Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - How did historical figure Di Renjie solve the case?

How did historical figure Di Renjie solve the case?

Di (630-700), born in Taiyuan (now Taiyuan, Shanxi), was a politician in the Tang Dynasty and Wu Zhou Dynasty.

In his early years, Di was admitted to the Ming Classics Department. He has served as Bianzhou provincial judge, Bing magistrate, Cheng Dali provincial judge, imperial envoy, Dr. Du Zhi, Ningzhou secretariat, Dongguan assistant minister, Wenchang Youcheng assistant minister, Yuzhou secretariat, Fuzhou secretariat and Luozhou Sima. He is famous for not being afraid of powerful people. In September of the following year (69 1), Di Renjie became prime minister. However, he was soon framed and imprisoned by Lai Junchen. After rehabilitation, he was demoted to Pengze county magistrate, and he was reinstated during the Qidan rebellion.

In the first year of Shengong (697), Di once again remonstrated with the Prime Minister and served as assistant minister of Luantai, Pingzhang, Yousu Government. He criticized Wu Zetian and urged her to let Li Xian, King Lu Ling, a prince, continue the Tang Dynasty.

In the first year of IX (700), the emperor entered the history of literature and died in the same year. He was posthumously named Wenchang You Xiang, posthumously named Wen Hui, and later named Sikong and Liang Guogong.

Datang digong case

Finger amputation case

According to records, during his official career, De Renjie repeatedly cracked strange cases, punished evil and promoted good, and wronged false and wrong cases, which was widely praised among the people.

According to legend, Di was a secretariat of Luozhou in Luoyang in his early years, and once traveled incognito with Ma and Qiao. On the way, he passed a hillside where pine trees and vines were intertwined and monkeys were playing. He found a monkey fiddling with a ring. Out of professional sensitivity, Di Renjie looked carefully and found a male body in a cave not far away. Autopsy found that all four fingers of the man's left hand were cut off, and one finger left traces of wearing a ring. Di Renjie concluded that the ring made by the monkey must have something to do with this person's body.

In order to find out the case, Di Renjie and his party continued to advance along the mountain road. A little later, when they arrived outside Luoyang, Sandy suddenly saw a drugstore processing medicinal materials by the roadside. When he saw a pharmacist cutting medicine with a sharp knife, he went over and wanted to try the knife. Boss Dong, the shopkeeper, immediately said, "Don't touch it! I accidentally licked my fingers! " Di Renjie was surprised, and his intuition told him that this knife may have just cut off his finger, which is probably related to the man's broken finger.

So, Di launched an investigation near the drugstore, and gradually the case became clear: it turned out that a female artist who was an artist fell in love with Jia Gongzi, a young man in Chang 'an. She asked Jia Gongzi to cut off his little finger to show her true feelings. While they were talking about love, the son of drugstore owner Dong came over. Dong Gongzi also took a fancy to the female artist, so he went up to flirt and pester. When Jia Gongzi saw it, he angered Dong Gongzi, and the two became sworn enemies from then on.

A few days later, Jia came to the drugstore and asked the shopkeeper Dong to cut off his little finger to show his loyalty to the female artist. At this time, I was just caught by Dong Gongzi, out of revenge. He grabbed the pestle and punched Jia Gongzi on the head from behind. I didn't want to, but I killed Jia Gongzi at once. The shopkeeper Huang panicked and cut off four fingers of Jia Gongzi with one knife. In order to cover up the crime, their father and son abandoned the body in the cave overnight. During the dumping process, the ring worn by Jia Gongzi fell to the ground and was picked up by the playing monkey.

Finally, Huang Gongzi confessed the law in front of witnesses and was beheaded.

Paint screen box

Legend has it that when Di was appointed as the censor, he tried a mysterious case that happened in Jiangxia. Here's the story. When Yu Jian di arrived in Jiangxia, he happened to meet the bloody handover trial of the yamen. The case is: Teng Kan, the magistrate of Jiangxia County, suddenly felt dizzy and fainted while resting indoors. When he woke up, he found his wife with a dagger carved by herself in her chest and died in bed. And the maid outside knows nothing about this situation. After seeing Di Shi Yu, tengxian county magistrate asked him to represent his wife's murder.

