Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Lianshui celebrities write compositions.

Lianshui celebrities write compositions.

1. Write the composition of Lianshui celebrity Lianyungang celebrity. There are many celebrities in Lianyungang, my hometown, and Xu Fu is my most admired and favorite.

Xu Fu, namely Xu Shi, was born in Langya (now Ganyu, Jiangsu) and was a famous alchemist in the Qin Dynasty. He is knowledgeable, familiar with medicine, astronomy, navigation and other knowledge, and sympathetic to the people and ready to help others, so he enjoys a high reputation among the people in coastal areas.

In the 28th year of the first emperor (2 19 BC), Qin Shihuang traveled eastward for the first time and climbed Mount Tai to praise Germany. Then go through Huangxian County and Yuechui County, climb the mountain, climb Zhifu Mountain (now Yantai), and go south to Langyatai for 3 months.

During this period, Qin Shihuang saw a mirage in Haizhou Bay, thinking that it was made by a fairy, so he sent Xu Fu to lead boys and girls to the sea in a building boat to seek the elixir of life. Chui fook went to sea for several years, seeking medicine.

Nine years later (2 10 years ago), Qin Shihuang traveled eastward again and found Xu Fu. Xu Fu was afraid that Qin Shihuang would blame him, pretending that the mackerel in the sea was very powerful, and it was difficult for ships to get medicine near Xianshan. They must send excellent shooters to shoot mackerel before they can go ashore to get medicine. Emperor Taishi once again sent Xu Fu with boys and girls, as well as more than 500 skilled craftsmen, warriors and shooters, with food seeds, food, utensils and fresh water. Go to Xianshan to seek medicine in the sea.

Xu Fudong didn't get the "elixir of life", but discovered the "Guangze Plain" (Kyushu, Japan) after landing in Kumanopu. I haven't found the elixir yet, but I'm afraid of being killed when I go back, so I'll stay here and never come back.

Xu Fu and others spread farming knowledge and fishing, forging, salt making and other technologies to Japanese aborigines in Jiuzhou Island and other places, and also taught the Japanese people advanced Qin culture such as medical technology, which promoted social development and was deeply respected by the Japanese people. Japan respects Xu Fu as "the god of agriculture" and "the god of medicine".

There are traces of Xu Fu's activities in Wakayama, Saga, Hiroshima, Aichi, Akita and Mount Fuji. Saga, Shinomiya and other shrines regard Xu Fufeng as a deity, and hold huge sacrificial activities every year.

In order to carry forward the spirit of blessing, China and Japan established the National Blessing Association, and Lianyungang, Longkou, Jiaonan, Cangzhou, Suzhou, Cixi, Shinomiya, Saga, Osaka, Fuji Yoshida, Kagoshima, Tokyo and other places also established the Blessing Association. In recent years, works and literary works about Xu Fu have been published, and plays about Xu Fu have been put on the stage.

My favorite hometown celebrity is Xu Fu. What about you? .

Dear tourists and friends, welcome to our beautiful and rich Lianshui, where there are national second-class protected animals, egrets.

There are delicious hooves, tender egg cakes and mellow Daqu ... We also have a treasure trove of geomantic omen in Lianshui, a fairyland on earth, which is a pearl in downtown Lianshui-Wudao Park. Wudao Park has four distinct seasons.

The five parks in spring are full of flowers, and there is a beautiful scenery in front of us. In summer, Wudao Park is shaded by trees, and the level is like a mirror. Looking at the delicate and charming lotus flower, I can't help but think of an ancient poem: "The next day, the lotus leaf is infinite, and the lotus flower reflects differently in the sun."

The scenery in autumn and winter is even more spectacular. In autumn, fallen leaves fall like butterflies and scattered flowers like fairies. In winter, those leaves gather at the roots of big trees, and I think of another poem: "Falling red is not heartless, but turning into spring mud protects flowers better."

With the heavy snow, Wudao Park has become a world wrapped in silver. Everything is so ordinary and beautiful.

In fact, Lianshui still has a lot of delicious and interesting things waiting for you! I hope you can come and wish you a pleasant journey.

