Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - The fortune teller said eating meat means _ The fortune teller told me not to eat beef.

The fortune teller said eating meat means _ The fortune teller told me not to eat beef.

What does "eat meat" mean?

See if there is one here.

Interpretation of Chinese characters:

Body; ; Meat; Meat rü u (1) (pictographic. Oracle Bone Inscriptions shape, small seal, like animal meat. "Meat" is the radical of Chinese characters. Original meaning: the muscles of animals.

(2) Eating animal meat [meat; Meat] meat-speaking. Paragraph note: "cauldron rice is also called bird and beast meat." ... people say muscles, birds and beasts say meat. " Food given by the public, eating meat. -"Zuo Zhuan Yin" Seventy people can eat meat in AD. -"Mencius Hui Liang Wang Shang" does not belong to meat. -The Book of Rites, Ceng Zi Wen, distinguishes body name from body. -"Zhou Li Neixiang"

(3) Another example: eating meat; Crab meat; Black meat of poultry; Meat candy (meat sauce); Meat mountain and milk forest (meat mountain and milk forest); Meat forest (there is a lot of meat to eat, hanging in the forest to describe luxury); Carnivorous (fish and other meat-like foods); Minced meat (meat porridge); Broth (thick soup made of meat)

(4) refers to the human skin, muscle and fat layer [skin; Muscle fat] There was no corporal punishment in ancient times. -"Xunzi Zheng Lun" His relatives died, abandoned his meat rotten, and then buried his bones. -"Mourning at Mozi Festival" is also the son of the master and a close relative of the same flesh and blood. -"Warring States Policy Zhao Ce" carrion carrion. Everything was done by Han Feizi, loyalty and filial piety. -Historical Records, Biographies of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru

(5) Another example: the money in the meat (refers to the money earned by hard work); Flesh pulp ([Fang]: biting meat); Meat is heartbroken (separation of flesh and blood); Meat to meat (face to face); Meat mountain (called human body hypertrophy); Musculus (muscle); Muscle pain (pain like spitting out meat); Carnivores (warts). Dermatosis)

(6) Edible parts of fruits and vegetables, except peeled nuts [pulp; Take five or six inches of bamboo shoots. -"Qi Shu Yao Min Planting Bamboo" (7) Another example: meat fruit (also known as juice fruit, a kind of fruit. When the fruit is ripe, the peel is thick and juicy); Apricot for meat (a kind of apricot)

(8) refers to the singing sound from the mouth, which is cheap for the sound of musical instruments. -The Book of Rites and Music

(9) Another example: meat bamboo (generally refers to music. Meat, vocal music; Bamboo, wind music); The sound of meat (oratorio without instrumental accompaniment)

(10) [Perforated plate] There is a hole in the middle of a ring, which is twice as delicious as meat. -Erya Shi Qi. Note: "Bianye." Every good meat has its fruit. -History of Hanshu food. Note: "The body is meat, and the point is good."

(1 1) Good meat (round object with a hole in the middle. The hole is good, and the entity around the hole is called meat); The head of meat is thick (dialect. Guangcai)

(12) refers to the earth [the earth; Mud]. Such as: Meat Mountain (ordinary earth mountain)

