Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - A numerological analysis of fortune teller Arqie Ryan

A numerological analysis of fortune teller Arqie Ryan

The story composition of the name

The Story Composition of Names (9 Articles)

In daily study, work or life, everyone must have been exposed to composition, which is a kind of verbal activity for people to express their feelings in written form. Have no clue when writing a composition? The following is the story composition of the name I compiled for you for your reference, hoping to help friends in need.

Story composition of names 1 When it comes to names, two names come to mind unconsciously, namely, Chueh-hsin and Chueh-hui.

They are all characters in Home Spring and Autumn Annals. I don't know if Mr. Ba Jin's names of these characters have any special meaning, but I am willing to understand them with my understanding.

Chueh-hsin is a gentleman of the Gaos. The name implies awakening and rebirth, but after reading the whole book, I know that he is just a tragedy and a victim of feudal system. From giving up studying abroad and being forced to accept family property, to being forced to separate from his childhood cousin Mei and marry Jui-chueh, and then Jui-chueh died in childbirth because of the superstition at home, he didn't dare to resist the family's decision at all. Of course, there are reasons for his cowardice, but more because of the huge stone mountain of feudal ethics, which forced him to yield again and again. His third brother Chueh-hui repeatedly accused him of not resisting. The name Chueh-hsin is full of helpless sympathy and irony. He is looking forward to a new life but can't fight for it himself.

Chueh-hui, on the other hand, is a representative of the new youth and is unwilling to accept the shackles of feudal ethics. If Chueh-hsin is willing to resist but unable to act, then Chueh-hui is much smarter than him. He fell in love with Ming-feng, the maid at home, but he was stopped regardless of ethics. After Ming-feng was betrothed to Feng Leshan as a concubine, she threw herself into the lake in indignation. Chueh-hui also realized that leaving the Gaos was the only way out, and decided to leave home and go to Shanghai. He not only helped his second brother Chueh-min escape and married Qin, but also wrote letters to his sisters at home to encourage them to accept new ideas. Under his influence, his third sister Shu Ying also went to Shanghai and entered a new school. Chueh-hui's name contains the wisdom of awakening, and it is this wisdom that makes him see clearly the road that China must take in the future.

Mr. Ba Jin deliberately created Chueh-hsin and Chueh-hui, two characters with almost completely opposite personalities, to highlight Chueh-hui's enterprising spirit of daring to resist. But I think, for Chueh-hsin, we can't just deny that he, as the eldest son of the Gaos, shoulders the heavy responsibility of rejuvenating the family. In front of pedantic elders and radical younger brothers and sisters, he chose to endure, perfunctory elders and full of apologies to his younger brothers. During the May 4th Movement, he was also impacted by the new culture, so he understood the thoughts of his younger brothers, so he helped Chueh-hui and Shuying escape. Chueh-hui is always an idealist. After escaping from the gaos thought, all the pressure fell on Chueh-hsin, and finally. "Reading new books and living an old-fashioned life" refers to him. In fact, he also yearns for the new life described by Chueh-hui, but he is more radical than his younger brother and still has feelings for the Gaos, so that he doesn't know how to treat himself. Therefore, the "new" in his name is not entirely a mistake.

The last book of Home, Spring and Autumn is called Autumn. Some people may think it has a bad meaning, but it is not. In the book, Qin once said, "There is no eternal autumn." The Riptide Trilogy is about life, and life itself will never end. After autumn comes winter, and then spring. Those who have rich and substantial vitality will live a long life and be able to do many things.

Everyone attaches great importance to his name, because it is an important aspect of expressing his image, and I am no exception. My name is Cao Mingrui, my nickname is Xia Xia, and my English name is Leo. I am satisfied with these names. Their origins are all stories. Do you want to know? Then listen to me slowly. The name Cao Mingrui was given by my father. The word "Ming" was chosen for two reasons. One is the meaning of light. I was born in 20xx65438+February 1 1. According to my dad, for more than a week before and after I was born, the weather was terrible and gloomy, and I seldom saw the sun. Because we were short of sunshine when we went ashore, my father arranged the word "Ming" in my name according to the principle of "what is missing" The second means smart. My father said that he was not very clever (hehe), and he was afraid that he would pass it on to me, so he used the word "Ming" to turn, hoping that I would shine on you.

