Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - The story of Zheng and his son.

The story of Zheng and his son.

Dialogue between Zheng and

Every time Zheng He's son chats in the car, there is a tape recorder in the car. In the future, his son Zheng Yaqi translated this recording into words and published it in the second half of the fairy tale "Cpaing".

Zheng Yaqi: In the last episode of Pipiru, we talked about your transgenic education. You think that parents' education for their children is actually genetically modified education.

Zheng: Yes. There are only two kinds of children born to parents. One is a genius and the other is an ordinary person. Parents' education for their children is essentially genetically modified education. Either turn a genius into an ordinary person or turn an ordinary person into a genius.

Zheng Yaqi: Last time, we discussed how parents can turn talented children into ordinary people by focusing only on their shortcomings and telling them what not to do all day. In the long run, children will really feel that they can't do anything and complete the process from genius to ordinary people. Today, we will focus on how parents turn ordinary children into geniuses.

Zheng: The most essential thing of human beings is to long for the appreciation of the same kind. The younger a human member is, the more he hopes to gain the sincere appreciation of his peers, especially the two people who brought him into this world. Appreciation is the catalyst of genius. Good boy likes to brag.

Zheng Yaqi: I often hear people say that advice is hard to hear.

Zheng: Advice when most needed is least heeded, and encouragement is the best policy. Encouragement can turn idiots into geniuses. I wonder, will someone in the world really be happy after listening to it? I haven't seen it anyway.

Zheng Yaqi: Parents can turn ordinary children into geniuses through encouragement?

Zheng: That's right. However, encouragement to children should not be temporary and impromptu, but should be persistent. As a parent, it is not difficult to encourage children. The difficult thing is to encourage them all their lives without criticism.

Zheng Yaqi: You did it. As far as I can remember, I am 22 years old, and you have never criticized me once. But I want to ask, do children really have no shortcomings?

Zheng: As we said last time, all the shortcomings of children are learned from the adults around them, especially from the parents who live with their children day and night. There are three most powerful qualities in children, imagination, imitation and rebellion. Among them, imitation is at its peak. Parents want their children to correct the so-called shortcomings, not to criticize them directly, but to find the source of the shortcomings in their children, that is, the source, and then eradicate the source.

Zheng Yaqi: I often hear you say that you should praise your children directly and criticize them indirectly.

Zheng: After the baby is born, the brain cells are in hibernation and need external force to activate. This external force is mainly parents. Human brain cells are divided into many areas. If you praise a child, the excellent brain cells in the child's brain will be activated, and he will be really excellent. If you belittle him, the negative areas in his brain cells will be activated, and the child will really get worse. Therefore, as a parent, if you really want your child to succeed in the future, you have to do only one thing, encourage, encourage and encourage again. Praise children to be decisive and cut the gordian knot. Think twice before criticizing the child and take good care of him.

Zheng Yaqi: For today's children, academic performance is very important. If a child always gets poor grades at school and he is lazy, as a parent, encourage him?

Zheng: It's definitely not a disadvantage that children don't do well in school. On the contrary, this may be his advantage. We know that the current school education is basically cramming exam-oriented education, and even children who are fully adapted to this kind of education will not be creative talents. The development of society needs creative talents, and does not need an examination machine that can only repeat the knowledge of predecessors. Whether a child can get ahead in the future depends on whether he is a creative talent or not. Why did Newton, Edison and Einstein do poorly in exams when they were studying? That's the truth. These creative masters can't tolerate exam-oriented education since childhood. Edison was expelled from school. Newton despised his teacher. Einstein was more tired of school life. Because of disrespect for teachers,/kloc-dropped out of school at the age of 0/6. At that time, the teacher gave Einstein the conclusion that this man had accomplished nothing in his life.

Zheng Yaqi: Einstein finally went to college, didn't he? It seems to be the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.

Zheng: Einstein graduated from the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich with the penultimate score in his class. After graduation, I was not wanted by any academic institution because of my poor grades. He had to make a living as a tutor.

Zheng Yaqi: It seems that genius will not blend well with the present school education.

Zheng: An obvious sign of genius is contempt for authority. For students, the teacher is the authority. Einstein famously said, "Because I despise authority, fate punishes me and makes me an authority." Anyone who can become an authority begins with contempt for authority.

Zheng Yaqi: That's interesting. It seems that no genius is obedient I've learned that if a child doesn't adapt to school life, doesn't do well in the exam and doesn't listen to the teacher, it's not a child's shortcoming, but a child's advantage, so parents don't have to worry.

Zheng: That's right. If a parent's child is Einstein's near-reincarnation, he looks down on the teacher at school and is the second last in the class. Parents flew into a rage, denounced Einstein Jr. and glared at him just because of the exam results and the life and death of the child that could not be explained except by memory. As a result, don't you just hand over the qualification of being a father and mother to the Nobel Prize winner to your neighbor?

Zheng Yaqi: Are there such stupid parents in the world?

Zheng: …