Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Gypsies tell Jane Eyre's fortune. What chapter is Jane Eyre's fortune telling?

Gypsies tell Jane Eyre's fortune. What chapter is Jane Eyre's fortune telling?

Gypsies tell Jane Eyre's fortune.

Chapter 7 of the original text-

I haven't mentioned Mr brocklehurst's visit. In fact, in the first month after I arrived, this gentleman was not at home most of the time. Maybe he lives with his friend the archbishop. I am relieved that he is not here. Needless to say, I have my own reasons to be afraid of him, but he came after all.

One afternoon (when I had been in Lowood for three weeks), I was sitting with a clipboard in my hand, embarrassed by a total in the long division, and looked blankly out of the window and saw a figure flash by. I almost instinctively recognized the thin outline. So two minutes later, when the whole school including the teachers stood up, I didn't have to look up to know who they were welcoming into the room. The man strode into the classroom. In the blink of an eye, next to Miss Temple who had stood up, the same big black pillar was erected, which frowned ominously at me on Gateshead's fireplace carpet. Then I took a look at the building. Yes, I am not mistaken, that is, Mr. Brocklehurst, wearing a tight-fitting long coat and buttons, looks more and more slender, narrow and rigid.

Seeing this ghost, I have reason to feel depressed. I clearly remember that Mrs. Reed had maliciously hinted at my character and so on, and Mr. Brocklehurst had promised to tell Miss Temple and the teachers about my bad nature. I have always been afraid that this promise will come true-I am wary of this "coming person" every day. His talk and exposure of my past will make me a bad boy all my life, and now he has finally come. He stood beside Miss Temple and whispered to her. There is no doubt that he is speaking ill of me. I looked at her eyes anxiously and painfully, waiting for her dark eyes to turn to me and cast a glance of disgust and contempt. I also listened carefully, because I happened to be sitting on the top floor of the house, so I could hear more than half of what he said. The content of the conversation dispelled my immediate worries

"Miss Temple, I think the thread I bought in Lowton is very useful, and the texture is just right for making a white shirt. I also chose a matching needle. Please tell Miss Smith that I forgot to buy a darning needle. But I will send some papers next week. I can't give each student more than one at a time. If I give too much, they will accidentally lose it. Ah, miss! I hope you can take better care of your wool socks! Last time I was here, I took a walk in the vegetable garden and carefully looked at the clothes hanging on the rope. I see many black socks need mending. Judging from the size of the hole, I must have failed to repair it again and again. "

He paused.

"Your instructions will be carried out, sir," said Miss Temple.

"And, miss," he continued, "the washerwoman told me that some girls use two pieces of clean collar cloth a week. This is too much. According to the regulations, one piece is limited. "

"I think I can explain, Sir. Last Thursday, Agnes and Catherine johnstone went to Lowton for tea at the invitation of their friends. I allow them to wear clean collars on this occasion. "

Mr brocklehurst nodded his head.

"Well, forget it this time, but please don't let this happen often. One more thing surprised me. I checked out with the housekeeper and found that in the last two weeks, I had snacks and eaten bread and cheese twice. What happened? I checked the regulations and found no mention of snacks and other meals. Who initiated the reform? Who approved it? "

"I must be responsible for this situation, sir," replied Miss Temple. "The breakfast was so bad that the students couldn't swallow it. I dare not make them hungry enough for lunch. "

"Young lady, please allow me to speak for a while-you should know that I don't intend to cultivate these girls to develop the habit of indulgence, but to make them diligent, patient and self-disciplined. If occasionally there are some small things that don't suit your appetite, such as a burnt meal and a dish with less or more ingredients, you shouldn't replace the lost enjoyment with more delicious things. That will only ruin your health and deviate from the purpose of this school. This event should be used to enlighten students spiritually and encourage them to carry forward their perseverance under temporary difficulties. On this occasion, it's time to make a short speech. An insightful teacher will seize the opportunity to talk about the sufferings of early Christians; Talk about the suffering of martyrs; Talk about our holy Christ's own exhortation and call the apostles to take up the cross and walk with him; Tell me his warning: people live not by food alone, but by everything God says; Say his sacred comfort, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness." Ah, miss, when you put bread and cheese into children's mouths instead of burnt porridge, you may be feeding their evil bodies, but you didn't think you were starving their immortal souls! "

Mr brocklehurst paused again, perhaps because he was too impulsive. Miss Temple kept her head down when he began to speak, but now her eyes are looking straight ahead. Her natural face is as white as marble, which seems to reveal the unique indifference and firmness of marble. In particular, her mouth was closed, as if it could only be opened with a sculptor's chisel, and her brow gradually became full of solidification and sternness.