(13) outer layer; Appearance [appearance] When there is a long drought, the fields are deep and the drought is extinct. -Song Lu Ninth Hospital's Quotations Rou u (1) secular [vulgar]. Such as: fleshy person (mortal person) (2) metaphor shallow [shallow; Meager]. For example, the naked eye is stupid (shallow and stupid layman) (3)[ square]: describe soft [soft]. For example, watermelon (4) with pulp moves slowly. Such as: the meat is flustered; A fleshy temper; Doing things is real meat (5) is a name to express love. Mostly used for children [dear]. Such as: Meat Meat (nickname) Meat Meat (1) Eating Meat [Eating Meat] I began to see the weather in the Central Plains. Without meat, it was calm and fat. -Su Shi's Three Answers to Su Shi (2) makes the body grow. Ma Xi Zhong's Biography of the Wolf in Zhongshan (3) Another example: granulation (referring to the new meat that has just grown); Meat bones (make white bones regenerate muscles) (4) Swallow and bully [swallow; Bully]. For example, the skin is thin and the bones are combined (the flesh is forced, and the bones are combined, which is a metaphor for fierce hand-to-hand combat). It is also said that the "meat case" meat patty rü ubǐ ng [meat patty] is made of flour and meat, and rü ubó [hand-to-hand combat] is hand-to-hand combat. Hand-to-hand combat is often carried out by both sides with their bare hands or short weapons. The warring parties used their bare hands or short weapons [flesh work][ for example, from a cook the meat pot] to fork the meat. Forked meat animals [crops] with long handles. Butcher's shop [butcher's shop (shop)] A shop selling meat, diced meat, diced meat and frozen meat, rê ud (1) [frozen meat]: It is a delicious food made of fish or meat scraps with gelatin and seasonings. Or a model made of meat, fish or vegetables ② 【 Galatin; Galatine]: A cold dish, which is made by removing bones from meat, adding chopped spiced meat as seasoning, cooking and compacting, and then pouring aspic. Nutmeg is a kind of hard and fragrant spherical seed, which is widely used as spice. Also known as "meat fruit", meat toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot toot. Also known as "Dundun" jerky [beef jerky] jerky [beef jerky] Dried meat slices (such as beef) have a sense of flesh. Rou ug m: n [lewd] Pigeons (mostly females) who physically tempt the opposite sex [Pigeons are] The edible pigeon species "Rouguan Uguà n" has a fleshy bulge on the top of its head, which looks like an evergreen tree "Cassia", with oval leaves and small white flowers. Bark is medicinal, that is, cinnamon. Leaves, branches and bark can be processed into one of cinnamon oil and meat red (pink). Muscle-like reddish meat, like meat [fat] describes a lot of fat in the head. Sauce [meat sauce] Sauce-like meat roll [paupiette] A thin slice used to wrap minced meat (or fish stuffing) or fish meat [rü uliú i] Mammalian sarcoma [sarcoma], including the edible part of any animal used as food, is a malignant tumor originating from mesenchymal tissue. Spread to adjacent tissues or through blood flow: osteosarcoma rhabdomyosarcoma is disgusting. Rü um á (1) [Disgusting]: An uncomfortable feeling caused by frivolous or hypocritical words and deeds. (2) [Flirting]: It is very interesting to be disgusting with your lover for a while. It means to appreciate something boring, which means "low taste". She did a lot of boring actions that day, which caused laughter. It's really disgusting. It's interesting to boil minced meat [porridge] into a paste. The minced beef cattle [beef cattle] is the steak [steamed steak] or pork chop [pigskin] to be slaughtered. Usually refers to pig skin, skin [human skin] [square]: human skin, meat slices, meat slices [meat slices]: meat slices (2) [steamed] (3) meat slices other than steak (such as ham slices) (4) ready for cooking. "upià" or [abductee] refers to a