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Pot-tossing fortune-telling questions _ answers to pot-tossing fortune-telling questions

Idioms and allusions of laughter?

Idioms and allusions that caused laughter.

Source: Tang Zhao Yu's Quotations, Volume 5: "The history of Emperor Taizong includes the imperial court, the palace court and the rare court, which is called miscellaneous. If you eat in court, you will never laugh. However, if the miscellaneous end laughs and all three hospitals laugh, there is no penalty. "

Idiom stories related to laughter

Idiom explanation

Flirting refers to flirting between men and women.

Smile and describe it as happy.

Smile to describe the appearance of being very happy and excited.

Eyebrows and smiles describe being very excited and happy.

Eyebrows, eyes, eyes, fingers, eyes.

Smiling refers to the business in which prostitutes try to impress others.

Smile is a metaphor of mutual understanding and understanding.

Don't laugh: if you don't laugh, just do it. No kidding. Describe a serious attitude.

Smile, however. Smile: The way you smile. Laugh happily. Being angry and not laughing is a metaphor for having a happy attitude and not bullying others.

Laughter: the material being teased. Spread around and be used as teasing material.

Spring mountain is like a smile, depicting the beautiful mountains and rivers in spring. Laughing in front of you means being affectionate in front of you, but playing tricks behind your back.

Clap your hands and laugh: clap your hands. Clap your hands and laugh to describe being very happy.

Smile, smile and answer. Metaphor doesn't care, it doesn't matter.

Looking back and smiling: eyes. Roll your eyes and smile. It is often used to describe a woman's charming expression.

Laughter describes the whole room laughing at the same time.

Jiuquan Jiuquan smiles: deep underground, it used to refer to the place where people were buried after death. Also known as the "grave". The grave is full of smiles. It means to feel gratified and happy after death.

Laughing generously is to make people in the circle laugh.

It is not good to laugh or cry. It's embarrassing to describe.

Smile, frown, with a smile in your eyes. Describe a happy look.

A thousand dollars for a smile and a thousand dollars for a smile. The old meaning is to win the favor of beauty at a high price.

Laugh through tears: tears. Suddenly stopped crying and smiled. Describe turning grief into joy.

A broken smile describes the message.

Smiling at flowers is originally a Buddhist language, which is a metaphor for understanding Zen. After metaphor agree with each other.

The magpie laughs and dances with pigeons, and the magpie is called Turtledove Flying. Used to be used as holiday information.

It's not fun to smile, but I managed to pretend to be happy on my face.

Sound, sound and laughter refer to people's speech and expressions.

A smile describes the appearance of a smile.

Between laughing and sealing Hou, he sealed Hou. In the past, it was easy to become famous.

Smile as cool as a cucumber: as usual. Refers to being able to treat what happened calmly, talking and laughing, and not changing the normal state.

Laugh or cry: cry; Neither: neither. I don't know what to do without crying or laughing. Describe an embarrassing situation or an act that is both uncomfortable and funny.

Laughing and laughing, high spirits. Describe the conversation as happy and interesting.

Laughter and curse: the game. Metaphor means that no matter what theme or form, you can give full play to it and write a good article.

Hippie face describes the appearance of laughing inappropriately. A smiling tiger is a metaphor for people who are kind in appearance and fierce in heart.

Smile to describe smiling and being very happy.

The smile is more serious than Heqing described, so it is hard to see it.

Smile: the face is relaxed and refers to a smile. Describe being happy and smiling.

Smile at each other, you can't resist: you are in love, very good. Describe the profound friendship between us. Nothing goes against our will.

Laughing waves and laughing proudly describe banter and laughing.

Smile: Hold it with both hands. Describe a bright smile.

A smiling witch is a metaphor, referring to a person who laughs evil.

Hiding the knife in the smile describes being kind to people's appearance, but it is actually sinister and sinister.

Shoulder-to-shoulder flattering smile Shoulder-to-shoulder: Raise your shoulders to make a respectful appearance; Flatter: Show a flattering smile. To flatter people, you should shrink your shoulders and pretend to smile. Describe the ugly state of flattery.

Smile: (Woman) A beautiful smile. Describe a woman who smiles beautifully.

