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Modern landscape philosophy sentences

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The value and significance of life

Exploring the value and meaning of life is a matter for philosophers, but it is a topic closely related to everyone's daily life. However, in people's daily life, this problem has been obscured and its significance has not been fully revealed. As long as people face death, they will sigh with emotion and sigh the importance and significance of life.

The value and significance of life, in the final analysis, is the value and significance of life and death. People live in this world, that is, to live healthily and happily. As long as they live healthily and happily, their lives are meaningful and valuable. If a person's body often has problems and diseases, then his mood will not be happy and his mental state will not be happy. Life is the foundation of all existence, and health and happiness are the premise of all great undertakings. Around us, some people have relatively rich material life, cars and houses, but social groups with poor mental condition, many emotional problems and high divorce rate are not people with relatively low social status, but people with relatively high social status; On the contrary, the family life of those social groups with lower social status is very happy and relatively stable. In people's social life, people are pursuing power, status and money, but they are not fully aware of the value and significance of pursuing these things. The pursuit of these things can satisfy some people's desires, but the satisfaction of desire may not bring a happy life. The pursuit of power and money, in a sense, is to live a happy life. But in the process of pursuit, people have to pay too many sacrifices. Some people pay the most precious things in their lives in pursuit of these things, such as family, friendship and love. Some people even lost their personality, prostrated themselves in this world, and resorted to unscrupulous means for the next world, losing their dignity as human beings. The proper pursuit of power, status and money can show the dignity of being a man and the value and significance of life; But the improper pursuit of these things will distort a person's personality and lose his dignity as a human being. Some people say that officialdom is like a battlefield, so is love and shopping malls. It is conceivable that the competition is fierce and cruel. This kind of competition also increases people's psychological pressure and causes people's psychological diseases. We can find that in some backward areas, the economy is not so rich, but people do not have much mental pressure, and the feelings between people are simple, healthy and happy. People don't understand what a truly happy life is. A truly happy life often hides those external things, and the real meaning cannot be revealed. I think a truly happy life is first of all a healthy body, a happy mood and a free spirit. Other things, such as power, money and status, are subordinate things. If we put these things above health, happiness and spiritual freedom, we will put the cart before the horse and lose the true value and meaning of life.

In the past two years, many things have happened around me, which has greatly shocked me and triggered my thinking about the value and significance of life. It is a philosopher's business to explore the value and significance of life, and it is everyone's business to pay attention to the value and significance of one's own life. A sick person knows that a healthy sex life is the most important thing; A dying man knows the meaning and value of life. But at this point, it is too late. A good thing, when it is there, doesn't seem so precious. Once it is about to be lost, or has been lost, it shows its precious value and significance. Life is also meaningful. The same is true of human life. When a person's health is threatened and life is about to stop, he will feel the value of life. But it's already too late. One of my high school classmates has three children. The eldest son has graduated from college to work, and the second son has gone to high school. He has contracted projects in Xi 'an and has had a good life in recent years. However, last summer, on his way home by motorcycle, he ran into a highway guardrail, and he lost his life and passed away. His wife cried very sadly. Half a year later, she still has a runny nose and tears when she meets people. One of my nephews contracted a minibus in Xi 'an and bought a taxi himself, earning hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, which made us professors in universities feel ashamed. But he died of a heart attack before the Spring Festival, and his 37-year-old life ended like this, leaving a young wife and two teenage children. His parents don't even want to eat for the Spring Festival this year. They cry all day. People's lives are so fragile that they leave inadvertently, leaving people thinking about the value and significance of life. I don't want to profoundly demonstrate the value and significance of life from a philosophical point of view. I just want to pay attention to the value and significance of life from the perspective of daily society, so that people can pay attention to the value and significance of their own lives, so as to live a healthy and happy life. If a person is healthy, happy and free in spirit, then everything is possible; If a person is constantly troubled physically, unhappy emotionally and not free spiritually, he is unhappy even if he owns the whole world. Around us, some people who have experienced death often tell us that a person who has experienced death only knows that life is precious and nothing else is important. People who have experienced death regard human disputes as clouds and smoke. This shows how important and precious the value and meaning of life are to a person.


A man with both wisdom and courage.

A wise man without strength is a wise man at most, not a strong man; People who have power but are not smart are fools. The combination of wisdom and strength will make a person a person with both wisdom and courage, a real person. A person should be smart and powerful. Intelligence refers to people's wisdom, and strength refers to people's will. The combination of intelligence and strength is the combination of wisdom and will. Wisdom and will are two different aspects of a person's spiritual quality, which are indispensable and constitute a complete mental state.

