Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Zhufuyan Fortune _ Zhufuyan Divination

Zhufuyan Fortune _ Zhufuyan Divination

The story of Liu Che.

Wudi's life

Liu Che (156-87), the emperor of the Han Dynasty, was born in Chang 'an with a young title, and was the seventh emperor of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is the tenth son of Emperor Wu Liu Qi, the grandson of Emperor Wu Liu Heng and the great-grandson of Emperor Gaozu Liu Bang. His mother, Wang Hao, became a queen after being crowned prince in Liu Che.

Wang Yi, her mother, married into the Jin family before entering the palace and had a daughter. Liu Che's grandmother listened to the fortune-teller, and left the Kim family with her to see the Crown Prince, the later king. Liu Che was born in 156 BC, that is, in 14 1 year BC, but he was only 15 years old. After that, he reigned for 54 years, and was the longest reigning monarch in China's history, lasting more than 2,000 years. This record was not broken by Kangxi of Qing Dynasty until18th century.

Liu Che became king of Jiaodong at the age of 4, prince at the age of 7, and ascended the throne at the age of 16. He reigned for 54 years (65,438+0,465,438+0-87 BC) and established one of the most brilliant achievements of the Western Han Dynasty. Year of use: Jianyuan, Yuanshuo, Yuanguang, Yuanfeng, Yuanshou, Ding Yuan, Zhenghe, Hou Yuan and Taishi. Posthumous title was buried in Maoling. The "Law of the Dead" says that "strength is strong, virtue is martial", which means majesty, strength and wisdom, and benevolence is martial. His great talent and literary skills made the Han Dynasty the most powerful country in the world at that time, and he also became one of the great emperors in the history of China.

In China's history books, "Qin Huang Wu Han" is often associated. Today, when we look at his records, we can't deny that he is an outstanding figure; But his achievements will still be judged in the long history. Most importantly, he created a situation that future generations could not continue. Therefore, when we read his biography, we must keep pace with "the rule of culture and scenery". The following "From Huo Guang to Wang Mang" is closely related to his life.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty founded the title of the year, which was also the first emperor in China to use it. At the beginning of his accession to the throne, he continued the policy of preserving health and helping the people pursued by his father before his death, further weakening the power of the vassal, and promulgated the decree of feudal lords proposed by Minister Zhu, which promoted the enfeoffment of the vassal by the legal system and forced the vassal's fief to shrink itself. At the same time, he set up a secretariat to supervise this place. Strengthen centralization, organize private businesses such as iron smelting, salt boiling and wine making into central management, prohibit vassal States from casting money, and centralize financial power in the central government. He adopted Dong Zhongshu's suggestion of "ousting a hundred schools of thought and respecting Confucianism alone", paving the way for the special position of Confucianism in ancient China. But in fact, during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, there was never a lack of the concept of the rule of law. At the same time, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty also used laws and regulations to consolidate the authority of the government and show the status of imperial power. Therefore, sinologists believe that this system should be based on law and supplemented by Confucianism, introducing Confucianism to ordinary people to show the kindness of the government, and at the same time imposing severe criminal laws on ministers within the government. However, advocating Confucianism does not mean abandoning the law, which was still the ultimate ruling method in the period of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty. The castration of Ji An and Sima Qian, who were actively used at that time, is a famous example.

Militarily, China's national strength reached its peak after the recuperation of Wenjing rule. After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty succeeded to the throne, he began to solve the threat of Xiongnu in the north. Wei Qing and Huo Qubing attacked Xiongnu three times, took over the Hetao area and sealed the wolf in Xu Xu. Since then, the Huns have never recovered, which laid the foundation for later bringing the Western Regions into Chinese territory. Zhang Qian went to the Western Regions and the Silk Road began.

