Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - How can a person put on a wedding dress without passing a few scum?

How can a person put on a wedding dress without passing a few scum?

First, it is not the years that make people mature, but the experience.

Second, people have nothing they want, nothing they cherish, nothing they don't understand until they lose it, and nothing they don't understand can be redeemed.

Third, even if the world is deserted, there is always someone who is your believer.

Fourth, if you don't show your face, people want to help you and don't know where your hands are.

I can't say why I love you, but I know that you are the reason why I don't love others.

6. The older you get, the more indifferent you become to the people around you. Many people appear and disappear, just like sitting in Yun Qi and watching the clouds fall. There is really nothing to explain.

7. What's the difference? If we are human beings, we will have something we like. As long as we have something we like, we can do whatever we want. If you are stubborn, you can pour him on the wine table, and if your bones are hard, you can hit him with money.

Eight, some things, I think more headaches, I feel distressed.

Nine, sometimes people who don't want to fall in love have no one in their hearts. I'm afraid of giving my true feelings and eventually hurting myself.

10. I still love you, but I lack persistence in being together.

Eleven, I don't know where my enthusiasm went. Now I feel that there is only an empty shell left, and one day is counted.

Twelve, I miss those who have it, because there are my purest thoughts and the most complete heart.

If you want to keep a man around, let him know that you can leave him at any time.

Fourteen, don't experience a few scum, how can you just put on a wedding dress.

15, 10,000 shadows can't be piled up to a millimeter high, just like I love you for nothing.

I think you are not because I am used to it, but because I have become a habit.

Seventeen, too hard love, people can't see clearly. Overexertion means lack of self-confidence, distrust, fear of not having time to express one's emotions, and fear of not having time to wait patiently. But in fact, when the water is flowing, it is easier to see the heart when it is calm and deep.

You slapped me, but I can't help asking why your hands are so cold.

Nineteen, the heart is like a dagger, like an arrow behind it, like a chronic poison, but it is not fatal.

You can choose to love me or not, but I can only choose to love you or love you more.

Twenty-one, a little more than others, others will be jealous of you; If you greatly surpass others, others will envy you.

Twenty-two, every day on QQ, no one cares about me, into the space, no news, watching and chatting, no one comments.

23. Whenever I see the protagonist of a TV series being kidnapped, I can't speak with a rag in my mouth. Then I thought, they won't throw up, will they?

24. What can't be forgotten is the memory, and what continues is the life. If you miss it, you will pass by.

Sometimes, we are not waiting for anyone or anything, but waiting for time to change ourselves.

Twenty-six, you will never meet someone who loves you as much as I do, and I will never love anyone again.

27. If you love, let yourself love each other more every day. If someone loves you, let yourself do better every day. We all want to make each other feel what is worth it.

28. No injury can kill me, it will only make me stronger.

Twenty-nine, know more people and forget more people; Be remembered by more people and forgotten by more people. Don't care too much about coming and going, life is to complete a trip on your own.

Thirty, the way out, go out, there will always be a way. Difficulties and sufferings make it difficult to stay at home.

Everyone has two selves, one is awake in the dark and the other is sleeping in the light.

33. There are no flowers that will not fade, no waves that will not fade, no light that will not dim, no wounds that will not heal, and no despair that will not stop.

You can't grow up without going through a few scum.

1, I think about you every day, only to find that we have no intersection at all.

When you are on the other side of the mountain, I have no end on the lonely road.

3. If loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right; If right equals no you, I'd rather be wrong all my life; If I have to add a time limit to this love, I hope it is 10 thousand years.

I know you don't care what I think. I know you have the life you want.

My tears touched your eyebrows, and your smile can't touch my tears.

Even if it is out of reach, I will try my best. After all, you are all my dreams.

7. I am confused, but I never escape from reality. I am timid, but I will show enough courage when necessary.

8. I like you regardless of time and distance.

9. [You walk behind me, I can panic enough to forget my walking posture]

10, feelings are like glass, which will break one day. All we can do is try our best to protect it intact.

1 1, Happy April Fool's Day, my love, even if we are not together.

12, fuck, it's your own fault that you can't finish your homework. Why show off your fun?

13, it's not how good you are, but how good you want to be.

14, how can you grow up and search for fortune-telling knowledge without going through a few scum?

15, just as the vegetation is to the moon, the sun is to the sky, and the turtledove is as loyal as the spouse-when he

16, sometimes, it is for love that you quietly avoid it. What I avoid is the figure, but what I can't avoid is the silent feelings.

17, I have seen through the cold world, but I didn't expect people to be insidious.

18, I can always smile and play your supporting role and bear it alone behind your back.

19, the origin is just a newcomer's smile. Who heard the old people crying?

20, changed is changed, and it is irreparable. No matter how hard you try, it won't help.

