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Translation skills: how to translate sentences without subjects

Translation skills: how to translate sentences without subjects

How to deal with the English translation of Chinese sentences without subjects? Generally speaking, there are two ways to deal with it: finding the subject and changing the sentence pattern. A sentence without a subject, that is, a sentence with only a predicate and no subject, is a unique sentence pattern in Chinese. Because Chinese pays attention to parataxis, as long as the meaning is expressed correctly, while English pays attention to hypotaxis, and sentences generally cannot be short of subjects, with few exceptions. How to deal with the English translation of Chinese sentences without subjects? Generally speaking, there are two ways to deal with it: finding the subject and changing the sentence pattern.

Theme selection

The basic practice is to use subjects that can be used directly; If not, dig for hidden themes; If it cannot be found, consider adding it; If there are too many subjects in a sentence, choose it.

Make it a theme.

(1) indicates weather change and actual situation:

It is raining outside. (weather)

It is raining outside.

Time to eat. (time, facts)

It's time for dinner.

It’s your turn.

It? It’s your turn.

(2) When expressing people's views and opinions, you can use the fixed sentence pattern it is report/said/believe?

It is said that civilization is always making progress.

It is said that civilization is always developing.

It is said that fortune tellers can predict the future.

People believe that fortune tellers can predict your fate.

Take them, things, you, him and one as subjects.

Tables that usually appear in proverbs generally refer to:

Those who have not reached the Great Wall are not heroes.

Translation 1: You are not a hero until you reach the Great Wall.

Translation 2: You are not a true man until you reach the Great Wall.

Translation 3: You are not a true man until you reach the Great Wall.

Sometimes you have to reach the bottom to get better.

Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for something better.

Sentences that express general requirements usually take non-predicate as the subject of the sentence.

If you want to improve hand-eye coordination, practice pitching and catching.

In order to improve hand-eye coordination, practice pitching and catching.

In order to create more income, this sport needs to become more interesting.

In order to create new income, this sport needs to be more entertaining.

There are also some sentences that express general requirements, which can also be translated into imperative sentences. This is a conversion sentence, which we will mention below.

Take the object of the sentence as the subject

What does (1) mean? Appear or disappear? Its object can be transformed into the action sender of the predicate verb.

A smile flashed across his face.

There was a smile on his face. With a smile on your face? )

Suddenly a pigeon flew away.

Suddenly a pigeon flew away. A pigeon flew away? )


Buds are blooming.

(2) The sentence begins with a noun indicating position:

For example:

There are gibbons in many forests.

Gibbon lives in many forests.

(3) Some subjects? what's up Words:

For example:

Then a fierce war broke out.

A fierce war followed.

Take adverbial as subject

Show? Existence, some sentences mean that something is left somewhere after some action. You can use the adverbial as the subject at this time.

The room is full of books.

That room is full of books.

Sentence pattern conversion

(1) has a structure

At this time, the most commonly used sentence pattern of unowned sentence usually refers to? Existence? 、? what's up ,

It is reported that the capital is full of discontent.

There are reports that there is widespread discontent in the capital.

There is a restaurant around the corner.

There is a restaurant around the corner.

(2) Emphasize sentence patterns

Why there is no owner? what's up Sentences, usually translated into emphasized sentence patterns.

It is basketball that keeps me in a good mood and figure.

It is basketball that keeps me in a good state and mood.

It was love that prompted me to write this letter.

It is love that motivates me to write.

③ Translate into imperative sentences.

There are also some unowned sentences that express general requirements and should be translated into imperative sentences.

Please close the window.

Please close the window.

Don't wait for good things to happen, you should move towards happiness.

Don't wait for good things to happen to you. You need to be happy.

(4) Translate into inverted sentences

Usually used to express? What is there somewhere? In the sentence pattern of ….

Nearby is a dark gray roof, and in the distance is a cascade of buildings.

Close at hand is the dark gray roof, and my father is standing on the rows of buildings. (Selected Modern Prose translated by Zhang Peiji)

(5) Translation into passive sentences

Some sentences expressing requirements and regulations can also be translated into passive voice.

Trainee drivers must be supervised by adults.

People who learn to drive must be under the supervision of adults.

Because there are many differences between Chinese and English in culture, way of thinking and syntactic structure, the translator's job is to make appropriate adjustments by using relevant skills. When translating a sentence without a subject, we must get rid of the habit of word for word and try our best to translate it through various expressions in order to achieve the best translation quality.