After receiving the case, Di Renjie went to Teng Mrs Cemetery to pay homage. In the cemetery, he vaguely saw Teng Mrs appear in front of him. It soon became a tragic situation after death. Di Renjie thought the case was complicated, so he decided to talk to the county magistrate about his wife first. In the study of the county magistrate, Teng Kan told Di the story of four painted screens in his study. The first is that a scholar dreamed of four fairies, and he wanted to marry the most beautiful one. The second fan is a scholar who went to Beijing to take the exam; The third fan, a scholar, passed an attic when he was admitted. The lady upstairs is exactly the same as the beautiful fairy in his dream, and later they became relatives. The fourth is the wedding candle. These four screens are a portrayal of the life of the county magistrate. Later, the fourth screen was modified. The pen in the scholar's hand was replaced by a dagger, which went straight into his wife's chest. The magistrate explained that he was suffering from a kind of madness, and the fourth fan was modified by himself when he became ill. He was extremely afraid that all this would come true, but in the end, the "official's son's blood case" happened when he was ill.

Di Renjie found many doubts in this case and began to investigate around them. He first found out that what the county magistrate said was all lies, and he was excusing himself, because he knew that according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, people with mental illness did not need money to kill. Then, he slowly found out the real murderer. Seeing that the case was about to be exposed, the real murderer Kong Sanmao came to assassinate and was captured by Qiao Tai.

In the lobby, Kong Sanmao confessed the crime. It turned out that Kong Sanmao went to the county government to steal one night, first blowing ecstasy to charm his wife and maid, and then tried to rape her when stealing. When she resisted, Kong Sanmao grabbed the bedside dagger and stabbed her to death and fled. At this point, the county magistrate went back to his room after drinking and fainted when he smelled ecstasy. When I woke up, I saw that my wife was killed and mistakenly thought I was drunk, so I made up the story of "four painted screens" for Di Renjie.

Lame beggar

On the Lantern Festival, every household in Puyang County is decorated with lanterns, gathered together and celebrated. It happened that a lame beggar died in the street.

The fifteenth day of the first month is the traditional Lantern Festival, and the people of Puyang are beaming. Streets and alleys are covered with colorful lanterns, and the government has set up Aoshan Mountain. Lanterns are miles long and cheers are everywhere. The traffic in this thoroughfare city is busy. Pedestrians on the road, shoulder to shoulder, all dressed up and smiling.

In the afternoon, guests came to my official residence to pay their respects. Di Gong suffered from social intercourse and was exhausted. Plus, he drank a few glasses of water and wine, and he felt dull and restless. He felt relaxed after Lin Zizhan, the leader of the gold and silver market, said goodbye to the last guest. At this time, the moon rises in Dongshan, and there is a bright reunion. Lanterns of various colors have been hung inside and outside the courtyard, which is colorful and festive.

His three children are lighting a big lantern in the garden. The lantern is octagonal with golden flowers and drooping tassels. The legendary portrait of the Eight Immortals is painted on the silk of the octagonal palace, which is very interesting.

The lantern lit up and the Eight Immortals turned around. My youngest son Gui is running around the garden with a lantern. Brother and sister looked at Gui with envy, and their hearts itched.

Di Gong was about to go out to see the government, but he saw Hong join the army in a hurry.

"Ah, loud, look at you. You look tired and pale. You want to go to my office to talk too much business. I should have taken time to see you, but the guests were too busy to leave, especially Mr. Lin Zizhan, who stayed there motionless and had nothing important to say, dragging on for half an hour. "

Hong joined the army and said, "There is nothing important in your house. Officials and handymen are all worried about the family dinner in the evening, so they are wandering and absent-minded. So I released my official early, so that everyone can go back and have a happy Lantern Festival. However, a small incident happened in the north of the city. At noon, angel lee reported that a lame beggar fell dead in a dry river ditch. I hit my head on a big stone at the bottom of the ditch and lost a lot of blood. The beggar only wore a shabby robe, and his long gray hair was scattered on his head, covered with blood. I heard from there that the old beggar had never seen it. Maybe he came to the city from other places to beg for Yuanxiao, and he accidentally fell to his death. "

Di Gong said, "The railings in the north river ditch have been in disrepair for a long time. You can ask A to send someone to repair and reinforce it. I just don't know which section this beggar fell into. "

Hong replied, "It's near the back street of Mr. Lin Zizhan's house. Master, if no relatives come to identify the body after three days, we have to order the chief to burn the body. "

Di Gong nodded in agreement and told him, "Hongliang, you must arrive early for the family dinner tonight. Don't be late. "

Hong Shenjun promised to go back to Neiya first to review the patrol alert arrangements in three streets and six cities. -Tonight's Lantern Festival, thousands of people will take to the streets to watch the lanterns, especially beware of bad guys taking the opportunity to commit crimes and make trouble.

