Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - In the theory of yin-yang and five elements, yin-qi is excessive. What's wrong with that? What's wrong with excessive yang? I want to explain in detail. ..

In the theory of yin-yang and five elements, yin-qi is excessive. What's wrong with that? What's wrong with excessive yang? I want to explain in detail. ..

The rise and fall of yin and yang is the rise and fall or partial decline of yin and yang, which is manifested as pathological changes of cold or heat, or excess or deficiency, which is manifested as yang exuberance, yin exuberance, yang deficiency and yin deficiency. 1. Excess of Yin and Yang: Excess of Yin or Yang mainly refers to the pathological changes of "evil leading to excess". "Excess of Yang leads to heat and excess of Yin leads to cold" is the pathogenesis characteristic of excess of Yang and excess of Yin. The former is because of heat, and the latter is because of cold. Yang is long and Yin disappears, while Yin is long and Yang disappears. Therefore, "the fact that Yang is the disease of Yin, and the fact that Yin is the disease of Yang" (Su Wen's theory of Yin and Yang should be like) is the inevitable development trend of pathological changes such as Yang exuberance or Yin exuberance. (1) Excess of yang leads to heat: Excess of yang refers to pathological changes such as hyperactivity of yang, hyperactivity of viscera and meridians, and excessive pathogenic heat in the course of disease development. Excessive yang leads to heat, which is caused by excessive yang or yin, or internal injuries of seven emotions, or excessive five emotions leads to fire, or qi stagnation and blood stasis, phlegm stagnation leads to heat and fire. The pathogenesis of excess yang leading to heat is characterized by excess heat due to excess yang and yin deficiency. Yang is characterized by heat, hyperactivity and dryness, so excessive yang causes heat-induced pathological changes, dryness and hyperactivity, fever, irritability, red tongue with yellow fur and rapid pulse. So: "Yang Sheng fever"; Because one side's yang is often too strong, the other side's yin is often relatively weak, so in addition to the above clinical manifestations, there will be symptoms such as thirst, less urine and dry stool. Therefore, it is called "yin disease caused by excessive yang", but the main contradiction lies in excessive yang. However, it should be pointed out that "yang is yin disease" and yang is yin deficiency. In pathogenesis, it is necessary to distinguish whether yin is relatively insufficient or absolutely insufficient. Pathogens in the yang cause the yang to flourish, and the yang will damage the yin, but although the yin is weak, it does not reach the degree of yin deficiency, and the yin is only relatively insufficient. Its pathogenesis is excess of yang without deficiency of yin. If yin deficiency changes from relative deficiency to absolute deficiency, and yin deficiency coexists with yang deficiency, or only yin deficiency without yang deficiency, the pathogenesis changes from excess heat to excess heat of yin or internal heat of yin deficiency. (2) Excess of Yin leads to cold: Excess of Yin refers to a pathological change of excessive Yin Qi, dysfunction or decline, excessive yin-cold and accumulation of pathological metabolites during the disease process. Too much yin leads to cold, which is mostly caused by feeling cold and dampness, or overeating leads to cold, cold and dampness are blocked in the middle, and yang does not control yin, resulting in excessive yin cold. Generally speaking, the pathogenesis of yin excess is characterized by excess of yin and deficiency of yang. Yin is characterized by coldness, quietness and dampness, so the cold pathological changes and the images of dampness and quietness caused by excessive Yin are manifested as cold form, cold limbs, eating heat, pale mouth, white fur and delayed pulse. Therefore, it is said that "yin is abundant in cold". Because the yin side is on the high side, it often hurts the yang, which will lead to the decline of the yang side, resulting in aversion to cold, abdominal pain and clearing away loose stool. This kind of yang deficiency is caused by yin excess, so it is also called "yin excess is yang disease" "Excess of yin leads to yang disease", while excess of yin leads to yang deficiency. From the change of pathogenesis, although the disease of yin excess can also be divided into relative deficiency of yang and absolute deficiency of yang, it is easy to dissipate because of the initiative of yang, and yin cold is caused by many factors, such as body yang deficiency and yang failing to absorb yin. Therefore, in fact, when the yin is high, it is often accompanied by different degrees of yang deficiency, and it is difficult to clearly distinguish between relative deficiency and absolute injury. 2. Yin-Yang decline: Yin-Yang decline is a pathological change caused by yin deficiency or Yang Qi. Yang Qi's deficiency does not unify the yin, which makes the yin relatively excited, forming a deficiency-cold syndrome of "yang deficiency and cold". On the contrary, the yin essence loses, and the yin does not control the yang, which makes the yang relatively excited, thus forming a deficiency-heat syndrome of "yin deficiency is heat". (1) Yang deficiency and cold: Yang deficiency refers to the pathological changes of Yang deficiency, hypothermia, hypofunction or weakness. The main reasons for the decline of yang spirit are mostly due to congenital deficiency, acquired malnutrition, fatigue and internal injuries, or long-term illness that damages yang. Generally speaking, its pathogenesis is characterized by deficiency-cold syndrome in which yang is insufficient, yang does not control yin, and yin is relatively abundant: yang deficiency of spleen and kidney is the main factor, especially kidney yang deficiency. Because kidney yang is the foundation of human body. Therefore, kidney-yang deficiency (deficiency of vital energy) plays an extremely important role in the pathogenesis of yang deficiency. Due to the deficiency of yang, yang deficiency can't control yin, the warm function of yang is weakened, and some functional activities of meridians, viscera and other tissues and organs are also weakened and declined. The slow movement of qi, blood, body fluid and water are insoluble and yin is cold, which is the main mechanism of cold caused by yang deficiency. Yang deficiency is cold. Although you can also see cold images such as pale face, cold limbs, pale tongue and delayed pulse, there are also virtual images such as lying still, clearing urine and clearing valley. Therefore, cold due to yang deficiency and cold due to yin deficiency not only have different pathogenesis, but also have different clinical manifestations: the former is deficiency cold, while the latter is mainly cold, and the deficiency image is not obvious. (2) Excessive heat due to yin deficiency: Huxu syndrome refers to the loss of essence, blood, body fluid and other substances in the body, and the pathological changes in which yin does not absorb yang, resulting in relatively excessive yang and functional deficiency. The main causes of yin failure are mostly due to yang evil hurting yin, or excessive five-will, fire hurting yin, or chronic illness hurting yin fluid. Generally speaking, its pathogenesis is characterized by yin deficiency, nourishing, decreased sedation, deficiency-heat syndrome and relatively high yang. Yin deficiency syndrome exists in all five internal organs, but mainly in liver and kidney. The yin deficiency of the other three zang-fu organs lasts for a long time, eventually involving the liver and kidney. Among the five, there are many inclusions. Clinically, lung and kidney yin deficiency and liver and kidney yin deficiency are common. Because kidney yin is the root of all yin, kidney yin deficiency plays an extremely important role in the pathogenesis of yin deficiency. Due to the lack of vaginal fluid, Yang Qi is not restricted, and various manifestations such as internal heat due to yin deficiency, hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency, hyperactivity of yang due to yin deficiency, such as five-upset heat, hot flashes due to bone steaming, red face and excessive internal heat, emaciation, night sweats, dry throat, red tongue with little fur, weak pulse, etc., are all manifestations of yin deficiency and heat. The pathogenesis of yin deficiency heat and yang excess heat are different, and their clinical manifestations are also different: the former is deficiency heat, while the latter is mainly heat, and the deficiency is not obvious.