Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What about superstitious Taoism? Do you have any popular science videos or something?

What about superstitious Taoism? Do you have any popular science videos or something?

I said, is this a scam? This is faith. Is religion just a scam? This is also a kind of culture. Note that the wizard of God and Han is purely fortune-telling and geomantic omen. That's not Taoism. If you are an atheist, you should also respect other people's beliefs. We use Taoism as our code of conduct to restrain ourselves. Look at his value/history/wenhuashidian/201208/fed21f5e-85c7-41be-83c0-c71a3126bf07.shtml.

Phoenix Taoist special program. Com culture grand view garden lets you know about Taoism/documentary/culture/201307/fc9686d8-4058-4179-bc0a-ecf8de5e5c8d.shtml.

1, morality. What I mean here is the morality of being a man, not what I call morality. Confucianism's filial piety is loyal to benevolence and honesty, Taoism's kindness and frugality, quietness and simplicity, less thoughts and desires, and contentment with luxury, Buddhism's non-killing, non-stealing, immorality, arrogance and impatience, charity and humiliation, and Christianity's equality, fraternity, purity and sincerity are all human morals, which can be applied regardless of racial boundaries and times. 2, ethics. That is, Mencius said that "father and son are close, monarch and minister are righteous, husband and wife are different, old and young are orderly, and friends believe that it is the normal way of human relations." 3, ethics. Such as weddings, funerals, sacrificial ceremonies, entertainment between host and guest, respect and inferiority, etc. The "Three Rites" in the Thirteen Classics (Zhou Li, Yi Li and Li Ji) are the cultural heritage of China's traditional ethics, which is highly respected by Confucianism. They are all in it, but they have been abandoned for a long time since Qin and Han Dynasties. Today's ethics is no longer ancient ethics. It can be seen that ethics changes with the times, not static. Zuo Zhuan said that "the husband's ceremony is the meaning of heaven and earth, and the people's trip is also possible", but Lao Tzu said that "if the ceremony does not respond, it will be abandoned." The gift of a husband is the thinnest loyalty and the first chaos. "The ceremony was originally made by people, but it should be taken for granted. Thanks to Lao Tzu's severe criticism. I like Confucianism, but I don't think it smells good when I fart. I adhere to the moral concept of keeping pace with the times. 4. Customs. Ethics is a system of a dynasty, which is formally stipulated in the records and can be tested. Customs are not expressly stipulated, but they are timeless and deeply rooted in people's hearts, and their power even exceeds ethics. For example, women's foot-binding, Widows' Day, Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi, Mid-Autumn Moon Cake, eating rice cakes at the beginning of the lunar calendar, and receiving the God of Wealth on the fifth day of the first month are all customs, which cannot be said to be ethical codes. 5. Religious belief. Zong has a certain aboveboard purpose. Teaching, in line with this purpose to teach the world. Believe, I admit in my heart that this theory is correct and beneficial to both people and myself. Yang, including awe, admiration, worship and obedience. All true believers of a certain religion will never believe in other religions except their own. It is against the principle of religious belief to believe in two or more religions at the same time. All religions say that being a man is good. However, there are many conflicts in the canon that cannot be reconciled. Although all religions are good, we can't believe them all. 6. False superstition. I don't understand the advantages of a certain religion. I don't follow the morality of a certain religion. I don't follow its commandments. All I know is to imitate the entrance ceremony, pretend to pity the gods or idols in the sky, and ask them to help the living eliminate disasters and get happiness in the suffering of the dead. No matter what I ask for, for others, for the masses, whether I ask for it myself or pay someone to ask for it, regardless of the methods and procedures, it is called superstition. Although there are true superstitions, false superstitions, habitual superstitions, utilitarian superstitions, professional superstitions and so on, they are always classified as illusory.

Three hundred questions about Taoism and a small dictionary of Taoism are recommended for reading. No wonder many people are not believers. Burning high incense to kill people is really. I don't even know the first real ring.

1 What are the main teachings of Taoism?

A: The main teachings of Taoism believe in a kind of "Tao" that "quietness is the teaching, nothingness is the body, and weakness is the use". Tao is all-encompassing and ubiquitous. It is the beginning of everything, and everything in the universe evolved from Tao. What is the ultimate goal of Taoism?

A: The ultimate goal of Taoism is to make everyone live a long and healthy life through physical and mental cultivation, and to achieve a fairy world that is in harmony with the world, harmonious with the Tao and harmonious with the world. How much do you know about Daojing?

