Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - How should freshmen adjust their learning methods?

How should freshmen adjust their learning methods?

The following is something written by the head teacher of Senior One, which is recommended to you for your reference.

Eight sentences for freshmen in senior high school

Senior one is the stage of learning and habit formation in senior high school, and the initial stage is the best time for habit formation. Our teachers should fully seize this rare educational opportunity, cultivate students' habits, gradually adapt to the tense high school, form their own learning characteristics and styles, and lay a good foundation for future high school study. Recently, they have done a lot of practical work on students' habit formation education, but they have never been able to take time out to manage their own blogs. Today, based on the author's reading of Senior One, the following are eight requirements and expectations from different aspects of senior one's life. Encourage to study with bloggers and senior one students.

First of all, now start from the beginning.

Entering senior one, all the right and wrong in the past have become history, and a new life begins today. You may have missed yesterday, but don't miss today and tomorrow; You may have missed the sun, but don't miss the moon again; You may have fallen, but what is it? Man can only move forward if he loses his balance. The game on the batting field seems to be a process of galloping forward, but in essence it is a process of losing balance and forcing people to leap forward to maintain a new balance. Now you are like a blank sheet of paper in front of me. But it is best to draw the latest and most beautiful picture on a piece of white paper. In the new semester, I hope every student can draw his most beautiful picture with his own practical actions.

Second, the responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai.

The definition of the word "responsibility" in the dictionary is: what should be done, when foreign enemies invade and the country is in danger, the People's Liberation Army shoulders the responsibility of defending the country, and when floods rage and disasters come, our public security officers and soldiers shoulder the responsibility of fighting floods and rescuing the country; When SARS is raging and life-threatening, angels in white shoulders the responsibility of saving lives. In life, everyone has his own responsibilities. The responsibility of teachers is to teach and educate people, and the responsibility of parents is to raise children ... So, what are our responsibilities as students, children and citizens?

School life is an important part of our life. As students, our most important responsibility is to study, learn cultural knowledge, learn to be a man, learn to take responsibility, learn to serve the collective, and learn all the things we don't understand but must understand. So you must finish your homework on time. Home is the place we are most familiar with. Parents who love us deeply may not need us to do anything, but only hope that we can grow up happily and healthily. As children, we should not only love ourselves and cherish the life our parents gave us, but more importantly, we should share the housework as much as possible, try not to let our parents worry about us, make them proud of us and bring happiness to our family. Stepping into the society, we are citizens and have the responsibility to contribute to the country, society and family, abide by social ethics and participate in environmental protection public welfare activities.

Dear students, each of us plays a different role in life, and these different roles make us bear all kinds of responsibilities. There is a saying that "responsibility is more important than Mount Tai". With a sense of responsibility, no matter how big the difficulties are, they can be overcome. Without this sense of responsibility, even the smallest thing can't be done well, so we have always had the saying that "responsibility is more important than Mount Tai". Start with small things, cultivate your sense of responsibility from an early age, and make yourself a responsible person. In this way, you will have a better future!

Third, divide the distance to the target.

Stanford University held a marathon cross-country race on a deserted country road. There were no buildings except rare trees on both sides of the road. At first, the students were in high spirits. But soon they all turned to depression, because the process of long-distance running is long, and fatigue, thirst and irritability affect every student's mood. "When can we reach the finish line?" Many students sighed in their hearts. Unconsciously, the speed slowed down, many people quit halfway, and only one young man named Frank finally reached the finish line.

The reporter interviewed him: How did you stick to the finish line? Frank replied: I know there are 27 Chinese fir trees on this road. Every time I run past a tree, I say to myself: There are 26, 25, 24, 23 trees ... When I count a tree, I know I'm almost at the end.

There is a term in psychology called "expectation bottom line", which means that when a person's expectation exceeds his tolerance limit, he will collapse. Frank divided his goal into 27 Chinese fir trees. Every time he came to a Chinese fir tree, his nervousness was completely released, and then he started his second goal.

In fact, everyone has a long distance from their goals, which often makes us depressed, upset and even fall down on the way to our goals. At this time, you might as well divide this distance into several sections, so as to dilute the difficulties, strengthen your confidence, and finally, let yourself reach your goal smoothly.

Dear students, three years of middle school is sometimes so long that some students will give up their goals. Then, please divide the goal. The college entrance examination requires mastering 6500 words. Ok, I recite the word 10 every day. The college entrance examination requires familiar reading of 100 ancient poems. Well, we recite one of them every day. When your small goals are realized one by one, then you will eventually step into the hall of ideal institutions of higher learning, which is exactly what you and I sincerely expect.

Fourth, don't be overjoyed.

