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Divination _ fortune telling

The secret of numerology

Pythagoras divided numbers into 1~9 kinds of energy, and each number shouldered its own mission and heavy responsibility. When these figures appear on our birthdays, they reveal your personal life information.

Now please disassemble it and add up the birthday numbers in your solar calendar (it must be the solar calendar)! Such as: Gregorian birthday: 1970-07- 18

Calculation method: decompose and add the numbers obtained from 1+9+7+0+7+ 1+8 = 33 until the number within 10 is 3+3=6.

So your main character is number six. The following are the characteristics of each major role. 1 is the starting number of Arabic numerals, and it is also the number representing "start". In addition, 1 not only represents the "beginning", but also contains unlimited creative power. 1 is a very creative person. His outstanding creativity makes him very independent and confident, but his independence often makes him feel lonely. So 1 will need its own privacy. Get along with 1 and understand "confidentiality". Even the people closest to us should know how to respect the space they need.

65438 +0 is a natural leader. His confidence will help him succeed in any field, but sometimes overconfidence will make him overconfident. When friends or colleagues put forward their opinions and suggestions, they can't listen and accept them carefully. So 1 people sometimes need to overcome the problem of being too self. The number 1 is also the number of male characters. People with the number 1 are easily addicted to one thing, especially when they encounter difficulties in life or work, and they will be very addicted to some bad hobbies (such as smoking, drinking, gambling, etc.). ) and addictive, so people with a number of 1 are easily hypnotized. Always remind yourself not to be too addicted to negative things, but to master a degree.

1 has natural leadership skills, but when getting along with others, you must learn to listen to others' expressions and don't express yourself too much, otherwise you will feel isolated. As long as you exercise your leadership correctly, you are sure to succeed. No. 1 people are often arrogant, giving people a feeling of being almost selfish. Therefore, we need to be more modest, more low-key, more respectful and considerate of others. At the same time, 1 people also need to trust others, cooperate with others, and do not have personal heroism. Just like a successful monarch, if he knows how to win the love of the people with kindness and kindness, the people will willingly obey him and support him. 1 When people cooperate with others and come up with some new ideas for doing business, they often make decisions for others without consulting others, which will make people feel that they are depriving others of their freedom and independence. Their so-called cooperation means that two independent individuals work together towards the same goal. At this time, partners must also be leaders, otherwise they will be completely manipulated. 1 people are isolated because of arrogance, but they often think that others are too hard on themselves and have to make this decision in order to survive.

People 1 If there is no real growth, you only believe in yourself and don't listen to other people's opinions when making decisions. They think that the idea of "don't trust others" will only make them fall into the worst situation-being abandoned, and finally leaving themselves to rely on. This is what happens when you refuse to trust others. No. 1 People must learn to get along with others in order to have a happy life. If you are too self-centered, you will only stay away from others and eventually become a lonely person.

life goal

No. 1 People must be loyal to themselves, accept their dreams of money, emotion and so on, and strive to make them come true. Because only when they achieve their goals can they exert their influence. No. 1 people must find ways to be completely independent. It is better to learn their own life lessons as early as possible, so that they can enjoy happiness while being independent.


Martin Luther (black American leader), Gorbachev (general secretary of the former Soviet Union), Winnie Houston (American female singer), Princess Caroline (Monaco) and Harrison Ford (American actor). The number 2 stands for communication ability. In addition, number two will also face many choices, and a person will become hesitant when faced with many choices, so number two should always remind himself to overcome the habit of hesitation. The number 2 is also a female character, and gentleness and patience are the advantages of the number 2. Of course, the second man will be more rational and gentle. Number two is also the most vulnerable person, especially women. Once the fixed lifestyle is broken, it is difficult to be independent. When a person has more than two life numbers, sometimes he doesn't like to talk, because his gushing, boasting and even talking to himself will make others feel disgusted, incomprehensible and unacceptable. Most of these people don't like to talk because of the influence of childhood, but they still have great potential and strong communication skills.

