Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What is Tang poetry?

What is Tang poetry?

Many years ago, Mr. Shi Zhecun of East China Normal University asked a question when recruiting graduate students: "What is Tang poetry?" This is a meaningful question. Tang poetry is a beautiful word. There are many beautiful words in Chinese. For example, the Yangtze River, the Great Wall, Huangshan Mountain and the Yellow River. Tang poetry is also one of the most beautiful words in Chinese. When it comes to Tang poetry, we have a feeling of lingering fragrance in our teeth and cheeks. Is Tang poetry just romantic? Just a literary legacy? Is it just language art? Of course, but we always feel that it is not enough. We only look at Tang poetry from a romantic perspective, which may indicate that our life may be too utilitarian. We only look at Tang poetry from the perspective of language art and literary details, which may be too professional. Do Tang Can's poems still point to something farther and bigger?

I know that there was an all-inclusive cultural spirit in the Tang Dynasty: the Silk Road, with Chang 'an as the center, went to Rome in the west and Tokyo in the east, and all religions coexisted peacefully; There is a cosmopolitan cultural spirit: the national strength is extremely strong, the territory is vast, the economy is developed, and the culture is boldly introduced and sent away, full of vitality and magnificent colors; There is a cultural spirit of inheritance and innovation: the cultural pattern of the Qin and Han empires, the integration of officials, government soldiers and criminal law in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. In textbooks, it seems that only these are the cultural spirit of Tang poetry. It's not that these are unimportant, but when it comes to the cultural spirit of Tang poetry, it can only be "how much I miss Han and Tang dynasties", which is a prejudice in my opinion. Today, we won't talk about these big places. After all, poetry is about the soul. Let's talk about the spiritual world of Tang poetry. It is not that these are unimportant, but that spirituality is the cultural spirit in the secluded depths of Tang poetry.

I often talk about poetry, and I often think of Mr. Ma Yifu, a modern old gentleman and a saint-like poet. He lives by the West Lake in Hangzhou and watches fish next to Huagang.

What is poetry? Mr. Ma has four words that are well said: Poetry is actually a person's life "like being fascinated by sleep, like waking up from a dream, like being a servant, like being sick." Later, Professor Ye Jiaying said that this is the most beautiful definition of poetry. Poetry is the awakening of people's hearts, the closest thing to our hearts, and the awakening from mediocrity, glitz and hardship to see the true self. Why is it not enough to read Tang poetry only from love affairs, language art, literary inheritance and the weather of Han and Tang dynasties? That is, I haven't woken up after a layer to know my true self.

This seems a bit mysterious. Whether there is a real person is itself a question worthy of further argumentation. But let me compare here: there are many phantoms and incarnations in life, and poetry is the stronger self, which I love and cherish, and also the beauty of intuition. This reminds me of the problem discussed by two ancient Zen masters one day. The first Zen master said a lot about what the universe is. When it was the second Zen master's turn, he suddenly saw a lotus flower in the pool and said, "People see this flower like a dream." When reading Tang poetry, it was precisely "seeing this flower like a dream" that made me seem to understand, ask and answer. Because reading poetry is in contact with fresh perceptual experience, reading more poetry is in contact with fresh perceptual experience and releasing it, just like watching flowers. It's also because I read the poem, and suddenly I feel that the ancients are our dream people, and we are the past lives of the ancients.

I'll just give you a small example. When I was fifteen, I left home to work, just homesick, which was beyond my control. One day I read a little Tang poem:

The setting sun is far away, the weather is cold and the house is poor.

Chai Men heard dogs barking and went home on a snowy night.

Suddenly I felt that the person who was going home on a snowy night was my back, and my heart was suddenly warm and moved. Why is Tang poetry like this? I think it's because Tang poetry expresses our humanity in ancient and modern times, and expresses an eternal fresh perceptual experience. Therefore, on the one hand, Tang poetry is eternal human nature, on the other hand, it is always emotional and vivid. This ancient and modern humanity is precisely the dream of China culture. I think the deepest and most beautiful part of our Chinese cultural dream is the interlocking humanistic spirit from ancient times to the present. Eternal romance is behind the eternal world.

Specifically, from what aspects can we talk about the humanistic spirit of China culture expressed in Tang poetry? I'll write the conclusion below, and then I'll prove it one by one.

Exhausted spirit and talent, whole-hearted spirit.