In a sense, philosophy can be said to be a philosophy of life, not a world outlook and methodology. This is beyond people's comprehension. Only as a philosophy of life can philosophy be accepted by people and play a direct guiding role in people's lives. As a philosophy of world outlook and methodology, this is a speculative philosophy, which has no direct guiding role in people's lives. There is no doubt that this philosophy will decline. Philosophy far from people's lives will not attract people's attention. It's just a philosopher's guess. This philosophy is like a paradise. Although it is beautiful and good, no one can go to it. On the contrary, the philosophy related to human life is the philosophy of life, which is about the wisdom of life. Compared with traditional philosophy, modern philosophy is fundamentally different. Traditional philosophy is a speculative philosophy far from human life, a philosophy about the existence of the world, and a metaphysics. Modern philosophy is a philosophy of life wisdom, which pays attention to people's real life.

If philosophy is defined as the wisdom of life, then the most important thing in life is the relationship between reason and will, that is, to be a person with both wisdom and courage. Schopenhauer cited an example when explaining the relationship between reason and will. Reason is lame with bright eyes, and intuition is blind with intense heat. The combination of reason and intuition is perfect. Reason needs intuition to give strength, and intuition needs reason to guide the direction. The relationship between reason and will is like the relationship between the lame and the blind. It is not enough to have a clever brain. Wise people often think too much and do too little because they lack the support of will. People with strong willpower often think less, do more, and lack consideration when things happen. Therefore, only people with reason and strong will can be intelligent and brave, and can achieve great things. Smart people will not achieve great things because of lack of strength, and people with strong willpower will not achieve great things because of lack of rational guidance. In a sense, the power of will is far greater than reason, and its role in life is the most important.


Chess is like life and chess is like society.

Although playing chess is a game, people play it for fun. Games are for fun, fun, excitement and heartbreak. If you are unhappy, you lose the meaning of the game. In fact, there are not only joys but also sorrows in the game. Joy and sadness in the game are actually joy and sadness in life. The difference is that happiness and sadness in life are real and inevitable, which bring people beauty and pain. Beauty is the joy and happiness of the mood, and pain is trouble and anxiety. The joys and sorrows in the game are all virtual, which brings people pleasure and excitement instead of pain. If a player loses, his life may not be unsuccessful or unhappy. People who can't play games, his life is not unfortunate, nor is it satisfactory. If a person calmly faces the misfortune and pain of life, his life is detached and his mind is peaceful, which is happiness. Don't worry about whether you have gained or lost in your life journey. This is the realm of life. Just like losing a game of chess, you get joy and happiness instead of irritability and anxiety. Think of life as a game, and your life will be very happy; Take the game as life, then your life will not seem too tired, but live very easily.

Chess is like life. People who play chess have different personalities, emotions and psychology, and their thinking is also different. Impatient people, eager for success, miss too many chess, one careless move, lose the whole game, often lose more and win less; And people with a calm personality, thoughtful, can often take the challenge calmly and win, so the chances of winning are much greater. Character determines fate, and it also determines the outcome of the game. People can find their own personality deficiencies in the game, and they can improve themselves. Playing chess sometimes lies not in skill, but in a person's attitude towards life, in a person's psychology and personality. Chess is like life, just like your own character and destiny.

We used to have a saying called "a national chess game". This sentence shows that the society is like a chess game, and the workers, peasants, soldiers, business students and soldiers are like officers of chariots, horses, guns and guns, each doing his own job and maintaining the stability and development of the whole society. In a game of chess, horses, cars, guns and officials fight with each other, all around the center of "veteran" and play their own unique functions. Horses, horses, guns and soldiers are used for attack, and officials are used for defense, so they walk in different ways. Horses walk with the word "day" and walk with the word "field", just like different industries have different typos. Society is like a chess game, and a chess game is a small society. We can't help thinking about such a problem. Who is the "veteran" in the social "chess game", the head of state or the stability and development of the whole society? Obviously it is the former rather than the latter. If so, China's chess operation rules and philosophy reflect the concept of "great unity" of China culture and the highly centralized and hierarchical social system. So who is the chess player? Is the head of state, or the designer of society. In traditional society, the head of state is a "veteran" and a chess player, that is, the designer of society, and the two are integrated; In modern society, the two are obviously liberalized. The head of state is a "veteran", but he is not a designer of social systems and systems, nor a chess player. The designers of social systems and institutions are think tanks such as politicians.

The "chess" of society can cause us to think a lot. How this chess game works reflects different cultural traditions and philosophical thoughts. Talking about the difference between deepening and modern society, the key lies in the different modes of operation, showing different understanding of people and society. This difference is reflected in whether people are regarded as the foundation of society or the tool of society, and in the strong seal attitude towards adults. Of course, China's feudal society also emphasized "people-oriented", but this was only to maintain the "fundamental" in feudal rule, that is, taking the people as the object and tool of rule, rather than taking whites as the foundation and foundation of society. Now we also emphasize "people-oriented", that is, taking "people" (mainly people) as the foundation of social existence and development, as the purpose of social management and social service, and as the fundamental purpose of party and country construction.