2 1, I hold an umbrella for you, but you are in the rain for others.

22. What you can't say in your heart is the most painful.

Please forgive my habit of forgetting to give you time after the conversation.

24. It doesn't matter if I am hurt by strangers, but I can't stand being hurt by familiar people.

25. Because I like you, through your light, I have seen a world that I have never foreseen.

26. Best friends always poke your tires in the back.

27. The tenderness he gave me turned out to be just an excuse to be close to another person.

Men like Andersen brought Russia into the fairy tale world belonging to Russia.

29. If you can't come to my world, I will come to your world to find you.

30. I'm sorry, I just said that, but I didn't think so in my heart!

3 1, the age that knows nothing, was once the most exciting, so the happiest; I have missed the saddest but most touching memories.

32, brothers, always go further than friendship.

33. I watched myself stay in the lost years and pay tribute to the lost time.

I have no merit in the world, but I am kind in the end.

After all, we lost to reality and never went back.

When he leaves, he will never come back.

There is no sunshine in the old city. You and I have a similar dream.

I really want to walk beside you, hug you and tell you that I miss you so much.

39. In fact, life does not need this kind of unnecessary persistence. Learning to give up makes life very simple.

Classic joke: how can a few scum know to shop around without experiencing it?

1, the most precious thing is not the material you have, but the people who accompany you and accompany you to the end.

2. Faced with a lot of snacks, I will think: Do you want to enjoy or lose weight?

3, I heard that too ideal love is always untouchable.

My name is Yu, and my nickname is Runtu.

Missing may be the best regret, because you will have it if you miss others, and you will meet if others miss you.

6. To love someone is to fill the emptiness of the other person with your own emptiness.

7. How can a few scum know to shop around if they haven't experienced it?

8. Tea tastes like ink, but it is gray.

9. When someone says that you have changed, it is only because you no longer live in the way they are used to.

10, life is an egg, it doesn't matter if you get a few zeros.

1 1. If you choose to be close to me, please stay with me for a long time. If you can't do it, don't wander there.

12, you once said that you would take care of me all my life, but your life is so short. ...

A sentimental signature of a person.

First, everyone who should come should come and everyone who should go should go. Don't resist, don't stay, don't be greedy, don't give up, don't worry.

Second, getting old is a compulsory course in life, and maturity is an elective course in life.

Third, it is said that the world is a stranger from now on ~ what is the end of the world? Turn around and turn your back on you. It's the end of the world.

Fourth, when I miss you, I feel a little happy and sad.

Five, want to express but can't find the perfect words, only endless silence.

6. drifting away in the past ignorant years, the bright smile of innocence has disappeared.

Seven, the highest state of love is to withstand the dull fleeting time.

8. Who did you sing the ending to that song about us?

Nine, whose loneliness covers my Chinese style, whose Chinese style covers my shoulders.

Ten, some people meet like a meteor, and instantly produce an enviable spark, but they are destined to pass by in a hurry.

1 1. Do you know that missing someone is like appreciating a cruel beauty and then telling yourself to face it in a small voice?

Thank you. I'll contact you later.

Thirteen, if it's just love, I can't do it

Fourteen, the original everlasting, just a misunderstanding.

Fifteen, like yourself now, miss us in the past.

I cried on the way home, and my tears collapsed again. I can't do anything to walk like this, and I can't be proud and extravagant anymore. What else can I say? What else can I do? I hope you can hear me, because I love you and let you go.

Seventeen, strong, but it is a fake wound!

18. Perfectly conceal sadness.

Nineteen, when we were young, we gave up and thought it was just a relationship. Later we learned that it was actually a lifetime.

Twenty, the independent fork in the road not only leads to life. When youth is over, it's not just the heart that is hurt by the fragments left by carelessness. Missing is fruitless and finally torrential.

After leaving, don't say wish me happiness. Who are you to wish me happiness?

I love you very much, but not very much.

It's twenty-three, and I just found out now that there are some things that I can't forget even if I try my best to forget.

Twenty-four, when the light color is silent, you open a shop and wait until the forgotten cape skylight.

25. Who takes who seriously? Who is distressed for whom?

Twenty-six, as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade, the enemy can't pass the time.

Give up, I have no chance to turn back.

I like myself now, and I miss us in the past.

Twenty-nine, his heart has already changed seasons, and you are still standing on the day he made a promise.

What can be recalled proves to have been lost.

Don't take advantage of my kindness to you to make trouble for me.

The fairest thing in life is that everyone will die.

Thirty-three, silent years, lively flowers, so we passed by and sighed and grew up.

The feeling of caring is the best romance.

Thirty-five, that year, cardamom, who promised to die.

36. Your fake is so realistic, how can I not cooperate with you to finish this boring play?