A: During its long development, Taoism has accumulated a large number of classic documents. Some of these classics are scattered among the people, and most of them are included in the Taoist scriptures. During the Tang, Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties, the rulers of past dynasties ordered the compilation of Taoist scriptures, such as Kaiyuan Taoist Scriptures, Da Song Tian Gong Bao Dian, Wanshou Taoist Scriptures, Da Jin Xuandou Bao Dian, Du Xuan Bao Dian and so on. But unfortunately, these Taoist scriptures are all dead. What we can still see now is the orthodox collection compiled by Zhang Yuchu, the 43rd generation of Shi Tian in the Ming Dynasty, and Ming Shenzong later ordered Zhang Guoxiang, the 50th generation of Shi Tian, to compile a sequel. This Taoist anthology contains 1476 Taoist books, 5485 volumes, divided into 5 12, and the titles are marked in the order of thousands of words. At present, the Chinese Taoist Association, together with Huaxia Publishing House and the Institute of World Religions of China Academy of Social Sciences, started the collation and proofreading of China Taoist Anthology in 1997. China Taoist Collection is based on the orthodox Taoist Collection in Ming Dynasty and the continuation Taoist Collection in Wanli. It sorted, punctuated and reclassified all kinds of Taoist books collected in the original Taoist Collection, and added more than 100 Confucian classics, making it a new Taoist classic series. The compilation of this book is regarded as an important event in the cultural history of contemporary China and the history of Taoism by the academic and Taoist circles. 4 What are three holes and four auxiliary?

A: The so-called "three holes and four auxiliary" is the classification method in Daozang. These three caves are: the real part of the cave, the mysterious part of the cave and the divine part of the cave. The three caves are subdivided into 12 sub-categories: characters, charms, jade charms, charms, fractions and disciplines. Prestige, methods, techniques, biographies, compliments, chapters and tables. Four auxiliary refers to Taixuan Department, Taiping Department, Taiqing Department and Zhengyi Department. Therefore, Taoist classics are also called "Three-point True Classics" or "Seven Classics" and "Thirty-six Classics".

What are the main schools of Taoism?

A: According to the manuscript of Zhu Zhen's Classics written by Beijing Baiyunguan in the late Qing Dynasty, there are 86 Taoist sects with names, and it is estimated that some of them have no written records among the people. The main schools of contemporary Taoism are Quanzhen Taoism and Zhengyi Taoism, and there are many schools under the two schools. ?

6 What are three disasters and eight difficulties?

A: Three disasters: Three natural disasters. First, typhoons, second, fires and third, floods. Eight difficulties: one is difficult to be humane, two is difficult to lose a woman, three is difficult to be complete, four is difficult to be in the middle, five is difficult to be worth, six is difficult to be worth, seven is difficult to be worth, and eight is difficult to meet three treasures. Call it the Eight Difficulties. The eight difficulties in Volume 35 of Cloud Seven Signs are as follows: First, don't abandon your heart, second, be a teacher, third, live in seclusion, fourth, give up four, fifth, love five, sixth, lust, and eighth, keep lust. 7 What is three-coating and five-pain?

Answer: three wipes: one is the fire wipe, where the sea of fire was burned by fierce fire; Second, blood painting, animals eat each other; Third, the knife is painted, and the hungry ghost road is forced by the knife. There is also a saying that one of them tried to discredit the former, the other two animals contributed money, and the other three hungry ghosts suffered the most, thirsty for fire and hungry for charcoal. Five bitter people: first, the suffering of the mountain and hell; Second, the suffering of the sword tree hell; Third, the suffering of copper column hell; Fourth, protect the suffering of Tang hell; Five, the pain of cold hell is five pains.

What are the four virtues and three haves of Taoism?

Answer: Taoism pays attention to repaying kindness, so it repays kindness with four kinds. Four benefactors: one day, two gentlemen, three parents and four teachers. All four should be reported back. There are three kinds of people: one is sentient, the other is knowledgeable, and the third is predestined relationship. All these three, the Tao must be close. Therefore, as a believer, "four benefits and three possessions" must not be forgotten. 9 What are the Three Realms?

A: There are three realms: First, in terms of time, it can be divided into infinite realm, Taiji realm and modern world; First, in space, it is divided into heaven, earth and water; First, as far as Tao is concerned, it is divided into the realm of desire, the realm of color and the realm of colorless.

10 What is ten square?

A: The ten directions of Taoism are east, south, west, north, northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest, up and down. So it's called ten square days. 1 1 There are five levels of fairies. What are the five grades?

A: There are five levels of immortals, which are divided according to the level of cultivation. One is a ghost fairy, one is a fairy, the third is a fairy, the fourth is a fairy and the fifth is a fairy. According to the "Lectures", "Five Immortals: First, they don't keep precepts, keep eating meat, don't kill life, don't think about goodness, and are ghosts and gods; Second, those who raise the true qi and live a long life are immortals; Third, good fighting is a sword fairy; Fourth, meditators are immortals; Fifth, it is convenient to be filial to teachers and parents for six times. Save all beings, eliminate ten evils, do not kill, do not eat wine and meat, and do not steal evil. It is sincere and selfless, and is called a fairy.