Heartless: I can't help laughing. I can't help laughing.

Laugh it off and put it aside. It means nothing serious.

A beautiful smile is worth a thousand dollars. It's hard to describe a beautiful smile.

Used to describe the smiling door of life.

Laughter describes many people pushing and shoving and laughing loudly.

Make people laugh: make people laugh; Generosity: originally refers to people who know the avenue, and later refers to people who have knowledge or expertise. Make the insiders laugh.

Voice and smile refer to the voice, appearance and expression of the deceased before his death.

Talk with a smile on your face.

Talking and laughing, there are scholars, scholars. Laugh with knowledgeable people and be free. Make friends with different people.

Laughing, laughing as usual. Describe a natural attitude.

Bang-Tang laughter describes a room full of people laughing at the same time.

Buy laughter, have fun, prostitute, have fun. It's the same as "buying smiles and chasing happiness".

It's not worth laughing [explaining]. Metaphor is worthless. It also expresses contempt and ridicule for something or behavior. Not worth mentioning.

Pretend to smile and shrink your shoulders. Describe the ugly state of flattery.

Buried with a smile, died with a smile. Let's say die without regret.

The imperial history of the Tang Dynasty is divided into three parts: imperial court, imperial court and imperial court. There is a senior official in the imperial court who is in charge of chores, called "miscellaneous end". Every court can eat, but don't talk or laugh. If the miscellaneous end laughs first, the people in the third hospital will laugh, which is called "roasting hall" See Tang's Records of Words and Records. Later, people in the room laughed at the same time because they were described as "laughing in the hall".

Laugh at "lying with your eyes open"

Buy a smile to welcome joy. See "Buy a smile to chase joy"

Buy jokes, chase prostitutes and have fun.

Laugh with your hands over your stomach. Describe meeting a ridiculous thing and laughing uncontrollably. Also known as the "big belly".

Turn grief into laughter, turn grief into joy.

Smile through tears. See "Laugh through tears".

Send sorrow to laugh, eliminate sorrow and have fun.

Daughter laughs and talks about buying smiles.

I laughed at the Wonder Sutra of Dongye: "There is a big stone room in Dongye barren mountain. Dong Juyan ... keeps throwing pots with a jade girl. Every time he throws 1200 corrections, he can't get in ... If he can't get out, he laughs." Zhang Hua's note: "Jokers, the mouth of heaven burns a fire. It doesn't rain today, but lightning is laughing. " Later, he used "smashing the pot and laughing" as the code name for rainless lightning.

Pot calling the kettle black, pot calling the kettle black. Metaphor shortcomings or mistakes are of the same nature, but the plot is heavy or light.

The smiling face (1) describes the appearance of Xi·Xi haha. (2) describe the appearance of frivolous giggle. (3) describe ingratiating smile please.

Laughing and cursing (1) refers to different emotional expressions such as beating, laughing, anger and cursing. (2) refers to not rigidly adhere to the specifications, casual performance. 3 ridicule and abuse.

First trumpet, then laugh. ① Fan Yi: "In the Ninth Five-Year Plan, Fan howled first, then laughed and decided." Later, "count before laughing" means that fate is fiercer than luck. (2) refers to the end of an article or work is more exciting than the beginning.

Laugh first and then number "Art Fellow": "In the Ninth Five-Year Plan, people howl first and then laugh, and experts meet." Later, "laugh first, then count" means that fate is good luck before evil.

Smile at each other. The two sides looked at each other and smiled. Describe the modality of both.

Smile: drive; Yan: Face. Laugh to a long face. Describe smiling and very happy.

Making waves, the legendary swordsman described it as joking and laughing.

Laugh while covering your mouth. More refers to snickering, snickering.

Never laugh or talk casually. Describe a serious attitude.

Talking and laughing, talking and laughing, gentle and docile.

Laugh heartily. See "Laugh".

Laughing as usual, very calm.

Gong Jiaojiao, Gong Jiao and Jiao are both one of the ancient five tones. Laugh and be proud in the palace tone. Metaphor satirizes and denies others with self-righteous prejudice.

Smile at the door and charm people with colors. Always referring to the life of a prostitute.

