Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Addicted to fortune telling _ addicted to fortune telling, more and more confused and worried.

Addicted to fortune telling _ addicted to fortune telling, more and more confused and worried.

The harm of constellation divination to teenagers

The landlord changed' superstition' to' constellation divination'.

Keep children away from horoscope divination

I remember a classmate in our class once wrote a diary entitled "Is there really a soul in the world?"? It's about grandma summoning the soul of her frightened brother. He felt both funny and confused. To this end, I conducted a survey among students, and the results showed that 100% of parents had participated in superstitious activities like burning incense and worshipping Buddha and offering sacrifices to gods. In fact, this has become a very common phenomenon. A sample questionnaire survey conducted by experts among middle school students and middle school teachers in the suburbs of Beijing found that 42% students usually like to read books with mysterious colors; 53% of the students think that praying to God and Buddha for psychological balance, 40% wearing amulets for peace, 7% thinking that Mr. Feng Shui is desirable, 85% thinking that students have calculated their lives, 14% believing in special functions ... These amazing figures are worrying.

In fact, as long as you think about it seriously, all children will have such a "belief crisis" for many reasons, and you can't simply hit the board on the children.

First of all, in the vast rural areas, various feudal superstitious activities emerge one after another in society, and all kinds of superstitious words and deeds abound. Feudal superstition and pseudo-scientific pollution have penetrated into the growing environment of teenagers. For young people, superstition has not only influenced them, but also impressed them deeply. This has a great influence on rural children, who live in this environment every day. It may be more difficult to implant "atheism" in their hearts than to ascend to heaven. What is even more frightening is that this trend has begun to spread to cities, and it is getting more and more serious. Especially for the sake of their children's good grades and their own careers, many parents began to seek the protection of "Bodhisattva" and tried their best to pray to God and worship Buddha, which undoubtedly made their children's already fragile spiritual beliefs worse.

Secondly, various media, including television, newspapers, internet, radio and so on, have contributed to the popularity of modern superstition. In particular, the role of the network in this respect is immeasurable. In this regard, just looking at the following figures is enough to make people tremble with fear: if we enter online divination, computer fortune telling, astrology and fortune telling, fate and geomancy, horoscope and fortune telling and fortune telling on Google, you will find about 1 760,000, 1 520,000 and 0./ 000, 130000 matching query results, and all kinds of software in the network. If you search for "computer fortune-telling software", you will find about 76 1000 matching query results within 0 or 20 seconds, which shows that the network plays a key role in the spread of modern superstition. Many disseminators of network culture, driven by interests, do whatever it takes to get what they want. They blatantly made a large number of pseudoscience and letters into web pages and spread them publicly on the Internet, which seriously affected the healthy growth of teenagers.

Third, teenagers nowadays are almost overwhelmed by their studies, and their spare time life is extremely scarce. Both of them are at a loss, worrying about their studies and future. Most teachers and parents only focus on their children's grades, lacking the necessary communication and exchange, and the confusion in their study and life can't be answered in time, so they have to leave it to modern superstition to explain. Moreover, teenagers' curiosity and comparison psychology are extremely serious now, which virtually encourages the spread of modern superstitions on campus and among teenagers.

The spread and popularity of traditional superstition and modern superstition have seriously affected the healthy growth of teenagers, which should arouse the general concern of the whole society. Qi Xin works together to eliminate the poison of superstition to teenagers.

First, to eliminate the poison of superstitious ideas to young people, the most important thing is to correctly guide young people to establish a scientific world outlook, outlook on life and values. It has been said that if we don't occupy the minds of teenagers with healthy and civilized content, then negative things such as superstition will be occupied. This is a very simple truth. Therefore, our school and parents should closely contact with students' ideological reality and creatively carry out moral education, so that ideological and moral education can really enter the hearts of teenagers.

Second, in order to eliminate the harm of superstition to teenagers, children must be guided by excellent culture. Excellent culture can purify people's minds and inspire people to make progress; Low-level vulgar culture will corrode people's souls and hinder the progress of social civilization.

Third, eliminate the harm of superstition to teenagers, get rid of the influence of educational utilitarianism, vigorously strengthen the construction of campus culture, organize teenagers to participate in colorful extracurricular life, and let them grow up in a healthy and happy atmosphere. If we straighten out the purpose of education, free children from the heavy academic burden, and let them wander around the campus after intense study to enrich their spiritual and cultural life, I don't think anyone will approach those boring "horoscope divination" and computer fortune telling.

Fourth, eliminate the harm of superstition to teenagers and strengthen the popularization of popular science education. The current popular science education can't meet the needs of teenagers in the new situation, which is also an important reason for the proliferation of superstitions. On the one hand, we can expose the so-called lies such as "fortune telling" and "doing things" in some intuitive forms, on the other hand, we should educate young people in a flexible and popular way to make them consciously abandon superstition and love science. In this regard, CCTV's "Into Science" program is very good. We can organize children to watch it and organize discussions and exchanges.

Fifth, eliminating the harm of superstition to teenagers requires the joint efforts of the whole society. Teachers and parents should set an example, stay away from superstition and demonstrate for their children; Governments at all levels should take measures to curb the prevalence of feudal superstitions in society; Cultural publishing departments should put an end to the popularity of superstitious books in society, take measures to strengthen network management, effectively purify the network environment, and thoroughly eliminate those junk cultures with pseudoscience and superstition colors. ...


How to fascinate teenagers with "high-tech" network superstition September 25, 2005 Source: Xinhuanet.