3. Lianshui's heroic deeds composition revolution can not only rely on courage and enthusiasm, but also have a political mind and lofty ideals. Politics is a weapon, which can not only make us progress, but also have the power to attack the enemy. Every commander and soldier of our anti-Japanese alliance should be a political propagandist. "In my hometown, there is a famous war hero. He is the martyr Wei of the Northeast Army. He is both civil and military, able to recruit good fighters and command well.

He actively developed local party organizations and made great contributions to the creation of revolutionary base areas. Under his organization, local party organizations in Fusong, Changbai and other counties were quickly established, which effectively dealt a blow to Japanese puppet rule ... After Wei was ill for half a year, his ruthless illness forced him to leave the army and recuperate in a secret camp in Huadian County. 194 1 On March 8th, 100, more than one enemy suddenly surrounded the secret anti-union camp in Sidaogou, Huadian County. Wei, who was seriously ill, led seven anti-United fighters to fight back, and all of them died because they were outnumbered.

Today, 68 years after Wei's sacrifice, people recall his struggle experience of expelling Japanese invaders from Northeast China, which is magnificent. Wei Martyrs are now buried in the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery in Beishan Park, Jilin City. His fearless spirit of independence for the Chinese nation deserves our eternal inheritance.

Before the founding of New China, many heroes who fought for the motherland emerged. Dong Cunrui is one of them.

1On May 25th, 948, our army attacked Longhua City. Dong Cunrui served as the leader of the blasting group, led his comrades to dock and blow up four turrets and five bunkers, and successfully completed the specified tasks. The company immediately launched a charge and was suddenly stopped by the fierce vitality of an enemy bridge bunker. The troops were blocked in the open area, and two bunkers were successfully blasted. Dong Cunrui resolutely picked up the charge and rushed to the bunker. He injured his left leg while moving forward and stubbornly insisted on rushing off the bridge. Because explosives could not be placed on the two abutments, in a critical moment, he lifted the explosives with his left hand and lit the fuse with his right hand, and the bunker was blown up. With his life of only 19 years old, Dong Cunrui has opened up a way forward for the troops.

The founding of New China is precisely because there are so many selfless people like Dong Cunrui, and their spirit of self-sacrifice will be remembered by future generations.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the life of ordinary people in China was very hard, which was unimaginable for our primary school students. At that time, the landlord was a mountain on the heads of ordinary people. At that time, China was the punching bag of imperialism, and he was a real doormat. But now China has changed, completely changed. From 1978 to now, it has been more than 30 years since the reform and opening up, and China has completed the journey that foreign countries will complete in 100. China has become prosperous and full of vitality. Tall buildings rise from the ground, overpasses crisscross, cars fly on land, ships shuttle on the sea, and planes soar in the blue sky. Without those war heroes, it can be said that there would be no prosperity and strength of the motherland today!

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of our motherland, let me shout from my heart: I love you-China!

Positive energy is like a cup of hot tea, which can bring incomparable warmth to people.

Positive energy is also a good attitude, a positive attitude. In daily life, people who transmit positive energy abound.

This is a true story that happened around us: an old man who made a living by picking up beverage bottles and waste paper boxes found a bag in the Grand View Garden of Confucius Temple one day. He opened it and found all kinds of certificates and 1900 yuan cash. The old man thought, which tourist should have lost it? He must be anxious.

So the old man waited for a long time with his bag, but no one came to find it. He went to the police station and gave it to the police. It is understood that the daily income of the elderly is only 10 yuan. Faced with so much money, the old man has withstood the test and has no heart. Instead, I thought of returning the bag to the owner at the first time.

When the owner received a phone call to claim it, he was even more moved to see an old scavenger return his money and articles, and took out cash to express his gratitude, but the old man refused. When the police officer asked him why he didn't take the money, the old man who couldn't find the money smiled: "You didn't earn the money yourself. How can you take it?" After listening to the old man's words, everyone present was moved by the old man.

Because the old man not only returned 1900 yuan, but also delivered his own positive energy for the civilized ancient city of Nanjing.