Life should be a lifetime and never give up.

There is an old saying in Shangshu: Man is the spirit of all things. This shows that human life is the most beautiful thing in the world. This is an important discovery of ancient culture in China. There is a poem in the Book of Songs: "A long sleep is not life". It means that when you get up in the morning and go to bed at night, you should think about whether you are worthy of your life. I think, without the discovery of the beauty of human life by ancient ancestors, there would be no such love for the beauty of life, like a clean family, living a happy life every day. Simply saying that "man is the spirit of all things" has several meanings. 1. Man is a creation of the universe. Second, people are born beautiful, noble and irreducible. Third, the meaning of living is to be kind to the beauty of life and give full play to one's intelligence, so as to be worthy and worthy of this life. Fourth, no matter how hard it is, life will never give up.

Why do you want to say Tang poetry here? We say that there is a main voice in Tang poetry, that is, it is my intuition that people should be kind to themselves in this world and live up to this life. Let's start with simple common sense, taking the poet Li Bai as an example. Li Bai, I often think that the word Li Bai is a wonderful highlight of China culture. It's a bit like the Statue of Liberty in American culture and the Marseillaise in French culture. If others are extremely energetic and talented, they are exhausted, while Li Bai is extremely energetic and talented. According to our description, Li Bai was a scholar, knight-errant, immortal, Taoist, son, urchin, tramp, drunkard and poet all his life. Japanese scholars also said that he was an official spy, and he paid too much talent and gas field. The modern expression of fatigue is freedom. There are two kinds of freedom. One is positive freedom, that is, to fully realize the beauty of one's life. The second is negative freedom, that is, not bound by external forces. Li Bai's positive freedom seems to have light and heat to burn and an uncontrollable vitality. Li Bai's negative freedom is manifested in his disdain for the powerful and arrogant princes, "The son of heaven doesn't get on the boat, calling himself Brewmaster" and "Alas, how can I bow and scrape to those high-ranking people, who don't want to be seen with an honest face". He is the most self-respecting and self-loving typical intellectual in China. Li Bai has almost become a beautiful ideal for true literati to love themselves.

Du Fu is a heavy word, firmly rooted in the earth. He finally died on the boat back to the Central Plains, and fell on the boat to write a poem saying: "The blood of the war is still there, and the sound of the army has moved to this day." The two peaks of China's poetics in Tang Dynasty are the spirit of heaven and the spirit of earth. They are loyal to life and actively use the world. No matter whether they have achieved anything, their lives are full of color, light and heat. They are dedicated to their times and society, tired and talented. They didn't get anything from their time, but their time was great because of their existence.

Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, Bai Juyi, Li Shangyin and Du Mu, the great poets in the second line of the Tang Dynasty, were all responsible and effective. The most wonderful thing in Han Yu's life is to remonstrate with Buddha's bones. Su Dongpo said that he was the decline of Wen Qi for eight generations, and he lost himself in the world. In the tide of killing Buddha all over the world, all rivers run into the sea, saving the day. Liu Zongyuan's most prominent life was to participate in the political innovation of Wang Group, and he was indomitable and made far-reaching achievements in the second half of his life. Bai Juyi's highlight is the New Yuefu Movement in the Middle Tang Dynasty, in which "the people only care about songs and the sons of heaven want to know", which makes poetry and literature play the role of social conscience and profoundly affects China literature in later generations. Li Shangyin and Du Mu are both learned scholars, not just poets. It was their repressed talent that was not realized that they finished their beautiful poems. In a sense, their poems are proof that they are worthy of this life. Therefore, we can say that the first-class poets in the Tang Dynasty all want to show the beauty of their lives, to do something, and to fully show their talents.

Some key words about Tang poetics, such as the prosperous weather of Tang dynasty, the spirit of poetry history, the combination of songs and poems, satirical poems, etc., all point to the spirit of the times of being vigorous, responsible for society and caring for the world, so as to live up to and live up to this life. These keywords can represent the basic spirit of Tang poetry concisely and powerfully. I think the Tang people's evaluation of Tang poetry also advocates the spirit of fishing with exhausted resources. For example, Ren Hua, a poet in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, wrote "Send Li Bai": "In ancient times, there was an article that could escape, be lofty, clear people's hearts and shock the soul. I heard that there is Li Bai today. " So we are not groundless. Bai Juyi said, "God wants you to know that the world needs good poems." This is a high summary of the spirit of the times, which shows that good poetry is the place of providence and an affirmation of providence. This is an era of good poetry. Poets know this best. They want to turn the world into a beautiful poem.