hostage who is kidnapped by criminals and extorts money from his family. A butcher shop is a shop that deals in raw meat. Flesh color e uè (1) [Flesh color] is yellowish with reddish color, which is similar to skin color (2). Jesus Christ walked among people in the flesh, eating meat [meat] and eating meat. Or meat food. In ancient times, senior officials were used to eating meat, so people who used meat said that officials who enjoyed generous rewards were frivolous and had no far-sighted plans. -"Zuo Zhuan Zhuang Gong Ten Years" meat rü ushí [carnivorous] feeds on meat; Carnivore [Carnivore] Carnivore. For example, the shredded pork such as tiger and leopard is cut into filaments, and the meat floss is not ng [dried meat floss]. It is made of lean meat such as cattle and pigs, and the dried loose meat is peeled off, and the coat is peeled off, revealing the limbs (the ancients are offering sacrifices or. -"Historical Records, Biography of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru", with naked bodies, rü ut m: n-fü j and ng [stripped off their shirts to show their guilt-ready to succumb to any punishment that the other party may give], confessed behind thorns and expressed their willingness to accept punishment. Lian Po heard, naked, because there are guests coming. -"Historical Records Biography of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru" corpse rüutǐ( 1)[ corpse]: human body (2)[ dirt]: The corpse of the deceased is different from the immortal energetic meatball rüuán[burger], which is a kind of meatball with special food, usually pork or meat substitute. Lionhead meatball rü uwá nzi [quenelle] is cooked in boiling water or original soup as a decorative side dish or a single dish. The round or oval ball of spiced minced meat mixture is also called "meatball". The minced meat pie rüUXàn[ company punishment] used in jiaozi is wrapped in rüUXànbǐng[empanada]. Refers to pies made by stuffing delicious meat into dough, and punishments imposed on criminals or lawbreakers, including death penalty, flogging and imprisonment. There were many filial daughters in ancient times, such as Nvjing. It is difficult to get rid of Gong Jing's punishment and Wendy's order to cancel corporal punishment. -"Jing Hua Yuan" naked eye rü uy m: n [naked eye] The stars seen by the naked eye without any instrument are just a drop in the ocean. Rü uy m: n [myopia] refers to the secular eyes that don't know Taishan's naked eyes. To the naked eye, rü uy m: n-fá ntā i [a short-sighted and useless person] is an ordinary person. He is a sensual man, but he is a good man. -Journey to the West Broiler rü uy ngjī [Broiler] A variety that feeds on chickens, such as nine catties of yellow cattle rü uy òngniú【stocker] A calf or heifer rüuyò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò 242 Juice of fruits (such as berries, drupes or pears) is mainly composed of soft and juicy tissues, and [Gravey] juice is released from pork pigs [Porkpig] after cook the meat or cook the meat, and is specially used for meat, and [thorn in the flesh] is a metaphor for people who hate meat the most and are eager to get rid of it. Jie [Uyghur Rozi heyt] Islamic Eid al-Fitr Persian Rozaroza,' fast' meat, red and soft tissue in human or animal: ~ body. ~ class. ~ eat. Muscle ticket (person captured by bandits so that bandits can extort money from their families) ~ body (Buddhism refers to the body). (2) The edible part of the fruit: longan. Winter melon ~ thick. (3) the fruit is not brittle, not brittle: ~ watermelon. (4) slow action and slow temper: doing things really ~. (5) It was called the edge of a circular object with holes in ancient times. (6) I am very close and love, and call my children more often. Zheng code: LDOO, U: 8089,: C8E2 number of strokes: 6, radical: meat, stroke sequence number: 253434 meat; ; Meat; Meat animal research center