5. Strive to be a good person, 400 words. You and I are both Lianshui people, and it is this hot land of Lianshui that feeds us;

You and I are both Lianshui people. For millions of people, we are just a speck of dust.

Maybe we are all small, maybe we are insignificant, but we have our own value, which can make Lianshui wonderful because of us!

If you are an official, no matter where you are, you can be honest and clean, care about your hometown, do practical things and do good deeds for the people! Just like Secretary Li Yuanchao, he is always concerned about the development of his hometown and has come back for inspection and guidance many times. How much effort and sweat he paid for the construction of the airport and railway station in Lianshui! He is a well-deserved ripple water person! If you can be like him, then your value is no longer just a grain of dust, and Lianshui will be wonderful because of your existence!

If you are a businessman, you can do your best to make selfless contributions to the construction and development of Lianshui in your hometown. Just like Grandpa Zheng, he donated hundreds of millions of yuan to run Liang Zheng Beauty School, adding a wonderful flower to Lianshui's education! He is a well-deserved ripple water person! If you can be like him, then your value is no longer just a grain of dust, and Lianshui will be wonderful because of your existence!

If you are a writer, you can show the image of Lianshui with the pen in your hand and hold high the flag of Lianshui. Just like Mr. Alei, in his own words, he embodies the quality of a Lianshui person and the quality of a Lianshui person. He is a well-deserved ripple water person! If you are like him, then your value is no longer a grain of dust, and Lianshui will be wonderful because of your existence!

If you are an educator, you can impart your knowledge with chalk in your hand and cultivate a group of talents for the country. Just like Professor Ma Shaomeng, he not only trains college students for the country, but also always cares about the education in his hometown. He is a well-deserved ripple water person! If you are like him, then your value is no longer a grain of dust, and Lianshui will be wonderful because of your existence!

If you're just a cleaner. Don't think your work is humble. Only in the water can there be clean streets. With you in Lianshui, there is a neat city appearance! Just like Wu, a road beautician, saves a model worker. He is a well-deserved Lianshui person! If you are like him, then your value is no longer a grain of dust, and Lianshui will be wonderful because of your existence!

If you are a student, you can make Lianshui proud with your own achievements and be proud of you! Just like our senior sister Zhong Wan, she entered the Tsinghua campus with excellent results. She is a well-deserved ripple water person! If you are like her, then your value is no longer a speck of dust, and Lianshui will be wonderful because of your existence!

Be yourself, be an excellent self, and strive for it, so that you can shine like dust! Let the dusty life be meaningful!

Come on! People in the water; Work hard! People in the water; Be confident! Lianshui people, because of you, me and all Lianshui people, there will be a future of Lianshui, a hope of Lianshui, and Lianshui will be more exciting! ! !

6. Who are the celebrities in Lianshui? Bao Zhao (4 14-466), whose real name is Mingyuan, was born in Donghai County (now Lianshui County) in the Southern Dynasties.

Born in poverty, he used to be engaged in farming and called himself a "farmer". He has a literary talent since childhood. He was appreciated for presenting poems to Liu Yiqing, king of Linchuan, and was promoted to prime minister.

Later, I worked as a Moling Order and a Yongjia Order. Bao Zhao is a poet, especially good at Yuefu, and one of the "three outstanding men in Yuanjia".

His poems are unique, passionate and simple in language, but he also pays attention to diction and sentence formation, and his syllables are cadenced, forming his own artistic style. Eighteen poems "Difficult to Walk" are representative works of his poems.

Shen Deqian praised his poems as "unprecedented, too white and often effective" in The Source of Ancient Poems. Du Fu once wrote the poem Jun Yi Bao Joined the Army, which showed his admiration for Bao Zhao's poems.

Especially the Seven-character Song Line, after Bao Zhao's innovation and artistic practice, developed to a mature stage, which had a great influence on the growing prosperity of the Seven-character Poetry. His prose and poems, such as Wu Cheng Fu, Deng An and Shu Jie, are all famous.

Bao Ji has been handed down from generation to generation in ten volumes. Shi Shoutang was born in Andong County (now Lianshui County) in Qing Dynasty.