Everyone will ask: You are talking about the spirit of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. What about the late Tang Dynasty? Aren't they all a little depressed? Compared with the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the late Tang Dynasty is not enough. But don't forget, poets in the late Tang Dynasty made the life spirit of all talents stand out. It was not until the late Tang Dynasty that good poetry became a beauty that people could pursue all their lives, similar to religious belief. Wang Jian said, "Only when the name of a good poem comes out will it hurt the teenager to teach twice"; Bai Juyi said: "God needs to know, and the world needs poetry." . Therefore, from the tired life in the early years of the prosperous Tang Dynasty to the tired life spirit in the middle and late Tang Dynasty, it is actually a manifestation of the cultural spirit of being kind to life, holding high the beauty of human nature and not living up to this life. Without the splendid foundation of China culture, there would be no such expression of Tang poetry. Therefore, I think there is a secret behind Tang poetry, and there is a deep spiritual temperament, that is, the spirit of dedication, that is, the collective consciousness of the times worthy of this life. If anyone dares to say that his life is worthy of this life, we can say that he got the true spirit of Tang poetry from China culture.

Tang poetry is in the morning, not afternoon tea.

Now let's read some famous sentences that have been handed down for thousands of years. We can see that poets always say "the moon was bright in Qin Dynasty and closed in Han Dynasty", "The Long March has not returned" and "Why don't men take Wu Gou? In the 50 States of Guanshanji, it is always said that "it is more west to Anxi! "We found that the world of Tang poetry is very big, full of strength and heroism.

If people in the early Tang Dynasty suffered from lovelorn love, they would say, "Mochow has no bosom friend in the future, and the whole world doesn't know you?" You will smile and feel better. If you overcome the predicament after a period of time, you will say: "The apes on both sides of the strait are crying, and the canoe has passed Chung Shan Man!" There will be new hope in the future. If the poet had been defeated and suffered great setbacks, he would say, "Where is the Taoist who planted peaches?" Before Liu Lang comes back! "My heart is full of proud feelings. When the poet is at a loss, there will be such a poem: "Laugh at the sky and go out. Are we Artemisia people? "Tang people don't like the rise of some villains, saying," Two Cao's name is dead, and rivers are endless. " This is the most powerful swear word in Tang poetry. It is very powerful and has a very broad vision based on historical time.

Tang poetry can enhance people's personality and invigorate the vitality of life. After reading a lot of Tang poems, I really feel proud that "the east wind comes like night and blows open the petals of Wanli Tree". This is one of the reasons why we like Tang poetry. Therefore, Professor Ye Jiaying went on to say that poetry is an immortal mind.

Great rivers and plains are often mentioned in Tang poetry. Because the Tang poetry is mainly about writing poems in which China's northern culture reached its peak, it is necessary to write landscapes. Therefore, most Song poems are bridges and rivers, while most Tang poems are mountains and rivers. China literature has written the best landscape works, and I dare say that it has not surpassed the Tang poetry so far. For example, "the green mountains on both sides of the strait are opposite, and the lonely sails come from the side of the sun", and the lofty sentiments are magnificent, such as "the green mountains make love together, and the bright moon is never two townships", such as "the mountains cover the day", "the desert is lonely and smoke straight", "how can the water of the Yellow River move into the ocean and never return", such as "the lonely sails sail, the blue sky is exhausted, and only the Yangtze River flows in the sky", such as "the leaves fall" The Yangtze River, the Yellow River, the mountains, the mountains, the rivers, the sun, the moon and the Tang poetry just want to be earth-shattering, that is, to penetrate the life of the universe. "Take this opportunity to surround the wall of the third district of Qin, and make the five rivers one by one fog." The wind is full of smoke and the atmosphere is extremely strong. "It is more difficult to travel like this than to climb the blue sky", "Go straight to the sky, and its peak will reach the sky", and this "heaven" and "heaven" all connect human life with the life of the universe from top to bottom. The poet and prime minister of the prosperous Tang Dynasty said that the great calligrapher Wang Wan wrote a poem in the yamen: "... the night now gives way to the ocean of the sun, and the old year melts in freshness." This represents the aesthetic consciousness of the Tang people: the great beauty of heaven and earth, the grand view of nature-dawn, spring and New Year, all came to the world together, making the world a beautiful existence. The words "live" and "enter" are passionate and unrestrained, which is the nature of living. Tian Xingjian, full of vigor and vitality in life, is positive, and welcomes freshness and vastness.