Ten classic life philosophy stories

Keywords: story

1. Once upon a time, two hungry people got a gift from an elder: a fishing rod and a basket of huge fresh fish. One of them asked for a basket of fish and the other asked for a fishing rod, so they parted ways. The person who got the fish built a bonfire with dry wood and cooked the fish on the spot. He wolfed down the fish and didn't taste the meat of the fresh fish. In a flash, he ate all the fish and soup. Soon, he starved to death by the empty fish basket. The other man continued to starve with a fishing rod, and walked hard to the seaside step by step, but when he saw the blue ocean not far away, his last strength was exhausted and he could only die with endless regrets. Two hungry people also got a fishing rod and a basket of fish from their elders. It's just that they didn't part ways, but agreed to look for the sea together. They only cook one fish at a time. After a long journey, they came to the seaside. From then on, they began to make a living by fishing. A few years later, they built a house, had their own family, children and a fishing boat made by themselves, and lived a happy and healthy life. A person who only cares about immediate interests will eventually get short-term happiness; One should aim high, but face the real life. Only by organically combining ideal with reality can we become a successful person. Sometimes, a simple truth is enough to give people meaningful life enlightenment.

2. A scholar went to Beijing for the third time to catch the exam and stayed in a shop where he often lived. Two days before the exam, he had three dreams. The first dream is that he grows cabbage on the wall. The second dream is that it is raining. He is wearing a hat and an umbrella. The third dream is that he is lying naked with his beloved cousin, but his back is to his back. These three dreams seem to have some profound meanings, so the scholar hurried to find fortune-telling dreams the next day. Hearing this, the fortune teller patted his thigh continuously and said, "You'd better go home. Think about it, isn't it futile to grow vegetables on high walls? Isn't it unnecessary to wear a hat and an umbrella? Isn't it impossible to lie naked in a bed with my cousin and turn your back on me? " Hearing this, the scholar was disheartened and went back to the store to pack his bags and prepare to go home. The shopkeeper was surprised and asked, "Isn't there an exam tomorrow? How did you go back to your hometown today? " When the scholar said this, the shopkeeper was happy: "Hey, I can interpret dreams, too. I think you must stay this time. Think about it, isn't it high to grow vegetables on the wall? Doesn't wearing a hat and an umbrella mean that you are prepared this time? Lying naked in bed with your cousin doesn't mean you should turn over? " Hearing this, the scholar made more sense, so he took the exam happily and got a flower exploration. Positive people, like the sun, shine wherever they shine, while negative people, like the moon, are different on the fifteenth day of the first month. Ideas determine our lives. What kind of ideas, what kind of future.

In a small village, it rained heavily and the flood began to flood the whole village. A priest prayed in church and saw that the flood had flooded his kneeling knees. A lifeguard came to the church with a sampan and said to the priest, "Father, hurry up!" " ! Otherwise the flood will drown you! "The priest said," no! I am convinced that God will come to save me. You should save others first. "Before long, the flood flooded the priest's chest, and the priest had to reluctantly stand on the altar. At this time, another policeman came by speedboat and said to the priest, "Father, come up quickly, or you will really drown!" " God's father said, "No, I want to keep my church. I believe that God will come to save me. " . You'd better save others first. "After a while, the flood flooded the whole church, so the priest had to hold on to the cross at the top of the church. A straight plane flies slowly. After putting down the rope ladder, the pilot shouted, "Dad, come up quickly. This is the last chance. We don't want to see you drown in the flood! !” The priest still said firmly, "no, I want to keep my church!" "God will save me. You'd better save others first. God will be with me! ! "The flood rolled in, and the stubborn priest was finally drowned ... The priest went to heaven and saw God. He was very angry and asked," Lord, I have devoted my life to serving you with trepidation. Why don't you save me! " God said, "Why can't I save you? The first time, I sent a sampan to save you, and you didn't want it. I thought you were worried about the danger of the sampan. The second time, I sent another speedboat, but you still don't want it; The second time, I treated you as a national guest and sent a helicopter to rescue you, but you still refused to accept it. So, I thought you were anxious to come back to me, and you could stay with me. " In fact, too many obstacles in life are caused by excessive stubbornness and ignorance. When others lend a helping hand, don't forget that only when we are willing to lend a helping hand can others lend a helping hand! ! !

