Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Fortune-telling in Lankao Cemetery _ lankao county Cemetery

Fortune-telling in Lankao Cemetery _ lankao county Cemetery

Where to go for nucleic acid detection in lankao county? Where does lankao county do nucleic acid test for free?

Where does lankao county nucleic acid test do?


For nucleic acid testing in Lankao, you can go to lankao county Central Hospital, located at No.6 Lingyuan Road, Chengguan Town, lankao county. You can call 037 1-26995337 in advance to make an appointment, or you can make an appointment directly at the scene with your ID card.

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False positives and false negatives in nucleic acid detection

The "false positive" of nucleic acid test means that the patient is not infected with COVID-19, but the nucleic acid test shows a positive result. This "false positive" is usually caused by cross-contamination between samples or laboratory nucleic acid contamination during laboratory testing. Technically, as long as the quality control work is strictly carried out in the laboratory, "false positive" can be effectively avoided. The "false negative" of nucleic acid test means that the clinical symptoms, lung imaging results and even epidemiological history of the patient all support COVID-19, but the patient's viral nucleic acid test result is "negative", and the test result is inconsistent with the clinic. Usually, the reasons for "false negative" are:

At the initial stage of virus invasion, the amount of virus in human body has not reached a detectable level. In different periods of virus incubation period, mild symptoms and severe symptoms, the viral load in different parts of the human body will be different. Therefore, the difference of sampling time and sampling place may lead to insufficient viruses in the collected samples;

Any detection reagent has its lower detection limit. If the virus in the patient's specimen does not reach the detection limit of the reagent used, false negative will appear.

Poor performance of laboratory instruments and equipment, poor detection ability of personnel and inadequate implementation of quality management will also produce "false negatives";

The sampling is not standardized, the collection place is inappropriate, and the collected samples are atypical, resulting in too few or no cells infected by the virus in the samples. That is, it may cause "false negative".