Some poems look ordinary and quiet, and also have a kind of vitality beauty that runs through the universe. For example, "I will walk until the water checks my path, and then sit and watch the rising clouds". This "water-deficient place" and "Yun Qi time" are endless pulses of the universe. "How magnificent Mount Tai is! ? It is vast and spans the highlands of Qi and Lu. " , this "unfinished" three words, is it not endless spring scenery flowing? There was a poet who suddenly couldn't sleep one night. He couldn't find the reason, but he felt very warm. It turned out that after a winter, the atmosphere began to pick up, so he wrote a poem saying, "It's warm in spring tonight, and the sound of insects is new." You see, the poet's life rhythm is very sensitive to the life rhythm of the universe. There is a poem by Lao Du, which is especially liked by later poets. It was the dark society of the Tang Dynasty after the An Shi Rebellion. It was a moonless night, and the poet was worried and stayed up all night. Suddenly, a glittering moon spit out from the dark mountain mouth outside the window, and the pool outside the building was sparkling and bright in the moonlight. The poet's mood is also mixed with sadness and joy, full of silent touch on God's will. Du Fu has a quatrain, "Two orioles sing green willows, and a row of egrets go up to the sky". The writing here is very common, and children can understand it, but it is comfortable and transparent to read, and there is a feeling that life and the universe can breathe. Du Fu also has a quatrain, "Huang Si's maiden is full of flowers and thousands of flowers are low. Even butterflies dance from time to time, and charming Yingying just cries. " A beauty of commercial prosperity, a beauty of spring everywhere. After watching it for a long time, I feel that life is bright, fresh, lively and powerful.

Some poems seem sentimental on the surface, but in fact, the strength of life in their bones is still abundant. For example, Liu Zongyuan's "Fishing Alone in the Cold River": "There are no birds in hundreds of mountains, and there are no footprints in thousands of paths." So, is the universe dead? No, "a leaf boat, a bamboo cloak, an old man fishing for a cold river-snow", the colder the snow, the more Qianshan goes, the more fishermen look at it, and the vitality is very strong. Another example is Meng Haoran's "Spring Dawn": "I woke up easily on this morning in spring, and birds were singing everywhere. But now I think of that night, that storm, I don't know how many flowers were folded? " It sounds like the poet is so sentimental and loves jade, but you don't understand. Imagine that the poet was awakened by the sound of wind and rain in the middle of the night, but it was sunny and sunny in the morning, and the spring was beautiful. He is also in a good mood, lying in bed, listening to the chirping birds in front of the window, and the sun is full of panes. How happy he is! Those ups and downs, ups and downs, will always pass, and human society, the universe is natural, just like this, in the ups and downs, flowers bloom, grow forward forever, and develop forward, and nothing can stop the growth of life. A small Tang poem, with a total of only 20 words, is said to be so beneficial to life, so beneficial to life, opening up such an infinite world. Can you say that Tang poetry is not an immortal soul? Don't Tang poems express young people's dreams with China culture? Tang poetry is in the morning, boy, not afternoon tea. The spirit of afternoon tea is reflection, aftertaste, deep thinking and analysis, and we should constantly think about problems. In the morning, we don't ask questions, analyze or reflect. In the morning, climbing mountains is full of emotion, while watching the sea is full of meaning. This is a fresh look and full of spirit. We want our nation to have a youthful spirit in the face of the long journey of the Millennium, and have a chance to dream in the nine-to-five travel-stained, so let our next generation read more Tang poems!

The enterprising and vigorous spirit of life in Tang poetry comes not only from the era of national strength enhancement and opening to the outside world, but also from the enlightened and advanced political culture, namely, Imperial Examination, Shang Xian and coachable. Scholars are attracted by social psychological groups, which is closely related to the imperial examination, the great rise of the status of ancient intellectuals in China since the Han and Wei Dynasties, the worship of poetry, humanities and beauty by the whole society and the strengthening of the national strength in the Tang Dynasty, and is a symbol of the revival of Chinese culture. Only in this era will there be outstanding performance of exhaustion spirit, and only when there is a climate of dedication in society will there be exhaustion performance in literature.

