Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Do you know any classic brain teasers? Ask god for help

Do you know any classic brain teasers? Ask god for help

1. Why do bats often hang upside down? Because of its gastroptosis. It takes 6 hours for a train to go from A to B, and now it has been running for 3 hours. Where should the train be now? On the tracks. After breakfast, Adi went to the toilet with a big bag. Why is there only half a steamed bread left after he came out? He forgot to bring toilet paper. 4. Why does everyone say that kittens eat human flesh and don't spit bones? Because he ate a dough kneading machine. 5. Why? My brother never stops when he meets an intersection by military vehicle. He used to drive a train. 6. Under what circumstances does one plus one definitely not equal to two? A kilo of flour and a large glass of water will only equal a piece of dough. 7. Why do vampires never drink juice or vegetable juice? Afraid of the cross in the juice. 8. Male crabs drink because they are afraid of being scolded by their wives. He went home to wear cologne and rinse his mouth, but before he entered the house, his wife waiting at home found him drunk again. Why? Because he walked straight back. 9. Abby will take an English exam tomorrow. He heard that the Bodhisattva in Foguang Mountain was responsive. He hurried up the mountain to burn incense and worship Buddha, asking the Bodhisattva to bless him to be admitted tomorrow. As a result, he still failed the English exam the next day. Why? Because the Bodhisattva can't read English, she can't get through! 10. A man met 10 lions on his way home. What will he become? Ten piles of lion shit. 1 1. Your girlfriend keeps pestering you for the stars in the sky. What should you do? Give her a good punch and ask her if she wants the moon. Toothworm 13. Cosmetics make a woman's face beautiful, but whose face is ugly? Jing Wong is a polite man, but when someone knocks at the door, he won't invite others in. He is in the toilet 15. What is the most painful thing for birds? Cannot ascend to heaven after death 16. Wang Jing took 100 yuan to go to the store to buy things. Since 75 yuan, the boss only looked for 5 yuan. Why? He only gave it to his boss 80 yuan 17. What kind of people want as many children as possible? Manufacturers of children's products 18. What is the last thing to do before death? Take your last breath 19. How big a ship does it take to transport 5 tons of logs from upstream to downstream? No boat floats 20. A plane full of passengers descended from the sky, but no one was injured. Why? They're all dead. 2 1. Jing Wong graduated from junior high school and taught himself high school and college courses. What's his education level? Arrogance 22. What's the difference between the son of a dragon and the son of a dog? One is a prince and the other is a dog. 23. What is the difference between a flea and a lion? Have you ever seen fleas on a lion? On 2000 1 month 1 day, everyone was doing a very important thing. Do you remember what it is? Breathe 25 times. Who knows best how many stars are in the sky? God knows 26. Under what circumstances can two tigers fit in one mountain? The tiger is in love. 27. What does tit for tat mean? 28. Jing Wong and Wang Jing died in a secret room with only a pool of water and broken glass on the ground. What was the cause of their death? They are goldfish. 29. What food is produced in the east, west, north and south? Melon 30. Jing Wong is ugly and has no money, but two handsome guys are fighting to marry her. Why? Whoever loses will marry her 3 1. Why do only female mosquitoes feed on blood? Male mosquitoes have no inconvenient days. 32. What can a coward eat to become brave? When is the second child the best? The boss is not here. 34. Why did Guan Gong die so tragically? 35. Which coin with the same score1992 or 1993 is heavier? In the second race of the tortoise and the hare, the hare tried his best, but he still lost. Why? The destination is at sea. 37. What is the last thing you can't see in broad daylight? Movie 38. What is unstable? Three to five, five again? Fans 39. A fierce cat ran away when it saw a mouse. Why? 40. Mr. and Mrs. Jing Wong have been married for more than ten years, but they have no children. Why? Multiple births are 4 1. Three people are holding an umbrella. There is only one umbrella, but no one gets wet. Why? It didn't rain. Jing Wong was twelve when he was in the first grade. Why was he only twelve years old in the third grade? Just every other day. 43. Dogs compete with frogs. Why did the dog win? No breaststroke 44. Jing Wong participated in the 100-person hula hoop competition until the last minute, but was disqualified from the championship. Why? Too fat, it's stuck. 45. What are the parts of a pen? Bamboo and wool. Why do modern people break their promises more and more? The appearance of telephone 47. All my friends from work around Jing Wong have gone to sea. Why didn't he get off? Fear of drowning. The cruel king told honest Jing Wong to buy a hundred pigs, but Jing Wong only brought back ninety-nine pigs. Why? Don't answer! If you strongly demand to know the answer to this question, please leave a message! 49. A horror movie is being shown in the cinema. The audience screamed, but Xiaoying in the cinema laughed. Why? She is watching a comedy in another cinema. 