Di Gong sent Hong to join the army and left the mansion. Just as he was going through the garden to the inner mansion, he suddenly saw an old man with white hair hanging down from the screen opposite. An old robe was on cloud nine, swaying in the wind and limping slowly towards him. Di Gong frightened to disgrace, stood motionless under the steps, only feel whole body as heavy as lead, two legs can't move. The old man was about to meet Di Gong when he suddenly turned and drifted to the depths of the bamboo garden and disappeared.

Di Gong broke out in a cold sweat and woke up a little. He shouted, "Come out, old man! But it doesn't hurt to see this official. "

The garden is quiet, the night wind blows and the bamboo leaves rustle. Di Gong mustered up courage and approached the bamboo raft, calling several times, but there was still no reply. Di Gong suddenly realized that it must be the soul of a lame beggar!

Digong calmed himself down and was surprised. Although he didn't believe the story of ghosts, he couldn't help wondering about the old man's behavior. He drifted in, died suddenly, and went mysteriously without saying anything. Is it just to remind me that he is still angry at his death, and that the soul fled to tell me that he wanted me to find out the truth for him and avenge him?

The more suspicious he turned, the more uneasy he felt, so he changed direction, lifted his robe and hurried to Neiya's study.

Hong joined the army alone in his study and was surprised to see Di Gong arrive in a hurry.

Di Gong casually said, "Hongliang, I want to see that dead old beggar."

It is not good for Hong to join the army. He picked up the candle on the case and led Di Gong out of the study to a wing on the west side of the street center. -The body of the old beggar was lying on a long table indoors, covered with a reed mat.

Di Gong took the candle from Hong and held it high. At the same time, he raised the reed mat and watched it carefully. The deceased's face was gray, his hair was unkempt and his description was haggard. Look at his age, about fifty years old, with deep wrinkles and depressions, but his face is full of bones, unlike ordinary vulgar and obscene figures. Two thin lips still have a neat short beard. Di Gong lifted the robe of the deceased again, and saw that his left leg was abnormally atrophied, and his once-fractured knee was not properly jointed and tilted to one side.

"The beggar was badly crippled when he walked." Di Gong asserted.

Hong took out a thin bamboo pole from the corner: "Sir, he is very tall and walks on this bamboo pole. This bamboo stick was also found at the bottom of the river ditch and fell beside him. "

Di Gong tried to lift the dead man's arm, but it was stiff. He looked at the dead man's hand carefully again and shouted, "Hong Liang, look at his hand. It's smooth, with no cocoon shell, slender fingers and long nails. Come on, you turn the body over. "

Hong Shen joined the army and turned his stiff body upside down. Di Gong carefully examined the wound on the brain spoon, wiped it gently with a handkerchief, and looked closely at it by candlelight.

"Loud, the wound has fine sand and white porcelain crumbs. -How can there be these two things at the bottom of the river ditch? "

Hong Shen Jun shook his head in confusion.

Di Gong looked at the dead man's feet again: white, soft and greasy, with no calluses.

"This man is not a beggar, nor did he slide down the river ditch. -He was killed and thrown into the river ditch! "

When Hong joined the army, he realized something and pulled his gray beard in dismay.

"Sir, I saw that there was no underwear blouse in the dead man's robe. The murderer must have stripped all the clothes of the deceased first, and then put the beggar's rags on him. It's the weather in the first month. Don't you freeze to death in this stupid robe? Sir, what broke the brain spoon of the deceased? "

Di Gong said, "I don't know at the moment, Hongliang. Has anyone come to the yamen to report that their family has disappeared in the past two days? "

Hong joined the army and suddenly realized, "There is one. Mr. Lin Zizhan said yesterday that Mr. Wang Wenxuan, the owner of his family, did not return to the museum after two days' vacation. "

Di Gong Zheng: "Is that true? Why does he just sit in the office for a long time and never talk about it? Hongliang, prepare a sedan chair with me!

-You go back and tell your wife that the party will keep them waiting. "

Knowing Di Gong's temperament, Hongliang dared not disobey, so he had to go to the study and book a sedan chair.

