Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What are the big characters on the Zhuangwu archway?

What are the big characters on the Zhuangwu archway?

Zhuangwu Square and Yangjia Temple are located in Hexi Village, Zhuangwu Town, Cangshan County, in the middle section of the west line of Linyong Highway (the town government resident). There are a number of well-preserved ancient buildings, which are the famous square (commonly known as the archway) and Yang's ancestral hall (commonly known as the family temple).

Yang's house in Shi Zhuan is a branch of Yang's house in Northern Song Dynasty. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, he came to live in Zhuangwu, and by the middle of the Ming Dynasty, he had become a famous family in Lin Yong. For hundreds of years, the Yang family has worked hard to practice the ancestral motto of "loyalty to the monarch and filial piety to the family", and many outstanding figures have emerged. During the Jiaqing period, Yang's wife Liu was one of them. Mrs. Yang and her husband and wife respect each other like guests and have a good relationship. Unexpectedly, I got seriously ill soon after my second marriage and it was difficult to treat. The doctor's doctor is full of nonsense, saying that the prescription he prescribed needs human flesh to work wonders. In order to save her husband, Liu Yiran sacrificed his life to cut meat. After her husband's death, Liu abided by feudal female virtue, lived a chaste life and died in Yangmen. General Yang's clan reported Liu's virtue to the local governor, which was awarded by Emperor Jiaqing on 1804, and a filial piety workshop was built to show Liu's virtue.

Small squares are all carved with cyan limestone, with precise tenons and mortises. The length, width and height are about 7.5m, 2.5m and10m respectively, and it is divided into a main entrance and two side doors. The doorposts on both sides of the main entrance are the backbone of the whole archway, engraved with couplets of "first frost is eternal, pine and cypress are four seasons", which is a summary of Liu's life story. The top is an ancient roof structure, and the beams are divided into five layers. From top to bottom, the first floor is a plaque engraved with "imperial edict". There are dozens of figures on the second floor, carved with eight holes, with different shapes and lifelike. It means that Liu was promoted to the fairy class, and the jade emperor sent eight immortals to welcome her to heaven. On the third floor is a blank plaque, which is a metaphor for Liu Yisheng's chastity, such as frost-free white jade. On the fourth floor of the book, there are 23 Chinese characters, namely, "Build an example to award the candidate states, Rulinlang and Yang Xu, to follow the example of sealing the Liu Family Festival", indicating that it was built according to the order. On the fifth floor, there are exquisite Erlong play beads. In the rushing sea of clouds, pearls are full of water, and two dragons fly up and down, symbolizing the affection between husband and wife and the health of the family. There is a guard statue about 2.5 meters high (including the base) on the front of each of the four doorposts. The whole filial piety workshop contains perseverance and self-confidence, and its solemn and generous bearing reveals elegance and gentleness, which shows Liu's elegant demeanor just right.

Behind the square is the Yangjia Temple built at the same time as the square. Sitting facing south, the middle gate of the main hall and the main gate of the archway are on the same central axis. There are five purlins, the length, width and height of which are about 16m, 10m and 12m respectively. There is a memorial tablet of Yang Xianzu in the original hall, and the murals depict the deeds of Yang Xianchen and Liangjiang before his death. The East Wing and the West Wing contain Yang's scriptures and sacrifices. Being in the courtyard, the dignified and generous momentum of the purlin makes people feel solemn. In the 1990s, in order to protect cultural relics and promote excellent traditional culture, the clan surnamed Yang got the consent of the government and donated money to repair it, which changed the face of the ancestral temple. When you are there, you will feel a strong homesickness, just like in your mother's arms.

Emperor Jiaqing praised Liu for promoting feudal morality and consolidating imperial power, which has its own backwardness. However, today, it is of great practical significance to learn the excellent essence and carry forward the traditional virtues of filial piety to parents, children and loving couples, whether for the sake of a better life for thousands of families in Qian Qian, Qian Qian, or for the sake of implementing the general plan of governing the country by virtue and maintaining social stability.