Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Rap wedding greetings

Rap wedding greetings

1, Mr. Zhang Jungong came out from the background, wearing a black tea mirror, cocked his head and looked at the road, with a sling tied to his left leg and a sanxian in his right hand, and slowly walked onto the stage. Someone set a table and a stool. He glanced leisurely at the crowded audience, smiled with satisfaction, smoothed his silk rope and scratched his sparse gray hair. At this time, applause rang out from the audience. When the applause was about to fall, the three strings in his hand attracted all the audience with the rhythm of swinging the board on his leg. As soon as the three-string tone falls, the steel tone begins to sing!

2. storytelling in northern Shaanxi is generally divided into original works and short stories. The main book and the short paragraph can be related or completely unrelated. The short paragraph is mainly the prologue, to stabilize the audience who have already entered, and wait for the latecomers before the book begins. This way, even if you come a little late, you can listen to the whole book. The main melody of storytelling instruments is three strings, and the rhythm is controlled by the swing board on the leg. In the past, old booksellers were basically blind or semi-blind artists, holding sanxian or pipa in their hands. Because you don't need power supply equipment, you can improvise several short paragraphs or hours of original works at any time in the wild or in the cave courtyard. Usually the legs are tied to the board, the left hand holds the three strings, and the right hand plays the three strings. After the clank of the banjo enters the door, the calligrapher will shout it out to the audience in a yard, with a sad and profound aftertaste. The cave behind him is like a loudspeaker, and the back of the mountain is accompanied by audio and video. With the storyline, everyone is excited when they are tall, and ghosts and gods are suffocating when they are sad!

I wanted to know other stories before, mainly listening to books. There were fewer books at that time. Listening to books is the choice of many people. Today, there are many books, but how many people buy books to read? Everyone reads e-books on their mobile phones and gives up our paper books. The following brings you the feelings of calligraphers and the appreciation of lyric prose. Everyone likes listening to books. The books here are not printed books, but are played by storytellers, who tell stories in the form of rap in popular local dialects. Such people are called "booksellers" locally. In the old society in the past, he was actually a blind artist who played the three strings and went from village to village to perform, that is, a storyteller from northern Shaanxi who rushed to the scene in today's society. The ancient traditional art of storytelling in northern Shaanxi was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2006!

In the past years, the vast and heavy northern Shaanxi Plateau was barren and miserable. People's material and spiritual pursuits are very limited. In the simple northern Shaanxi people who struggle for survival, the emotion is in the middle and in the words. So the unique local art culture in northern Shaanxi was born, and a kind of native folk art was produced. This simple form of rap in local dialect not only enriched the leisure time of the poor, but also educated everyone through stories to be a good person and take the right path. Booksellers have integrated this art into the life of northern Shaanxi people, which constitutes the swan song of northern Shaanxi people's life. As a milestone of storytelling in northern Shaanxi, Mr. Zhang Lao is an innovative reformer. He changed from sitting to walking, and at the same time joined erhu, banhu, flute, electronic organ, dulcimer and other musical instruments, forming a school of his own, called Zhang School for short. At present, the tune and form of storytelling in northern Shaanxi are basically the form of Zhang School. Zhang Jungong's reform and innovation in storytelling in northern Shaanxi not only made this folk art inherit, but also was included in the national intangible cultural heritage. Especially in recent years, it can be seen everywhere in weddings, funerals and wedding scenes of major hotels and temple fairs, and it is spread all over the world to educate future generations!

At the end of 1980s, due to the backward transportation, communication and entertainment conditions, the consumption and entertainment of rural people after busy farming basically depended on temple fairs and parties. I remember one spring when I was a child, there was a temple fair in the village. There were green buds on the willows and white clouds floating in the blue sky. Some shave their heads, some sell sheep, some tell fortune, and some ask God to sell incense watches. A group of three, a group of two, there are old people who watch the drama and knock melon seeds, young people who punch and drink, and young aunts who look at sheets and quilts. At noon, just after singing, the announcer said, please welcome Mr. Zhang Jungong, a storyteller from northern Shaanxi, to perform on stage. At that time, everyone ran to the stage to see Zhang Jungong, a famous storyteller in northern Shaanxi!

6. The old people were listening and forgot to smoke and drink water. At this time, the rain stopped, the rainbow lifted off, and many shiny water nests piled up on the ground. Old people in Zhang Jungong are going to tell stories again. "The east is also made at sunrise, and it will rest at sunset, to persuade people to do good and not commit crimes. Doing good has its own family protection, and killing is inevitably unacceptable. " As Mr. Zhang said, he looked at the Nanshan mountains in the distance, as if he saw his thin wife working in the cornfield beside Luochuan River in Ganquan's hometown. After a heavy rain, people's mood of listening to books and various small businesses began to slowly recover!

7. "Clouds and moons in the sky are unknown, and the mountain road is uneven. There are too many fish in the river, which is unclear, and people's hearts are different. " After four lines of verse, with the beat of the crisp mallet, the originally noisy venue suddenly became silent. Only a few young people with long hair, duckbill hats and strange clothes wandered around the crowd, saying they were journalists traveling in the province and taking pictures with long-lens cameras!

I was born in a remote mountainous area in the rural area of northern Shaanxi. As far as I can remember, rural people's entertainment and recreation are basically listening to storytelling in northern Shaanxi and local folk songs on tape. I remember when I was six or seven years old, there was no electricity at home. A kerosene lamp was lit at night, and the family gathered around a tape recorder with batteries. Basically, I listened to the storytelling of Lao Zhangman Simon in northern Shaanxi. At that time, euphemistic accompaniment and forceful lyrics left a deep memory for me, which is still fresh in my memory. Later, I met Mr. Zhang Heping, the son of Mr. Zhang Lao, and learned that Mr. Zhang Lao had passed away. On his deathbed, he is still obsessed with inheriting this ancient and traditional art, from which we can feel Mr. Zhang's deep attachment and persistent pursuit of storytelling in northern Shaanxi, and he has always hoped to inherit and carry forward this folk art, hoping to leave a valuable artistic wealth for future generations!

9. Everyone was listening when it suddenly rained heavily. At that time, a large group of people were scrambling to get on the stage. Mr. Zhang Jungong was still immersed in the state that the couple were sick and seeking treatment in the book, and he didn't stop until the stage was crowded with people. Someone handed him a can of old brick strong tea, and he took a few sips and chatted with several old people about his experience. In four months' time, I learned two and a half books, two of which are the story of Wu Manzi's trafficker and shoes, and the other half is the story of breaking the mountain to save my mother. In the old society, telling stories was the way for us disabled people to make a living. People with good arms, good legs and discerning eyes tell stories and join the ranks of the blind. Nowadays, people with good society and good health can learn calligraphy art. At present, I have brought out dozens of apprentices and several female apprentices, all of whom are talking about newly compiled books. For decades, I have often told stories in Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Shanxi, Mongolia and other places. When I get to the place, I will learn local dialects, Taoist feelings, cock crows and dog bites, male voice and female voice. You like to listen to my stories, which I have worked hard to make. For example, "poor dog bites strangers when he comes, but because the dog is not full, he dare not bite, his hoof pushes back and his mouth is stuffy, so he is very weak to bark-wow-wow! Dogs from rich families are well-fed, full, energetic and courageous. They pounced on strangers and barked in protest. Woo hoo!