Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - The mutual generation and mutual resistance of the five elements

The mutual generation and mutual resistance of the five elements

According to the theory of five elements, there is a relationship between the five elements: birth, grams, multiplication and humiliation. The relationship between the five elements can explain the relationship between things, and the multiplication of the five elements can be used to show the mutual influence after the balance between things is broken.

Common growth means mutual endowment and mutual encouragement. The order of the five elements is: wood fires, fire produces soil, soil produces gold, gold produces water, and aquatic wood. Symbiosis can also be called mother-child relationship, such as wood making a fire, that is, wood is the mother of fire and fire is the son of wood.

Contain and restrict each other. The order of the five elements is: Mutuke, Tukeshui, Shuihuoke, Huojinke and Jin Kemu.

Mutual growth, mutual restriction and inseparable. Without life, things cannot happen and grow. Without constraints, things will not be bound, and normal coordination will not be maintained. Only by maintaining the dynamic balance of mutual growth and mutual restriction can things happen and develop normally.

If the five elements interfere with each other too much or too little, it will destroy the normal relationship between birth and gram, and there will be multiplication or abuse. Multiplication, that is, one of the five elements is too restrained to the other. For example, if wood is too strong and gold cannot restrain wood normally, wood will overwhelm the soil and make it more virtual. This is wood borrowing. Abuse each other, that is, there are so many lines in the five elements that the other line can't restrain it, but is restrained by it, so it is also called anti-aggression or anti-aggression. For example, water can kill fire under normal circumstances, but when there is too little water or too much fire, water can't kill fire, but it will be dried by fire, that is, fire can kill or insult water.