Taking the word "Rui" means wisdom, which is easier to understand, and it is to continue to strengthen and consolidate the meaning of "wisdom". My dad was afraid that the word "Ming" was not enough to reflect my parents' good intentions of hoping that I would be smart, so he came to a "smart shop" to make me "extremely smart" in the future. It's a pity to inherit the wind.

The nickname Xia Xia was given to me by my father-in-law. According to the principle of gender equality, the first name is decided by the father's family, and then the nickname is taken by the mother's family. Father-in-law, mother, menstrual surname Xia, mother-in-law surname Wei, 3: 1. Xia won, and my grandfather won the naming right of my nickname. My father-in-law likes reading ancient books, and his surname is written on the handsome flag of the ancient general. So, with a wave of his hand, he drew a big word "Xia". My name is Xia. My mother-in-law doesn't like it. She shouted that Xia Jia "bullied others" and wanted to "turn over". After several struggles, the two sides finally compromised. My nickname is Xia Xia, and my child during menstruation is Wei Wei, who is a happy child.

Leo is my own English name. I have been studying English in New Oriental since the first grade. The teacher requires every child to have an English name. Our family is very democratic. The first name and the second name are given by parents, so the English name is left to us to decide. We must cherish this precious strength and think for ourselves. I thought hard for two whole days, and finally found my feeling in the classic Japanese film and television drama Leo Altman, which I like to watch. Let me take Leo as an example. Leo is a homophonic. There are very few words, which is easy to remember for my "children's shoes" when I was only in grade one. Secondly, and more importantly, Leo Altman fought bravely with all kinds of monsters, known as mortal kombat, and his fighting ability was remarkable. I hope I can stand all kinds of tests in my future study and life as the head of the "smart side". Like Altman, I have outstanding competitiveness and won one victory after another.

This is a story about my name, which is interesting. It reflects the deep love and hope of the family, and it is also an encouragement to myself. In a word-Cao Mingrui, come on!

I have many names. Since I was born, my names have been born one by one. Each of these names has many stories!

On April 8th, 20xx, I landed. According to my mother, at that time, in order to give me a good name, my father went to almost all the famous naming halls in Wenzhou and brought back hundreds of names, and then gave them to the elders to choose from until I was near the full moon.

One night, my father came home with red paper with many names written on it, walked to the cradle, looked at me with a sad face and said, "Son, what name should I give you!" " "He said, while picking up the red paper to meditate. Suddenly, my father shouted excitedly to my mother, "How about Chen Kai? "? Chen means palace and king, and Kai means happiness and joy. How nice these two words are! "At this time, my mother nodded approvingly with a smile:" Well, the name' Zhang Chen Kai' is good! " My name "Zhang" was born I think my parents gave me this name in the hope that I could live happily in a magnificent palace like a king.

I also have a nickname "Kai Bao Bao", which my parents gave me at home. This name was born almost at the same time as my name.

When I was in elementary school, I inexplicably asked my mother, "Mom, the name' open baby' is too greasy. Why do you still call me that when I am in primary school? "

I smiled when I asked my mother, and replied, "Oh, even if you grow up to be an adult, you will always be a treasure in the eyes of your parents, or a treasure!" " "

After listening, I touched my little head, still puzzled, and thought, "Maybe I have never grown up in the eyes of my parents, and I have always been a chubby baby just born." Alas! Who cares? Anyway, just call at home, others can't hear you, as long as mom and dad are happy.

Now I want to talk about my third name, which was given to me by my classmates-"Brother Kai". In grade one, I was the favorite and fastest runner in my class. At that time, I was running fast everywhere in the classroom, on the stairs, in the bathroom and on the playground. First, the female classmates shouted at me: "Brother Kai, Brother Kai!" "Later, the male students in the class also called" Brother Kay ". Every time I hear my classmates call me "Brother Kai", I feel itchy with pride.