Di Gong looked down at the deformed face of the old beggar. He muttered to himself, "Is it really your ghost who came to complain to me?"

The official sedan chair was carried to the door of Lin Zizhan's house, and Di Gong got off the sedan chair. Lin Zizhan heard the newspaper and hurried out of the front yard to meet him after the banquet, calling him "neglect" and "pardon". -while speaking, his mouth spit out a burst of alcohol.

Di Gong said, "I beat Mr. Lin. There is an inquiry today. Has your family, Mr. Sibin Wang Wenxuan, returned to the government? "

Lin Zizhan replied: "Mr. Wang took a vacation the day before yesterday and hasn't returned to the museum yet. I don't know where he went for the autumn wind. "

"Mr Lin, can you tell me the shape and appearance of Wang Wenxuan?"

Lin Zizhan was slightly surprised and replied, "Master Di, Mr. Wang is lame, and he has the most discernment. He is quite tall and thin, and his beard and hair are gray. "

"Does Mr. Lin know where he has been these two days?"

"Who knows! I seldom pay attention to the daily affairs at home. As usual, he took thirteen days off and went back to the library at the age of fourteen. Today is the fifteenth, don't have an accident outside. "

Di Gong asked again, "How long has Wang Wenxuan lived in your house?"

"About a year. He was recommended by a colleague in the capital, just for two little grandchildren. Sir, Mr. Wang has a good character, quiet personality and good teaching. Over the past year, the two little grandchildren have benefited a lot. "

"Wang Wenxuan came to Puyang from the capital to sit in the pavilion. Can he bring his family? "

"Mr. Wang didn't get married as soon as possible. I used to ask my grandson about his poetry and calligraphy class, but I didn't pay attention to my husband's private affairs. If you want to ask these questions, I can call the housekeeper. Master might as well ask him. Maybe he knows more than I do. "

When the housekeeper heard the master's question and saw the official master sitting in the first place, she couldn't help but be timid and didn't dare to look up.

Di Gong asked, "Do you know that Mr. Wang has a small family in Puyang?"

The housekeeper replied, "Mr. Wang has no family here."

"Where does Mr. Wang go for his holiday as usual?"

"Mr. Hui, he never talked about it. He probably went to visit one or two friends. Mr. Wang has always been quiet and seldom talks about private affairs. In the past, I always saw him locked in his room reading and writing. When it is rare, he also goes for a walk in the garden to see flowers, birds and fish. "

"Can't you see that he is writing a letter?" Di Gong asked again.

"I have never seen any letters from him, nor have I seen anyone visit him. Mr. Wang lives a very poor life. His salary is not low, but he never refuses. I haven't seen him hire a sedan chair when I go out, and he always walks with a limp. But I can see that Mr. Wang was once a rich man, and may even be an official. He speaks elegantly and even enjoys himself, but sometimes he occasionally expresses his feelings. Oh! I remember! Once, I asked him why he didn't spend any money. He looked up at the sky and said, "money is only useful when you buy real happiness, otherwise it will only bring trouble." -master, how interesting it is to hear this. I talked a few words that day and found that he had a family, and later divorced. It sounds as if Mr. Wang's wife is jealous and can't get along. It is not clear how he ended up down and out. "

Lin Zizhan next to him felt embarrassed and looked at Digong and the housekeeper in panic. The housekeeper realized that her words were presumptuous and bowed her head unconsciously.

Digong Yanwen said to the housekeeper, "You will be fine if you say it. Don't forget the plot. Let me ask you another question: Mr. Wang is on vacation, and he is in and out under your nose. Do you really know nothing about his movements? "

Embarrassed, the housekeeper frowned and replied in a low voice, "Although I saw him coming in and out, I never asked him where he had gone. However, every time I see him go out, he is always anxious and happy, but when he comes back, he often looks sad and sighs. However, he never missed the lecture in the library. That day, he heard the lady say that Mr. Wang could answer all her questions. The young lady said that he was very learned and admired. "

Di Gong snapped at Lin Zizhan: "I heard you say that Mr. Wang only teaches Sun. How come a young lady has come out again? "

Lin Zizhan replied: "Before my little girl became a boudoir, my husband also taught some heroic girls and boudoir training, and now she has been married for three months."

