Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - How to use gossip to tell fortune _ How to use gossip to calculate fate

How to use gossip to tell fortune _ How to use gossip to calculate fate

Yin and Yang five lines of gossip fortune-telling introductory knowledge

Yin and Yang five lines of gossip is a profound knowledge in our country. Do you know how Yin and Yang five lines of gossip told her fortune? I collected the knowledge of Yin and Yang five lines of gossip's fortune telling for your reference. I hope it will help you!

Basic knowledge of yin-yang five lines of gossip fortune telling

1 natural yin and yang.

A, C, E, G and nonyl belong to Yang. B, D, Self, Sympathy and Belonging to Yin.

Twelve equinoxes of yin and yang and yin of the zodiac

Zi, Yin, Chen, noon, Shen and deficiency belong to Yang. Ugliness, hair, four, health, unity and sea belong to yin.

Children are rats, ugly cows, tigers, rabbits, dragons, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs and pigs.

Three-day dry five elements and orientation

A and B belong to wood, located in the east. C and D belong to fire and are located in the south.

E, belonging to the soil, in the middle. Geng and Xin belong to Jin, in the west.

Nonyl and decyl belong to water, located in the north.

Four elements, four seasons and the orientation of the earth branch

Yin and wood belong to each other, and April is in the East.

The fire broke out at noon, and Si Xia was in the south.

Shen and you are golden, and the four springs are in the west.

The sea is ugly, and I think you are from the north.

Chen, Wei, Xu and Ugliness belong to the earth, and Changxia, beginning of autumn and beginning of winter are in the center of the four seasons.

Five days and five in one.

, Geng Huajin, Xin, Ding Ren, Huo.

6-day dry phase rush

Jia Gengchong, Yi Xinchong, Ren Bingchong, Gui Dingchong and Wu Ji are all in the wilderness.

Yin-Yang five lines of gossip fortune-telling method

The theory of yin-yang and five elements is used to explain a person's fate. The so-called birthday is the year, month, day and time of birth expressed by heavenly stems and earthly branches. In the pre-Qin period, people only used heavenly stems and earthly branches to remember the days. Later, heavenly stems and earthly branches could be used to remember the days, months and days. There are ten days to work: A, B, C, D, E, G, Xin, Ren and Gui. There are twelve earthly branches: Zi, Ugly, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, Chen, Wu and Hai. The combination of the two can produce sixty units, which are called sixties. The year, month, day and time of that birth were combined by heaven and earth, and there were exactly eight words, so it was called a birth, and the fortuneteller also called it the four pillars of human beings. There are also five elements in a birthday. In the sky, A and B belong to wood, C and D belong to fire, E and E belong to soil, G and Xin belong to gold, and Ren and Gui belong to water. Among the twelve earthly branches, Yin and Mao belong to wood, four or five belong to fire, Shen and UAE belong to gold, Hai and Zi belong to water, and Chen, E and Ugliness are not earthy. In this way, according to the date of birth, you can know what is missing in your life. The ancients believed that fate would flourish only if the five elements were possessed. This is called divination.

Five lines of gossip theory was summed up by the ancients in their life practice. They believe that everything in the world is composed of five elements: gold, wood, water, fire and earth, which have different forms of expression in different things. For example, five colors: green, red, yellow, white and black; Five tones: horn, emblem, palace, business and feather; Five flavors: sour, bitter, sweet, spicy and salty; Five internal organs: liver, heart, spleen, lung and kidney; Five emotions: joy, joy, lust, anger and sadness; The five permanent members: benevolence, courtesy, faithfulness, righteousness and wisdom. The five contents of everything show the five elements of wood, fire, earth, gold and water respectively. The five elements have the order of generation, mutual generation and mutual control. Produce wood, fire, earth, gold and water; The order of mutual growth is: wood fire, fire born soil, native gold, gold born water, aquatic wood; The order of mutual recognition is: water can overcome fire, fire can overcome gold, Jin Kemu, Muketu and Tuke water. -this is the so-called mutual restraint of everything. The combination of Yin-Yang and Five Elements Theory became the theory of ancient people to explain various natural and life phenomena. Divination and fortune telling are activities to predict the future. In ancient times when productivity was low, it was more difficult to grasp personal destiny and want to know more. Recommended reading: Yin and Yang five lines of gossip

Yin-Yang five lines of gossip fortune-telling method

The "five elements know each other" and "eight diagrams fortune telling" summarized by our ancestors according to their experiences have certain accuracy, because people themselves are no different from other things, and their life process cannot escape this universal law of "tending to harmony". That is, people's "fate" is doomed, the film already exists, and the content cannot be changed by screening.

Eight-character numerology is to find the balance of yin and yang in the five elements. When the scores of the same kind and different kinds are basically the same, the five elements of yin and yang are more balanced and life is smoother. When the scores of the same kind and different kinds are too different, the personality of life will be too strong or too weak, and life will fluctuate greatly. XiShen's choice usually starts from the category with the least score, and the five elements with the least median value are your "XiShen" or "using God". When "XiShen" comes from the fleeting time or Universiade, the five elements of the astrolabe will be more balanced. The balanced five elements are not very good at fighting. In other words, unpleasant things will bottom out, and that year will be luckier. Based on this balance theory, the eight characters analyze the ups and downs of a person's life. Here, we choose fire as the "XiShen" in this life.

Zhouyi and five lines of gossip's fortune-telling method: We have five fingers, and the master should know that the value of fingers is different. Suppose someone breaks his thumb, he will compensate you for the value of four fingers. Why? Because this is four, it is one, but the function is the same. If you remove the thumb and only have four fingers, the function will be removed by half. So one is yang, singular, and four are yin, even. But the singular number has two parts, the even number has two parts, the yang has yin and the yin has three parts. China's traditional medicine attaches great importance to how to balance my yin and yang. Therefore, we should not only pay attention to spiritual nourishment, but also pay attention to emotional intelligence and yang erosion.

Gangua is different from other hexagrams. Among the sixty-four hexagrams, Gangua and Kungua are different from other hexagrams, that is, both Gangua and Kungua have the latest monthly sentence, and nine may be six. None of the other 64 hexagrams are used together with 96, that is, the interpretation of six poems is ok, and it is only useful when used together with 96. In other words, how to interpret "Nine and Six" has been completely and differently interpreted by scholars in the past dynasties. There is a saying, because of the achievements of change, if it is completely changed, then use nine. This is a controversial explanation, so we will leave it alone.

Yin and yang and five elements, which are another thing, refer to yin and yang, which is the basic way of thinking in Yijing. Yin-yang and five elements constitute the law of all behaviors of China people, which is a stable law. Although our host is no stranger to many of our actions and lifestyles in the coming day, if we don't spontaneously mark them, we will still have some performances. For example, I'll just give you an example. This female classmate holds out your left hand and holds it higher. Master could see that she was wearing a jade ring in her left hand. Why don't you wear it on her right hand? She can be a strange performance. Some people wear it on their right hand and ordinary people wear it on their left hand. Because in China tradition, left stands for yang and right stands for yin, so people see it as male left and female right. In fact, the yang on the left represents its treasure wall, so it means that if you wear something like beads, it means worshipping Buddha, so if you wear it on your left hand, it means one thing. For example, if you propose a toast to others, you should stand below others, but not above them. Where is the low position? It's on the right. Therefore, these subtle life expressions are really the same as the ideas in Zhouyi, or they are still following its thinking inertia.

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