In fact, I have many other names besides these three names. I think it's because I look different in different people's eyes, so different people will give me a name that they think suits me, such as Kai, Yu, Scud, Genius Master, Flash King and so on.

In short, no matter what the name is, I will gladly accept it, representing everyone's deep love for me.

The story of the name constitutes 4 "Hey, pumpkin madman!" " "Hey, that's crazy!" "Crazy today, orange. ! "Haven't entered the classroom, far heard the cry of X jun uncivilized. It's all because my damn classmate gave me a nickname at school.

My nickname is "pumpkin madman", which is my funniest and favorite name.

This is the name I gave when I was in kindergarten. I never thought anyone would call me that until now. Its origin is attributed to a classmate of mine in kindergarten. I didn't like the name at first, but I got used to it over time. Once I came to kindergarten happily, and when I was free at noon, one of my classmates seemed to have no idea what he was doing. He touched his chin like a sleepwalker and kept pacing back and forth, as if thinking about something. After a while, he jumped up and said to himself cheerfully, "I have thought of it." Let's call it a pumpkin madman! " "So he called all his classmates and gave me this beautiful name. I haven't had peace in kindergarten since then.

My name is Chen Nanfeng. It is said that it is a friend of my mother's father's, and my grandfather who knows ancient Chinese, English and Esperanto got it for me according to my birth date. The word "Chen" follows the father's surname and cannot be changed; "Nan" is taken from "Nan Shu". My mother said, "Nan Shu is a very useful tree. I hope I can become a useful person to society like this tree when I grow up. " "Feng" is taken from the Book of Songs, which is the ancient place where I became emperor. I hope I can make a difference and become a pillar when I grow up.

My little name is "Dabao". My mother said that when I was born, they named me "Bao Xiao". Later, I don't know who said, "Bao Xiao, Bao Xiao, I haven't grown up yet!" So, they changed my name to "Dabao", hoping that I would grow up quickly and become a big baby. Because there is an advertisement for "Dabao Moisturizer" on TV every day, my grandparents next door will call me "Dabao, see you every day!" ……"

My English name is Cynpolo, which is my mother's name Cynthia plus my father's name Kappolo. Because I am the crystallization of their love, I was translated into "eating apples" by my classmates somehow.

In the second grade, after a year's struggle, students have become very professional "renaming experts." At that time, except me and several other students, there were no more than two nicknames, and everyone else in our class already had more than two nicknames.

As soon as I entered the classroom that day, all eyes immediately gathered on me. Because I am the only one who doesn't have more than two nicknames, I know exactly what they want. So I sat down in my seat with a smile and thought: Are they going to give me a nickname again? They can't take it out anyway, so let them take it! Just then, a man nicknamed' Pig' suddenly stood up and shouted, "Tell him to eat an apple!"! Its English name is ... "Hearing this, the students clapped hard and cheered again and again, so my second nickname was born.

These are the origins and stories of my various names. I think my name and nickname are cool, don't you?

Name story composition 5 Hi! Hello everyone! My name is Li Xinrui. Do you think my name sounds good? My name is common and has no special meaning. But my name has a little story.

I was born in 1999. Because my mother likes girls, when I was born, my mother felt very satisfied and sweet, so she named me "Tiantian".

When I was in primary school for one year, my mother took me to register and naturally called me Li Tiantian. The teacher also said that the name was very nice, and I was glad to call it out. In this way, Li Tiantian was called away. But when I was in the second grade, several naughty boys in my class always nicknamed me "Xianggan", because they were jealous that I scored higher than them in every exam, so they tried their best to get angry with me. For this reason, I often hide in the corner and cry, complaining in my heart: Why did my mother give me this name? When I came home from school, I tried to change my name. My mother saw that I was sad and agreed. After consulting with my father, I changed my name to Li Xinrui. This name was given to me by my mother when she looked it up in the dictionary. "Letter" consists of three golden characters. My mother wants me to grow up and become a useful person. "Rui" consists of a grass prefix and three hearts. My mother hopes that I will be beautiful when I grow up. Although the name is a little too rough to write, I find it very interesting.