It seems that we are particularly short of heroism today, especially the power of real life. This has something to do with our view of human nature. In modern times, scientism has ignored human nature and thought that human nature is just the synthesis of DNA, and anything can be made. There are even medical achievements such as Prozac. The arrogance of science, coupled with the materialistic wave of consumerism, makes human nature either fragmented and become a collage without rational framework, backbone and personality consciousness; Either it is hollowed out and becomes nihilism without real content and real needs; Either it is darkened and becomes a mass of human desires and material desires; Either gamification, become a commercial pop performance. Modernity advocates that man is an economic animal, a blind movement and sublimation of the subconscious mind, and a passer-by in the universe. These problems are too big for me to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of modern thought today, but our reflection and doubt about modern thought has also become a background for us to read Tang poetry, so that we can know how to cherish and continue it.

Face to face between people

According to the ancient concept of China culture, people's hearts are not isolated from each other. Poetry 300, in a word, thinking is innocent. Naivety is honesty, which is the relationship between human nature and human nature. It is dishonest to be separated from heart by clever words, calculations, interests, material desires, etc. Confucius said, "Poetry is the basis of developing human nature and human heart with poetry." Confucius also said: If you don't read Nan Zhou, you will still stand on the wall. When a person stands against the wall, he is separated, that is, he closes his mind. The benevolence advocated by Confucius is the spiritual communication between people. Dedication is the connection between human mind and human face. This has become a cornerstone of China culture and a spiritual prayer of China culture for thousands of years.

I saw the musical figurines and dance figurines in the Tang Dynasty, and I have a feeling that they are all devoted and attentive. The expression is dynamic and simple, but there is an air of selflessness, as if everyone has forgotten themselves and is immersed in the current musical artistic conception. This is not as rational, complicated, objective and calm as western symphonies. This shows that Tang people have a religious attachment to artistic creation and poetry life, which is their attachment to their own life creation.

Bai Juyi's poem says: "The heart touches the heart." It means that as long as people are connected, it is a world full of people's hearts. In Li Bai's poem, he said, "The bright moon goes straight in, with no intention of guessing." It means that people are connected, as clear and pure as the bright moon, without any impurities. This dream was expressed in Tang poetry.

Take friendship as an example. China culture attaches great importance to friendship. Friendship is the expression of hearts between friends. It is not based on rationality and is not influenced by other external factors.

Du Fu's "Send Eight Guards to Chu Shi" is a famous sentence in Tang poetry to express friends' feelings, which is very simple.

It is almost as difficult for friends to meet each other as the stars in the morning and evening. So tonight is a rare event, join in, by candlelight? Two men who were young not long ago are now gray at the temples. It shocked us to find that half of our friends had died, which made us sad. We didn't expect that it would be twenty years before I could come to see you again. You were unmarried when I left, but now these boys and girls are in a row. They were very kind to their father's old friends. They asked me where I went during the trip. They brought me wine and vegetables before they could answer questions. Spring leeks cut in the rain at night are not a good place to drink. My host announced that it was a festival, and he urged me to drink ten cups. But what kind of ten glasses of wine can make me so drunk, because your love is always in my heart. . Tomorrow is separated by mountains and rivers, and after tomorrow-who can say? .

Every time I read this poem, I feel that the feelings here are as long and beautiful as wine. The ancient people's evaluation of this poem is: "Words come from the heart". In our words today, it really comes from the heart. The first sentence "it is almost as difficult for friends to meet" is extremely simple, like chatting, and extremely heavy. Against the background of the vast universe, it is not easy for life to gather and disperse. The words "tonight" are like songs and sighs, casual and affectionate. The four sentences of "young and strong" are the common feelings of reunion of old friends. The word "exclaim" is vivid and childlike, and there is no gap between the subject and the object. In the four sentences of Farewell, the atmosphere at the scene is very real. What we read today is just like the children of our old classmates. When they call our uncle, they suddenly feel the passing of life and the shortness of life. How sincere and ancient the word "Yiran" is! There is no courtesy between the older generation and the younger generation. Followed by wine pulp, spring leeks, and yellow-stalk rice, which is thicker than ten stalks and crosses the Qianshan Mountain. Since reciting this poem, I especially like the leeks in the south of the Yangtze River in spring, which are particularly fat and delicious. However, I know that all the spring leeks in the Tang Dynasty have been eaten, and the taste can no longer be compared with that of Du Fu at that time.

