Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - There is no despair in life, only think impassability, life has no end, only can't see through.

There is no despair in life, only think impassability, life has no end, only can't see through.

Zeng Guofan has a classic saying:

It means that everything is focused on the present and there is no need to worry about uncertain things in the future. Happy-go-lucky is the original intention of life. To put it bluntly, Zeng Guofan wanted to tell the world that the best way to live is to live in the present.

It sounds like such a truth. Everyone wants to avoid the pain of mundane trifles and reach a state of being happy all the time. But although they understand this truth, they have nowhere to go and still live in confusion.

It's like, when you fall from a height, not only the skin is injured, but also the inside of your body. All you can see is the superficial injury. After applying the medicine, the injury is healed, but what about the internal injury?

Internal injuries are like our emotions, not as simple as external dressing. This requires us not only to understand the teaching of life, but also to understand the root of our inner occlusion.

Only by getting through the internal channels of appointment and governor can we fundamentally solve the ideological problems that have plagued us for a long time. Start practicing these moves with me.

The first formula

Happiness in life comes from changing thinking.

Have you ever thought about giving up your life because you can't bear the burden of life?

Have you ever thought about not working hard because you are confused about the future?

Do you feel broken because you often work overtime?

At some point in life, you will suddenly have an impulse to make a hullabaloo about. Adults' tears burst unconsciously.

Unconsciously, it has actually been "planned for a long time", but every time tears are about to flow down, we all turn around, because everyone wants to live the best life in front of others, even if it is only a good wish, at least like to share the envy in the eyes of others.

Many people seem to agree that life is painful, just like feeling that a cold will always come frequently, which is inevitable for anyone. Then, we gradually accept this reality.

However, happiness in life is by no means accidental. If you just live according to your original ideas, it is difficult to meet happiness.

In life, we feel that escaping from pain is a luxury idea, or an unsolvable idea, because we always live according to the original thinking, but we have not learned to turn.

Let me tell you a brain teaser.

A person wants to enter the room, but the door won't open. What is the reason?

Someone said, "It's locked inside."

Others said, "The door lock is broken and stuck."

Others said, "This man is too weak."


However, none of the answers given are correct.

The correct answer is: this door is open, not pushed open.

You see, the answer is that simple. We choose to push rather than pull because people around us have been asking you to push through the door in our lives since childhood.

The same is true of the bitterness and joy in life. You think that happiness means making a lot of money, buying whatever you want, showing off your wealth in front of others and satisfying your heart.

Then with this idea, you began to work hard, abandon your body, spend more time with your family and consume everything. Finally, your body began to strike.

As your health goes from bad to worse, you start to panic, because the motivation that can lead you to happiness is getting smaller and smaller, which means that you are getting farther and farther away from happiness, and gradually you start to give up on yourself.

There is a saying that is right:

Not many things, we have to be out of control to cherish. Sometimes, in the so-called despair and pain, we just need to change our original thinking and put ourselves in others' shoes, and maybe we can find sunshine.

As we think, the so-called "truth" is that happiness can only be obtained with wealth. If we change our thinking, happiness comes from the present, and doing well in the present is only a result. When you do everything right now, wealth will naturally follow.

Then you will understand that wealth is a slow accumulation process. Although life is bitter, it is only the inevitable driving force to promote your progress. You should know the order of bitter first and then sweet.

With this kind of thinking, you will not blindly pursue the so-called happiness, nor will you exchange happiness at the expense of hurting your body, nor will you complain about injustice because of a cloudy day in your life, because you know that as long as you can stand loneliness and move forward bravely, the sun will eventually come.

The second formula

What is in your heart, the world is what.

There is a saying in Caigen Tan:

It means that honest and kind people can enjoy a lot of happiness and joy if they are comfortable and broad-minded; Greedy and vulgar people are short-sighted and narrow-minded, and feel that wages and benefits are short.

As we all know, people's hearts will never be full of discontent. Once they get it, they will get used to it, and then they will seek the next one. They will never be satisfied if this situation continues.

Some people say that social darkness is too realistic, while others think that society is stable and life is beautiful. In fact, the world is still the same, but in the eyes of a thousand people, there will be a thousand different worlds, because of everyone's inner thoughts.

There is such a story.

Bill, a city boy, has no worries about food and clothing, but he is often bored and has nothing to do.

One day, he found that farmers in the harvest season wiped their sweat every day and walked home smoking.

Bill went to ask an old man and he said:

"We feel happy because we have never complained about life. I adapt to and love the wild life. I eat my own vegetables and fruits and think it is the best food in the world. "

You see, a person's inner happiness is not how much material or wealth he has, but spiritual abundance. When you look at the same thing with different eyes, you will feel completely different from others.

In the story, although Bill doesn't worry about eating and drinking, he is extremely lacking in spirit, but he is miserable and bored. Although farmers are busy all day, sweating in the fields and working hard, they feel extremely satisfied and happy when they look at the fruits of their labor.

Some people reach middle age and lament that they didn't seize the opportunity when they were young. As time goes by, now they feel that it is too late to do anything.

Therefore, living in self-blame and self-blame all day will lead to mental depression and continue to live in this vicious circle of doing nothing.

And some people, no matter what age, have mushroomed in their hearts, blooming enchanting flowers and emitting fragrance forever in their lives.

There is a 79-year-old grandmother who is active on platforms such as Tik Tok and Little Red Book.

Her foot lift is the action of a word horse, which amazed the audience, and the videos of dressing up made the audience sigh her exquisite life.

Body, skin, I don't know all think she is only forty years old, and she doesn't fall in love with young people's dances, live broadcasts and jokes.

On her home page, there is such a sentence:

"Age is just a number, and my wonderful life has just begun."

In this colorful world, nothing is absolutely hopeless. Compared with the so-called darkness in society, the inner decay is the real source that hinders your happiness.

So I want to tell you that the world has never been dark, but you have temporarily turned off your inner light.

The third formula

I hope you can do everything and devote yourself to the sky.

"White Deer Plain" said:

In ancient times, there was a scholar who went to Beijing to take the exam. He had two dreams when he slept at night.

He dreamed that he was planting sorghum on the wall. I dreamed that it was raining. I was wearing a hat and an umbrella.

The fortune teller explained his dream: it is futile to plant sorghum on the wall; It is unnecessary to wear a hat and an umbrella.

The scholar suddenly lost the confidence to catch the exam, packed his things and planned to go home the next day.

The innkeeper asked him: There will be an exam tomorrow. Why did you leave?

The scholar told the boss about it.

The boss said: Sorghum is planted on the wall, not in high school. Isn't it prudent to wear a hat and an umbrella?

The scholar thought the boss was right, so he stayed, and ended up second in high school.

Although this is a story, the philosophy inside also tells us a truth. No matter whether a person's life is good or bad, it is often the heart that misses hell that turns to heaven.

And which direction to go in the end is completely guided by our inner state of mind.

Because good luck is always based on a good attitude and calm thinking, and self-pity will only lead to disaster and misfortune.

Therefore, there is no fate in the world. If there is, it is the life you have created for yourself.

Because people in this life, there is no despair, only think impassability, no end, only can't see through.