Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Myanmar Video Fortune Teller _ Myanmar Video Fortune Teller

Myanmar Video Fortune Teller _ Myanmar Video Fortune Teller

A large number of terrier videos depict northern Myanmar as a romantic river and lake. Is that really the case?

I believe that during this time, everyone has seen many videos about North Myanmar on the Internet, and these videos have a lot to do with many themes, especially the romantic rivers and lakes in North Myanmar, but in fact, North Myanmar is really not as romantic as we thought. The following small series will take you to have a look.

First of all, we can see a lot of situations in northern Myanmar on the Internet, and we can see many handsome guys and beautiful women dressed up in big shows, which are not people that ordinary families can cultivate at all. Not only that, from these videos, we can also see that some narrators show North Myanmar, where I grew up. Welcome to my world. It can be said that these videos depict northern Myanmar as a romantic river and lake, which makes many netizens express that they want to work in this place in the future, but in fact, this place is not as beautiful as we imagined, nor as romantic as our dormitory imagined.

According to the relevant information on the Internet, although the time of democratization of famous shops was not long, during this period, the Myanmar military staged a coup, refused to recognize the results of last year's general election, and detained the then president. There are also contradictions between local armed forces and government forces that have not been resolved, and sometimes even affect the relevant security of our country. Especially in 20 15, a military conflict broke out between government forces and local armed forces, which can be said to have a serious impact on the lives of local people. So look at this problem rationally, instead of believing these fake videos.

According to the explanation of relevant military experts, the problem of drug telecom fraud in Myanmar is very serious. The drug planting area in Myanmar is second only to Afghanistan, and it has planted 20% of the global tabletting factor. Last year, more than 20,000 criminals were arrested, so we should treat this problem rationally instead of trusting those on the Internet.