My brother is at school now. My mother named him "",and "Lei" is made up of three stones. I also hope that my brother will study hard and grow into a useful talent. Our brother and sister's names are very nice!

I'm in grade five now, and there is a Li Xinlei in our class. Whenever the teacher asks him questions, I think of my brother, because everyone in the class knows that my brother's name is also Li Xinlei. Every time we enter the classroom, everyone will say with one voice, "Li Xinlei, your sister is here." Made everyone laugh.

My classmates call me "Ruijie" now. I didn't feel well at first, but on the other hand, calling me "Sister Rui" is much better than calling me "stick". Call me! Since my classmates call me sister, I should care more about them and help them like a big sister. When it rained, my classmates forgot to bring their umbrellas, so I lent them mine. When my classmates ran out of ink during the exam, I took out my pen and gave it to them. Now our classmates are particularly United and friendly, and I am used to them calling me that, and I am getting closer and closer. I hope they will always call me "Sister Rui".

Finally, I advise those students who like to give nicknames to others to get rid of this bad habit. Everyone has his own name. Don't insult and make fun of other people's names. It's disrespectful. If someone gives you a nickname, you will be sad, too. Students should help and care for each other ... like a family!

The Story of Name Composition 6 When I was in primary school, there was one thing that I remembered vividly. Freshman, I was walking in the corridor wearing a school card, and two strange classmates came face to face. One of them stole a look at my school card, and then quietly said to the person next to him, "Look, what a strange name-hello Yang Shu!" The man boldly leaned in and took a closer look: "Well, hello Yang Shu, what a strange name." As soon as I heard this, I quickly picked up the school card, pointed to the word "hmm" and said to her, "It's really hmm, not hmm." She still insisted: "It's obviously good!" I fainted on the spot.

From then on, because of the word "Lin", which is easily confused with "good", my nickname comes from this-good book. This nickname continued until I graduated from primary school. However, sometimes when I meet my primary school classmates, I am used to calling me "Shu Hao", a nickname that I once wanted to get rid of, and now it sounds very kind.

After entering junior high school, I thought the nickname "nightmare" was over. However, because the pronunciation of "Yu Shu" and "Bald Donkey" is somewhat similar, junior high school freshmen gave me a more ridiculous nickname-Bald Donkey. What drives me crazy is that this nickname immediately spread like the wind in the class. In an instant, all the students knew this "interesting" nickname and called me "bald donkey" when they met. I feel my head is about to explode, and I want to refute and comfort myself with a smile. It's just a nickname ... but, because of a name, I got so many nicknames that I can't laugh or cry. I was really helpless.

Apart from nicknames, the word "Lin" is not very common in life, so I have had some "terrible" past. Every time I take a computer class and practice typing, I need to enter my name. Others started typing early, but I was still immersed in the input method, turning page by page, struggling to find my "Yi". Another time, a friend went to Hunan to play and saw a very interesting booth, where there were many miniature ceramic kittens, each with a common surname and first name. Most people can find their names and string them together, which is very interesting. My friend brought me a string, and I'm sorry to say to me, "I turned over all the names starting with Y and asked the stall owner to help you find it. If I couldn't find it, I strung your nickname." Said, and handed me that a small chain, I said it doesn't matter, but my heart was a little lost.

However, I gradually found that my name is not so bad. Among many names, I often find my own name at a glance, because it is very individual and unique. Reading this name, your heart seems to pass a breeze, refreshing. Some people began to praise my good name, and some even asked what my name meant. Even teacher Yu, who teaches us social studies, remembered me because she saw my name. Once, I always thought this name was a burden to me, but now I like it because I find it different.

I asked my mother what my name meant. My mother said, "Lin is a symbol of beauty and wisdom. Books make you read more and be sensible, and make you a person with a poetic mind."

