Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - The first honest official in the Qing Dynasty couldn't afford the promotion, so the blind man helped him.

The first honest official in the Qing Dynasty couldn't afford the promotion, so the blind man helped him.

In the nearly 280-year history of the Qing Dynasty, there were many corrupt officials, the most famous of which should be Xiao Shenyang during the Qianlong period. My first impression when I mentioned him was that he was corrupt and greedy. There is a popular saying in China: "When a small Shenyang falls, Jiaqing is full." Who is the most incorruptible official? I'm afraid it must be "him". His incorruptibility was praised by Emperor Kangxi as "the cleanest official in the world". This is Yu Chenglong, the governor of the two rivers. After his death, he only had a few clothes and several jars for food. Moreover, he was poor and had to rely on the kind help of a blind old man to help him pay for the promotion. He had to pay for divination all the way.

Yu Chenglong, a native of Shaanxi, was a late bloomer at the age of 45 after the Ming and Qing Dynasties. He was appointed as the county magistrate of Luocheng County, Guangxi. In order to go to his post, he sold his home property and land property to make up for his position, regardless of the dissuasion of relatives and friends.

Shortly after Los Angeles was ruled by the Qing Dynasty, the situation was unstable. The first two consuls died and escaped. There are only six families and a few huts in the city, and the county government is just three shabby huts. Yu Chenglong can only stay in Guandi Temple. The five servants who came with him died and ran away. During his years in power, Luocheng, a desolate county where bandits are rampant, has become a place with fertile land and social peace.

Because of his outstanding achievements, the imperial court issued a decree to promote Yu Chenglong, and transferred him to Sichuan as the magistrate of Hezhou. But at this moment, Yu Chenglong is reluctant to part, because he even lacks money for travelling expenses on the road, because he is an honest and clean official and deeply loved by villagers in Luocheng. On the day he left, people from Luocheng came to see him off. After greeting, Yu Chenglong invited everyone back, but a blind old man refused to leave. Because the blind man knew Yu Chenglong's predicament well, he said, "I don't think your travel expenses are enough. I can tell fortune. Please take me with you, and I will take care of you on the way. " Yu Chenglong should think twice before you act. With the help of a blind fortune teller, he can successfully arrive in Sichuan to take office.