Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Fortune telling with ashes _ ashes to see your health.

Fortune telling with ashes _ ashes to see your health.

After death, the soul is gone. Is it still useful to worship ashes?

After death, the soul is gone. Is it still useful to worship ashes? Yes It's really useless Just seeing things and thinking of people and mourning.

Of course, according to Taoist theory, this is worthy of attention. According to Taoism, people have three souls and seven spirits, which can be divided into three parts after death: one soul and three spirits reincarnate (so most people didn't understand it in the previous life, so Meng Po Tang was invented), one soul and two spirits are placed on the merit tablet of the god pig to protect the blood and fireworks of future generations (modern people are afraid of superstition, so they can use colorful life photos instead), and one soul and two spirits follow the ashes of long bones and live in the grave to make fireworks. In this sense, the worship of ashes is a custom passed down from generation to generation, with its inheritance and reason.

Is there a soul after death? No dead person will answer your question. We can't answer your question. However, according to medical researchers, if they have a strong spirit and receive a lot of * * * when they die, their spiritual strength will be preserved. Therefore, there will be "ghosts" in the place where people die unjustly before their lives.

Is ancestor worship useful? Can the soul really bless the family after death? Worship our ancestors is our respect and commemoration for them.

It is not the soul after death that can bless the family, but the prayers of the family in the spirit of heaven. God is blessing their families.

The human soul is eternal, but the material world we leave through the body is not in the same space-time category.

That is, the soul is a kind of existence that transcends time and space and the material world.

After death, the soul will go down to the underworld, or the soul redeemed by God's grace will be taken away by angels after death.

Most people are invisible to the naked eye.

If the ghost of the underworld is sunk and ruled by the devil, how can it protect people if it is difficult to protect itself?

If the soul and angel in heaven are in heaven, if you want to worship, you should ask the redeemer of that soul, not the saved soul.

What people want to worship, they must worship the Lord who has the ability and authority to master the gates of heaven and hell.

Only the God who gives people the soul regards the human soul above all things in the world and is willing to pity others.

May people repent and learn good deeds, which is also the true destination of souls redeemed by precious blood.

Ecclesiastes 12:7 dust belongs to the earth, and spirit belongs to the spirit-giving god.

Psalm 3 1: 17 Lord, please make me not ashamed. Because I visited you.

Shame the wicked and make them silent in the underworld.

Does the soul follow the urn after death? The six divisions of the Karma Wheel, if you are reincarnated as a ghost, generally speaking, you will.

In addition to suicide or sudden death (suicide or sudden death is generally infertile and sneaky, it is very painful to repeat the scene before death every 7 days, that is, to relive the process of death. ), people who practice well will die in the western paradise immediately, good people will ascend to heaven immediately, and evil people will go to hell immediately, but it takes a process for ordinary people. This is how most people die. Within 8- 16 hours after death, the gods gradually leave the body. At this time, the deceased felt like an old cow peeling, which was extremely painful. The slightest touch will make the dead like a thousand pieces. ...

After death, the whole body is cold, and only one place is hot. After leaving the body for 8- 16 hours, the gods can touch the way to judge the reincarnation of the dead:

Foot fever: hell

Knee fever: beast

Abdominal fever: ghost road (most abdominal fever after death)

Chest fever: human nature

Fever between the eyebrows: heaven

This is five roads, because Asura contains all five roads, so it is called six roads.

Top door fever: going to the Buddhist world.

Daphne odora, who died in the western paradise, was soft as cotton, blushed with fever and smelled of sandalwood (this fragrance is not human, but it can be clearly smelled). There are relics or relics after cremation.

There are countless auspicious images of Buddhist practitioners all over the country, and anyone who wants to see them can see them with their own eyes. Amitabha!

When the patient is dying, his family members should not look at him in front of him, lest the patient feel distressed. If the family members believe in Buddhism, they must not cry when chanting Buddha, lest the patient cause sadness and lose mindfulness. Family members must not cry, which will increase their love, implicate their troubles and pains, and even make patients feel disgusted because of * * *, and will not delay their lives! Before and after the patient's death, if there are people who eat wine and meat, don't go near the patient, otherwise the patient will easily lose his mindfulness and fall into three evils.

After the patient died, he was still conscious and knew something about God. After a period of time, the whole body is cold, and god and knowledge are separated. Life, warmth and knowledge all leave the body before death. After the end of life, before the knowledge of God disappears, this is a very painful moment for the soul. And some shed tears because of sentimental past events, some are hard to give up because they are greedy for the treasures of their children and grandchildren in the world, some are sad and distressed because of unfulfilled wishes, and some are unwilling to be satisfied because of grievances. Therefore, at this moment, it is the intersection of sorrow and pain. No matter how touched you are, smelling the crying will not greatly affect the heart that won't go. Can the living be so patient? People in the world don't know that death is death, which often leads to big mistakes. The patient's family and filial children must know.

