Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Wang Defeng Fortune-telling Formula _ Wang Defeng Fortune-telling

Wang Defeng Fortune-telling Formula _ Wang Defeng Fortune-telling

Wang Defeng: May you always keep your passion for truth and the courage to create the future.

Teachers and students:

I am very happy to attend the graduation ceremony of this year's fresh graduates, and I feel honored to speak as a teacher representative.

First of all, I would like to congratulate all the graduates of philosophy school who have completed their studies and are about to enter their jobs or continue their studies. This is a new starting point on the road of graduates' life, which in itself deserves congratulations. We are all students and researchers studying philosophy. When we think of the concept of "a new starting point in life", we will naturally think of "time". When we talk about the concept of time, we naturally enter a very important philosophical discussion-the concept of time and philosophical thinking about time have always been an indispensable part of important philosophical theories, so I want to talk about our teachers with the help of such a topic, which is of great significance to all graduates of philosophy colleges who graduated this year.

I want to talk about three points. First, man is a temporal existence. What time is it? Time is not one-dimensional, nor is it a one-dimensional straight line composed of countless uniform instant points. Time is three-dimensional, each moment carries the past and plans the future. This is the way of existence now. You hold such a graduation ceremony today, and it is at this point in time that you are carrying the past and planning the future. So what is the future? We will think of Hegel, whose historical philosophy is a very important and significant part. Since we talk about history, how does philosophy think about time? We all know that the basic concept of historical philosophy of Hegel's philosophy is historical rationality, which puts the time process of human society into a rational logical framework to understand, so truth is a process. But this process is an attempt to show the unity of logic and history, which leads to a major problem-the existence of history is temporal, and all historical things are temporal. How is timeliness a logical thing at the same time? This big question has tortured me for a long time. Today, by the way, I would like to think about a question-what is the future? The future doesn't exist yet, but we have to plan and live in the present by planning the future, just as our graduates today celebrate their graduation by planning the future.

So what is the future? We can mention Hegel again. Hegel's philosophy of history has a famous saying that when our understanding of a social form matures in a rational grasp, the social form that has actually been grasped has become obsolete, so he said that philosophy is like Minerva's owl that only takes off at dusk. The so-called dusk refers to the social form he thinks and wants to grasp. He has entered dusk and is old, and some truth of his social form can be grasped. This is called name.

Hegel is a great philosopher, and he also knows that there is a huge unsolved vacancy in his philosophy of history, so regarding the future, Hegel said: The future is not the object of knowledge inference, but the object of hope and fear. Hegel's statement itself shows his breakthrough in his historical philosophy, but this further thinking is not his doing. We think of Heidegger in the later period, whose masterpiece is Being and Time. How does the concept of time move people's hearts? Since the concept of time touches people's hearts, it means people's understanding of existence, because people's understanding of existence will plan the future that does not exist temporarily. This is a great inspiration of Heidegger's philosophy. I'm not talking about philosophy here, but about our real life. Real life is a time course, everyone exists in time, so when I look forward to the future, do we have confidence in the future? In what sense can the future be guaranteed?

It must be admitted that Hegel is right: the future is the object of hope and fear. So how do we move towards the future? How has mankind entered the future? Humans do not enter the future by predicting the future, and it has never been like this. If human beings enter the future by predicting the future, they are fortune tellers. Humans enter the future through planning and decision-making. A concept I use here is called "planning". Planning is not foreknowledge. The planning itself shows some uncertainties. The cause of philosophy is the cause of truth. Telling the truth through Hegel is a process, and through Marx's critical absorption of Hegel's philosophy, human history and human perceptual existence are also a historical process. Then, inspired by Heidegger, we re-established our outlook on life.

Philosophy is the cause of truth, so what kind of cause is truth? I borrow Heidegger's saying that truth is not some kind of knowledge that can be shared and guaranteed. It will not wait for us to finally reach its truth somewhere. It's not such a thing. Truth belongs to planning for the future. In order to create the future, please pay attention to the word creation. None of us can think that we have the truth.

After years of philosophical study and cultivation, the graduates of Fudan School of Philosophy have probably reached such an understanding of the concept of truth, which is of great enlightening significance to our future life. Of course, we are full of confidence in the future. Where is the basis of this confidence? The reason is that we have the passion to pursue the truth and the courage to create the future.

This is the first point I want to talk about today. I hope I have expressed this wish, perhaps it is the wish of all philosophy teachers for graduates. I believe that every student who graduates from the School of Philosophy should have the courage to pursue the truth and the enthusiasm and courage to create the truth.

The second point I want to say today is that as students who have studied and studied philosophy for many years, we should believe in ourselves. What do we believe in ourselves? I believe we can get rid of the nihilism of contemporary civilization. I use the concept of nihilism to reveal the fundamental disease of contemporary civilization. Nietzsche first discovered this fundamental disease and said it naked. Marx used "alienation" to diagnose the fundamental disease of contemporary civilization, while Heidegger used "forgetting existence" to reveal the fundamental disease of contemporary civilization-we only grasp the existence of forgetting itself. These are different philosophical expressions about nihilism. Therefore, I believe that students majoring in philosophy at Fudan University should have a sense of self-confidence, so as philosophy researchers, they can avoid the nihilism of contemporary civilization, which is forced by capital logic and technological progress. Therefore, students who graduated from Fudan University should remember, I hope to remember, that we should keep a necessary distance from the capital logic of this society.

