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Miscellaneous Notes on the Book of Changes, Three Rivers and Luo Shu

Miscellaneous Notes on the Book of Changes, Three Rivers and Luo Shu

The Cultural Origin of Hetu and Luoshu

The last two pictures with circles and dots are called River Map and Luoshu. They are the grandfathers of mahjong, chess and Go. Mahjong, chess and Go are all trails, but they are all related to these two pictures.

He Tu and Luo Shu belong to the myth of China's academic thought. According to the ancient legend, many difficulties occurred in Dayu's water control project. As a result, a horse appeared in the river in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, which was deified by the ancients and called the Dragon Horse. There is a pattern on the back of the dragon horse, that is, these circles and points, and nothing else, so this pattern is called river map, because this pattern has produced mathematical methods and concepts. However, ancient myths are different from general theories. According to the myth, when Dayu got this "river map", he could deceive ghosts and gods and put an end to the floods in China. Then a turtle came out of Luoshui. On its back, there is another pattern composed of circles and dots. This pattern is named Luo Shu. When these two modes are combined, China's mathematical philosophy and engineering application theory are produced. This is our traditional view, and later generations have been after the Tang and Song Dynasties. Theoretically, most scholars disagree with this view, and they are skeptical. In modern times, it is even more anti-ancient. I think these two pictures are meaningless and may be a myth in disguise. Modern scholars like this? Meaningless identification? What is the basis? I can't say, but I just don't believe this story.

As far as we know, China culture was not unified during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. At that time, the language, writing, transportation, economy and even social forms in various regions were not unified. In the Zhou Dynasty, the so-called central emperor rule, vassal enfeoffment and local partition were not unified. The situation of reunification after Qin and Han Dynasties is another matter. When we study history, we often look at the ancients from the political and social forms of later generations, which is a great deviation. Because there was no unification at that time, judging from the culture of the Four Books and Five Classics preserved by Confucius, it seems that it is too difficult to sort out the historical written materials above Tang Yu, so when there are reliable words as the basis, I began to compile Historical Records from Tang Yao. According to these data, we can see that Yao Shunyu's cultural regions are different. At that time, it was in the north of the upper reaches of the Yellow River, and earlier Huangdi, such as the famous battle of Zhuolu, was in the north of Hebei. At that time, culture was in the north, and then in the Zhou Dynasty, almost to the south of the Yellow River. China's culture moves from north to south, with the big side moving from northwest to southeast and the small side moving from north to south. For example, the culture of Jiangnan was slowly moved from the north after the Jin Dynasty. During the Southern Song Dynasty, Jiangnan culture flourished. Not only China, but also foreign cultures all originated in the north and gradually evolved to the south. In Chinese and foreign history, rulers who really flourished after ruling for a generation all originated in the north, rarely from cities, but mostly from rural areas, which has a lot to do with the study of philosophical issues.

Now we know that China culture originally developed from the upper reaches of the Yellow River. Obviously, the two cultural systems, Hetu and Luoshu, took place in different places, one in the upper reaches of the Yellow River in the north, the other in the south and Luoyang in the south bank of the Yellow River.