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Xinhuanet Chongqing, September 24th (Zhang Qin, Gold) Qin Qin (a pseudonym), a junior high school student in Chongqing, gave herself a test online before the entrance examination. The prophecy of "test luck" says that even if he works hard, his grades will not be good. Convinced, Qin Qin decided to give up studying hard, and as a result, his scores in the senior high school entrance examination plummeted.

Worryingly, in the reporter's investigation, it is found that there are not a few teenagers who are as sacred as Qin Qin in network prediction and divination.

"The nasty things are going to happen." "You are very resistant to learning, how can you study with peace of mind?" ..... This kind of prediction is everywhere on the Internet, attracting and misleading young people who lack discrimination and are extremely curious. Some people even listen to "command" in all their actions and tell their fortune first. Teenagers' addiction to internet superstition has become a major problem that has to be paid attention to and changed.

Fortune-telling before going out, pre-test prediction and online superstition have become students' action guides.

Before the mid-term exam this year, Qin Qin made a prediction online. As a result, she said that although she had tried her best, her grades had not improved because her aggressive mind was not at all in her studies. Qin Qin sat in the right position, feeling that he really didn't want to take the exam as predicted, and even thought about it in the examination room, which led to poor exam results. But she stubbornly said: "I didn't do well in the exam and verified the prediction result, and many of my classmates who have made this online prediction think the result is really accurate!" " "

Zhang Lan (pseudonym) is a recent graduate of a university in Chongqing. After falling in love with the popular constellation pairing on the Internet, she thought about calculating for herself and her boyfriend. She found out on the Internet that she and her boyfriend who had been in love for three years had completely different personality types and were "a couple with poor prospects", so she proposed to break up with her boyfriend. No matter how her boyfriend explained it and how her friends advised her, Zhang Lan thought that the computer calculation was absolutely correct and refused to change her mind.

What's more, some middle school students check the Internet before going out every day to see if it is suitable to go out that day, what color clothes to wear, who to see and who not to see. Internet superstitions, such as astrology, interpretation of the twelve constellations, Beidou Yijing, Duke Zhou, etc. , have transformed the old street fortune telling, with the help of the network and high technology constantly eroding the immature hearts of young people.

Internet prediction is unscientific, and there are commercial profits behind fortune telling.

Reporters randomly input male and female constellations on the Internet and get the answer that "personality and behavior patterns are very similar, and it is easy to appreciate and attract each other", and this ambiguous and vague answer is the common feature of this kind of prediction results.

An insider engaged in website design who asked not to be named told reporters that in fact, network prediction is not scientific at all. Just buy a few books about fortune telling and astrology, sort out the contents of the books and input them into the background program. Take the reporter's prediction as an example. According to the divination pairing of 12 constellation, there are at most 144 answers, but the reporter has tried many times and the answers are the same many times, which means there are no 144 answers at all. The insider said that after setting the answer, as long as you enter any two constellations, the so-called prediction results will appear, and these results are naturally unclear, because ambiguous statements are more likely to make people believe in the accuracy of the prediction. In fact, this vague answer is applicable to everyone, which just shows that network prediction is inaccurate and unscientific.

So, who is the biggest beneficiary of network superstition? Click on the word "divination" on a search website, and a total of 3.05 million web pages are retrieved, which shows that superstitious ideas are flooding the network. Behind the network fortune telling is huge commercial profits.

According to industry sources, the usual practice of major websites is to let people do some tests for free first, and then pay "gold coins" after they are interested. However, the "gold coins" circulating in this network test need to be purchased and exchanged with real-life money. In order to pursue more profits, websites generally provide the service of sending short messages to make predictions. The cost of sending a short message ranges from 50 cents to 1 yuan, and users will also receive 4 to 8 reply messages. Excluding the information channel fees paid to communication operators, website companies can make a net profit of about 2 yuan per piece of information. However, a website company predicts that the average number of short messages per day is several thousand, and its profit is surprisingly high.

Fortune-telling software is another way to predict money online. It not only charges for downloading, but also increases the advertising revenue of forecasters by increasing the number of times they log on to the website. There are also books, picture books and CDs derived from network superstition, such as astrology, dream interpretation and luck prediction. The popular network superstition has become the best money-making platform carefully built by the website.

Beware of network superstition becoming the network opium of teenagers.

Professor Zhou Qingxing from the School of Trade and Management of Chongqing University called for vigilance against online superstition becoming the online opium of teenagers. He believes that there are three main reasons why teenagers are so obsessed with online superstition. First, it is related to the characteristics of teenagers themselves. First of all, teenagers are in a stage of strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge, and they are full of curiosity about online fortune telling and fortune telling. Secondly, teenagers' conformity psychological suggestion is strong, they are easy to drift with the tide, and they admire the so-called fashion trend of network superstition; Thirdly, most teenagers lack the ability to accurately judge complex things; Finally, in the process of growing up, teenagers pay more attention to their own behaviors, such as future fate, love and so on, and online superstition just caters to their psychology. The second reason is related to the characteristics of network prediction. Internet fortune telling is simple, diverse and entertaining, and it is very confusing for teenagers under the cloak of "high technology". The third is related to the big social environment. China's feudalism has a long history, superstition prevails, and the lack of popular science education, especially social science education, is easy to lead teenagers to go astray.

It is imperative to eliminate network superstition. Fan Qilin, director of the Social Affairs Department of the Research Office of Chongqing Municipal Committee, believes that to completely eliminate online superstition, especially its harm to young people, it is necessary to regulate it by legal means and crack down on related illegal acts according to law. It is also an effective way to combat network superstition by shielding the content of network superstition, timely guidance from schools, parents and society, strengthening publicity and education, and establishing relevant social service systems.