The second kind of people have strong dependence, the main reason is the lack of self-confidence and independent consciousness. People who are dependent always ask others for help, are indecisive, are willing to rely on the strong, obey the mercy, have no opinions of their own, and rarely strive for opportunities for themselves. If they are not guided in time, they may form dependent personality, which may easily cause anxiety and fear.

No.2 people are more dependent on others, don't like being alone, like always having companions around them, and like group activities. If he wants to go to a place he doesn't like, he will go because he doesn't want to be lonely. Many times, they don't care what activities they are engaged in, as long as they are not lonely, they can fully show their personality and talents in team activities. No.2 people will have too many demands, which will burden others and even make people bored. This feeling is very bad, just like taking advantage of others. If they lose their use value, they will immediately turn around and look for the next object to rely on. Of course, it is easy to offend people and inadvertently set up many enemies.

No.2 people must learn to be independent, and their dreams must be realized by themselves, and they cannot rely on others for everything. It is always unreliable to pin your hopes on others, let alone take others as an excuse for failure. After all, you can't do it yourself. If you can fundamentally get rid of your dependence on yourself, you will show a superego. The success and happiness of No.2 depends on independence rather than the help of others, which is just the opposite of 1. As long as the second person uses his own ability and the help of others, it is easy to succeed.

life goal

Man 2 must build a life based on a firm and stubborn emotional relationship. They must find someone who is as willing to share as they are, and they can always be there; This object is like their reflection in the mirror. The second person must also find a suitable job, a job that allows them to criticize and improve freely. People must feel that they are closely integrated with family, society, work and friends; This means that they should not be lonely, they can't keep their distance from social activities, crowds and love, but they must closely participate in crowd activities, because the second person can succeed by these. If they are faced with unhealthy situations, they will be forced to study the topic of life before they can talk about health.

No.2 celebrity

Madonna (American female singer), Prince Charles (Britain), Diana Ross (American female singer), Clinton (American president), Ronald Reagan (late American president), Mozart (musician). The number 3 stands for speed and action. Number three is a man with strong mobility. If the third person speaks quickly, it will make them impatient, more emotional and worse-tempered. Therefore, the third person should always remind himself not to be impatient and step by step. The number 3 belongs to the male character, and the number 3 is impulsive, affectionate and selfless. No.3 people's expression ability is very good, but they often express themselves without thinking, which leads to confusion or saying the wrong thing. They exaggerate everything they do and talk about, and they are nervous about the smallest thing. At the same time, they like to complain, doubt themselves and get angry easily.

One lesson that people on the 3rd need to learn is how to face the reality. Don't ask anything to meet your own standards. Although they are very creative and thoughtful, they live in their own space and are unwilling to face the facts. No.3 sometimes acts like a spoiled child, going his own way and never giving in. On the surface, they have strong social skills and can talk to others, but they can't let people know their true feelings.

No.3 people are very demanding of themselves, so they can't stand their own shortcomings. Actually, they just need to lower their standards. However, even such a simple thing is hard for them to do. They can face up to these problems and give full play to their own characteristics, so they can easily find the long-awaited success and happiness. The trouble of person 3 comes from the talent of creativity. Unless you can express your creativity and bring it into play every day, you will feel discouraged and your life will be chaotic and even crazy if your creativity is not vented or brought into play. If you don't convey your true feelings (in words or other creative ways), the third person will be very unruly and grumpy. No.3 is a passionate person. They are energetic, excited and optimistic.

life goal

No.3 is like a spoiled child, crying and insisting on buying candy in the street cupboard. If they can't stop, they will lose their temper, but once they get it, they will work hard. I may not like it, but at least I won't cry. Therefore, the third person has a dream and needs to be aggressive and try his best to realize it.