Look at the river map from astronomical astrology

What is the significance of studying these two pictures? It is unreasonable to object to the view that some people think this is the same as that drawn by children. But if cheating is unreasonable and can be cheated for thousands of years, and first-class people have been cheated, then this clever deception is also worth studying. Now I assume that this is a very simplified astronomical map in the past, so which constellations does it refer to? We know that there are several kinds of astronomy, but now it is strict, such as astrology, which belongs to astronomical knowledge. There are two kinds of astrology, one is astronomical constellation, and the other is abstract astrology. Ancient and modern Chinese and foreign cultures, such as Egyptian, Indian, China, especially Atlantic culture, and even the newly discovered constellation culture in the so-called backward areas of South America belong to abstract astrology. Abstract astrology is to study the relationship between astronomical astrology and human body together, and develop it into astrology, fortune telling and so on, all of which belong to astrology? Abstract astrology, so in the past history and culture, fortune tellers were called? Astrologer? . Thus, the principle of fortune-telling must come from astrology. At present, there is a course of astrology in the United States, which is also a new academic field. Seven or eight universities around the world have taught fortune-telling and fortune-telling methods. Although a degree system has not been formed, people all over the world have begun to teach. Then the "river map" and "Luo Shu" we put forward are our simplified and inductive star maps in ancient times, which is my hypothesis. If we explore from this direction, we can find many reasons. From the image number of the Book of Changes, we can sum up this set, which is unique and very mysterious, but these mysterious methods have produced many things. For example, a white dot under the river map is called? There is water in the sky and 60% in the earth? , the other party (above)? Second, make a fire, 70% of the time a day? On the left? Three trees in the sky, 80% of the land? On the right? Gold refining in four places, 90% is heaven? , in the central? Born in five places, born in 100%? . In the past, we only knew the back, but we didn't know what truth was. In fact, studying philosophy or science is a big question.

For example, all cultures in the world, except religion, talk about the origin of the universe, which is nothing more than idealism and materialism. Materialist thought holds that the formation of the earth and the beginning of the universe, the first element is water. Later geologists, completely from the standpoint of scientific physics, believed that the formation of the earth, at first rotating like a mass of mud in space, gradually condensed into the earth after tens of billions of years of continuous rotation. In China's philosophy and science, in the Book of Changes, water is born every day, and the land is 60%. Similarly, water is the first factor. After the formation of the earth, the so-called land is 60%. This is China Thought. Before the Spring and Autumn Period, we paid attention to time and space, which was different from that in the West. At that time, the West emphasized four directions, while India emphasized ten directions as the orientation of space. Before the Spring and Autumn Period, people in China talked about Liuhe, which was put forward by Zhuangzi. Talking about Liuhe space includes four directions: southeast, northwest, up and down. Knowing this, we know that "river map" and "Luo Shu" are not just nonsense. ? There is water in the sky and 60% in the earth? It is not superstition, but that the first element of the formation of the universe is water. After the formation of the earth, there will be four directions and six rivers, but this is inferred and unscientific. Speaking of China's science, in the traditional Taoist thoughts in the past, we all know that after Newton discovered gravity, there was a revolution in world science. After Einstein invented the theory of relativity, Newton's theorem had to be overturned or revised, modern culture was created, and people could go into space, but Newton's theorem of gravity still existed. In fact, each planet has its own attraction, so it doesn't matter. Turn around there, but the problem is that there are so many planets in space, why don't they collide? Performing stunts on the stage, throwing a lot of balls will not collide, because time and speed are well controlled, the position is well placed and the strength is right. But who threw them on the planet in space? The answer to this question has not been found, and people all over the world are looking for it. When we collect these materials and study the river map and Luo Shu, we will know that they are reasonable in themselves.


Why? Second, make a fire, 70% of the time a day? ? The bottom two points of this pattern are even numbers, and the black dots indicate negative numbers. The negative is after the formation of matter, and the positive is before the formation of matter. In modern scientific terms, it is equal to? what's up , but invisible, philosophically abstract, the code here is white dots, which is very strange. In ancient times, it can also be explained that there was a fire underground, so there was a volcanic eruption and a fire broke out underground, so it was called? Deere made a fire? This kind of explanation is specious and can be explained by the scope of previous knowledge. Really? Deere made a fire? It means that after the formation of the earth, its rotation friction, electricity, and then? Seventy percent of a day? This is because the position of the earth in the universe is related to the Big Dipper, the so-called Ursa Major. Without the Big Dipper, there would be no astronomical geography in China. The ancients thought that the Big Dipper was the constellation of emperors. We don't have to be so mysterious. Another reason is related to China's political philosophy, science and astronomy.