Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What should I do if the pouch under my eyes is blue?

What should I do if the pouch under my eyes is blue?

There are many reasons for pouch formation, such as genetic factors, age factors, lack of sleep, pregnancy and so on. But, so what? Come and have a look with me.

Causes of blue bags under eyes

The blue under the eye bags is dark circles. They appear because you go to bed too late or lack of sleep, which will seriously affect the related functions of the body, and then appear dark circles or bags under the eyes. Because every organ of the body needs to rest after 1 1 every night, especially the liver, it needs to clean up all kinds of toxins in the body and recover some substances, so try not to stay up late in the future.

If you have dark circles or bags under your eyes, boil an egg and apply it to your eyes, which will improve.

Four kinds of eye bags

1, simple orbicularis oculi muscle hypertrophy pouch. Due to genetic factors, I had lower eye bags when I was a child. Its prominent feature is that it clings to the edge of the lower eyelid, is continuously distributed in an arc shape, and the panel is not slack, which is more common in young people aged 20 ~ 32.

2. Simple panel relaxation type. This condition is that the lower eyelid and lateral canthus plate are relaxed, but there is no orbital septum relaxation, so there is no orbital septum fat protrusion and fine lines around the eyes, which is more common in middle-aged people aged 33 ~ 45.

3. The lower eyelid is slightly to moderately swollen. It is mainly congenital orbital septal fat overgrowth, which is more common in young people aged 23 ~ 36.

4. Moderate and severe lower eyelid swelling type. At the same time, it is accompanied by the relaxation of the lower eyelid plate, mainly the relaxation of the face plate, orbicularis oculi muscle and orbital septum, which makes the orbital septum fat sag due to gravity. In severe cases, the lateral canthus ligament is slack, the tarsal plate is everted, the eyelid ball is separated, and tears often appear, which is more common in middle-aged and elderly people aged 45-68.

Effective method of removing bags under eyes

1 vitamin e can increase the activity of the panel, so if the viscous liquid in vitamin e capsule is applied to the lower eye panel every night before going to bed for 4 weeks, it can get a good effect of eliminating lower eye bags and reducing aging.

If you don't trust vitamin e enough. You can choose figs or cucumber slices. Of course, you can't just try it once or twice for novelty, but stick to it. Only in this way can we achieve the cosmetic effect of reducing eye bags. You can also make tea with papaya and mint in hot water, and often apply it to the right eye panel after cooling.

If you think the above two methods are too troublesome, you can also use some cream or oil on your face in daily care, and hit your face with your fingers upwards, paying special attention to patting the weak panel around your eyes. Usually, you should avoid pulling the lower eyelid at will or overstretching.

Nursing alone is not enough. You must also pay attention to your diet. You can often chew carrots, celery or chewing gum in your daily diet. Usually, we should pay attention to eating some foods such as gum, high-quality protein, animal liver, tomatoes, potatoes, etc., and pay attention to a balanced diet, which can also provide necessary nutrition for the regeneration of tissues and cells in this area, and is also good for eliminating lower eye bags.