How do we view the success or failure of future life? What is success and what is failure? This standard cannot be given to us by the logic of capital, otherwise we will learn philosophy in vain, which is too far from wisdom. What is success? What is the success of life and what is the failure of life? There is no so-called quantitative standard, which is a matter of cultural spirit. What kind of cultural spirit do young people in China evaluate their life now? This is a great event. So we're from China. The students from Fudan School of Philosophy who came to attend this graduation ceremony today have all read the works of China's philosophy. Some of them have directly studied China's philosophy and some have studied western philosophy, but they must also know China's philosophy. There has always been a good feature or tendency among teachers and researchers in our school of philosophy, that is, to open up Chinese and western cultures-we do not advocate professional subdivision. Fudan School of Philosophy has so many good teachers and many characteristics of Chinese and Western cultures. Therefore, students and graduates of our college should also be. As young people in China, we should pay attention to China's philosophy.

If someone asks me a question: Miss Wang, what do you think is the meaning of life? Then I must tell this classmate that your question is too abstract for me to answer. You should ask: What is the meaning of life in Europe? What is the meaning of Arab life? What is the meaning of life in China? Only in this way can we discuss. What is the meaning of a European Christian's life? In his Christian faith; A Muslim Arab, if he is a Muslim, what is the meaning of his life? In his Islamic mind; So we should ask, for example, what is the meaning of living in China? Where did China people get their lives? We must proceed from the national cultural spirit and national philosophy. Because our Chinese nation is not a religious nation, the realization of Chinese cultural spirit is always carried out in philosophy, so to answer China's philosophy is actually a philosophy of life.

There are many schools of philosophy in China. Later, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism became the mainstream, and Buddhism was of course China, so Buddhism became the philosophy of China, especially Zen. So we have to think: No matter which major we graduate from the School of Philosophy of Fudan University, we should not ignore China's philosophy, because the meaning of China people's life is mainly answered by Confucianism, and Confucianism is always fundamental.

If someone asks you if you can simply explain the meaning of China people's life according to Confucianism, my answer will be two Chinese characters-"Caring". China people are very afraid of death, and China people may be the most afraid of death among all ethnic groups in the world. Why are you afraid of death? Because someone in the world cares, or he cares about others or others care about him, if a China person doesn't care about anyone in this world, he won't be afraid of death, so this is how I answer the question of China people about the meaning of life. He is rooted in Confucianism, which makes China people stand on the earth, and this earth is the responsibility that affection and affection pass on to us. The best way to express this point, in my opinion, is Mencius' "being close to the people, people love things." I think this is the second point I want to make, that is, the students who graduated from our school of philosophy have more or less formed the habit of thinking about philosophy and reading some philosophical classics in their later careers, so don't forget the origin of China's philosophy, especially China's philosophy.

The third point I want to talk about today is actually an expectation for the future and the future of our graduates. We hope to live a meaningful life, which does not mean a successful life in the present sense. I have always opposed seeing Fudan University as a place to cultivate social elites. No, Fudan University is a place to cultivate the national backbone and can undertake the mission of promoting national progress. Even if we just work silently in an ordinary post, we should not pursue the success of becoming a social elite in the future. Then I remembered that "University" ranked first among the four "Three Programmes" mentioned in "University", "The Doctrine of the Mean", "The Analects of Confucius", "Mencius" and "University", and all the students in Fudan Philosophy Department knew that "the way to a university lies in virtue, in being close to the people and ending in perfection." ? The "Three Programmes" are wonderful and principled, which is highly enlightening to what kind of life we should live.

The first program clearly stated virtue. What does it mean to add the word "Ming" before Mingde? Only we have mingde, and we believe in ourselves in this matter. In Wang Yangming's view, "mingde" means "conscience", that is, we have "conscience", but we can be covered, completely covered, and often covered. The name of the cover is lust. If the disadvantages of this lust are removed, Mingde will reappear, which is the so-called "Mingde". This is my explanation, but I'm afraid most people will explain it this way.

Mingmingde is not a personal meditation in the study, so Mingmingde is incomprehensible. What is the way to realize Ming mingde? In my opinion, "being close to the people" should be understood as follows: it is to participate in and observe people's lives. Zhu changed him to "old books are wrong" and said that he should be a "new person". Later, Wang Yangming criticized Zhu for being close to the people. I think "being close to the people" is right, because China's basic idea is not to transform ordinary people and people's lives, but to participate in and observe people's lives, because heaven is in people's lives. Then, students who graduated from our school of philosophy, no matter what career you are engaged in in in the future, don't be limited by this small range of careers. You are engaged in a career. You approach the people through your career, participate in and observe people's lives. This is your way of doing good.

So what is the highest goal of the end of our lives? "stop at the best." Perfection does not mean that our life itself is complete, without regrets or mistakes. Just now, our dean talked about freedom and error, and error and freedom are related. We are not the all-knowing and all-powerful God's supreme goodness, and this supreme goodness is not the supreme goodness in the sense of God, but our hearts and our life feelings. In Wang Yangming's words, what is the supreme good? "This heart is extremely natural." "This heart" is the destination of life emotion, and our life emotion is always in harmony with heaven, so pure. Heaven is not a concept, nor is it a moral dogma and rule. This paradise is the primitive order of our lives and emotions. We enter the primitive conditioning of life and emotion without any impurities. That's called purity. When our life comes like this, it is called life, the best life.

This is the third program I understand. It may be different from some scholars in their interpretation. But in a word, China's philosophy is the philosophy of life practice. This philosophy of life practice is to make our life practice reach the realm of wisdom. China's philosophy is the realm of life wisdom, which every young person in China needs and should enter.

At this difficult time, I sincerely wish the graduates of our school of philosophy that their future life will definitely not be smooth sailing, but when you encounter setbacks and difficulties, your heart is bright and you will never despair of the future. You will personally interpret your young life and enthusiasm and promote the progress of the nation.

I'll stop here, thank you!