In fact, the name is the first gift our parents gave us. Everyone's name is our parents' expectation. Although it can't change our life, the story of our life needs it to be written.

The story of seven Chinese characters has a long history; Chinese characters have an old story. Every Chinese character has its own unique meaning, and there are rich symbols and hidden meanings behind every Chinese character.

Lin Yi, what a common name, what a humble name, but in my opinion, it is not ordinary, because it contains special significance and the expectations of the elders.

Let's look at the word "Lin" first. It means "beautiful jade" in the dictionary. To be more complete, "flawless jade" belongs to a kind of mineral, which is precious, precious, shiny, delicate but hard. I think my parents probably expect me to be as pure as jade in the future. I also hope that although I am a weak woman in appearance, I actually have a strong and unyielding heart. Dare to face difficulties when you encounter them.

Jade is white and beautiful. It is also my parents' great expectation to make me a slim girl when I grow up. Who doesn't expect their children to be beautiful? But as parents, there's nothing we can do. It's destiny takes a hand, and there's nothing we can do. I can only let my name replace my wish, just like this hope, I will live in my parents' hearts forever!

Lin has another little-known meaning. That is the simple font of "dazzling array" and "dazzling array", which places a lot of hopes on parents and also contains many wishes of parents!

"Yi" is really a good word. Actually, it's exactly the same "Feel relaxed and happy" and "feel at ease", which is interpreted by the dictionary as "harmony and joy". This is also a beautiful symbolic meaning.

Happiness is an important factor in life. We are influenced by happiness and become happier and more confident; When we are happy, our mood will be more relaxed, our songs will be more cheerful, our smiles will be brighter and our pace will be lighter. It can be said that happiness can change the outlook on life. In other words, a person's life can be changed by his happiness.

That's how parents get their names. Implicit expectations are pinned on words. I hope my life is happy and full of laughter. I hope I can face life with confidence.

What a wise and great way to pin your hopes on names. Every time I see that I have made outstanding achievements in all aspects and even face life with a happy and normal heart, my parents will feel satisfied!

In fact, speaking of my vivid word "Yi", there is an interesting story! My mother said I was difficult to produce. On the day when I was born, just as a family was getting married, my father gave me a word "Yi" with festive meaning. Up to now, I can still imagine my father pretending to tell fortune, touching his beard and snapping his fingers, solemnly pointing at me and saying that I "will be lucky if I survive." I can't help laughing to myself.

The name Lin Yi is very common, but it is not common. Because it incorporates the expectations of my parents, it places my parents' concern on me, and more importantly, it contains my parents' deep affection.

Naming Story Composition 8 Dear teachers and students:

Hello! I am very happy to share my name story with you. My name is Tang Chengrui, and Tang is an impregnable person. Cheng is a "Pengcheng Wan Li" trip, and Switzerland is the "auspicious year". Why did mom and dad give me this name? In fact, I have a little knowledge, so I just take this opportunity to learn the story behind it with you!

Get to know me again

According to my parents, before I was born, they bought some books with names to study. In order to give me a "good" name, my family "thought hard" 10 months, I was born, and they were still "thinking" ... Finally, at lunch one day, my parents chose their favorite name from dozens of names listed by them, and with the consent of grandpa, the highest "commander" in the family, I picked one loudly.

The story of "soup"

I take my father's surname, so my surname is Tang. Tang is an ancient, multi-ethnic and multi-origin surname, ranking ninetieth in today's surname list and belonging to the surname series.

Many famous literati and scholars in history are surnamed Tang, such as Shi Shu, a poet and calligrapher in Qing Dynasty, and Tang Xianzu, a playwright and writer in Ming Dynasty.

The story of "Rui"

Say the word "Rui" in my name first. My mother said that the word "Rui" was first added to my name, which mainly has two meanings:

First, because I am a tiger, and the word "Rui" has the word "Wang" on the left and the prefix "Mountain" on the right, which means a little tiger growing up happily in the mountains.