No.3 celebrity

Gandhi (leader of Indian national movement) No.4 is very smart, likes planning, is good at organizing, has a strong thirst for knowledge, and does everything step by step. Number four is also a conservative person, always balancing rationality and sensibility. Fourth, people feel insecure. When they are emotionally insecure, they will look everywhere for duckweeds that can stabilize their hearts, such as a career. Once the affirmation is found, No.4 will hold on to it and devote himself wholeheartedly. People who lack imagination, logic and imagination can't do it, so when you talk to people who are no 4, you should focus on the key points and facts, and you can't exaggerate. No.4 is straightforward and often offends people inadvertently.

Number four is stingy and orderly. Always think carefully about things around you, and be good at thinking twice before you act. This kind of person has a strong sense of responsibility, is smart and pragmatic, is not reckless, and is good at introspection at critical times, leaving no one behind and making no trouble. But the defect of this character is that he thinks too much and is too reserved to take risks, and often loses many opportunities. They are good at organizing and accumulating, easy to gain a sense of security in the material world, good at stabilizing the material level of life, and more willing to choose a risk-free and stable work and lifestyle. However, I still feel that it is not really safe. I must find ways to enrich my inner world and become rich, so as to eliminate my fear.

People on the 4th don't know exactly how to feel safe and happy like people on the 3rd. They don't know where to find a sense of security, and they look for it all day. If they think they have found it, whether out of love, career or religious belief, they will do their best to safeguard it. For No.4 people, if they lose their sense of security, they are willing to sacrifice everything to get a stable life. The fourth man is afraid of things beyond his control. If they are afraid, pessimistic and narrow-minded, it will be even worse and more insecure.

If people on the 4th look at life from a spiritual point of view, understand that life is a constantly changing process, accept life and death, and look down on life, they can alleviate their fear of safety and risk. They can try to change, regard change as an opportunity, rebuild stability with their own talents and pursue further growth.

life goal

No.4 people should have a sense of security all their lives, including economic and emotional security. No.4 people need to stay with each other all the time and maintain long-term love. No.4 people are often the focus of family attention, and family members know that they are trustworthy. As long as the No.4 person feels emotionally safe, he will focus on ensuring economic security, but this will naturally lead to the pressure of emotional relations. If the fourth person wants to have real happiness, he must establish his own inner security as well as his external security, which will help them regard change as the only way to a better life.

No.4 celebrity

Margaret Thatcher (former British Prime Minister), Arnold Shu Hua Synliga (American movie star), Freud (Austrian psychoanalyst). People on the 5th like to live a free life. People on the 5th are very smart, so they have high demands on themselves and others. Almost everyone is very picky about everything. Of course, this kind of picky is not malicious. The 5th also stands for direction, so people on the 5th have a strong sense of direction. As long as he puts forward a head, he can see the result. People with a strong sense of direction are more stubborn, especially those above 5.

People on the 5th should have the absolute right to do things. If they interfere with him, no matter how much money they give him, he won't do anything. People on the 5th are also humorous, full of fun, full of vigor and foresight, and easily inspired. Similarly, people on the 5 th are impulsive, irritable, emotional and suspicious. There will be a tendency to self-harm on the 5 th, so if you want to learn to be cheerful. People on the 5 th are all strange people. They are either masters or servants.

People on the 5th can be said to be absolutely loyal to their friends. They feel warm and generous to their friends and will try their best to help others, no matter what they can do. Because people on the 5 th are too frank and direct, they often say what they think. If they are not careful, they will hurt others. People who don't know often leave him because of this. Don't mind too much. In fact, people on the 5th are kind, have considerable trust in their intimate friends, and are more concerned about their families. People on the 5 th are a little naive. They often think that no one will hurt themselves, just as ignorance of the world is dangerous. Once faced with some cruel reality, they will become overwhelmed and even lose confidence. People on the 5th also like to take risks, try new things and travel, and often indulge in the enjoyment of free life. People on the 5th lack courage and don't want to give up their freedom, so they don't want to be restricted and miss many opportunities. It's not good to be too free and too indulgent. In fact, people on the 5 th know it themselves, but they just don't have the courage to overcome it and often can't control themselves. Remember, you can't have everything. In the end, you have to choose. You know, in fact, there are gains while giving up. The life topic that No.5 people like to learn most is to show courage, dare to give up, and use their own advantages to create their own beautiful life.