50. An eagle is flying in the air. Suddenly it rained and the eagle fell. Why? It used its wings to keep out the rain, so it fell 5 1. What method can make people not blink for the longest time? Let that man die unsatisfied. 52. Apart from saving time and effort compared with stairs, what is the biggest advantage of elevators? If you fall, you won't keep rolling. 53. Why do sugar cans crawl ants? Because the lid is not covered properly. The hungry wolf saw a lost lamb on the grassland. It jumped over and was about to have a good meal. The lamb only said a word to it, and the wolf turned obediently. What did the lamb say? The lamb pointed to a tiger in the grass behind him, rubbed his hands and told the wolf that it … came first! 55. There is a fat man and a thin man walking together. The fat man was suddenly hit by a falling high-voltage line. The fat man died, and the thin man didn't touch the fat man or the wire, but he also died. Why? Was killed 56. Why are Japanese legs shorter? Because there are many earthquakes, short legs and stable center of gravity! 57. A man was wearing a helmet with a fan tied underneath, an electric fan and a kettle in his hand, and skates on his feet. Where is he going? Mental hospital. A train is running at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour. During the running, a passenger suddenly opened the door and ran out, but he was not injured at all. Why? Because the passengers opened the doors of two cars and ran to another car! 59. What's the difference between tragedy and comedy? The comedy that no one watched turned into a tragedy. 60. Some people have done good deeds all their lives, but they are still electrocuted by lightning. How did it happen? An accident. 6 1. Does the cat have fleas? Cats only have kittens. 62. Some people say that penguins are hard to see in the Arctic. Why? There are no penguins in the Arctic. 63. What's with the toilet in the hall? Corrupt officials 64. Who is keen to spend the money saved by the living on the dead? Filial son and grandson. 65. When can people feel that the earth keeps spinning? When you're drunk. 66. Do you know where you can only go and never come back? Underground world. 67. What items are stored in the warehouse that was not damaged by the fire? The vault. 68. What is a person's lifelong event? Go to hell. 69. Why does Xiao Cong like reading in a room without lights? During the day. Do you know any shops that can't recruit "salesmen"? Why doesn't Xinhua Bookstore sell books? Run to the sea. 72. What have I borrowed that I don't need to return? Light. 73. People told Adan that her clothes were unbuttoned, and she didn't care at all. Why? It's not buckled. 74. Three people were walking in the street with umbrellas, and none of them got wet. Why? It didn't rain. 75. Why can Lao Zhang hum a song while brushing his teeth? Brush false teeth. 76. How many bugs are the most terrible to eat when eating apples? Semi-lattice. 77. What will increase by half after handstand? 6。 78. What belongs to you, but others often use it? Name. 79. Where can I always find happiness? A dictionary. 80. What is the biggest difficulty in grinding an iron pestle into a needle? Eye of a needle 8 1 what is the higher the price, the easier it is to clinch a deal? Scrap 82. What is a bigger ball? Cactus. 83. My father is filling the thermos bottle and my mother is washing clothes. What does Xiao Cong want to do at this time? Pee. 84. Do you use chopsticks or spoons when eating? Mouth. 85. What keeps looking up but doesn't fall down? Age. 86. What gets stolen the more you wash it? Clay figurine 87. Xiao Cong fried a pot of red beans and soybeans, and then poured the beans on the plate. How to make red beans and soybeans occupy one side of the plate? One for each person. 88. What "electricity" doesn't supply power to people? Congratulations. 89. What is the closest animal to human beings? Lice. 90. There are several holes in the new sweater. Why? How to wear it without holes? 9 1. What can walk day and night without feet? Clock 92. What runs around the house with only one foot? Broom. 93. What dances as soon as it dies? Falling leaves. What can carry a hundred bales of hay but not a grain of sand? River water. 95. What can make a sound without mouth, run around the world without feet, hurt people without hands, and pass before it appears? The wind. 96. What is white in the mouth and yellow in the soil? rice. 97. What has countless leaves but no roots? Books. 98. What runs day and night and never leaves its bed? River water. 99. What can only be used if it is broken? Eggs. 100. What broke and everyone applauded? World record. 10 1. What can be destroyed without touching it? Promise. 102. Why does the wedding ring symbolize eternity? It has no head and no tail. 103. What is the least sociable thing in the world? Milestones. They never stand together. 