Second, because in the Chinese dictionary, the main explanation of "Rui" is:

1, jade used as a symbol in ancient times;

2. Auspicious. The ancients believed that some phenomena in nature were auspicious signs;

3, refers to auspicious things;

4. Make it auspicious. My parents hope that I can live a safe, happy and auspicious life. This is a good sign!

I know that the word "Rui" is composed of Feifei and Ruiqi ... What else do the students know?

The story of "success"

The last thing added to my name was the word "Cheng". Dad said this word also has two meanings:

First, because my mother's surname is "Chen" and I am the result of the love between my father and my mother, I take the homonym "Cheng" of my mother's surname, with "Tang" for my father and "Cheng" for my mother.

Second, because of the implication of "Pengcheng Wan Li", my parents hope that I can have a bright future through my own efforts.

Having said that, I am a little excited ... Through the sharing of my name story, I deeply realized that my family's care and love for me are "everywhere", and I thank my parents for giving me an education lesson on "love". Thanks to the teachers and students for listening carefully!

Although I can't think of a bright future so far away, I know that from now on, I will do everything carefully, learn knowledge and master skills, and strive to be an excellent Lily squadron member!

There are countless names in the world, some are funny, some are weird, some are difficult to read and some are difficult to write. My name is Zheng Leran, my nickname is Xiaoshuo, my English name is Lily and my nickname is Guagua. People like to call me frog. I often give myself new names, such as jiaozi, Zongzi and Baozi. These are all related to my breakfast.

Do you know why my name is Zheng Leran? Let me tell you, it's a story: my father's surname is Zheng, so my surname is Zheng. When I was born, I was said to be a girl with a weak voice because of the lack of fire in the five elements. My family gave me a name, but when I looked it up in Xinhua dictionary, there were many boys' names, such as Jie, Dao and Yan, which didn't fit my temperament. It happened that my mother saw the ancient poems carved by nature, but they were also fire characters. I hope I can grow up healthily and happily. But the weather is not what people want. I got sick easily when I was a child. Go to the hospital to see a fever, a doctor, an injection and medicine. It was too small at first, and the blood vessels were too thin. The needle is stuck in the head, then in the foot, and then in the hand. A little cold always knocks me down. Later, people said that the name was not a name with words, it was too atmospheric. So my mother, based on the idea that she would rather believe it or not, thought twice about whether to change my name when registering an account. Dad said: Just call Zheng Yueran, so the month will be much smaller than the sky. Mom said: this is not good, it is still too big. It can't be called Zheng Yueran, but it can be called Zheng Leran. Because music is a polyphonic word, many people will call me Zheng Yueran. Actually, my mother named me Zheng Leran because she thought I was happy. Le: It is the joy of happiness. Ran: Right.

From now on, my name is Zheng Leran, and people who don't understand will call me Zheng Yueran. Sounds like calling me the real moon, the whole moon. I don't want to be the moon. I like being happy.

My English name is Lily, which means lily in English. Lily, as soon as the students heard Lily, they called me a piece of candy and asked me to take a bite. Especially boys, pretend to eat me after class. I had to run to the toilet in the shelter. Once a boy followed me and chased me into the toilet. When the students saw it, they all blushed to their ears. The boy ran to the ladies' room. Tell the teacher about it, and no one wants to chase me after that. I live a stable life. I really appreciate my teacher.

Finally, say my nickname. My name is Quack, and everyone calls me Little Frog. I especially like singing loudly. After class, the students like to sing nursery rhymes with me: a frog with a mouth, two eyes and four legs jumped into the water with a splash. ...

Usually, when I am still in class, I will call my careless classmates by their names, so they say that frogs are reborn. There are other students named Guagua in the class, but after class, those naughty students always like to sing frog songs around me instead of looking for other students. Why?

I have many names, which bring me many stories, some are very happy, some are ridiculous and some are very troublesome. I will have more names in the future. On the way of growing up, my name accompanied me, and more and more stories followed.