Di Gong nodded. Tell the housekeeper to take him to Wang Wenxuan's room. Lin Zizhan stood up and followed. Di Gong said, "Mr. Lin, wait here for a while."

The housekeeper led Di Gong through the house and wound his way to a small room in the west courtyard of Lin Bu. The housekeeper took out the key, opened the door, held a candle and let Di Gong in. The furnishings in the room are very simple: a desk, an armchair, a bookshelf, a suitcase, and several cymbidium flowers hanging on the wall, which are light and vivid.

The housekeeper said, "Sir loves orchids best. These screens were all painted by him. "

"Teacher Wang loves orchids so much, why aren't there a few pots in the room?"

"I think it's too expensive to buy." The housekeeper guessed.

Di Gong conveniently took some books from the shelf and leafed through them. She frowned when she saw that all Liang's poems were in a new style. He opened the desk drawer and saw a blank piece of paper without money. He opened the suitcase again, which was full of worn-out clothes. There is a money box at the bottom of the suitcase, but only a few pennies are scattered there. He asked, "Who will rummage in this room while Mr. Wang is away?"

The housekeeper was startled. "No, sir, no one has entered this room. Mr. Wang never forgets to lock the door when he goes out.

Besides him, I am the only one who has hidden the key. "

"You said that Mr. Wang is not willing to spend money at ordinary times, so where did he spend more than a year? There are less than ten copper coins in this box. "

Butler was confused and shook his head in confusion; "Sir, this this little man also said not clearly. But the little people in this room can guarantee that no second person will come in, and the servants in this room have never seen any dirty hands and feet. "

Di Gong pondered for a long time and waved, "Let's go back to the living room. Mr. Lin thinks he has no patience. "

When coming out of the west courtyard and bypassing the cloister, Di Gong asked the housekeeper in a low voice, "Is there a prostitute's house near here?"

The housekeeper became suspicious and said, "There is a shop called Le Chun Square two blocks from the back door. This lady's surname is Gao, and she is a merry widow. That brothel is very elegant, and the average guest officer is discouraged, and most of them are afraid to ask. "

Di Gong nodded, his face lit up.

Back in the living room, Di Gong said seriously to Lin Zizhan: "Now Xiaguan can tell you clearly that Wang Wenxuan has been killed and his body is now parked in the yamen. Mr. Lin must come with me to the yamen to formally claim it, then prepare the coffin and bury it another day. "

Di Gong returned to the yamen, ordered Hong to join the army, and called the governor to the yamen.

After a while, when the inspector came to see him, Di Gong asked, "Do you know there is a brothel in Le Chun Square in the north of the city? Mrs. Gao is a widow. "

The inspector replied, "I know, I know." This is a house of the upper class, and it pays the most taxes to the Ministry of Finance. "

"You lead the way ahead, and we'll go there."

Cars in the street are like running water, horses are like solitaire, and colorful lights are put together, which is very bright. Pedestrians are bustling, laughing and flying, so lively. The inspector and two chief officers pushed hard in the crowd and finally opened a street for Di Gong and Hong.

"Le Chun Square" is a little quieter because it is in the north of the city, but there are also four huge lanterns hanging at the door, which makes the surrounding areas shine on the same day. There are many feasts in the workshop, silk tubes, men and women having fun, and waves joking, so it is unnecessary to elaborate.

Widow Gao, the owner of the workshop, looks like a government official. I don't know what happened, how dare she neglect? Rushed to introduce Di Gong, Hong Liang, etc. Into a quiet and exquisite Xiao Xuan, commanded the maid-in-waiting to serve tea.

Di Gong said, "The head of the High Court need not be busy. I'm just asking around. Nothing serious. Don't panic. "

Widow Gao piled up a smile and said, "Master, you can ask questions. Women don't hide what they know here. Just tell the truth. -I just don't know what the master wants to ask? "

"How many women are listed in the square?" Di Gong, cut to the chase.

"Back to the Sir, a total of eight girls. Our accounts are reported to the yamen every March, and we pay taxes as usual, and we never dare to leak them. "

"I heard that one of them has been redeemed by the guest officer. May I have the name of this lady? " Di Gong test way.