In the 29th year of Daoguang (1849), he was named Huaibei Xiaolian. Honest and frank, honest and clean, peaceful, and always entertaining himself behind closed doors.

Shi qi's family doctor. When Shi Shoutang was a child, his parents began to take the necessary common sense of doctors as one of the teaching contents.

He's "Confucianism in the morning, medical treatment at night, decades of cold and summer like a day", although winning the election, has not been abolished. Therefore, "both talents and academics are high."

He felt that at that time, the medical community "said what it was, but didn't know why" and "didn't know what it was, but only pursued it to the end", and wrote the book "The Origin of Medicine", hoping to "explore the origin of disease, medicine and the origin of origin". The twenty theories of the original doctor are divided into two volumes.

The first volume discusses the physiology and pathology of the disease and the four diagnoses, and the second volume discusses the internal injury and dryness and dampness respectively. The book will be consistent with "the mysterious purpose of Qi Bo, the secret thought of Zhong Jing, and the wonderful use of China, France and the West". Its extensive allusions, simple explanations and unique opinions have not been made by the ancients and have great influence on later medicine.

Lu Yitong (1805- 1863) was born in (now Huai 'an City) and lived in Anton (now Lianshui County), and moved to Qinghe (now Huaiyin City) as an adult. His father, Lu Changtai, was born in Tieshan County and is famous for his calligraphy and painting.

He is good at drawing black, especially chicken, which is called "Lu chicken" in the world. Learn from each other at the same time. At the age of six, he is familiar with ancient sounds and can write poems.

Return to work, good at painting. Zhang Jiliang in Jianning is famous for his Daoguang poems, and he is called "Xiao Taibai". After reading an ancient song, he felt inferior.

Li Ciming, a supercilious generation in the late Qing Dynasty, praised: "Futong's poems are magnificent, magnificent, go forward and remain immortal, which is enough for the history of poetry." Qian Zhonglian, a famous scholar, also praised patriotic poems such as Sangong Pian, Feeling and Re-feeling during the Opium War, which were "vigorous and desolate" and "the heir of Ling Du". "In the Daoguang era, he was an outstanding poet in Jiangsu".

He is the author of more than 65,438+00 kinds of paintings such as Fu Tong Lei Draft, Fu Tong Shi Cun, Bai Dangshan People's Chronicle, Pizhou Chronicle, Qinghe County Chronicle, Chicken and Mei. Loudaozhe (960- 1022) is a very famous man, who is firm and claims to be genuine.

Song Yuannian (960) was born in Dinghukou, Lianshui. When he was young, he fished with his father and brother, and was sent to Chengtian Temple in the west of the city as a monk and doctor.

In May of the third year of Xiangfu (10 10), the Crown Prince was born and cried day and night. He ordered people in the world who could stop crying to enter the palace for treatment. The Taoist priest should cure the prince from crying at night, and Zhenzong was overjoyed and named him "the master of evidence" and the abbot of Chengtian Temple. In the first year of Ganxing (1022), villagers buried their clothes on the red bank of Huaihe River, named it "Wofo Gang", and built a small tower in the temple to hide the relics under it. In the eighth year of Tiansheng (1030), Emperor Injong named it "Miao Tong" and changed Chengtian Temple to "Nengrenjue Temple".

Mi Fei Zhangzi, a native of Xiangyang, was a famous painter and calligrapher in Song Dynasty. During Shao Sheng's reign, he knew Lianshui Army.

Bo Gu is studious, works in poetry and prose, especially in calligraphy, and is unique. Love stones, and worship them when they meet strange stones. This is the so-called "Mi Dian".

Stay in Lian for two years, with many benefits, full official position and prestige. And wash the ink pen in the pool to show innocence. Later, people called this pool "Migong Washing Mo Chi" and built a "Migong Pavilion" in Chi Pan to commemorate it.

Xiao An, a native of Anton County, was born at the age of 20. He served as an Oracle in Huzhou, Hongxian, Guangdezhou, Yongzhou and other places, and served as an official in Jinjishan, then resigned and went home. He was 72 years old. He is the author of "Filial piety, good deeds, saving drowning, saving burning, explaining instructions, observing your father's merits, three precepts hypothesis, distinguishing between nature and nature, attacking what you say, distinguishing from Tai Chi, inventing by directors, and teaching with bright ethics".