The Spring Festival began at the beginning of the calendar change and was corrected by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Detailed introduction

Pioneers in the history of the development of the Chinese nation

Unique respect for Confucianism; Following Dong Zhongshu's advice, he "ousted a hundred schools of thought and respected Confucianism alone", which created the orthodoxy of China's traditional mainstream culture, ruled the traditional cultural stage in China for more than 2,000 years, and was highly praised by the rulers of past dynasties. What I want to explain here is that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not restrict the development of other schools, which led to the development of Confucianism and the vigorous promotion of the combination of Confucianism and law. For example, Xiahou Shichang studied Confucianism and was familiar with Yin-Yang and Five Elements. The prime minister also ruled Confucianism and Legalism; Zhufuyan started as a strategist; Sima Qian, a loyal Ji 'an Sima Tan, started from the theory of Huang Lao.

Second, establish China and North Korea to contain foreign countries;

During the reign of Huiwenjing, the prime minister treated each other with courtesy, and Emperor Wu was at odds with the prime minister. In order to carry out their own orders, China and Korea were established, and Shangshutai also appeared during this period.

3. Establish the year number;

The year number used by the first emperor in China history. In 1 13 BC, Liang Wudi took that year as four years of Ding Yuan, and later changed it to Jianyuan, Yuanguang and Yuanshou, with the annual title of six years.

Change the calendar at the beginning of the fourth year;

In the first year of Taichu (before 104), taichu calendar was changed, with the first month as the beginning of the year, and the color was yellow.

Wuyan Tieguanying;

The salt and iron official camp has continued since the Han Dynasty. Today, salt and iron tea is still mainly controlled by the government and state-owned enterprises.

Western Liu Tong;

China has spread the technologies of smelting iron, sinking wells, making silk and lacquerware, and introduced Cucurbita pepo, carrot, grape, blood horse, walnut and gastrodia elata from the west, which is of great historical significance.

7. Expanding territory and diplomacy.

1. Launch a war against the Huns

On the one hand, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ended the pro-Xiongnu policy since the Battle of Mayi in 133, and began to formally declare war on Xiongnu, sending Wei Qing and Huo Qubing to conquer, thus relieving the Xiongnu threat, retaking Hetao and Hexi Corridor, expanding the territory of the western regions, putting Xiongnu in a passive position and ensuring the economic and cultural development of the north.

2. Send Zhang Qian to the Western Regions.

While waging war against Xiongnu, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Zhang Qian to the Western Regions, which opened up the famous Silk Road, further strengthened its ties with the Western Regions and developed economic and cultural exchanges between China and the West.

3. Fight the northeast, fight the south and expand the territory.

In Northeast China, the territory of the Han Empire was basically formed by sending troops to destroy Wei's Korea (present-day Korea) and establishing four counties of Le Lang, Xuantu, Lintun and Fan Zhen.

At the same time, Yelang and Nanyue regimes in the south were attached to the Han Dynasty, and seven counties were set up in the southwest, including Bo 'er County and Zhu Ya County in Hainan Island today, that is, Hainan Island and the South China Sea Islands today. The southernmost tip of the territory surpassed today's Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, which also made today's Guangdong and Guangxi regions return to Chinese territory after the Qin Dynasty.

Competent and eclectic.

When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty appointed officials, it was diversified. Officials with more than 2,000 stones can make their descendants officials through the appointment system; Rich people can become officials through "election"; The descendants of sages can be taken care of, for example, Jia Yi's two sons are taken care of by the county magistrate. However, what is particularly striking is that Liang Wudi employs people on their own merits and does not stick to one pattern. For example, Wei Ruyun's son-in-law was chosen from the handmaiden. Wei Qing and Huo Qubing were selected from slaves and slave children respectively. The Prime Minister Gong Sunhong, Yu Shiguang, and the Prince Zhu and others were all selected from poor civilians. Zhang Tang, Du Zhou and Ting Wei Zhao Yu were selected from petty officials. It is particularly noteworthy that some generals appointed by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty were Yue and Huns. Jin Mi's younger brother, a prisoner of Xiongnu and a slave who raised horses in the palace, was elected as a senior official and entrusted orphans to Huo Guang and Shangguan Jie. These conditions show that the selection of talents by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is not limited by class background and ethnic differences. However, this does not mean that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not have standards for employing people, but there were still standards. The standard is "broaden the road of artistic talents and learn from others", and "those who have different talents in counties and counties can make the country unique". In other words, as long as they are willing to fight for the cause of the Han Dynasty, people with artistic talent and talent, people who can be generals and people who can go to distant countries can be appointed. In a word, the standard of employing people is meritocracy. It is precisely because of this that Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty has many talents. Ban Gu was surprised and said, "People who have won the Han Dynasty are prosperous here!" The appearance of this phenomenon deserves serious study.