Body; Meat;



( 1)

(pictographic. Oracle Bone Inscriptions shape, small seal, like animal meat. "Meat" is the radical of Chinese characters. Original meaning: animal muscle)


Refers to edible animal meat [meat; Meat]

Flesh. -speaking. Paragraph note: "cauldron rice is also called bird and beast meat." ... people say muscles, birds and beasts say meat. "

Food given by the public, eating meat. -Zuo Zhuan Yin Gongyuan

Seventy people can eat meat. -"Mencius Hui Liang Wang Shang"

No meat. -"The Book of Rites Ceng Zi Question"

Distinguish between body names and meat. -"Zhou Li Neixiang"


Another example is: eating meat; Crab meat; Black meat of poultry; Meat candy (meat sauce); Meat mountain and milk forest (meat mountain and milk forest); Meat forest (there is a lot of meat to eat, hanging in the forest to describe luxury); Carnivorous (fish and other meat-like foods); Minced meat (meat porridge); Broth (thick soup made of meat)


Refers to the skin, muscle and fat layer of human body [skin; Muscle and fat]

There was no corporal punishment in ancient times. -"Xunzi Zheng Lun"

Their relatives died, rotted their meat and discarded it, and then buried their bones. -Mozi Festival funeral

The master's son is also a close relative of flesh and blood. -"Warring States Policy Zhao Ce"

Carrion carrion carrion. -"everything is done, loyalty and filial piety"

The meat is naked. -Historical Records, Biographies of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru


Another example: the money in the meat (hard-earned money); Flesh pulp ([Fang]: biting meat); Meat is heartbroken (separation of flesh and blood); Meat to meat (face to face); Meat mountain (called human body hypertrophy); Musculus (muscle); Muscle pain (pain like spitting out meat); Carnivores (warts). Dermatosis)


Edible parts of fruits and vegetables except peel and stone [pulp; The flesh of a fruit.

Take five or six inches of bamboo shoots. -Qi Shu planted bamboo.


Another example: succulent fruit (also known as juicy fruit, a kind of fruit. When the fruit is ripe, the peel is thick and juicy); Apricot for meat (a kind of apricot)


Refers to the sound [sound] sung from the mouth and made for musical instruments.

The rhythm of cheap meat. -The Book of Rites and Music


Another example: meat bamboo (referring to music in general. Meat, vocal music; Bamboo, wind music); The sound of meat (oratorio without instrumental accompaniment)

( 10)

A ring with a hole in the middle [perforated disk]

Meat is twice as much as meat. -Erya Shi Qi. Note: "Bianye."

Every good meat has its fruit. -History of Hanshu food. Note: "The body is meat, and the point is good."

( 1 1)

Another example: good meat (a round object with a hole in the middle. The hole is good, and the entity around the hole is called meat); The head of meat is thick (dialect. Guangcai)

( 12)

Earthy; Mud]. Such as: Meat Mountain (ordinary earth mountain)

( 13)

Outer layer; exterior

During the long drought, the field is deep and alone. -Quotations from Song Lu Jiuyuan



( 1)

Vulgar [vulgar] such as a fleshy person (mortal)


Metaphor is superficial [superficial; Meager]. For example, the naked eye is stupid (shallow and stupid layman)


[Square]: Describe softness [softness]. Such as watermelon with pulp.


[Move slowly]. Such as: the meat is flustered; A fleshy temper; Doing things is really meat.


A title to express painful love. Mostly used for children [dear]. Meat (nickname)



( 1)

Eat meat

The first time I saw the weather in the Central Plains, I was calm and fat without meat. -Su Shi Three Answers to Su Bo Gu


Long meat [meat]

Life and death are bones. -Ma "The Legend of Zhongshan Wolf"


Another example: granulation (refers to new meat that has just grown out); Flesh bones (to regenerate white bones into muscles)


Swallow, bully [swallow; Bully]. For example, skin is thin and bone is combined (skin is forced, bone is combined with bone, which means fierce hand-to-hand combat)


Coin terminology. Meat refers to the part inside and outside of a coin (that is, between the protruding part around the money hole and the protruding part around the money body) without words and patterns. Thick people are called thick meat, and thin people are called lean meat.

Meat cutting board

one person

[Butcher's Shop] [Square]: A table for selling meat. Also known as the "meat case"

mince pie

Lu Ban

[Meat Pie] A cake made of flour and meat.

close fighting


[Hand-to-hand combat] Close combat, often unarmed or with short weapons.

The two sides started hand-to-hand combat.

close fighting

The sun never sets

[snickers ee] The warring sides fought with their bare hands or short weapons.

meat fork

six directions―north

A long-handled fork used to fork meat, eg on a meat pot.

Livestock raised for food.

Luo Fu

[Crop] Livestock for slaughter.

butcher's (shop)


A butcher shop.

diced meat


[Diced meat] Meat cut into small cubes.

meat jelly


( 1)

[Frozen meat]: Mix fish or minced meat with gelatin and seasonings to form a thick and delicious jelly, which is served as a decoration on meat or fish dishes; Or make a model of meat, fish or vegetables.