This is a sentence from Liu Chan (Liu Adou), the son of Liu Bei's teachings during the Three Kingdoms period. Is there anything important in the world? No. In which plane crash did you see your wings fall off with your head? It's all because one fuel-saving pipe won't work and one tire won't fit. When a person dies, which is the whole body festering and dying? It's all because the liver is broken, the heart is faulty, and a small organ is abnormal and dead. American space 3 is approaching the moon, but it can't get on, so it has no choice but to come back. Why? Just because a small battery in 30 yuan broke down, their long-planned space program was ruined, and hundreds of millions of dollars were scrapped! ! Therefore, although there is no major event in the world, any small event is a major event. Turn small evil into great evil and small good into great good. Remember the famous saying in Laozi's Tao Te Ching: "A tree with an arm is born at the end of a dime, a nine-story platform begins with the foundation, and a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

Fifth, the scenery is not on the other side.

A river divides the two banks. Ordinary people live on this shore and monks live on the other. Ordinary people are envious when they see that monks are carefree every day, just chanting scriptures and ringing bells; Monks look forward to that kind of life when they see ordinary people work at sunrise and rest at sunset every day. After a long time, they all longed for each other: to the other side. Finally, one day, ordinary people and monks reached an agreement. So, ordinary people live the life of monks, and monks live the life of ordinary people. Ordinary people who have just become monks find that the life of monks is not easy, and the leisurely days will only make them feel at a loss and miss the life of ordinary people before. Monks who have become ordinary people also realize that they simply can't stand all kinds of troubles, toil and confusion in the world. So I also remembered the benefits of becoming a monk. After a while, their hearts began to yearn again: to go to the other side.

This story tells us that doing anything for a long time will make people feel bored and have no way out. In fact, the problem may not lie in the matter itself, but only the psychological function of people. In the journey of life, never forget to adjust your mentality at any time, because the breakthrough of the journey depends on the breakthrough of people themselves.

Dear students, entering the campus of No.3 Middle School may be your last choice. Maybe you think there are many unsatisfactory places in No.3 Middle School, which is not your ideal school. Maybe your high school classmates in No.1 Middle School and No.2 Middle School will feel superior in front of you, but I want to tell you a sentence from Chairman Mao: Don't envy them! This sentence was said by Mao Zedong to the Red Army soldiers on the way to the Long March. At that time, the Fourth Army joined forces, and the Red Army fought for a few days, exhausted and ragged, while the Fourth Army was stronger than Mazhuang, and even the octagonal hat on its head was bigger than that of the First Army. On the one hand, the soldiers of the First Army envy them very much, and Mao Zedong told the soldiers of the First Army: We are the best! History finally proved that Mao Zedong was right!

Dear students, please remember: it is not the environment that affects our lives, but our attitude towards all this!

Sixth, there is a force called persistence.

Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher, once assigned a special "homework" when giving lectures to students. He said: when you go back, keep swinging your arms back and forth for an hour every day. Although this exercise is boring, as long as you keep doing it, you will definitely get unexpected results. Most students disagree. A week later, Socrates asked his students who insisted on doing the "cutting exercise" he arranged every day. As a result, all the students raised their hands to him. A month later, Socrates asked his students who insisted on doing his "cutting movement". About half of the students raised their hands to him. Three months later, Socrates asked his students the same question. This time, only about one-tenth of the students raised their hands to preach. Half a year later, when Socrates raised this question again, only one student raised his hand, and that person was Plato, who later became one of the greatest philosophers in history.

In our study and life, we all have times when we can't hold on. Even if it's just a thought that suddenly flashed through our mind, it will make us stop suddenly at the moment we see the finish line. Being conquered by the brief darkness before dawn is the saddest thing in the world. After a hundred and a half miles, those who can't hold on can only swallow the bitter fruit of "giving up halfway".

A term in psychology: critical point. Students have this experience: after climbing a mountain for a certain period of time, they will feel exhausted and don't want to climb another step, but as long as you bite the bullet and keep climbing, you will feel comfortable all over after a while, and the fun of climbing will arise spontaneously; After running for a period of time, you will feel exhausted, but as long as you grit your teeth and keep running, you will feel comfortable breathing and your legs will seem to run automatically after a while. The courage to continue will become a relaxed inertia of running forward, and then you can run far. Whether climbing a mountain or running, the moment you bite the bullet is the critical point of doing something. If you persevere, you will survive the critical point and enter a new realm, no longer afraid to face longer and more difficult challenges, and gain physical and mental pleasure, sense of accomplishment and self-confidence in the process of meeting challenges.

Dear students, maybe your future study will be very tired and bitter. Please don't give up. Remember: if you pass the critical point, victory is beckoning to you!

Seven, fate is in your hands.

