Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - The college entrance examination is over. How do candidates estimate their scores after the exam?

The college entrance examination is over. How do candidates estimate their scores after the exam?

The results of college entrance examination need to wait, but many candidates can't wait to know their scores. They will choose to evaluate their scores according to the correct answers published online. Scoring can roughly estimate your own score. After scoring in the right way, the final actual exam results are often not much different from their estimated results. So how can we estimate the score relatively accurately?

Don't look at the correct answer immediately after the exam, do the test paper again. Many candidates' scores are directly compared with the answers. Of course, if the candidates have a deep memory of their answers, this method is actually no problem. However, some candidates are often not so impressed by their answers. At this time, candidates need to use some methods to help them remember the answers written during the exam. The easiest way is to simulate the test status and do the whole test paper again against the test paper published online. In the process of redoing, candidates can easily recall the answers written on the test paper when they see the questions, and ensure that their answers are consistent with those in the exam.

After all the answers are written, the accuracy of evaluation can be greatly improved by comparing the correct answers. Try not to evaluate the score directly against the correct answer. When you look at the correct answer directly in the exam, it is easy to be preconceived by the correct answer and make yourself think that the answer written at that time is the same as the correct answer, which will easily increase the evaluation error.

If you are not sure about your answer, you can ask the teacher for help. If the examinee is not sure about a topic and how the marking teacher should judge the score, in this case, the average method can be used. The so-called average method is to judge your answer twice. For the first time, judge them leniently and see how many points you can get at most. The second score is strictly judged to see how many points can be scored at the lowest, and finally the average of the two scores is taken as the final estimated score. The average method can also reduce the estimation error as much as possible, which is very practical!

Teachers' experience is much richer than students'. If you are really not sure about your answer judgment score, you can ask the teacher for help. The answer to each big question has different scoring points, and different scoring points correspond to different judgment scores. Teachers are familiar with the grading points in the answers, so asking teachers to help grade can also greatly improve the accuracy of candidates' evaluation.