On Monday, the word Weixian was born in Dong County, Ming 'an. At first, I learned from Taoist priests to exorcise evil spirits and beg for rain in Shandong, and later I learned the correct method from Taoist priests.

Zhang Zhenren took him to Beijing, where he was admitted as a praise role. He died at the age of 70 and was buried in the north of Anton City. His grave still exists.

There are many myths and legends about him in the county. Que Sun was born in Anton County of Qing Dynasty. He is rarely labeled as a "child prodigy" and was born in the county seat.

He read widely and studied the practical knowledge assiduously, which was highly praised by teachers and scholars. Usually generous and willing to do things for the people.

I once chose State Sima and stayed in the capital for ten years. If I were in the wild, I would be indifferent to fame and fortune. When he returned in his later years, Jin Fu, the river chief, asked him to build the Maoliangkou sluice and the middle embankment. He undertook all the projects and asked him to be an official, but he refused.

Chen Shutong (1909- 1969) is from Chendazhuang, Dadong Town, Lianshui County. In the autumn of the Republic of China 17 (1928), he entered Lianshui junior high school, was introduced by his classmate Wu Changlai, and joined China * * * as a member of Liancheng District Working Committee.

After Chen Shutong returned to Lianshui, he served as a member of Ji Cheng District Committee and participated in leading the "August 1st" riots in Lianshui and the riots in Daji. After the failure of the riot, he was transferred to Huai' an District Party Committee Secretary.

In the 20th year of the Republic of China (193 1), he was transferred to the post of secretary of Huaiyin County Committee of the Communist Youth League. In autumn, he was transferred to * * * Lianshui West District Party Committee Secretary, County Party Committee Inspector and Northeast District Party Committee Secretary, and in summer, he was transferred to * * * Fuyang County Party Committee Secretary.

In the spring of 23 years, it was transferred to Lianzhun border. Because of the bad situation, he took the identity of the chef of Xiangshui Yantan Primary School as a cover. In August of the 29th year of the Republic of China, the Eighth Route Army came to Lianyuan, and the Eighth Regiment became the main force, serving as Chen Ren's operational staff.

3 1 year, 1 year, the Republic of China was transferred to the militia leader of Lianshui County and soon became independent.

7. Who are the celebrities in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province in modern times? Xia and Shang Dynasties: Taking Xuzhou as an example, a corner of the country known as the "humanized side" was razed to the ground.

? In the Western Zhou Dynasty, it was razed to the ground in Qingzhou (some people say Yanzhou). ? Spring and Autumn Period: After the first case, Luchu was called the jar country.

? Qin said that Donghai County in Jiangsu Province governs Yixian, Tancheng, Lanling, Xiangfanzhong, Zengbi, Huaiyin, Xuyi, Dongyang, Tangyi, Guangling, Ling 12 counties. ? Donghai County in the Western Han Dynasty was called Xuzhou Secretariat Department.

Lanling Township in Tancheng County is a very good city under its jurisdiction, including Pixian County, Quping County, Qixian County, Kaiyang County, Linyi County, Lishi County, Haixi County, Huanan City, Mianxian County, Mianxian County, Houqiu County, Hexiang County and Dongan County. Our company is located in Yang County and Quyang County, Henan Province. In the past, Wuyang, Jianling and Zhang thought that they were all flat, with 38 counties of township and Pingqu built in. ? At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Donghai County, Xiaxuzhou Secretariat Department.

Under its jurisdiction, Tancheng Lanling, Qi, Li, Zhu Qi, Zheng Houqiu, Hexiang, Changwei Ganyu County, IA 13 County. ? During the Three Kingdoms period, it was called the East China Sea.

Jurisdiction, Tancheng, Lanling, Qi, Cheng, Zhu Qi and Houqiucha. Well, Lishi is a city with 1 1 counties. ? Donghai County was a part of Xuzhou in the Western Jin Dynasty.

