Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What does a man's palm print mean? A man with deep and clear emotional lines has high emotional intelligence?

What does a man's palm print mean? A man with deep and clear emotional lines has high emotional intelligence?

Hands are very important to us. They are not only tools for our work. At the same time, you can also observe what everyone's innate fortune looks like by reading their palms. Everyone's palm prints are different, some are deep and some are shallow, so what do you say about the depth of palm prints?

Men's palm prints are deep and clear, okay? Palmprint refers to the lines on his palm. Palmprint lines are composed of thick lines and thin lines. Lines are born in the mother's body and are not easy to change, while fine lines are mostly formed the day after tomorrow. According to palm reading, most people with deep palm prints are stable, capable and enterprising, and all aspects of life will be smoother, and they will have a good palm in their later years.

A man's lifeline is deep and clear. Men with deep and clear lifelines are mostly broad-minded and adaptable. They have a good mentality, have a strong physique since childhood, and naturally have a strong ability to resist diseases. Is a short lifeline in the palm a short life? Don't be cheated again, not necessarily!

Men with deep knowledge in wisdom line Generally speaking, most men with deep knowledge in wisdom line are very smart. As long as they set their own goals, they are usually more determined and more desperate to complete the task.

Men's emotional lines are deep and clear. Men with deep and clear emotional lines have high emotional intelligence. They are good at socializing, can talk, know what to say on what occasions, and can maintain their interpersonal relationships well.

A man with a deep and straight fortune is an important symbol of good or bad fortune. If the fortune pattern in his hand is deep and strong, and there are many, it symbolizes money wealth. Most of such men can be rich all their lives, have no worries about food and clothing, and have few economic troubles.

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