"The girls here can not only sing and dance, but also play the piano, and they are young," said Gao Widow. "There has never been a guest officer redeemed. I don't know where the master heard such a misinformation and actually believed it. "

Di Gong is depressed. Half a day later, he asked, "That must be the woman outside the workshop. Can the owner of the high court hear that someone has been redeemed outside the square recently? "

Knowing that she was going out of business, the widow Gao scratched her shiny bun and said, "Sir, are you Miss Liang from the next street?"? Miss Liang first went public in Beijing and became famous in one fell swoop. She saved a private house and redeemed herself. She went to Puyang to find a suitable rich man to marry, and then she became invisible and remained anonymous forever. I recently heard that I made friends with a rich official. " "Rich officials? Does the owner of the High Court know who the rich official is? "

"Sir, I can't tell you the truth. The woman heard that the rich man was Master Luo of Jinhua County, a neighboring county (this Master Luo is really affectionate, and he caused the lakeside case, and this time he came again-Di Note). "

Di Gong believed the lady's words. Luo Yingyuan, the magistrate of Jinhua County, and Di Gong are good friends. He likes profligacy, extravagance, romance, curiosity, and poetry and wine women are inseparable from every step. -Miss Liang was famous in Beijing, but now she is sneaking to Wuzhou. How could Luo Can not know Yingyuan? Therefore, it is reasonable to catch up here and secretly form a romantic alliance with Miss Liang.

Di Gong asked Liang's address, then stood up and said goodbye to Gao widow, and motioned for Hong to go to the outer hall to meet the inspector and the chief.

Miss Liang's home is really not dozens of steps away. Hong joined the army and said, "Sir, you see that the back door of Aunt Liang faces the dry river ditch. The old beggar-"Di Gong gave a hand to stop Hong from joining the army. He has understood that Liang's home is not only facing the river ditch at the back door, but also not far from Lin Zizhan's home.

Digong knocked on the door.

After a while, a woman asked, "Who?"

Di Gong said, "The magistrate of Jinhua Luo County has something to say to Miss Liang."

The door opened at once, and a slender-waisted, elegant woman came out to respectfully invite Di Gong and Hong to join the army. Di Gong asked the inspector and the chief officer to wait at the gate.

Three people into the living room, the two sides sit quietly. Di Gong casually named himself, only knowing that he was from Jinhua. The woman was beaming: "My little woman is Liang. It's an honor to meet two "xianggong". "I can't help but breathe carefully.

Di Gong saw that Liang was charming, gentle and lovely, wanted clothes, and was suspicious.

His eyes were attracted by the flower stand in front of the window. The flower stand is very high, with three floors, and a row of white porcelain flowerpots is placed on each floor.

Orchids are planted in the basin, and there is a brazier under the flower stand. The fragrance of orchids is intoxicating.

"Luo county magistrate talked about miss liang's love for orchids more than once. Although I am vulgar, I also like to smell the fragrance of this orchid. Miss, can't you see that the pot of flowers in the middle of the top floor of the flower stand has withered? I wonder if you can take it down and let me have a look. Maybe there is hope of death. "

With a chuckle, Liang stood up and moved a bamboo ladder to the corner, put it on the flower stand, and climbed it carefully. At the same time, he told Di Gong to hold the foot of the bamboo ladder below to prevent it from tipping over.

When Liang picked up the white porcelain flowerpot, Di Gong looked up and suddenly realized.

Liang picked the withered orchids and gave them to Di Gong. Di Gong took it, looked at it for a long time and said, "Miss Liang, this orchid must have withered after changing the flowerpot. What about the original white porcelain flowerpot? "

Liang Zheng: "The original white porcelain flowerpot? -Why do you ask this? "

Di Gong primly said, "Miss Liang smashed Wang Wenxuan's head with that white porcelain flowerpot! His feet holding bamboo ladders are as good as mine. How do I know that you smashed the white porcelain flowerpot from the top floor? "

Liang was startled and asked, "Who are you? I am here to talk nonsense, and ugly words hurt people. "

"XiaGuan puyang purlin magistrate came, is to investigate Wang Wenxuan was killed. Miss Liang hid the fragments of the white porcelain flowerpot and transplanted the orchids into this new pot. No wonder it withered. "

Beam turned supercilious look, denied, "little women never know anything. How can they kill people for money and hit people with flowerpots? "

Di Gong snapped: "You didn't kill for money, but to get rid of your old lover, so that you can make a good deal with Luo County."