Jurisdiction over Geng County, Tancheng Lanling, Qi, Li, Zhu Qi and Zheng Houqiu. Well, Hexiang and Ganyu are 12 counties. ? The Eastern Jin Dynasty said that Donghai County belonged to Houzhao, Yan Qian, Southern Yan and the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Jurisdiction over yi county, Tancheng, Lishi and Xiangfan seven counties, rammed and built in good order, with thick hills and dry silt. ? Donghai County governed Qixian, Dongguan, Langya, Xihai, Donghai and Beihai in the early Southern Dynasties, and Qingzhou and Jizhou (overseas group) in the late Southern Dynasties, as above.

? In the Southern Dynasties, Liang said: (1) Dongguan County governs Langya County and Qiu, Dongguan City in the south, (2) Donghai County in the north, which governs the five counties of Dahuihui, Pi, Houqiu and Cook City, and (3) Beihai County governs Duchang, Guangrao County, Ganyu County, Jiaodong Opera and Cook City.

? The Northern Dynasties and the Eastern Wei Dynasty were called Langya County (also known as Haizhou County). (1) Dongpengcheng County governs Longju, Anton and Bohai Rim counties.

(b) Donghai County, Ganyu County, Four Counties (Guangrao, Xiami), Haixi County, Benxiang County, Haixi County, Linhai County (D) and Shuyang County, which are subordinate to Linzhapi, and the pregnant word is the weapon of four counties; (5) Langya County governs Ququ, Hai 'an and Shanning counties. (f) Wuling County governs Xi 'an and Bathing Safety County. ? Beiqi and Beizhou said, Haizhou.

(1) Donghai County governs Guangrao and is located between the two counties in Donghai. : Qushan County (2), (3) Wuling County governs Quxian County, and it governs Xianxin County and Luoan County; (4) Administering Shuyang County; (5) Hai 'an County governs its own county.

? Sui was called Haizhou, and later Donghai County. Qushan governs Donghai, Lianshui, Shuyang and Huairen counties.

? Henan Road in Tang Dynasty. Zhou Zong Dihai Gangfu, later known as Haizhou, is also known as Donghai County of China.

Jurisdiction over Yishan, Donghai, Shuyang and Huairen counties in China. ? It belongs to Wu, Nantang and Houzhou, and has four counties under Haizhou, namely Yishan, Donghai, Shuyang and Huairen in China.

? In the first year of Yong Tai Yu in Song and Ming Dynasties (AD 472), guns were independently set up in Yuzhou (Lianyungang East), Li Qingzhou, jizhou city and Lianyungang. Qingzhou has three counties of Lingqiu, Beihai and xixi, Qixian has jurisdiction over Linzi, Huacheng, Hexie, Xi 'an, Suyu, Weishi, Pinglu, Guo Chang, Thailand, Yidu 10, and Beihai has seven counties of Yu Ling, Guangrao, Ganyu, Jiaodong, Drama, Xiami and Shou Ping, and Linxi has jurisdiction over it.

In the same year, Xuzhou * * * moved to Quxian County (now Haizhou District of Lianyungang City) and led Donghai County to administer Xiangbentang, Pihouqiu and Qushi, which is equivalent to Xinpu District of Haizhou District, southwest of Ganyu County, Shuyang, Lianshui County, Guanyun County, Xinyi County, Huaiyin District of Huai 'an City and guannan county. ? In the first year after the Song Dynasty (AD 473), Xu abandoned Yuan Di, Xuzhou moved to Xinchang (Chuzhou), and Huaibei remained unchanged.

? In the first year of Jianyuan (AD 479), Donghai County was transferred to Jizhou and renamed Donghai North County. At the same time, there are no two parts: Qingzhou Xihai County changed to Dongguan Lingling, Qiu and North Dongguan County. Before reunification, Lianyungang, as an autonomous town, had jurisdiction over Xinpu District, Haizhou District, southern Ganyu County, Donghai County, Guanyun County and guannan county. In the same year: duchang county, Mingyu County, Beihai County.