At the same time, Mr. Brocklehurst stood in front of the fire with his hands behind his back and looked at the whole school with dignity. Suddenly his eyes blinked, as if he had met something dazzling and harsh, turned around and said in a more urgent tone than before:

"Miss temple, miss temple, that, that curly hair girl is how to return a responsibility? Red hair, miss, why is it curly? " He pointed a whip at this terrible thing, and his hands trembled.

"That's Julia Severn," Miss Temple answered calmly.

"Miss Julia Severn! Why does she, or anyone else, have curly hair? She actually ignored the instructions and principles of the school in our evangelical charity, openly kitsch, and permed a curly hair. Why? "

"Julia's hair is naturally curly," Miss Temple answered more calmly.

"Born! Yes, but we can't succumb to nature. I hope these girls are blessed children. Besides, why do you have so much hair? I have said many times that I want my hair to be short, simple and plain. Miss Temple, that girl's hair must be cut off. I'll send a barber tomorrow. I've seen too much baggage on someone else's head-that tall girl, tell her to turn around. Tell the first class to stand up, turn around and stand against the wall. "

Miss Temple wiped her lips with a handkerchief, as if to wipe away the involuntary smile on her lips. But she gave the order anyway. After the students in the first class understood what was required of them, they all obeyed. I sat on the bench and leaned back slightly. I could see everyone winking and making various expressions to express their dissatisfaction with this deployment. It's a pity that Mr. Brocklehurst didn't see it, otherwise he might feel that although he could manipulate the appearance of the cups and plates, the interior was far from being free to interfere as he imagined.

He carefully looked at the back of these living medals for about five minutes, and then announced the verdict. His words sounded like a death knell:

"The bun on your head must be cut off."

Miss Temple seems to be pleading.

"Miss," he continued, "I want to serve the Lord. His kingdom is not this world. My task is to control the lewdness of these girls and teach them to be modest and restrained in their clothes, not to wear braids and expensive clothes. And every young man in front of us, out of vanity, has made up bundles of hair. I repeat, these hairs must be cut off. Think about the time wasted and think about ... "

Mr brocklehurst was interrupted here. Three other visitors, all women, entered the room at the moment. I hope they can come earlier so that they can hear his comments on clothes. They are dressed in gorgeous velvet, satin and fur. Two of the two young girls (16, 17-year-old beautiful girls) are wearing fashionable grey otter fur hats with ostrich hair. Under the elegant headdress, they have thick curly hair, which is very delicate. The elderly woman was wrapped in a valuable velvet shawl decorated with mink, and her forehead was covered with French fake curly hair.

These ladies and gentlemen, one is Mrs. Brocklehurst and the other two are Miss Brocklehurst. They were respectfully received by Miss Temple and taken to the upper seats at the end of the room. They seem to be sitting in the same carriage as their appointed relatives. When he was on official business with the housekeeper, he asked the washerwoman and taught the headmaster a lesson. They had already read it carefully in the upstairs room. At this time, they put forward various views and criticisms on Miss Smith, who is in charge of taking care of clothes and checking the dormitory. But I didn't have time to listen to what they said. Other things interrupted and attracted my attention.

Up to now, I have understood the speeches of Mr. Brocklehurst and Miss Temple, but I have not relaxed my vigilance to ensure my own safety. As long as I am not seen, there is no problem with safety. In order to achieve this goal, I sat on a bench, leaned back, seemed to be busy calculating, and just covered my face with a clipboard. I could have escaped the attention of others, but unexpectedly, my naughty tablet somehow slipped out of my hand and fell to the ground with a bang. For an instant, everyone looked at me. I know it's over. I bent down and picked up the tablet that broke in half, and got up the courage to prepare for the worst outcome. Finally.

"What a careless girl!" Mr. Brocklehurst said, and then immediately said, "It's a new student, I can see that." Before I could catch my breath, he continued, "I don't forget, I have something to say to her," and then said loudly. How loud that sound sounds to me! "Let the child who broke the clipboard come to the front!"