Leaning against the door to offer a smile, see "leaning against the door to sell a smile"

A smile is an expression of unhappiness or happiness. Hey, frown.

Smile: frown. A mixed expression of sadness and joy.

It is charming to describe a beauty's smile with a smile.

Laughing generously means making experts laugh. The text "Zhuangzi Qiushui": "My parents laugh at home."

Laugh it off. See Laugh it off.

Laugh it off and let it go. It means you don't value it.

Laughing at Qingcheng's "Hanshu consorts Biography Lady Li Xiaowu": "There are beautiful women in the north, and they are peerless and independent, taking care of Qingcheng first and then the country." Later, she described the beauty of a woman as a "beautiful smile".

A smile is the same as a smile. Refers to the expression on her face.

Laugh and shout "Laugh and shout".

Laugh and talk loudly.

Talking and laughing describes laughing.

Chasing pleasure and selling jokes is selling porn for fun.

Chase happiness, buy laughter, and pursue happiness. More refers to drinking or something.

Treat or answer with a smile. Metaphor is not worth paying attention to. Use "laugh it off".

Pass it on as a joke [explain] joke: joke; Jokes. Spread around and become a message that makes people laugh and cry.

A smile is better than a smile. It's unnatural to pretend to smile. Describe hypocrisy or malice.

Gherardini [explanation] Gherardini.

Laugh and curse, all become articles [explanation] refers to any form of subject matter, any play, all become wonderful articles

Laughing at romance [explanation] or rumors. Describe the carefree mood.

Don't smile back [explain] just smile.

Laugh without answering [explanation] Laugh without answering.

Eyes smile and eyebrows fly [explanation] to describe extreme happiness.

Make people laugh [explanation]: stay; Descendants: people of later generations. Because it is absurd, it makes future generations laugh and leave a story for future generations.

Talking and laughing [explanation] talking and laughing. Describe very cheerful. (turning)

Ask for some funny idiom stories.

Kill the goose that lays the golden egg: Once upon a time, there was a man who kept an old hen at home. This hen has a strong ability to lay eggs, but she never lays eggs for a while and is sick. The man thought it was useless to raise chickens without laying eggs, so he killed them and found that gallstones were the cause of their illness. Gallstones of all sizes are like eggs. When killing chickens, it happened that Xianglin, the quick-talking sister next door, came to visit. When I saw it, I talked nonsense everywhere, saying that this man was short-sighted and killed an old hen who could lay eggs. 1.

Me: During the Han Dynasty, there was a young man named Kuang Heng who was very studious. Because the family is poor and can't afford to light candles at night, he quietly chiseled a small hole in the wall and borrowed a neighbor's candlelight to read. ...

Nephew: Wait, why doesn't he turn on the light?

Me: Because there is no electricity.

Nephew: Is it because of the lack of electricity?

Me: (panting) No, it's more than two thousand years since the Han Dynasty, when electricity was not invented.

Nephew: Oh. (Pause) When did he make the hole?

Me: (cold) ah? Good evening. Good evening.

Nephew: At night? Isn't he invisible at night? How did you chisel it out?

Me: (pause) That, that, that is daytime.

Nephew: Do you still have time to dig a hole during the day? Why not use this time to read?

Me: (again) this, this I can't remember clearly. Let's tell another story ...

2. Kong Rong lets pears.

Me: In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a child named Kong Rong. When he eats pears, he gives them to adults. ...

Nephew: Wait, how many adults are there? Are they his parents?

Me: (prepared) I don't know, just one.

Nephew: How many small pears are left?

Me: (speechless, frowning) It seems to be one.

Nephew: I see. The big pear must be ripe soon. It's not delicious. Small must be natural green food. ...

Me: (I can't wait to slap him) Say another one. ...

3. Cao Chong is an elephant

Me: During the Three Kingdoms period, there was a child named Cao Chong. A foreigner gave his father an elephant. His father wanted to know how heavy the elephant was, so he asked Cao Chong to weigh it. ...

Nephew: Uncle, stop it. I know. Kill the elephant, cut it into pieces and add it up (triumph).

Me: (eyes wide open) That's a gift. You can't kill it.

Nephew: (Now it's his turn to be speechless) How did the elephant come from?

Me: (a little annoyed) Maybe I used the car.