104. What question do you have to answer "Yes"? "How do you spell y-e-s?" 105. Pandas are produced in China and koalas are produced in Australia. Where are the wolves? The motorcycle company in China is 106. Why do some people have three hands? Pickpocket 107. The sharper the knife, the less it will hurt others. Roller skates 108. Why is there a typhoon in summer? Because it will hibernate in winter 109. Why did dinosaurs become extinct? Because it is called "the endangered dragon" 1 10. Why is the giraffe's neck so long? Because its head is so high, it needs to be connected with such a long neck. 1 1 1. Which part of the earth's surface will never shine on the sun? Therefore, because the earth cannot shine, it must not shine on the sun. 1 12. Why don't police bring umbrellas in rainy days? I'm not afraid of bullets. Am I still afraid of getting wet? 1 13. Two owls are chatting. One of them claims that it can go out during the day without wearing sunglasses. Why? Because it is a blind owl 1 14. A bird accidentally flew into Kiss disco and suddenly fell down. What happened? The volume was so loud that I covered my ears with my wings and fell off. 1 15. Why does a paper plane cost 100 million yuan? Because that paper is a check for one hundred million yuan 1 16. Pointing at Guo, he made a move: "Report to the monitor! There is a fly in my soybean milk. " Why did the monitor casually tell him that he could drink? Because spiders in steamed bread will drive away flies. 1 17. Someone has hypertension. The doctor said he would be fine as long as he didn't eat too salty, but he decided to move. Why? Because his family lives in the salt water area. 1 18. Ben's report card will not be distributed until Monday. Why did my father beat me on Sunday night because of my grades? His father is a teacher. 1 19.2 egrets sleep standing up. How many feet are standing on the ground? One, (a line of egrets goes to heaven) 120. At the best of the movie, the bear went to the toilet. Why? He didn't even go to the movies. 12 1. Why is it still hot? Because he blew 122 into the electric fan with his mouth. Mao Mao likes to doze off in class. How can he not doze off? 123 class dismissed. Why did the whole class laugh at Xiao Qiang's stupidity the day before, but everyone was not young the next day? Because he bought the refined version of brain teaser 124. Wangzai waited for the bus under the license plate. The bus passed several times in succession, but he stood still and didn't get on the bus. Why? Because he has a hundred-dollar bill on his foot, he has to wait for no one around to pick it up. Life is not smooth. what should he do ? Iron it! 126. The couple are standard beautiful and handsome guys. Why do they have ugly dolls? The couple had a whole body plastic surgery 127. What's more irritating than my wife's refusal to go into the kitchen after marriage? Wife can't cook 128. An ugly girl went for plastic surgery. Why did the doctor say she didn't need plastic surgery at all? What she needs is rebirth! 129. Ms. Wang has given birth to two children. Why does everyone say that she doesn't want a mother of two children? It's a mother of three 130. Xiaozhen has made no achievements in her career, but why does she also have the nickname of a strong woman? She is often forced by others 13 1. Why is Rodin's sculpture The Thinker naked? Because he is thinking about which one to wear! 132. Babies always cry at birth. Why? Because I saw that the nurse who delivered the baby was beautiful, and I was too young! 133. Lao Zhao is a man who follows the rules. Why do you call him "old man" at the same time? If you don't return, others won't be able to upgrade. What kind of woman should a playboy match? Flowers in Flowers female 135. Dad repeatedly warned A Niu, who is still in high school, never to set foot in a beef farm, because there are things he shouldn't see, but A Niu secretly read them. What will he see that he shouldn't? Don't get it wrong! ) His father 136+02 What is the most meaningful thing that a joint rat did? Bullying a cat in distress 137. Why do richer people get bigger coffins when they die? It's easy to "turn over" 138. Adults, children are small, foreigners have more hair, and China people have less hair. What is soft and hard? Hand 139. Hua asked for a long time to sign, but he refused to sign. Why? Because Hua asked him to sign the spouse column of his ID card! 140. If there is only the last man left on the earth, he is writing a suicide note at his desk and suddenly there is a knock at the door. It is not an alien, an animal or a sandstorm. Guess who is knocking at the door? It's a girl. 14 1. I touch the train with my body many times every day, but it doesn't hurt at all. What happened? He is in the carriage of the 142 train. On the bus, an old gentleman stood next to Xiaoming, and there were no empty seats around him. Xiao Ming is always polite, but this time he didn't give up his seat at all. Why? Xiao Ming is the driver 143. A dog fell from a plane at an altitude of ten thousand meters, but it didn't die. What happened here? The dog fell on the plane floor 144. Both Pangpang and Liangliang are third-grade students. They usually walk as fast, but Pangpang always arrives at school 15 minutes later than Liangliang, and Pangpang didn't stay to play. What happened? They are not in the same school 145. Why is it better to have no money than money? Happy ah ~ (the so-called poor happy also! ) 146. What advantages do short people have over tall people? The sky is falling, not afraid of pressure ~ (hee hee ~ there are tall people standing on it) 147. Who runs fastest in the Three Kingdoms? Cao Cao ~ (as the saying goes: Speak of the devil) 148. Why can't tigers compete with cats? Catch mice ~ (Who has ever seen a tiger catch mice? ) 149. The thermometer has dropped. What does this mean? The nail on the wall is not nailed firmly ~ (it won't hang, of course it fell-)150. How can I keep a stone from sinking into the sea? Put it on the boat ~ (hehe ~ there are many answers to this question. 