The curse of witchcraft

Witchcraft disaster is an important political event in the feudal ruling group in the last years of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty. Wei Zifu, Liu Yuxin, Princess Zhu Yi and several ministers all died of witchcraft. Witchcraft is a kind of witchcraft. At that time, people thought that it would be a disaster for the cursed to bury the shrine or puppet of the wizard in the ground and curse those who complained. In the second year of Zheng He (9 1 BC), Jingsheng, the son of Prime Minister Gongsun He, was denounced as a witch and cursed Emperor Wu, slept with him, and sent his father and son to prison to be executed, even Zhucheng He. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ordered Jiang Chong, his favourite, to be an emissary to treat witchcraft. Jiang Chong had a gap with the prince, so he framed the prince and asked Hou, eunuch and other four people for instructions. The prince committed suicide, and so did Wei Hou. For a long time, I didn't believe in witchcraft Tian et al. sued Prince Wudi, who was the third clan of worship. It is also called "thinking about the uterus", which harms the prince to "return to thinking about Taiwan" to pin his grief.

In his later years, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was very extravagant, often building a lot of buildings, and the treasury was empty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty also liked to appoint cruel officials and increase punishment, and never took murder seriously. On the other hand, he is often advised to be closely related to the people, try his best to reduce the burden on the people and implement a policy of generosity and kindness. As a result, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty gradually became dissatisfied and resentful towards Herry Liu.

Besides Liu Yuxin, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty later had five sons. Among the six sons, Liu Fuling, the youngest son, was the favorite son of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty often boasted that Liu Fuling was like himself, and the status of the prince was in jeopardy.

Witchcraft was very popular in the Han Dynasty. Witchcraft means that people make Woodenhead, engrave the names of their enemies on it, and then put it underground or in the house to curse day and night. According to them, such swearing can make the other party suffer, and you are blessed. This witchcraft was also introduced to the palace. Those beauties and maids who bear a grudge against the emperor and queen also buried Woodenhead and secretly cursed him.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was superstitious about this. One day at noon, he was lying in bed and sleeping. Suddenly, he dreamed that thousands of wooden heads with sticks were calling him, which woke him up. He thought someone was cursing him and immediately sent Jiang Chong to investigate.

Jiang Chong is a heartless guy. He found many confidants, snooped around wooden heads, clamped people with red-hot irons, branded them and forced them to confess. No matter who he is, as long as he is accused by Jiang Chong of "cursing the emperor", he will not live. Within a few days, he killed tens of thousands of people.

In this tragedy, Prime Minister Gong Sunhe and his family, as well as Yang Shi Princess, Princess Zhu Yi and others, were beheaded by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Seeing that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty could kill his daughter, Jiang Chong became more confident and bold. He asked the wizard to say to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, "Someone in the palace cursed the emperor. It is very toxic. If those wooden heads are not dug out, the emperor will not get better. "

So Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty appointed Jiang Chong to visit Woodenhead in the palace with a large number of people. They started from the estranged harem of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and searched all the way to the living rooms of Wei Ruyun and Liu Yuxin. They searched the house and found no wood.

In order to set it up, Jiang Chong took advantage of people's inattention and took out Woodenhead prepared in advance, boasting that: "Woodenhead dug the most in his grandmother's womb, and he also found a silk book written by the prince, which cursed the emperor. We should tell the emperor immediately and do his death. "

According to Liu, seeing Jiang Chong deliberately framing himself, he immediately went to Ganquan Palace to complain to the emperor personally, hoping to get the emperor's pardon. Jiang Chong was afraid that Liu would expose his plot to Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, so he quickly sent someone to stop Liu's chariots and horses and refused to let him go. Liu was cornered, so he had to let his confidant dress up as an envoy sent by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and lock up Jiang Chong and others.