Nephew: That must be overloaded. Look at the driver's ticket and you'll know what the weight is!

Me: (voice trembling) Another one, another one!

4. Grass boat borrows arrows

Me: During the Three Kingdoms period, Kong Ming was ordered by Zhou Yu to build 100,000 arrows in three days. ...

Nephew: Uncle, wait. What's the arrow?

Me: (The question is finally reliable, I am very happy) It is an advanced weapon that is advanced in ancient times and fired with a bow. ...

Nephew: Oh! (thoughtfully) Is it better than the gun in CS?

Me: No. But there were no guns at that time, only arrows.

Nephew: OK, then go on.

Me: One morning, in the thick fog, Kong Ming set out with more than a dozen boats carrying the right people.

Nephew: Why is it foggy?

Me: Kong Ming predicted it.

Nephew: Is he a weatherman?

Me: No, he did the math.

Nephew: Is he blind? Fortune teller?

Me: ... (Top-heavy) Me, me, one more, one more, I can't believe I can't finish telling a story!

5. embattled

Me: Xiang Yu and Liu Bang competed for hegemony at the end of Qin Dynasty. ...

Nephew: What does hegemony mean?

Me: It means to fight and compete.

Nephew: Oh, it's PK! I hope the landlord will adopt it! ! ! !

Ask for a funny idiom story

Suspect a neighbor of stealing an axe.

Once upon a time, a man lost an axe. He suspected that the neighbor's son stole it, and observed the way the man walked back, like a man who stole an axe; Look at that man's face. He looks like an axe thief. Everything he says and does looks like an axe thief.

Soon, the axe thrower dug a ditch in the valley and dug it out. Then he looked at his neighbor's son carefully and didn't walk like an axe thief. He doesn't look like an axe thief; His words and deeds are even less like an axe thief, and that man's words and deeds are not like an axe thief. Not the neighbor's son, but his own mentality. There is no other reason for the change, but it is blinded by prejudice.

Explain that subjective prejudice is an obstacle to understanding objective truth. People who observe the world with prejudice will inevitably distort the true colors of objective things. Don't look at people with colored glasses, otherwise it will have serious and ridiculous consequences.

Famous ones: pot calling the kettle black, Zheng bought shoes, Handan was a toddler, and bought bamboo slips and pearls.

Interesting idiom story

The three of us must have teachers: Confucius and Yan Hui, Zeng Shen and Ran Zi play mahjong. Yan Hui and others thought that Confucius had been an official in Shandong and had money in his hand, so they played mahjong together and cheated Confucius of his money. Confucius finally lost all his money and even put on his belt. After playing mahjong, people on the roadside asked him, "How about winning or losing?" Confucius said, "Three people win, and I lose." Shandong dialect has the same pronunciation as winning, and the teacher has the same pronunciation as losing, so it has become the idiom "A threesome must have my teacher".

Waiting for the rabbit: A man in the State of Song kept a litter of pigs. In winter, pigs are afraid of cold, so the Song people put a lot of grass in the pigsty to keep the pigs warm. A rabbit ran to the pigsty in the middle of the night to steal the grass from the pigsty, but because it was dark, it accidentally fell into the pig manure pool next to the pigsty and drowned. The next day, Song people were very happy to see the dead rabbit, so they stayed beside the pigsty every day, hoping that one day another rabbit would steal the grass from the pigsty and drown in the pig manure pool. This is the origin of "waiting for pigs and rabbits". Pigs and strains are interchangeable words, so history books are also called waiting for pigs and rabbits.

Kill the goose that lays the golden egg: Once upon a time, there was a man who kept an old hen at home. This hen is very capable of laying eggs, but for a while, she always didn't lay eggs and was sick. The man thought it useless to raise a chicken that couldn't lay eggs, so he killed it. After breaking the chicken's stomach, he found that the reason why the chicken got sick was gallstones, which were like eggs. When I was killing chickens, it happened that Sister Xianglin, who spoke very quickly next door, came to visit. When he saw it, he talked nonsense everywhere, saying that this man killed a hen who could lay eggs and was short-sighted and killed an old hen.