life goal

On the 5th, many people are pursuing their own freedom, among which work is a major focus, because work can bring them income and give them the opportunity to enjoy some free time every day. Although people No.5 are good at negotiating business, and they also find it interesting to do business, people No.5 are rarely willing to undertake the heavy responsibility of running a business. Plus, people on the 5th are more dependent, so their love relationship is more like friends than lovers. People often need to read, listen, taste and learn new things. These spiritual nutrients can stimulate the spiritual life of No.5 people and become an important source of courage to push them to complete their life plans.

No.5 celebrity

Lincoln (the16th president of the United States), Chytra (Nazi leader and former German chancellor), agace (American tennis star), Marlon Brando (famous American actor) and Van Gogh (famous Dutch painter). Man number six is the favorite of most women. They attach great importance to family life. Although people on the 6 th and 4 th are willing to do things step by step, good people are still impatient. The sixth person has a strong sixth sense, and women are particularly sensitive emotionally. Number six likes to know the final result right away. When reading a book, they will turn to the last result first, or eat something to solve the problems that occur quickly. Just like some golfers, they only pay attention to the part of playing and forget to enjoy walking between swings. Moreover, people on the 6 th must first know that there is a certain limit to love, and to what extent it is too much. Similarly, you should know enough is enough to help others, what's more, sometimes you shouldn't help. Another key point is to take care of yourself. No.6 people are afraid of comparison, but like to compare with others. They criticize themselves so severely that others are very sensitive to their own evaluation. No.6 is perfect and extremely picky. Once they notice each other's shortcomings, they will be depressed.

No.6 people only see the good side of each other or themselves at first, and often can't accept the imperfections of themselves or others. This is the sixth question. To tell the truth, it is not easy to live with No.6 people, because in their eyes, no one is perfect. No.6 people are naturally attracted by idealism, but at the same time they are very sensitive to anyone's shortcomings and easy to get lost in trivial matters; For example, it is easy for them to find a small mistake in a beautiful piece of music and feel depressed. Even if they do 20 good deeds, as long as they make one mistake, they will be troubled by that mistake. When they were watching a good movie, they were upset after watching an inappropriate conversation. When they visited the museum, they only remembered a substandard painting; They did well in the exam, but they were sad because one of the questions was too late to answer. This is their rules of the game. They always see that the water bottle is half empty, not half full. They judge themselves by high standards. They will always feel the pressure to be the best. Sometimes I avoid some activities for fear of exposing my shortcomings.

People on the 6th need to be careful when choosing friends. They should choose people who are mentally healthy, confident, optimistic, have clear life goals, work hard, have similar interests and can talk with each other. If the people they care about can't repay them with the same love, they will be very uncomfortable and often tortured by their hearts. People on the 6th care about others and don't know how to refuse others. They don't know that their real problem is that they should cherish themselves more. Therefore, take care of yourself as others, learn to take care of yourself while loving others, and let the key to happiness be in your own hands.

life goal

People on the 6th want to fix things all their lives, solve problems and encourage others to create a better life. Therefore, their life goal should be to give full play to these talents, preferably through workplace work, social voluntary work or religious organizations. And their challenge is always: don't be too enthusiastic. If you are willing to pay more than a reasonable range, you should also be mentally prepared first. Others may not appreciate your contribution. The sooner we realize this and put it into practice, the more we can create a healthy and happy life.

Celebrity six.