Herry Liu pointed at Jiang Chong and scolded, "You traitor, are you still trying to sow discord between our father and son?" Say that finish, Liu with Jiang Chong rebellion as an excuse, life samurai beheaded him.

In order to prevent accidents, Liu Yuxin quickly sent someone to inform Wei Ruyun and mobilized troops to defend the palace. At this time, the eunuch Su Wen and others escaped and reported that Liu Yuxin had rebelled. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty believed it, and immediately issued a letter and ordered the arrest of the prince.

At the last minute, Liu had to open the armory and arm the captives in the capital to resist the troops who came to suppress the "rebellion". He also wants to mobilize the Hu army and the northern army. As a result, the army of Hu people was mobilized by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to suppress the rebellion of the Prince, and Ren An, the commander of the Northern Army, was rejected by the Prince. The prince also announced to the civil and military officials in the city: "The emperor is recovering from illness in Ganquan Palace, and a traitor got up to make trouble." In this way, the officials and people in the city don't know who rebelled, which is even more chaotic.

The two sides fought fiercely in the city for four or five days, killing and injuring tens of thousands of people, and the streets were full of bodies and blood. As a result, Liu was defeated and had to take his two sons to the south gate. The gatekeeper let the prince escape from Chang 'an, and finally went to a common people's house in Huxian (now Lingbao West, Henan) to hide.

Soon, Li Shou, the county magistrate of Xin 'an (now Mianchi East, Henan Province), knew the whereabouts of the prince and took people to arrest him. Liu had nowhere to run, so he tied a rope to the door and hanged himself. His two sons and the owner of that family were also killed by Zhang Fuchang and others under Li Shou. At this time, Wei Ruyun in the palace also committed suicide.

Later, Emperor Wudi sent someone to investigate, only to know that Wei Ruyun and Liu Yuxin didn't bury wood at all, and it was all Jiang Chong's fault. In this disaster, he lost a prince and two grandchildren, sad and regretful. So he ordered Jiang Chong's clan to be destroyed, and Su Wen, the eunuch, was burned alive. Other ministers involved in this matter were also executed.

Finally, the more he thought about it, the more sad he became. He sent people to build a palace in Huxian County, named "Thinking of the Uterus", and also built a high platform named "Looking for the Home" to pin his thoughts on Iraq and those two grandchildren.


Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was the first emperor to criticize himself with "remorse".

In the fourth year (the first 89 years), Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty declared to the world that he had caused suffering to the people, and he would never resort to war, waste people's money or even express his inner remorse. This is the "guilt on the wheel platform". This imperial edict is the first imperial edict in the history of China.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was undoubtedly the first person who dared to abandon himself and put himself at the center of world public opinion! At this point, the emperors of later generations made a big mistake, and they also "blamed themselves" and publicly admitted their mistakes, showing the attitude of a wise monarch.

Ji An, an outspoken critic, once criticized Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: The emperor killed too many people, even those he trusted on weekdays, and he would not forgive them. At this rate, all the talents in the world will be killed sooner or later. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was unmoved and smiled indifferently: There are no talents in the world, but the master has no eye for talents. If you can identify talents, why worry about the lack of talents in the world? It is often not enough to recruit a scholar-bureaucrat. However, the nature is severe. Although ministers always love believers, they may break the law or bully them. They need to punish them. Ji An remonstrated, saying, "Your majesty has been killed because he has been diligent in seeking talents and failed to make good use of them. The number of people is limited, and I am afraid that all the talents in the world will be used up. Your Majesty, who will rule together? The dark word is very angry. He smiled and said, Why is there no talent? Ears that the patient can't know. If you can know, why is there no one? The so-called talents are still useful tools, but he refuses to use them all. Without talent, why not kill people? )

It is such a Han Wudi who treats talents like dirt. On the one hand, he cherishes talents extremely.