"lover?" Beam to scream. "This lame ugly turned out to be my lover? I abused him when I was in the capital. Toad wants to eat goose, but he is still lame. Bah! Fantastic, daydreaming! "

"Wang Wenxuan spent a lot of money for you when he was in the capital. I heard that you came to Puyang and also came to Puyang, in order to renew the old relationship with you. He gave you all the money he saved in the museum for a year, but you killed a poor infatuation in cold blood. "

Liang was pale and flustered. He added, "I secretly fled to Puyang because I wanted to get rid of his entanglement. I didn't expect that fellow to dress up as a beggar, beg for nothing, and then ruin my reputation. "

Di Gong said slowly, "Although Wang Wenxuan's character is obscene, he is very loyal, and he is willing to give everything for you. He painted many orchids in the bedroom to commemorate your old love. He never mentioned your surname in Puyang for fear of damaging your reputation. "

Di Gong motioned for Hong to join the army, and Hong joined the army and clapped his hands in the living room. The inspector and the sheriff went into the living room at once.

"Take the murderer Liang back to the county prison for supervision."

Back to the county government, Di Gong said, "Hongliang, why don't we go to the study for a cup of tea first, and then go to the inner house for entertainment? It is too late. "

The study was quiet, and the bright moon broke through the window and shone on them, shining silver. Di Gong has never found the night so beautiful.

Liang Hong asked, "How can adults suspect that the principal offender in this case is a fragile prostitute?"

Di Gong said, "At first, I was suspicious when I saw fine sand and porcelain on the back of Wang Wenxuan's head. I guess he may have been killed by a white porcelain flowerpot. I suspect that Lin Zizhan killed that man, but after listening to the housekeeper talk about Wang Wenxuan's divorce because of his wife's jealousy, I think he must have a crush on a prostitute. Prostitutes squeezed all the money, and because of their obscene character, they sneaked into Puyang to live in seclusion, and soon became entangled with Luo county magistrate. -Wang Wenxuan don't want to chase here, so just have this change. Is it too infatuated? "

Hong joined the army and asked, "What makes you think of visiting the square?"

"Don't forget, Wang Wenxuan is a cripple. The housekeeper said that every time he went out, he walked and never hired a sedan chair, so I knew that the prostitute would be not far from Lin Zhai. I learned the trace of Liang from Le Chunfang's high widow. Liang really lived on one side of the river ditch, killed him, abandoned the river ditch, and took a few steps conveniently. Therefore, weak women can do it, just be bold and cautious. Liang thought of throwing the white porcelain flowerpot on the flower stand into the air to kill people, which shows the cruelty and caution of the means. However, whether she is a woman or not, although her calculation is clever, it will eventually show flaws. Imagine, in this January's weather, how can a beggar be naked only in a tattered robe? The woman paid attention to untie the bun of the deceased and let it hang freely, but neglected to cover up the identity of the deceased. We soon came to the conclusion that Wang Wenxuan was not a beggar, even though he was wearing beggar's rags. It can be seen that the woman is weak and can't drag the body farther away and throw it away. "

Hong nodded frequently: "After the judgment of the master, the reason is very clear, and the details and difficulties are explained very reasonably."

Di Gong sipped his tea and shook his head. "No, there is one of the most important doubts that I haven't been able to figure out yet."

Hong was surprised: "Why is there the most important doubt?"

Di Gong said, "If Wang Wenxuan's ghost didn't appear, I almost believed that he was a poor beggar who accidentally fell into a river ditch and sent him to the crematorium for burning. But when the ghost of Wang Wenxuan really complained to me? "

Just then, Di Gong's youngest son, Pell, came into the study with a big lantern, urging Di Gong and Hong to go to the back room for dinner. Everyone is anxious.

Di Gong felt his stomach thunder, and hurriedly agreed. Three people out of the study, just walked down the steps of the official residence, Di Gong suddenly saw the lame beggar walking slowly on crutches on the opposite screen, and his heart was surprised. Pell clapped his hands and said, "Interesting, interesting, Tie Guai Li shines on the wall and Tie Guai Li shines on the wall!"

Di Gong suddenly realized that he couldn't help mumbling, "Tie Guai Li shines on the wall." -but he turned to Hong Shenjun and said, "It turned out that the lantern on Pell was shining on the wall. I thought it was the ghost of Wang Wenxuan who came to the yamen to complain to me. In this way, "Hong Shen Jun said with a smile," in this way, the last suspect in this case also surfaced. Master, let's go, the banquet is getting cold, and the lady will probably blame us. "