Generally speaking, when a patient dies, he will cry bitterly, or cry bitterly in his arms, or move him to sleep at will, or bathe and dress him while his body is still cold, or inject him with a cardiotonic or preservative, or immediately send him to the morgue, or move him to the funeral home that day. Even cremated in two or three days. These cruel acts can be regarded as cruel abuse to patients who are still aware of God's knowledge. What the living do is really harmful to the dead, and it will make the dead suffer and degenerate. The opposite of love is enough to hurt them, which is the most terrible.

I don't know if God didn't leave. The pain he felt was no different from that of ordinary people. Ordinary people can also call for help and resist. Although the patient gave up breathing and didn't ask the gods, he still insisted on treating him as a dead body, causing the patient to be in great pain and unable to complain. I'd rather not be sad, because I don't know the common sense of death. The patient's heart is full of hatred because of suffering, and his knowledge of God is degraded and disgusted because of hatred, although his dutiful son and grandson know nothing.

Therefore, we appeal to the world that it should be 10 to 12 hours after the death of the patient, before the gods leave. During this period, the ward should be quiet, and it is not allowed to do all the above acts that harm the patient's body, so as to maintain the peace and safety of the gods. The patient should sleep naturally and don't move. After this time, if you see that your body is stiff, you can apply a hot water towel to your elbow to make it soft. During this time, don't feel its warmth and coldness, don't let mosquitoes and flies touch it, and don't chat and cry in the ward. It will take ten to twelve hours to carry out effective rescue, guide the patient's knowledge to a bright future and enjoy happiness forever in the sacred land. This is the only responsibility of the family and the only filial piety to the children.

If it has expired and you are still consciously dying because of your knowledge, such as in public and private hospitals or at home, you should be given 10 to 12 hours of quiet time based on the spirit of humanity and cautious attitude, and air conditioning or ice cubes should be supplied to reduce the temperature of the ward. At the same time, you can't move the patient slightly, and you can't make all the wrong actions as mentioned in the last article. As for lying posture, that's it. In the future, you can apply a hot water towel to its bent joints, which can be as soft as life. Keep quiet in the ward and don't gossip. If you don't ask someone to enlighten you before you die, you need a good friend to enlighten you loudly in the patient's ear as mentioned above, so that the heart of the deceased can be aware, and the heart can return and rely on it. Family members, relatives and friends should read the six-character Buddha's name in shifts for more than ten minutes, and then read the four-character Buddha's name of Amitabha, clearly and clearly. It is best to follow the tape of Master's chanting, and at the same time think, ask the Buddha for mercy and accept it. Don't interrupt the voice of chanting Buddha, let the patient understand God, hear every word clearly from his ears, let him feel the will of Buddha, and die with him in the western paradise. If you help recite the Buddha's name in the ward, be careful not to disturb other patients.

Welcome all virtuous and benevolent people to know jing yuan widely and spread it around, so that everyone can benefit from it now and in the future. All ancestors have been promoted and future generations are virtuous and filial.

Is there a soul after death? Some people don't live, some people die.

Having said that, people are soulless people, and only the brain is the brain that operates people's behavior, not the soul. Therefore, after death, only the brain stops working, and the dead person is only an object without thoughts in the world, so people die, just like computers are broken, can't be used, can't be repaired, computers are scrapped and recycled, and people are recycled by the earth or nature.

People have souls.

A scientist photographed a pregnant woman during childbirth in a special way in the laboratory. Later, during the screening, he was surprised to find that a strange white smoke rushed into the pregnant woman's abdomen before delivery, and soon, the child was born. The scientist published his research results, claiming that he had discovered the human soul.

The weight of the soul

Dr. McDongel of the United States recently made a special experiment in a hospital: putting a doctor, namely

It took about three hours to move a lung patient who died on a large but very sensitive balance.

At 40 minutes, the patient's facial expression suddenly disappeared. In an instant, the beam shifted and the weight was 2 1.26 g.

The quantity is lost. This discovery excited him. In the next two and a half years, he treated five critically ill patients.

It was verified that these patients lost weight at the moment of death 10.6 g to 42.5 g.

This seems to show that there is no other explanation except that the soul leaves people.

1985 April 12 Youth Daily published an article: "Can the human soul ascend to heaven?" The article is about some survivors who don't believe in "afterlife theory" at first, but believe that people will go to heaven after death. In order to solve this mystery, the American medical community accumulates thousands of medical records of survivors every year for research. Professor Kumek, a famous American cardiologist, investigated 2300 cases of near-death experience, and was surprised to find that 60% people went through the same process on their deathbed. When he was near the end of his life, he heard the doctor announce that he had died, followed by the crying and other noises of his relatives. Then he felt himself floating in a long, dark passage, and suddenly stood beside his body like a bystander, clearly seeing all the efforts made by the doctor to save him.