Mao Sui recommended himself: Mao Sui is a young man of literature and art who often writes short articles and publishes them on the Internet, but Netease moderators and netizens don't like his articles because they are so bad. I have been on BBS for a year or two, but I have received few replies to the articles I wrote, and the moderator didn't give me a word "recommendation", which made me very unhappy. Therefore, when posting articles on BBS in the future, Mao Sui should add a word "recommendation" to the title of the article. For example, if you have * * *, don't shout, "recommend". I am a great clown. Writers and moderators laughed at his self-deception, so they described this practice as "self-recommendation".

Three visits to the thatched cottage: During the Three Kingdoms period, Liu Bei wanted to invite Zhuge Liang out of the mountain to help him conquer the world, so he went to Longzhong to invite him. Liu Biao, Liu Bei's boss, has always been dissatisfied with Liu Bei, and the meals prepared for him on weekdays are all scraps. On this day, after eating, Liu Bei sat in Zhuge Liang's place for a while, and his stomach began to hurt. He went to the toilet three times in a short time. Zhuge Liang thought that Liu was in poor health today and came to see me with diarrhea. He was very moved and went out of the mountain. Toilets are also called latrines, latrines and huts in rural areas. So later generations described this allusion as "three visits to the cottage."

Quench thirst by looking at plum blossoms: Cao Cao once marched to fight, and the soldiers were very tired, lacking in spirit and fighting spirit. Cao Cao lied and said, "There is a village ahead. There is a Miss Mei in Meizhuang. She is beautiful and good-looking. Whoever goes to the battlefield first, I will give her to him as his wife. " Hearing this, the soldiers were refreshed and their saliva flowed down. Finally arrived in Guandu as scheduled and defeated Yuan Shao. Later, people called this allusion "looking at plums to quench thirst".

Idiom: A historical story of a smile and a thousand dollars.

Daughter smile

Pinyin: qi ā n j and n y and Xi ao

Explanation: I still say 1000 yuan for a smile. Spend 1000 yuan to buy a smile. The old meaning is to win the favor of beauty at a high price.

Source: Xiaoxiang's "Yu Meiren" Word 6: "Money is easy to discuss, only the daughter is willing to do it."

The sixth poem of the Purple Hairpin by Tang Mingzu: "It's as happy as being near the Blue Bridge to say that the daughter laughs and meets in the dead of night."

Idiom story:

Cong Si, a woman deeply loved by Zhou Youwang, is beautiful, but she doesn't like to laugh. Zhou Youwang thought: What a pity to praise such a beautiful woman who doesn't like to laugh! So Zhou Youwang sent someone to post: Whoever can make a compliment smile will get two thousand gold. Many people tried, but none of them succeeded. Suddenly one day, a priest named Guo Shifu came up with an idea. Zhou Youwang felt good after hearing this, so he sent someone to light the beacon tower. All the princes led their troops to rescue them in a hurry, but there were no enemies in the end. I smiled happily when I saw this situation. So he gave Shi Guo's father two hundred pieces of gold.

What does it mean to laugh?

The idiom laughter.


Laugh with your hands over your stomach. Describe meeting a ridiculous thing and laughing uncontrollably.

Idioms have no source.

Hearing his jokes, everyone burst into laughter.

Laughing and generous idioms and allusions

The source is copied from Zhuang Zhou's "Zhuangzi Qiushui": "If I am not at the gate, I will be in danger. I am a generous family. "

Such as Jing's Book with Liao Tingqiao: "I don't know where my home is now."

Laughed at by knowledgeable people. Generally refers to being laughed at by experts. Often used as a word of modesty. Text "Zhuangzi Qiushui": "Unless I am at my son's door, I am in danger. I was laughed at by a generous family. " A book: "Fang Shangdao."

Funny idiom stories only need funny idioms of about 100 words.

Talking and joking are not frivolous.

G: Copy it, whatever. No kidding. Describe a serious attitude.


Bai Juyi


Song Shi Bai Wei's "Continued Lantern Biography" Volume 36: "He is also a human being; Gogu Jian Peijun; Be careful not to laugh. "


Although Miss Huang is unsmiling, she is a very kind person.

[near meaning]

Mature and steady, mature and prudent, sit tight. ...


Hippies and dancing are neither fish nor fowl.