Look at another poem of Du Fu's going home in troubled times: the sky is red and the clouds are west, and the ground is at the foot of the weekdays. Chai Men's birds are noisy, and it's a thousand miles away. My wife blames me, and I'm still crying. The chaos of the world is drifting, and it is accidental to survive. The neighbors are sighing and booing all over the wall. Midnight is more like a candle, relatively dreamy.

The poet Du Fu finally escaped from the world of jackals thousands of miles away and finally got home. The sunset glow at dusk, the sunrise at the head of the village, and the magpies in Chai Men are all full of touching implications of the return of the world. When the wife saw her relatives, she was both surprised and sad. More importantly, the neighbors are plastered with walls, sighing and crying together, and sharing the happiness of this moment. According to the concept of modern society, what does this have to do with your neighbors? What are they looking at? However, according to the concept of China culture, people are connected and human nature is opposite. The joy and happiness that Du Fu's family happened to get together in troubled times is not only the matter of Du Fu's family, but also the matter of everyone in the village, which is related to the pain of everyone in the world.

The last two sentences of this poem: "Midnight is more like a candle and a dream." Write the wonderful meeting of husband and wife better than the meeting of immortals. I have never seen a better poem about husband and wife getting together. Here, there is not only the poet's deep affection for women, but also his consideration for women who have tasted bitterness in the struggle of hard life, and wrote the warmth of husband and wife after suffering.

Tang poetry is a must-read for geniuses.

Women mentioned in Tang poetry have a sentimental ambiguity and a warm consideration. Tang poetry is by no means male chauvinism, nor is it a frivolous prodigal son. There is always a sentimental and polysemous mentality, and there is always a mentality of sympathy, love, care and missing for women, which is a beautiful mentality full of human nature. Tang poetry is so human.

Take women in Tang poetry as an example. Women mentioned in Tang poetry have a sentimental ambiguity and a warm consideration. Tang poetry is by no means male chauvinism, nor is it a frivolous prodigal son. Some modern people, who think they are progressive and civilized, compare prostitutes in industrial and commercial society with geisha in Tang and Song Dynasties, so they despise China's writing female poems in ancient times. In fact, there is slavery and oppression of women in any era. On this issue, it cannot be proved that the industrial and commercial society is superior to the agricultural society, nor can it be proved that the agricultural society is superior to the industrial and commercial society. This is one aspect. On the other hand, we should not obliterate the independence, historicity and positive value of literature because of this slavery and oppression, as if literature is just a "reflection". Actually, isn't literature a kind of "resistance" and a kind of "creation"? From the joy of "spring breeze" in Tang Dynasty to the consciousness of "drinking lightly and singing low" in Song Dynasty, it is not only psychological compensation to resist political pressure, but also the awakening of free life different from fame and fortune. Women and mountains and rivers are two paradise for China poets to stretch their spiritual freedom under thousands of years of autocracy! In Tang poetry, women are respected in their bones. Everyone knows that Du Mu's "dream of Yangzhou for ten years and win the reputation of a brothel" is actually the most helpless self-mockery: "Talented people can't see the significance of attaching importance to the times, but they can see their arrogant ambitions when they read it." Although Du Mu is a charming wit, he once said goodbye to a woman in the middle of the night, and it was difficult to separate. He wrote such an affectionate poem as "If you miss a candle, you will cry till dawn for others", which is not comparable to the frivolous works of later generations!