? In the first year of Yongming (AD 483), Qixian County was abandoned. ? Yongming (AD 484) Wuqi, Qixian, Qingzhou, in 2002, * * * proposed Guabu (Liuhe County), which was abolished as Zhanghua County and Qingzhou County in Linzi County, so it was added to Liuhe.

? In the 13th year of Tianjian (5 12 AD), there were many counties, and Qinghai and Hebei were divided into eight counties: Dongpengcheng, Beihai, China Donghai, Toarey Yang, Langya, Beiqiao Banner and Wuling, among which Dongpengcheng had jurisdiction over Longju (Emperor Wu's Collection), Pengcheng (Emperor Wu's Collection) and Qinghe (Emperor Wu's Collection). There are two or more counties along the coast, namely, Toarey Yang Xinxian County governs the unnamed Langya County MSC (attached to Liang Wudi), Zhaoyuan City (set to Liang Wudi) (renamed as County in the former Song Dynasty, Liang Wudi), North Wumingqi County governs the counties, counties and counties, and Wuling County governs Gaomi County, with 12 counties. ? In view of the fact that during the rebellion of Emperor Xiaojing, Dong and Hou Jing in the seventh year (AD 549), Liang had the opportunity to go to the Jiangbei area that needed to be considered, and the Eastern Wei Dynasty occupied the blue of Hebei.

And changed its name to Haizhou, which governs five counties: Dongpengcheng, Donghai, Shuyang, Langxie and Wuling. Dongpengcheng County governs Longjule (Pengcheng County Reform) and Bohai (Qinghe County), Donghai County governs Ganyu, Anliu (duchang county Reform), Guangrao and Xiami, Haixi County governs Benxiang and Haixi (sub-township is located in this county).

8. Carry forward the 600 words of positive energy composition (about the deeds of Lishui Good People List) Positive energy is like a cup of hot tea, which can bring incomparable warmth to people.

Positive energy is also a good attitude, a positive attitude. In daily life, people who transmit positive energy abound.

This is a true story that happened around us: an old man who made a living by picking up beverage bottles and waste paper boxes found a bag in the Grand View Garden of Confucius Temple one day. He opened it and found all kinds of certificates and 1900 yuan cash. The old man thought, which tourist should have lost it? He must be anxious.

So the old man waited for a long time with his bag, but no one came to find it. He went to the police station and gave it to the police. It is understood that the daily income of the elderly is only 10 yuan. Faced with so much money, the old man has withstood the test and has no heart. Instead, I thought of returning the bag to the owner at the first time.

When the owner received a phone call to claim it, he was even more moved to see an old scavenger return his money and articles, and took out cash to express his gratitude, but the old man refused. When the police officer asked him why he didn't take the money, the old man who couldn't find the money smiled: "You didn't earn the money yourself. How can you take it?" After listening to the old man's words, everyone present was moved by the old man.

Because the old man not only returned 1900 yuan, but also delivered his own positive energy for the civilized ancient city of Nanjing.

9. Write a composition by the Lianshui River * * * I love the beautiful Dongtai Mountain, I love the poetic island with rich cultural atmosphere, but I love the rippling Lianshui more.

In spring, the willows by the river grow new branches and have bright green leaves. The breeze blew, and the willows danced in the air, which was very beautiful. The rippling water is green, like a big bright mirror. Some people are watching the waterscape by the bridge, some are boating, and some are enjoying a cool breeze.

In summer, trees grow luxuriantly, and dense layers of branches and leaves seal the forest tightly, blocking people's sight and covering the blue sky. Some people go swimming in an endless stream, while others enjoy the cool in the shade. Thousands of golden rays like swords pass through the treetops and shine on the river like a thick layer of gold.

In autumn, the leaves of poplar and willow turn yellow. Autumn wind blows, and fallen leaves dance in the forest, just like a butterfly disappearing into the air. Only pine and cypress look greener. A little ant wanted to cross the river, so he took a leaf as a boat and crossed it. Leaves are everywhere on the river, like golden blankets.

In winter, trees are covered with snow. The snow on the ground is thick, loose and soft, often reaching the knees. But other rivers are frozen, and only Lianshui River is still flowing happily.

Ah, Lianshui River is really not here!