A depressed young man came all the way to a remote town to visit a respected old gentleman. Talking about fate, the young man asked, "Is there fate in this world?" The old man said, "Of course." The young man asked again, "What is fate? Since destiny takes a hand, what's the use of struggle? " The old man didn't answer his question. He just smiled and grabbed the young man's left hand and said that he might as well read his palm and tell your fortune. He first told the young man about lifeline, love line, career line and so on, and suddenly said to the young man, "reach out and make an action with me."

The old man's action is to raise his left hand and slowly and tightly grasp his fist. The old man asked, "Did you catch it?" The young man was puzzled and replied, "Catch it." The old man asked again, "Where are those lifelines?" The young man replied mechanically, "I have." The old man asked, "Where is the fate?" Young people, like a blow to the head, suddenly realize that fate is in their own hands!

"No matter what others tell you, no matter how those fortune-tellers calculate for you, remember that fate is in your own hands, not others' mouths! "The old man continued quietly," Look at your own fist again, and you will find that your lifeline and part of it are still outside, not caught. What inspiration can it give you? "Most of our destiny is in our own hands, but some of it is in the hands of' Heaven'. Throughout the ages, the meaning of "struggle" is to exchange your life's efforts for that part of "destiny" in the hands of "God" ... "

Dear students, please remember: three points are doomed, and seven points depend on hard work. Love to fight will win!

Eight, only the inch of long grass is a little sentimental, and it is reported to be three spring rays.

A graduate of a famous Japanese university applied for a job in a big company. The president looked at his face and asked unexpectedly, "Have you bathed and wiped your parents?" "No." The young man answered honestly. "So, did you hit your parents on the back? "The young man thought," Yes, when I was in primary school, my mother gave me 10 yuan. "

When the young man left, the president suddenly said to him, "Please come again at this time tomorrow. However, before coming here tomorrow, I hope you must brush your parents. Can you do it? " The young man agreed.

Although young people graduated from college, their families are poor. His father died shortly after he was born, and since then, his mother has been working hard as a maid to make money. He grew up and was admitted to a famous university in Tokyo. Although the tuition is daunting, my mother continues to help him go to school without complaint. To this day, my mother is still a maid. When the young man got home, his mother had not come back. Mom must have dirty feet when she is away from home. He decided to wash her feet.

When mother came back, she was surprised to see her son washing her feet. "I can also wash my feet. I'll wash it myself. " So the young man explained why he had to wash his mother's feet. The mother understood very well, so she sat down according to her son's request and waited for him to bring the washbasin and put her foot in it. The young man holds a towel in his right hand and his mother's foot in his left. Only then did he find that her feet were as stiff as sticks, and he couldn't help holding her feet and crying. When he was studying, he spent all the tuition and pocket money sent by his mother as scheduled. Now he knows that the money is fucking hard-earned money.

The next day, the young man went to the company as promised and said to the president, "now I know that my mother has suffered a lot for me." You taught me something I couldn't learn in school. Thank you, President. If it weren't for you, I would never shake my mother's feet. My mother is the only family I have. I want to take good care of my mother and I can't let her suffer any more. The president nodded and said, "You will work in the company tomorrow. "

Students, I tell you this story to make you cherish the maternal love you have, honor your parents when they are still alive, and let them live happily. Don't say "waste" because they can't reach your hopes; They keep telling you, don't say "annoying"; Don't turn a blind eye to us when they need us Don't treat them with fists and abuse them. Even if parents sometimes do something wrong and sometimes go too far, our children should understand and respect them. If you don't respect yourself, who can you expect to respect?

"The thread in the hand of a kind-hearted mother makes clothes for her wayward son." As children, the clothes we wear are all earned by our parents. Every silk thread on our clothes is permeated with the blood and sweat of our parents, relying on their good wishes and prayers.

"She mended it carefully and thoroughly, fearing that it would delay his coming home." We go out to study outside to make our parents care more. Parents give us selfless love, but what they get is wrinkles on their foreheads and wisps of silver on their heads. What a noble love!

Students, how can we repay our parents? We should repay everything we get with our hearts and actions. Therefore, we should study hard, be a good student, and let our parents have less troubles and more peace of mind at home; Try to reduce the burden of parents on living expenses; Take care of your parents from different angles of life, and don't forget to give them a gift on their birthdays or festivals. These are all filial piety! When you get a scholarship, it will be a great comfort to your parents if you can give them a little gift.

Students, let's be honest with our parents and live a happy family life! Starting from me, starting from now, with our filial piety, with practical actions to repay the parents' parenting!

Disclaimer: Now, a new book has just been published, the title of which is "Senior one decides the college entrance examination". It is a compulsory course for freshmen and their parents! True books can help you improve your study efficiency and self-confidence in high school for three years! I'm not advertising this book, but recommending it to everyone.