12 Why is E not true?

A: May Day is an important taboo day in Taoism. Teaching is called "e is not true". That is to say, whenever Wuzi, Wuyin, Chen Wu, Wuwu, Wushen and Wuwu don't burn incense or chant Buddhist scripture, a swastika is hung on the door of the main hall. According to the "female celestial law", "if judges and Taoist priests burn incense and chant Buddhist scriptures, they can't help but hear bells and drums ringing, and those who play Cao Tian at the table will be twice as guilty; If you don't commit crimes, your merits are boundless. " 13 what is a foreign order?

Answer: It means that lead, mercury and other mineral drugs are burned in the furnace and can, and the elixir is used to surrender erbium. Also known as alchemy, elixir, elixir. This external alchemy of burning drugs became the pioneer of modern chemistry and pharmacology. As a matter of fact, many Buddhist scriptures in Daozang are valuable raw materials for ancient chemistry in China.


14 What is Neidan?

A: Inner alchemy is a kind of Taoist practice, as opposed to outer alchemy. That is to say, the human body is regarded as a "cauldron", and the essence, qi and spirit in the body are burned as drugs to condense into a sacred fetus, thus transcending the three realms and reaching the realm of truth with the Tao. What are the three industries?

Answer: Body industry, mouth industry and heart industry are called the functions of body, mouth and heart. We monks should abide by these three meanings at ordinary times, and we can't act rashly, talk nonsense or think wrongly. Only in this way can we be honest and not be confused by foreign things.

16 what is six dust?

Answer: Six roots refer to the roots of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, heart and mind. Taoism believes that the six palaces can give birth to six, so it is called six. Six dusts: color, sound, fragrance, taste, touch and method are called six realms, and six dusts can be dyed, so they are called six dusts. 17 what are the five Taoist classics?

Answer: Taoism is called the Five Classics of Taoism, which was written by the Yin Fu Jing of the Yellow Emperor, the Tao Te Ching of the Taishang Laojun, the South China Classic of the South China Real Person (Zhuangzi), the Huang Ting Jing of Mrs. Wei and the real person Guan Yinzi at the beginning of literature. Among the Five Classics, the moral truth is the center of Taoist worship and one of the required classics in teaching.


18 why does Taoism advocate tranquility?

A: Taoism believes that "quietness" is the foundation of "Tao". Only when everything is in a "static" state will "Tao" come alive. Therefore, "quietness" has become an important content in Taoist teachings. And this kind of thinking, traced back to the source, still comes from moral truth.

Preface to Taishigong's Historical Records says: "Li Erjing is self-correcting". Taoism emphasizes "quietness" in order to "really think of Tao and learn to be quiet". "Old Xiangzi Jules" advocates: people should learn from heaven and earth, so don't do it, be quiet; He also pointed out: "Tao is often quiet without pleasure, so heaven and earth often stop." In other words, people who learn Tao can only conform to the law of Tao if they are "lust-free" and "quiet", and then they can get the Tao. Taoism believes that a Taoist can achieve "quietness" only by learning "small desires" and "inaction". 19 What is the Taoist calendar?

A: The Taoist calendar is a special chronological method of Taoism. Because Taoism regards Huang Lao as the patriarch, according to our country, the summer calendar shall prevail and the sixty jiazi shall be the calendar year. From the time of the Yellow Emperor (2697 BC). Mark the year with sixty jiazi. The calculation method began in the era of the Yellow Emperor (2697 BC), and the current calendar (2002 AD) is 4699. In the Tang Dynasty, Laozi was the ancestor, and the year of Laozi's birth (1300 BC) was the beginning of the Taoist calendar, but after the Song Dynasty, the era of the Yellow Emperor was still used. Huangdi is the ancestor of the Chinese nation and the creator of Chinese culture, so it is of great significance for our Chinese descendants to record the time with the calendar of Huangdi. As Liu, a scholar in Qing Dynasty, said, "Our purpose is to protect species, so we take the birth of the Yellow Emperor as the calendar year."

Note: 2008 is 4705.

What is a promise?

A: An important doctrine of Taoism is that the retribution of good and evil of ancestors should be borne by future generations. There is a saying in Taiping Jing: "The inheritor is the first, and the loser is the last. Inheritors, according to legend, have inherited the heavenly heart from their ancestors, lost little, didn't know it, accumulated over a long period, and gained more. In the future, strangers will be wronged by innocent people and even passed on by them, so the former is inheritance and the latter is negation. The loser is the ancestor who lost to the younger generation. " It means that some ancestors made mistakes and accumulated a lot to repay to future generations; Later generations were innocent and reported to their ancestors, which is called responsibility. Similarly, if ancestors do good deeds and accumulate virtues, future generations will be rewarded and blessed. They advocate being the parents of ancestors, thinking for future generations, not making mistakes, and freeing future generations from the burden.