The documentary literature The Kidnapped Rich Woman was written by Dr Patty Wahrby of the United States. She/kloc-went to college at the age of 0/4, and 19 invented the cold perm agent. A European company bought her patent at a high price and made her a millionaire overnight. Later, she made huge profits through various operations, and the newspaper called her a woman who turned the stone into gold. But at the age of 56, she was kidnapped by gangsters, who threw her on a steel platform and passed 240 volts through her body. Her convulsive body suddenly trembled and then collapsed on the stage. The doctor signed the death certificate in order to get 40 thousand dollars from the person who wanted to kill her. Six hours later, she came back to life, clearly and truly describing her feelings before she died and her soul's experience of going to heaven to see the savior. Later, the four gangsters who killed her died mysteriously.

Brother A Ping's grandmother in Wenzhou is an enthusiastic Christian. A Ping's aunt died of illness, and the family kept it from her in order not to teach her grandmother to be sad. One day she was lying in bed, feeling that her soul had flown to heaven, where the music was melodious and the scenery was beautiful. Seeing her little daughter dressed in white and quiet, she came out of heaven to meet her and the angel ... She was very surprised and told Ah Ping, Sister A Ping and others what she saw. Everyone was surprised, so they told her about her aunt's death. She died peacefully while singing. There are many such things, and the American best-selling book After Death published by 1989 has many real records in this respect.

1In April, 988, there was an article called "Exploring the Soul" at the Science Fair, which reported the discussion of the soul by many famous scientists in modern times. Dr. John and Dr. eccles made pioneering research on synapses in the brain, and thought that nerve cells were connected with each other at synapses, thus winning the 1966 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. His research results strongly maintain the traditional belief of human beings, that is, human beings are skillfully combined by tangible material bodies and intangible spiritual bodies. Eccles believes that at some point in embryonic development or infancy, each of us has the ability of immaterial thinking and self-understanding. It is the "human soul" that gives us human characteristics: self-awareness, free thinking, creativity and even love, hate and fear. Our "immaterial self" manipulates the "contact center", just like a driver driving a car or a programmer manipulating a computer. He boldly asserted that the "immaterial self" was still alive after the death of the physical brain.

See: bb% ea% cf% D6% cf% F3% d1%d0% be% BF for more information.

According to the Guangzhou Daily Ocean. Com, British scholars have recently completed the world's first scientific research on "near-death experience" and found that human consciousness, the so-called soul, continues to exist after the brain stops its activities. The study found that the near-death experiences shared by the four patients who survived the death included: feelings of calm and joy, rapid passage of time, stronger sensory feelings, no longer aware of the existence of the body, seeing a light, entering another world, meeting mysterious spirits, and reaching a place with no turning back. It is expected that this study will lead to a long-standing debate between the church and the scientific community: does "life after death" really exist?

According to the British "Sunday Telegraph", in a one-year study, neuropsychiatrists from the Institute of Psychiatry in London and researchers from Southampton Hospital in Pania observed 63 patients who survived a heart attack one week later. The results showed that 56 people had no memory after losing consciousness, but 7 people still had memories after the heart stopped beating, and 4 of them assessed whether they had near-death experience by Grayson Scale. Three of the four people are Anglicans and don't go to church. The other one used to be a Christian, but later he stopped believing. The results of this study will be published in the respected medical journal Recovery next year.

Many scholars who criticize near-death experience believe that near-death experience is the result of brain function collapse caused by hypoxia. However, Feiwick and Pania said that none of the four subjects who had near-death experience had experienced the state of brain hypoxia, so brain hypoxia should not be the cause of near-death experience. Another scholar believes that the near-death experience is the result of an unusual combination of drugs given by the doctor before the patient dies. However, Feiwick and Pania said that the recovery process of these patients in the hospital was exactly the same, so the factors affected by drugs were ruled out. But they still stressed that it is necessary for the scientific community to conduct more research on near-death experience in the future.

Pania said that all four people had experienced experiences beyond medical expectations, and their brains should not have the ability to stay awake and form lasting memories at that time, so this study may provide answers to the following questions, that is, whether thinking and consciousness are the result of brain manufacturing, or whether the brain is just the medium of thinking, and thinking is something that exists independently outside the brain. Fewick pointed out that if the mind and the brain are two independent things, then consciousness may continue to exist after death, and the human soul may also exist. The universe may also be a meaningful and purposeful existence, rather than the result of random occurrence.

Is there a soul in the ashes? I only know that the human soul has quality, and people will lose a little when they die. There seems to be no ashes!