Under the feudal autocratic system, there are two bad habits in the use of talents: one is cronyism, and only those who are familiar with their cronies are used; Second, when it comes to seniority, we must follow the "thirty-nine steps" and climb up one level at a time, and we must not "mess up" the rules. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty will not be ruined by words: as long as he is talented, his father Yan holds different political views, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is still thirsty for talents; 2. Dare to be promoted by exception: Because of his ability, Wei Qing was born a slave, and Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty was promoted by exception.

Not only that, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty even abandoned orthodoxy, tolerated all kinds of people, and discovered Dong Fangshuo with one eye, turning the solemn court into a lounge full of warmth and happiness, and the monarch and his subjects were like playmates; At the same time, he didn't lose his principle because of rude remarks, but praised Dong Fangshuo's slanderers and obeyed his orders.

When he first read the myth, he was very admired. When you meet the author Sima Xiangru, if you get the treasure, let him enjoy the same writing treatment as himself. Being able to recognize, tolerate and employ people, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is unique throughout the ages. Both Qin Shihuang and Emperor Gaozu regarded literati as corrupt scholars, while Emperor Taizong and Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty may know people, but after all, they are not generous enough.

What Emperor Wudi misunderstood and disputed was the castration of Sima Qian, the greatest historian in China history.

Sima Qian praised him in Historical Records, and Ban Gu's Han Wu Di Ji also praised his literary treatment:

Ban Gu praised: Xiao Wu was first established, deposed a hundred schools, and respected the Six Classics only, so he consulted the sea and made contributions to it. Revitalizing the country's prison, repairing the countryside's worship, correcting the new moon, fixing the year, adjusting the temperament, making fun of poetry, building a temple, worshiping the gods, and ordering articles after Zhou Yan can be described as new ideas. Heirs can follow hongye and have three generations of wind. For example, Liang Wudi is rich in talents, and does not change the gift of mountains and rivers to save the people. Although the poems and books can't be supplemented.

Ban Gu never mentioned the martial arts of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, indicating that he had reservations about the martial arts of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

In Sima Guang's Zi Zhi Tong Jian, there are both praise and criticism:

Guangchen said: filial piety is extravagant, complicated punishment is heavy, palace is extravagant, and foreign affairs are four foreigners. I'm confused. I cruise too much. Few people are different from Qin Shihuang, because they make people tired and become thieves. However, if the Qin Dynasty perishes and the Han Dynasty prospers, filial piety can respect Wang Zhidao first, keep what he knows, and be honest and straightforward. The wicked bully the weak and fear the hard, the wise are tireless and the punishment is severe. It's late. Care about others. Is it because of the loss of Qin and the disaster of Qin?

Why do people have such different views on Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty?

First of all, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is a very multifaceted person. He is a politician with a political mind; But he is also an ordinary person, full of joys and sorrows. He is a wise gentleman and knows his historical responsibility; But he is also a tyrant, fighting willfully; He not only made great contributions to the world, but also brought great disasters to the world. He dotes on the woman he likes, but he not only moved his heart, but also killed the woman he likes for the country. He is extremely clever and extremely confused; I sacrificed tens of thousands of lives for the legendary BMW. When we approach him, we will find that in these opposing roles, he is not simply either one or the other. In a dilemma, when it is very urgent, he will hesitate and even be extremely painful; There are also ordinary people's joys and sorrows, mean calculations, insomnia and anxiety. In the eyes of ordinary people, he is decisive, confident and talented. However, when we make a final decision on him, we often go to extremes and say that it will be a good time; It's hard to write a book if you say something bad. In this way, differences are inevitable.

We can't judge anyone by a single standard. Human nature is complicated, let alone a feudal emperor! Perhaps his kindness is from the heart, or it may be a means to win people's hearts; Maybe his bad behavior is caused by imperial power and he has to do it, or maybe he was born so heartless. Therefore, since we can't get rid of his imperial shackles, our evaluation can only wander between his two identities of emperor and mortal. How did the innocent "son" become a lovely and terrible emperor? How can you say it all in one sentence?