[Galantin; Galatine]: A cold dish, which is made by removing bones from meat, filling minced spiced meat as seasoning, cooking and compacting, and then pouring aspic.


How are you?

[Nutmeg] A hard and fragrant spherical seed widely used as a spice. Also known as "meat fruit"



【 chubby 】 describes obesity.

Little face is very cute.



【 stout and powerful 】 describes people with obese or stout muscles. Also known as "Meat Dun Dun"

Dried meat slices


Beef jerky



[Dried meat] Slices of dried meat (such as beef)



[Sexy] Physical attraction to the opposite sex (especially women)

Practical pigeon


[Pigeons are meat] Pigeons are food.



[Cockcomb] The fleshy protuberance at the top of the bird's head is shaped like a crown.



[Cinnamomum cassia] Evergreen tree with oval leaves and small white flowers, whose bark has medicinal value, namely cinnamon. Leaves, branches and bark can be processed into cinnamon oil.

Flesh red


A kind of red, similar to muscle red.


Mark Six

[Fat] describes obesity.

A fleshy head

● pulp


Meat like sauce

Minced meat roll


[paupiette] A thin slice of meat or fish used to wrap minced meat (or fish stuffing) with spices.

Edible meat


Food made by carnivores includes the edible parts of any animal used as food.

Carnivorous mammal



[Sarcoma] A malignant tumor that originated from interstitial tissue and spread to adjacent tissues or through the blood stream.





( 1)

Nausea: an uncomfortable feeling caused by frivolous or hypocritical words and behaviors

Disgusting flattery


[Flirt]: Make love in a frivolous way.

There was a time when my lover and I were disgusting.

To enjoy some boring things.

How are you?

"Disgusting" is a metaphor for enjoying something boring, which means "low taste"

She did a lot of boring actions that day, which caused a burst of laughter. It's disgusting and interesting.

●meat pulp


[Porridge] Boil the meat into a paste

minced meat


scraps of meat

beef cattle


Cattle to be slaughtered



Steak or pork chop

Pork skin


[Pigskin] Usually refers to the skin of pork.

Human skin


Human skin [square]: human skin

sliced meat


( 1)

[Sliced meat]: Sliced meat.




Slices of meat other than steak, such as ham.


Chopped beef slices, ready for cooking or serving.

meat ration coupon

R UPIào, r UPIào or

[Kidnapped person] refers to a hostage who is kidnapped by criminals and extorts money from his family.

butcher's (shop)


[Butcher's Shop] A shop dealing in raw meat.

Pale yellow and pink


( 1)

[Flesh color] A red color in light yellow, similar to skin color.


[Carnation]: The changeable color of human body is the color of pearl on average.

The mortal body


[Body] The body in Buddhist terms

Jesus Christ walks among people alive.

Edible meat


[Meat] Eat meat. Or meat food. In ancient times, senior officials were used to eating meat, so people who used meat were called officials who enjoyed high salaries.

Carnivores are contemptuous and have no long-term plans. -Zuo Zhuan and the Ten Years of Zhuang Gong

Edible meat


[Carnivorous] Feed on meat; Eat meat

carnivorous animals

carnivorous animals

ròushí dòngw

[Carnivore] An animal that mainly eats meat. Like tigers and leopards.

shredded meat


[Shredded pork] Cut into filaments.

Dried meat floss

Man surnamed Luo

[Dried pork floss] is a fluffy or minced food made from lean meat of cattle and pigs, which is dry and loose.

Topless (as if willing to be beaten when begging for forgiveness)-apologize humbly.

Luo Teng

[Take off your coat] Take off your coat and show your limbs (this is the language used by the ancients to express respect or fear when offering sacrifices or apologizing).

You might as well confess your sins with naked meat and an axe. -Historical Records, Biographies of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru

Naked, carrying, yuan, may be punished


[Take off your shirt as a sign of cancer pathology-prepare to submit to any punishment that the other party may want to give] Naked, holding Vitex negundo, indicating that you are willing to accept punishment.

