Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Why didn't anyone dare to steal Jiang Ziya's tomb for thousands of years?

Why didn't anyone dare to steal Jiang Ziya's tomb for thousands of years?

There have been many grave robbers in history who stole treasures from ancient tombs in exchange for money, but this industry has always been criticized. After all, the grave is very important to a person. Ancient people, especially after the death of the emperor, had many precious treasures in their tombs, which naturally made them easy targets for grave robbers. However, there are some tombs that grave robbers are afraid to enter, and Jiang Ziya Tomb is one of them.

Why don't grave robbers dare to steal Jiang Ziya's tomb? Although Jiang Ziya's tomb has lived for about 3000 years, it has been living alone. Because there is no buried treasure in the tomb, the grave robbers have no interest in this simple tomb. Of course, there is another reason besides thin burial to make his tomb safe.

As we all know, Jiang Ziya is not an ordinary person, and the legends about him are generally immortal. This is the legend. Most people are afraid to steal and dig his tomb for fear of disturbing him, but in the Republic of China, this tomb, which has been safe for thousands of years, was targeted by one person.

Who is this man? You won't believe it. It is not professional grave robbers who have a crush on Jiang Ziya's tomb, but gamblers who will lose every bet. The gambler loses money every time he gambles, and he has bad luck. People call him every day to collect debts. I don't know where he heard that there is a sacred object called "Bronze Whip" in Jiang Ziya's tomb, saying that it can bring good luck and improve people's force value, so he hopes to get a good luck from Jiang Ziya and is not afraid of being taken away by others.

So the gambler got up the courage to enter Jiang Ziya's tomb and got a long object. I don't know if it is a bronze whip. Unfortunately, when he got the treasure and was about to leave, the debt collector came after him, and he was going to catch the gambler. Who knows, the gambler picked up the copper whip in his hand and drew it backhand. As a result, he used too much force and killed someone. Naturally, he also recruited the police and beat the police.

Therefore, things in Jiang Ziya's tomb can't be touched, whether it is a bronze whip or not, it can't bring good luck to people. What grave robbers dare not touch, gamblers will eventually send themselves to prison and ruin the rest of their lives. However, if you think gamblers have a stable life in prison, you can use a bronze whip as a mascot.