Nixon (the late former president of the United States), Steven Wenda (a famous American blind singer), Meryl Streep (a famous American actress) and Steven Allan Spielberg (a famous American film producer and director). No.7 is a man of sophisticated character (good popularity). As the name implies, he is sociable, smooth, popular and has many friends. They are smart and capable, and have a balanced interpersonal relationship. Most of these people are people with supreme power. Once they gain power, their behavior and guiding ideology will be more cautious, so they will not be pioneering leaders. They are knowledgeable and naturally know how to ask and analyze questions. If they don't use this power,

No.7 people feel that everything is under control when analyzing things, but once they set a goal, they will become very depressed, because they know psychologically that they will not be happy after reaching the goal, and there are more problems to be solved, so they have to set more new goals and pursue more answers and truths. The closer the plan is to the completion stage, the more depressed they are. They know that the pursuit of truth is endless. They never dare to tell what they know. Their life is a constant pursuit of truth. When they stop to have a rest, they will feel depressed and depressed. Success does not mean the end. On the contrary, success represents the beginning of a new pursuit. No.7 people are kind and tolerant, give love and get pleasure from loving their spouses, children, relatives and friends. No.7 people have a sense of justice, friends first, active communication activities, and many friends. If there are no seven people, the friends and nobles around him will generally not last long and come and go in a hurry. People on the 7 th will be slow and cold in form, often slow, weak and shy. No.7 people tend to question everything and explore the truth with others.

No.7 people should learn to accept the facts, adapt to life, and don't pretend to be ignorant to escape. Sometimes, No.7 has major problems, such as divorce, major, immigration, etc. Because they are afraid to accept things, they usually choose to escape. Seventh, people expect a stable and successful life. Because they promised too many people but couldn't satisfy everyone, it would make people feel that No.7 stood up. No.7 people are very sensitive intuitively. They know that if they change, they will still be dissatisfied, because intuition tells them that there are more truths waiting for them in the future, and the truth in the future needs them to change more. Since there will still be problems with change, it is better to maintain the status quo. No.7 people have strong analytical skills. In order to maintain the stability of the status quo, they must control others, and there will be a dark side of their personality. They are lazy, emotional, selfish and arrogant. Whatever they do, they can't be satisfied. They don't know what they really want, so they are always unhappy. No.7 people should learn not to care about secular vision, give up controlling other people's ideas, and dare to change their lives. Only by changing can they get more and live a happy life. No.7 people must accept their own personality and stop being happy.

life goal

No.7 people should keep curiosity and thirst for knowledge, constantly analyze and question things around them. They should keep an open mind, try new things, make new friends, share new ideas with others, and practice enterprising spirit. Many No.7 people have been thinking about what went wrong in their lives all their lives. They always feel trapped by the environment and feel helpless about the status quo. In order to be happy and practical, No.7 must first accept the facts, face the problems and take appropriate actions to solve them.

No.7 celebrity

Princess Diana (the late British Crown Princess), Marilyn Monroe (the late American sexy star), Churchill (the British Prime Minister and politician), John F. Kennedy (the late former President of the United States). The man on the 8th is a responsible man. Once they have promised someone, they will certainly do it, otherwise they will be agitated. If there are more than eight people, the pressure will be great, because everyone takes other people's affairs as their own, and once they encounter problems that cannot be solved, they will be upset and upset. No.8 is a philanthropist and an ambitious man. Once a teenager succeeds, he will be obsessed with money, power, autocracy and dictatorship. Most of the people who started the world war were eight-day careerists, and most of them were late bloomers, tempered by years. The positive side of No.8 is a kind, influential, helpful person with a good reputation, a heavy sense of responsibility and the most entrepreneurial potential.

Being a man depends on two aspects: first, having good ideological and political morality, kindness, sincerity and integrity, which is the foundation of settling down; On the other hand, we should have a correct attitude, be diligent and make achievements through our unremitting efforts. No.8 people may get a lot of benefits because of a moment of dishonesty, but there will be many incredible things that will give you a headache, such as other aspects of life or various problems caused by this or that, or physical discomfort, insomnia, headache, cold and fever. Or they have problems in their love life, quarrel with the other half, have an affair with themselves or each other, even run aground in love, their feelings are broken, or they are broke and lost.