Hearing this, Lian Po, naked and humbled, apologized to the guests who came to Lin Xiangru Gate. -Historical Records, Biographies of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru

human body

Luo Kun

( 1)

[Body]: Human body


Clay: The body of the dead is different from the immortal and energetic spirit.



[Hamburg] Meatballs with a specific food, usually pork or meat substitutes.

Pork balls, lion heads



[quenelle] A round or oval meatball, which is made of a mixture of minced meat with spices and cooked in boiling water or original soup, is used as a decorative side dish or a single dish-also called "meatball".

Chopped meat


[Company Punishment] Pack minced meat to make jiaozi.

mince pie

Liu Xia

"Meat empanada" refers to a pie made by filling the dough with delicious meat.

physical punishment


Penalties imposed on criminals or lawbreakers include death penalty, flogging and imprisonment.

According to ancient legends, there are many filial daughters, such as Nvjing and. Once King Jing abolished the punishment of hurting Huai, and once Emperor Wen abolished the corporal punishment, they could bend their hearts and take off their fathers. -"Jing Hua Yuan"

naked eye

Luo Yang

[Naked eye] The human eye without any instrument.

The stars seen by the naked eye are just a drop in the ocean.

naked eye

Luo Yang

【 shortsighted 】 refers to the secular vision.

Mount Tai is unknown to the naked eye.

Ordinary people (without any superhuman abilities)

Luoyang peak

[A short-sighted, useless person] Ordinary people invisible to the naked eye

Many officials see him handsome and beautiful, but they dare not admit that he is a demon. He is a sensual man, but he is a good man. -Journey to the West


Luo yuyu

[Broiler] A variety that feeds on chickens, such as nine catties of yellow.

beef cattle

Ruinho Eniu

[Livestock breeder] An edible bull or heifer suitable for fattening and selling.

sexual desire


Sexual desire (derogatory)

meat quality


Succulents [succulents] Biology refers to soft and thick substances.

Cactus has fleshy stems.

fleshy fruit

The sun never sets

[succulent fruit] A fruit (such as a berry, stone fruit or pear fruit) mainly composed of soft and juicy tissues.


Luo zuzhe

[Gravey] Juice released after cook the meat or cook the meat.

Slaughtered pig


[Pork pig] A pig that eats meat.

A thorn in the flesh/thorn in the side

The sun never sets

A thorn in the flesh 】 【 metaphor is the most annoying person, eager to get rid of (often used with "thorn in the side").

Lesser Bairam


[Viroziheit] Islamic Eid al-Fitr


Rosa, "Quick"


Lu ㄖㄡ?

( 1)

Red, soft tissue in human or animal body: ~ body. ~ class. ~ eat. Muscle ticket (person captured by bandits, by which bandits extort money from their families). ~ body (Buddhism refers to the body).


Edible part of fruit: longan ~. Winter melon ~ thick.


Fruit is not brittle, not brittle: ~ pulp watermelon.


Slow and grumpy: doing things really ~.


In ancient times, it was called a perforated edge in a circular object.


Very close and loving, call the children more often.

Zheng code: LDOO, U: 8089,: C8E2.

Number of strokes: 6, radical: meat, number of strokes: 253434.

Body; Meat;

Chemical composition of meat

1. Humidity:

Water is the most abundant part of meat, accounting for about 70%, so water has a great influence on meat quality.

2. protein:

Protein content in fresh meat is related to fat, but not as closely as fat and water.

Myoglobin is closely related to meat color, and both myoglobin and hemoglobin have great influence on meat color.

Collagen, elastin and reticulin are all hard proteins, which constitute connective tissue.

(Collagen can be dissolved by heating with water, but reticulin and elastin cannot be dissolved. Protein has a huge molecule in biopolymer, and its basic structure is a polypeptide chain with amino acids and carboxyl groups.