15 1. What will those risk-averse people who dare to "throw themselves into the river" but dare not "commit suicide" do? Bungee jumper ~ (If he dares to "commit suicide", why is there a rope tied to his leg? ) 152. Why are the tickets for two exhibitions that are not much different more expensive? Things are scarce. 153. Someone bought a bottle of soda and opened the lid and found that there was no bubble at all. He couldn't help asking the salesman loudly, "Why not soda?" The clerk said yes, so where is it? As soon as I drank it, the gas in my stomach came up. 154. Someone went to the bathhouse to take a bath. The waiter looked down on him for the first time, threw him an old towel and left. He left a gold coin after taking a shower, so when he went there for the second time, the waiter paid great attention to him, but after washing, he only took out a copper coin. Why? This time I gave the money for the last bath, but last time I gave it to 155. What kind of white rice can eat three flavors? Raw rice, raw, cooked and half cooked 156. Where is the birthplace of the Yellow River? In the sky, isn't it how the water of the Yellow River moves out of the sky? 157. A pickpocket offered 50 pounds to ask the priest to bless him. What does the priest say to get the money without violating his conscience? The priest said, "If God punishes a thief, I hope God will realize his will through you." 158. Why do people grab things with five fingers when they are hungry? Because one hand has only five fingers, 159. The husband is the head of the family, why must he listen to his wife? Because the wife is the neck 160. Who needs to wait on other people's wives except their own? Because he has a daughter, 16 1. Mary broke a plate. What did her mother say in the past that she found the plate broken again? Mom asked, how did you break it? 162. How to do homework to ensure that there is only one mistake? Don't do your homework. This is your only mistake. 163. Why can't the father of Jesus be seen in the picture of the Virgin Mary holding the young Jesus? He was painting this picture, 164. A man was away on business and couldn't go home immediately, so he wrote to tell his wife why she wanted him to go home immediately after reading the letter. His wife had to let him read the letter by himself because of the scrawl. Jack put his wallet under his pillow this morning. Although he has an honest servant, why is he still worried? Because the servant will give the wallet to his wife 166. The husband said that he was not afraid to face death for his wife, but why did the husband leave his wife as soon as the big black bear appeared? Because it is not a dead bear (dead = dead bear) 167. What are the advantages of buying an expensive ring for your wife? Gloves can save money, hehe, it seems that the loss outweighs the gain ~ 168. What kind of egg is born alive? Idiot 169. Xiao Li vomited one mouthful phlegm everywhere and was fined fifty cents. He took out a dollar, and the police had no money to change it. What should I do? One more word: 170. /kloc-There were six wars in Spain in the 0/5th century. What were those six wars? 1, 2,3,4,5,6 times 17 1. How many sides does the box have? Two sides: inside and outside 172. The fortune teller gave Xiao Li an envelope and told him that he couldn't open it without something happy. On the day of Xiao Li's blind date, he opened the envelope and was surprised: "What a coincidence!" What's written in the envelope? "You have fun today!" 173. What bird likes to dress up? Thrushcross 174. Which sea is the widest in the world? Cihai 175. If a fire broke out in a museum and only one work of art could be saved, which one would you choose? The nearest door is 176. Who is the most polite to guests? Camel 177. Eat one of three apples. How many are there? Three ships (two outside and one inside)1780,000 dwt have left Hong Kong. Where to go? Shanghai 179. There is a banner slogan at the door of an enterprise: "It depends on everyone's love". What kind of enterprise is this? Hat factory 180. Where can I teach the secret of obesity? Chef training course 18 1. When playing cards, your wife told you to go home, and you said, "The car broke down and you can't come back!" " My wife bought it, why? Because the phone said, 182. Under what circumstances, who is really worth it? The fruit shop owner offended all the customers 183. After handing in the pledge to quit smoking, he still smokes every day, but his wife can't help it. Why? The guarantee says: "Quit smoking tomorrow" 184. The baby is not ill, but the mother is clamoring to take him to the hospital. Why? The baby is coming. 185. Which tooth grows the latest? Denture 186. A triangle has three angles and a hexagon has six angles. How many angles does a circle have? A circle has ten angles 187. What is a "nominal" army? Air Force 188. What is the mute's first impression? Shen 189. Apart from nails and hair, Chang has never been cut. Can you believe it? Why? Impossible, because the umbilical cord was cut when he was born. What ladder can only go down but not up? Slide 19 1. How can I get double rest? Dreaming that I was sleeping 192 Why do Buddhists concentrate in the north? Nanwu 193 Amitabha, who is afraid of the pleasantries of "take care"? Studio owner 194. What do you really want to know and regret it when you see it? Answer 195. What music do soldiers like best? The horn is 196. What happens when people are beheaded? Get shorter.