No.8 people must be completely honest in order to obtain stability, comfort and true happiness. Just like a proof problem, the life of No.8 people needs to be verified and proved by various arguments. No.8 can't be controlled by others, so stick to your own life rules. Only in this way can we prove that the real happiness of No.8 is in our own hands. However, people on the 8 th always have to fulfill one sentence; A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. Always experience constant failures, and learn lessons to succeed. Just like when No.8 becomes an honest and reliable model student, it means that they have learned their lesson. The eighth person is mature, which will give people a double feeling. He is a businessman and a saint, very practical and detached. If they are in poor health, have bad interpersonal relationships, have a bad career or have other difficulties, which proves that they are dishonest to others or themselves, he still needs to study the life topic of being honest to others and himself.

life goal

No.8 has a keen sense of potential, can immediately detect it, and thinks it is his responsibility to polish it into a tool. If they want to succeed so much that they start to be dishonest, then problems will appear and things will start to show signs of failure; If they are lucky, they will have a chance to start over. No.8' s life goal should be to develop himself, not others. People on the 8th like anything about personal growth and potential development. If they can concentrate on developing one of their talents, they will succeed.

No.8 celebrity

Irina Karp, Tairova Bertelli (famous American actress), barbra streisand (famous American singer and filmmaker), nancy reagan (former first lady of the United States), Mrs. Bush Sr. (former first lady of the United States), Hillary Clinton (famous American lawyer) and Picasso (famous painter). People on the 9th are all omnipotent. They have a personality of 1 to 8, emotional, insightful and impressionable. Their words and deeds will be recognized and there are many opportunities. It is precisely because of this that people on the 9th will be greedy and want everything. They need to learn to be single-minded, or they will eventually become empty. They learn things quickly and want to learn everything, but once they learn, they don't want to continue, so people on the 9 th can do anything. No.9 is also very talkative, and everything is speculative. People who meet him for the first time will think that he is an expert in that industry, but unless it is his major, he is not proficient. People on the 9th are cheerful, smart and lively, articulate, and have a good relationship, and talk to everyone. Resourceful, responsive and sociable. No.9' s greatest ability is to improvise, even if he asks some questions temporarily, it won't make people feel cold. Usually versatile, but sensitive, slightly neurotic, like to take care of others, and often try to serve others. But their dreams and goals are often unrealistic, and some are divorced from reality. Full of energy, like busy life, and always have a keen sense.

No.9 is the best friend anyone wants. His personal life conforms to noble principles, with depth and wisdom, and he has become an example for everyone. He is also a business planner, inspiring creativity and talents. He is usually the leader in public. Emotionally, it belongs to the dream of passion, romance and love.

No.9 people should not always stay in a state of self-fantasy. No.9 people have many opportunities and temptations. If they can't stand the test, they want everything and get nothing. Greed will make them fall short. If people on the 9th can't get others' approval and realize what they have planned, they will feel miserable and depressed, have no motivation to live, have no spirit to do anything, and then continue to return to the state of fantasy. No.9 people should never believe that pies will fall from the sky, wealth will be delivered to them, opportunities will not be delivered to them, and only they can seize them. Don't end up dreaming and doing nothing.

People on the 9th tend to be passionate about things for three minutes, fickle, lacking the principle of handling things personally, too neurotic, too tactful, too nervous and indecisive, which makes people feel unreliable and suspicious. The topic of No.9 people's life is down-to-earth, willing to pay without expecting anything in return.

life goal

No.9 is a natural humanitarian. They think it is their gift to help others live a better life. However, if No.9' s help only stays in temporary healing and pain relief, it will not solve the problem. We should inspire others spiritually and psychologically, help ease the pain and eliminate oppression.