(With nonpolar hydrocarbon groups: glycine, alanine, leucine, isoleucine)

(Acidic amino acids and inducers: aspartic acid, asparagine, glutamic acid, glutamine)

(Basic amino acids: lysine, arginine, histidine)

(Groups with carboxyl groups: serine, threonine, tyrosine)

(Aromatic side chains: alanine, tryptophan)

(Sulfur-containing side chains: cysteine, cystine, methionine)

(Iminoacids: hydroxyproline, proline)

3. Lipids:

Lipids can be divided into three parts.

subcutaneous fat


Intermuscular fat

4。 Non-protein nitrogenous compounds:



National Academy of Design (USA) and Naval Air Division (UK)

triphosphopyridine nucleotide

Carnosine, etc

5. Nitrogen-free organic compounds

6. Inorganic substances:

Sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, copper, silver, aluminum, tin, lead, manganese, uranium, cobalt, etc. ......

Potassium is the most abundant, followed by sodium. Magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron are rich in multivalent metals.

Other metals have less content.

7. Volatile components:

The aroma volatility of meat is a comprehensive product of complex organic compounds and complex senses.

Smell and taste are important factors affecting flavor, and temperature and PH value also directly affect flavor.

During the heating process, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, acetaldehyde, acetone, diacetyl, hexanal, methyl ethyl ketone, isobutyraldehyde, butyraldehyde, valeraldehyde, isobutanol, dimethyl sulfide and trace amounts of formic acid, acetic acid and butyric acid mainly come from two categories.

1 is the aroma produced in raw meat.

There are two kinds of odors during heating, Maillard reaction and progressive decomposition are the best extraction methods.

8. vitamins:

Pigs are the best source of vitamin B.

9. Enzymes:

Enzymes are biocatalysts involved in intracellular chemical reactions and exist in various tissues and organs. The enzyme is protein, even myosin, which is a structural protein with the function of pyridine triphosphate nucleotide. Enzymes in meat include phosphorylase, glucosidase, phosphoglucosidase, hexose phosphate isomerase, hexose phosphate kinase, triose phosphate isomerase, glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphoglycerate mutase, enolase, pyruvate phosphate kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, etc. Cytochrome series include succinate dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase.

Braised pork

Braised pork is a famous local dish, which fully embodies the characteristics of local dish "thick oil red sauce" Speaking of braised pork, we naturally can't forget Su Dongpo, who pushed the cause of eating braised pork to a peak.

It is because of his efforts that braised pork can move from the grassroots to the upper level, from the ordinary people's vegetable pots to the literati's table. In fact, Dongpo pork, which has a long history and is famous all over the country, is braised pork after all. It's really hard to tell when and where braised pork was produced. However, due to Mr. Dongpo's unremitting efforts, braised pork has since officially entered the historical stage. "Huangzhou good pork, cheap as dirt, the rich refused to eat, the poor don't know how to cook. Slow down the fire, less water, and it will look good when the fire is full. Come and play a bowl early every day, it's all your own control. " From Su Dongpo's poem Eat Pork, it is not difficult to see that Mr. Su is not only "delicious" like "beating a bowl early every day", but also knows how to "cook braised pork slowly, with less water, and it will be beautiful when the heat is enough". All this is really worth learning from those lazy cooks who are lazy or can't cook braised pork. We clearly see that Mr. Su Lao, while doing a good job in the construction of spiritual civilization, has not forgotten the construction of material civilization-eating braised pork-writing poems and songs. At that time, he told us with his own behavior that "both spiritual civilization and material civilization should be grasped and both hands should be hard". This foresight is really admirable and admirable. I suspect that Mr. Su's poems written with his brilliant pen, such as "One river never returns, the waves are exhausted, and the romantic figures of the ages", may have been written with a wave of his hand after he had a braised pork dinner. Great literati have their own unique creative habits. Li Bai can write hundreds of poems about drinking, but why can't Dongpo write hundreds of poems about eating meat?