I like Rainbow Changling's famous poem about boudoir best: "Young women in boudoir don't know how to worry. In spring, they make up to go to green buildings. I suddenly saw Liu Seqi and regretted looking for a husband. " Write the young woman's desire for love, and sing her feelings of emotional hunger and depression for women. Think about it: if Tang poetry is not good at speaking from the standpoint of women, where is the basic happiness of women more important than the title of marquis? Jin Changxu's "Drive the oriole, all the fun comes from the tree. They woke her up when she dreamed that she went to meet him in Liaoxi camp. "She just met a man in western Liaoning in her dream and was awakened by a cry of an oriole. When you think of a woman's thoughts and emotions, you can feel them at once. It is a miracle that the ancients called such poems. The hearts of poets, women and men in western Liaoning are interlinked, and Tang poetry is such an interconnected world. There is also a four-line poem, I can't remember which poet wrote it. "There was a plum tree in front of Bai Yutang, and now I suddenly saw some branches open. The door of the child's house slammed shut. How can spring come in? " On a spring morning, plum blossoms suddenly bloomed in front of the court. The girl in Bai Yutang was surprised, happy and moved, and asked a silly and girly question: Is my daughter's house closed? Where did you come from in this spring? The girl fell in love with spring, and the poet wrote beautifully. What is wonderful here is that Tang poetry is considerate of women's psychology! So this poem sounds as if it was not written by a male poet, but like a woman talking to herself there. The same is true of Li Bai's masterpiece "Jade Family". "The jade steps are cold and dew, and the silk bottom is wet, which lingers for a long time. Behind her closed window, why is she still waiting, looking at the glory of the autumn moon through the crystal glass? "A woman can't sleep at night. She stood outside and looked at the moon for a long time. She couldn't sleep until the cold dew invaded her body. She still looks at the moon through the crystal curtain. That kind of expression is really vivid, with many feelings and meanings, watching the glory of the autumn moon through its crystal glass? Eyes. The sympathy, care, consideration and understanding of women in Tang poetry are also vividly expressed from this look. As soon as we read this poem today, we will clearly feel this woman's mood, even her expression is dynamic. It's really strange that after more than a thousand years, the impression is still so fresh. Therefore, Tang poetry is an immortal soul, an eternal insensitivity, an eternal touch and an eternal connection between people's hearts.

There are too many famous sentences about women in Tang poetry. Let's go back to Du Fu and miss his wife in the moonlight of Chang 'an: "Tonight? Status month, watching it alone from the window of her room. For our boys and girls, poor little baby, too young to know where the capital is. Her clouds are fragrant and foggy, and her arms are cold. When do you lean against the double sapporo and watch the bright light stop crying? "You see his sympathy for his wife's loneliness and his imagination of his beautiful wife's loneliness and sadness in the moonlight are so warm and beautiful. "In front of the hall, there is a woman without food and children. Not for poverty, but for fear. " Express the poet's sympathy, equality and respect for a poor and helpless old woman next door, and the gentle beauty of human feelings in a difficult life. Think about whether we modern people have such sympathy for the elderly, the weak and those who have no complaints about suffering in society. We see that Li Bai is such a childlike and domineering poet, but when he was in Anhui, he lived in an old lady's house: "I stayed in Panasonic for five days, lonely and unhappy." The farmer is busier at work, and the girl next door is not afraid of the cold autumn night all night. The owner of the house, the old woman, brought me rice, full of white rice like moonlight. People are drifting away, and you can't eat three thanks. "The poet who lost all his money suddenly became so hesitant and cautious that he lost all his usual heroism. In front of the hard peasant family, the poet is completely equal, and his heart is as clear and warm as moonlight.

In Li Shangyin's mysterious untitled poems, there are always beautiful and affectionate women's faces swaying in the middle. Li Shangyin wrote a poem to his wife: "When you come back, it rains late in the autumn pool. Why cut the candle at the west window and talk about the rain at night? " When we read this poem, there is always a sigh, a deep repetition and a lingering feeling. In a word, the poet's infinite tenderness flowed into the hearts of his loved ones, surpassing the past, present and future. In Bai Juyi's Pipa Trip, why did the pipa girl play it twice? Once it was "like pouring pearls, big and small, into a plate of jade" and once it was "although the tune was different from what she had played before". Why did the second time end with "the banquet, everyone listens and covers his face"? Because the first performance is technical and technical; The second time was spiritual, Bai Juyi wrote lyrics and played pipa, and we were all unhappy-the emotional exchange of eternity. Without this second performance, Pipa Star would be of little value. What impressed us most in Song of Eternal Sorrow was that "the king couldn't save it when he looked back, until they might trample those moths under their hooves", which presented a contrasting picture in one sentence; On the one hand, it is a tall horse representing war, power and ruthless history, and on the other hand, it is a flying moth eyebrow representing beauty, sensibility, gentleness and the weak. We will think of the poet "Jiangzhou Sima Chun's shirt is wet", which is really a great lover. Tang poetry is a kind of love poetry. Undoubtedly, Tang poetry is a must-read for genius love. It often has a sentimental and polysemous mind, a sympathetic and loving mind for women, a caring and missing mind, which is a beautiful mind full of human nature. China culture says the earth?