There are two brothers who live on the 80th floor. One day, when they came home from a trip, the power went out in Eureka Tower! Although they are all carrying big bags and small bags, there seems to be no other choice, so my brother said to him, let's climb the stairs! So they began to climb the stairs with two big bags of luggage on their backs. When they climbed to the 20th floor, they began to get tired. My brother said, "The bag is too heavy. How's this? Let's put it here first and take the elevator to get it when the phone comes in. " So, they put their luggage on the 20th floor, which was much easier, and they continued to climb. They climbed up talking and laughing, but it didn't take long. By the 40th floor, they were really tired. Thinking that they were only halfway up, the two began to blame each other, accusing each other of not paying attention to the notice of power failure in the building, which would end up like this. They climbed and climbed, so they climbed all the way to the 60th floor. By the 60th floor, they were too tired to quarrel. The younger brother said to his brother, "Let's stop arguing and finish climbing it." So they continued to climb the stairs silently and finally reached the 80 th floor! The two brothers came to the door excitedly and found that their keys had been left in the bag on the 20th floor ... Some people say that this story actually reflects our life: before the age of 20, we lived under the expectations of our family and teachers and were burdened with a lot of pressure and burden. We are not mature enough and lack of ability, so it is inevitable that our steps will be unstable. After the age of 20, I left everyone's pressure, unloaded my baggage, and began to pursue my dreams with all my strength, thus living happily for 20 years. But at the age of 40, I found that my youth had passed away, which inevitably produced a lot of regrets and regrets. So I began to regret this, regret that, complain about this, hate that ... so I spent 20 years complaining. At the age of 60, I found that my life was running out, so I told myself to stop complaining and cherish the rest of my life! So I walked silently through the rest of my life. At the end of my life, I remember that I seem to have unfinished business ... It turns out that all our dreams have remained in our 20-year-old youth and have not been completed yet. ...

A man caught a baby eagle in Ying Chao at the top of the mountain. He took the baby eagle home and put it in the henhouse. Eagles and chickens peck, play and rest together. It thinks it is a chicken. The eagle has grown up with full wings. The owner wants to train it into a falcon, but because it is mixed with chickens all day, it has become exactly like a chicken and has no desire to fly at all. The host tried all kinds of methods, all to no avail. Finally, he took it to the top of the mountain and threw it out. The eagle fell like a stone and flapped its wings desperately in panic. In this way, it finally flew! Secret: hone the power to summon success

6. I have two brothers, only four or five years old. Because the bedroom window is closed all day, they think it is too dark inside, and they feel envious when they see the bright sunshine outside. The two brothers discussed and said, "We can go outside and sweep some sunshine together." So, the two brothers took brooms and dustpans and went to the balcony to sweep the sun. When they moved the dustpan into the room, there was no sunshine inside. After repeated sweeps, there was still no sunshine in the room. My busy mother in the kitchen saw their strange behavior and asked, "What are you doing?" They replied, "The room is too dark, so we should sweep some sunshine in." Mom smiled: "As long as you open the window, the sun will naturally come in. Why do you have to sweep? " Secret: Open the closed heart door, and the sunshine of success will dispel the darkness of failure.

7. After the rain, a spider struggled to climb the broken net on the wall. Because the wall was wet, it collapsed after climbing to a certain height. It climbed up again and again and fell down again and again ... The first man saw it, sighed and said to himself, "Isn't my life just like this spider?" Busy, no income. "As a result, he gradually sank. The second man saw it, and he said, This spider is really stupid. Why not climb around in a dry place? I can't be as stupid as it in the future. So, he became smart. The third man saw it, and he was immediately moved by the spider's spirit of fighting and losing. So he became strong. Secret: People with a successful attitude can find the power of success everywhere.

8. On the high-speed rail, an old man accidentally dropped the new shoes he just bought from the window, and everyone around him felt deeply sorry. Unexpectedly, the old man immediately threw the second shoe out of the window. This move is even more surprising. The old man explained, "No matter how expensive this shoe is, it's useless to me. If anyone can find a pair of shoes, maybe they can put them on! " "Secret: Winners are good at giving up.

Lao Zi, a great philosopher in ancient China, called his disciples to the bedside one day. He opened his mouth, pointed to his mouth, and then asked his disciples what they saw. None of the sons present could answer. So Lao Tzu said to them: "The teeth are gone, but the tongue is still there", which means that the teeth must be hard but their life span is not long; The tongue must be soft, but more vital.

10. The old monk and the young monk traveled together and met a river on the way; I saw a woman trying to cross the river, but she didn't dare. The old monk took the initiative to carry the woman across the river, then put the woman down and continued on his way with the young monk. The young monk couldn't help asking in a low voice all the way: What happened to Master? How dare you cross the river with a woman on your back? After walking all the way and thinking all the way, I finally couldn't help but say, master, are you breaking the rules? Why are you taking a woman? The old monk sighed: I have put it down, but you still can't put it down! Revelation: Honest people are magnanimous, while villains are often sad. Open-minded, open-minded, affordable and open-minded can always maintain a healthy attitude.