but not urgent things, such as reading, exercising, improving skills and educating children.

Many times, we are all Liu Yi, leaving important and unimportant things behind and doing urgent and unimportant things.

It seems reasonable to say: with so much work at hand, guests will come to pick up their clothes soon, so how can they have time to exercise and accompany their children to do their homework?

But the fact is, if you are held back by urgent things and ignore important things, then important things will become important and urgent sooner or later, so that you have to spend more money to make up for it, and it may not be possible to make up for it.

take for example

It doesn't seem urgent to exercise and maintain the body. If you don't do it, you will eventually get sick, suffer, pay the price and consume energy.

It seems that it is not urgent to educate and train children. If you don't do it, the child won't take the right path in the end, and no matter how much money you earn, it can't be recovered.

Fire prevention is easy, but fire extinguishing is difficult.

If you only focus on fire fighting all day and don't spend time on fire prevention, then it is estimated that your life will always be in a hurry and will be overwhelmed by hardships and setbacks.

I have a serious and practical senior, and I like it very much. Some time ago, she said that her job was unsatisfactory and she wanted to change jobs. It happened that a friend of mine who was engaged in foreign trade needed an assistant with a good salary, so I recommended her.

But it didn't work out in the end.

My friend said that my sister is good in other aspects, but he needs an assistant to drive, and his English is at least CET-6, which my sister can't reach.

Xuemei was sorry, explaining that she was too busy doing part-time jobs and falling in love when she was in college, and she had little energy to learn English, let alone take a driver's license test.

I'm sorry about that, too Can't say that she is wrong. Maybe she was really anxious to get a part-time job to make money and fall in love. Although it is important but not necessary to take the CET-6 driver's license, the extension is reasonable.

It's just obvious that this choice has affected her development.

People's energy is limited. What did you put in it? Is urgency not important? Things, can't take care of both? Is it important or not? Things.

How many times exactly? Important but not urgent? Things have opened the gap between people.

So how do you judge one thing? Is it important or not? Or? Is urgency not important? And then what?

I have a particularly simple method: think about whether this matter will affect your life in ten years.

Part-time job in college can make some money, but it will be insignificant to you in ten years. Learning English and taking a driver's license have a great influence on future work.

Similarly, it may be good to receive one more customer and do more business now, but after ten years, the money will not make much sense.

On the contrary, whether you protect your health and raise your children will affect your life.

Therefore, people should learn to control the distribution of energy, not stick to what seems necessary in front of them, but actually eggs, and make more time to do long-term and real things, to study, to exercise, to plan the future, to improve skills and to educate children.

Only in this way will your life become more and more beautiful and easier.

Finally, tell another story.

Someone is sawing wood with great difficulty. The old ones are not finished yet, and the new ones are delivered, piling up and working overtime.

A friend reminded him that your saw is dull, so it is too inefficient. Sharpen before sawing!

He said, if you can't finish the work, how can you have time to sharpen the saw?

The friend asked: When will you grind it?

He said, when I saw all the wood.