I couldn't move myself, so I collapsed. But the two big girls sitting on both sides of me helped me stand up and pushed me in front of the terrible judge. Then miss temple gently helped me hold his heel, and I heard her quietly advise me:

"Don't be afraid, Jane. I know it wasn't intentional. You won't be punished. "

This kind whisper stabbed me like a dagger.

"In another minute, she will look down upon me as a hypocrite," I thought. Thinking of this, I felt a surge of anger, pointing at Mrs. Reed and Brocklehurst and others. I'm not Helen Burns.

"Bring that stool," Mr. Brocklehurst said, pointing to a high stool from which a monitor had just stood. Here are the stools.

"pick up the child."

I was carried to a stool. Who brought it? I don't know. I can't pay attention to details. All I know is that they put me as high as Mr. Brocklehurst's nose; Knowing that he is only one yard away from me; I know that under me, an orange-purple shiny satin leather coat and misty silver feathers are expanding and flying.

Mr brocklehurst cleared his throat.

"Ladies," he said to his family, "Miss Temple, teachers and children, have you all seen this girl?"

Of course they saw it. I felt their eyes aim at my burning skin like convex lenses.

"You see, she is still very young. As you can see, she looks no different from ordinary children. God kindly gave her the same appearance as all of us, and there was no obvious disability to show that she was a special person. Who would have thought that the devil found slaves and agents in her? I am sad to say that this is a fact. "

He paused again. It was in this gap that I began to stabilize my nervous nerves and felt that the Rubicon River had passed. Since the trial is inevitable, I have to bite the bullet and bear it.

"My lovely children," the black marble priest continued sadly, "this is a sad and sad occasion, because it is my duty to warn everyone that this girl who could have been God's own lamb is a little abandoned, not a real sheep, but obviously an unexpected guest and a different kind. You must pay attention to her and don't imitate her. Avoid her company, play games with her and talk to her if necessary. Teachers, you must keep an eye on her, pay attention to her whereabouts, weigh her words, monitor her actions and punish her body to save her soul, if possible, because (I really can't say it), this girl, this child, a native of the land of Christ, is worse than many small pagans who pray to Brahma and bow down to the statue of Krishna. This girl is a liar! "

At this time, a ten-minute pause began. At this time, I was as cool as a cucumber. I saw all three women in Brocklehurst take out their handkerchiefs and wipe their glasses. The older one swayed back and forth, and the younger two whispered, "How terrible!" "

Mr brocklehurst went on to say.

"I know from her benefactor that she is an honest and charitable wife. When she became an orphan, it was this lady who adopted her and raised her as her own daughter. The unfortunate girl repaid her kindness and generosity with ingratitude. This behavior was so bad and terrible that the excellent benefactor finally had to separate her from her young children for fear that her bad appearance would pollute their purity. She was sent here for treatment, just like the ancient Jews sent patients to the water in the mixing pool in Bethesda. Teachers and principals, I beg you not to let her become a pool of stagnant water around you. "

After reaching such a wonderful conclusion, Mr. Brocklehurst adjusted a button on the top of his long coat and muttered something to his family, who stood up and bowed to Miss Temple. Then all the big shots walked out of the room openly. At the corner of the door, my judge said:

"Let her stand on that stool for another half hour, and don't talk to her for the rest of the day."

That's why I stand so high. And I once said that I can't stand the shame of standing in the middle of the room with my feet, but now I am standing on the stage of shame. My feelings are beyond words. But just as everyone stood up, making it difficult for me to breathe and my throat tightened, a girl came forward and passed me. She raised her eyes as she passed by. What a strange light those eyes are shining! What a wonderful feeling that light filled me with! How much support this new feeling has given me! It's as if a martyr or hero walked past a slave or victim and instantly passed on his strength. I controlled the hysteria that was about to break out, raised my head and stood firmly on the stool. Helen Burns asked Miss Smith a little question about her homework and was scolded for its triviality. When she returned to her place, she walked past me again and smiled at me. What a beautiful smile! I still remember and know that this is a sign of wisdom and true courage. Like the reflection on an angel's face, it illuminates her unique face, thin face and deep gray eyes. However, at that moment, helen burns still had an "untidy mark" on his arm; Less than an hour ago, I heard Miss Scatchard punish her for eating only bread and water for lunch tomorrow because she soiled her exercise book when copying exercise questions. Human nature is so imperfect! Even the brightest planet has such black spots. Miss Scatchard's eyes can only see subtle defects, but turn a blind eye to the radiant light of the planet.