Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Ai Qing Bing Xin's two most famous poems

Ai Qing Bing Xin's two most famous poems

Ai Qing (1910-1996) is a famous modern poet in China. Formerly known as Jiang Haicheng, Jinhua, Zhejiang. 1933, he wrote the famous long poem "Wild Goose River-My Nanny" under the pseudonym of Ai Qing for the first time in prison. After its publication, it became famous in the field of poetry. In the second year after he was released from prison, he published his first book of poetry, Dayan River, expressing his deep sympathy for the miserable life of farmers. 194 1 went to Yan 'an. 1 1 In June, he was elected as a senator of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region. He was summoned by Chairman Mao for many times to talk about literary issues. Later, he taught at Lu Yi College of Literature and Art in Yan 'an, and was the editor-in-chief of Poetry Magazine (Yan 'an Edition). After the Yan 'an Forum on Literature and Art, the poet's thought and style changed obviously. 1945 join the party. He used to be the vice president of the School of Literature and Art of North China United University and the deputy director of the Third Department of North China University. After liberation, he was elected as alternate member of the first CPPCC National Committee, member of the All-China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, director of the Chinese Writers Association, director of the China Artists Association and deputy editor of People's Literature. Representative works include: Dayan River-My Nanny, To the Sun, Dawn Notice and Gem Red Star; Poetry: Cheers, Spring, Selected Poems of Ai Qing; Poetry collection, new literature collection, etc.

I love this land.

If I were a bird,

I should also sing with a hoarse throat:

This land hit by the storm,

This river of sadness and anger will surge forever,

This endless wind,

And the gentle dawn from the forest ...

And then I died,

Even feathers rot in the ground.

Why do I often cry?

Because I love this land deeply. ...

I love this land was written in 1938 after the beginning of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. At that time, the Japanese invaders successively occupied vast areas in North China, East China and South China, and went crazy everywhere in an attempt to destroy the China people's will to resist the Japanese war. The people of China rose up and waged an indomitable struggle. The poet wrote this impassioned poem at the critical moment of national decline and national peril, with love for the motherland and hatred for the invaders.

Wild Goose River-My Nanny

Dayanhe is my nanny.

Her name is the name of the village where she was born

She is a child bride,

Dayanhe is my nanny.

I am the son of the landlord;

I also grew up eating milk from Dayan River.

Son of Dayanhe.

Dayan and I raised a family by raising me.

I grew up on your milk,

Dayanhe, my nanny.

Along the river, I saw snow today, which reminds me of you:

Your grave is covered with snow,

Your closed former residence, the dead Wafi on the roof,

The ten-square-foot garden you pawned,

The mossy stone chair in front of your door,

Along the river, I saw the snow today, which reminds me of you.

You hold me in your arms with your big palm and touch me;

After you set up the stove,

After you took the charcoal ash off your apron,

When you have tasted rice,

After you put the black sauce bowl on the black table,

After you mended your son's clothes cut by thorns on the hillside,

When you have bandaged the child's hand cut by the firewood knife,

After you strangled the lice on your husband's shirt one by one,

After you picked up your first egg today,

You hold me in your arms with your big palm and touch me.

I am the landlord's son,

After I ate all your milk in Dayan River,

I was taken home by my parents.

Ah, Dayanhe, why are you crying?

I'm a new guest at my parents' house!

I touched the furniture carved with red paint,

I touched the gold pattern on my parents' bed,

I looked blankly at the plaque on the eaves that I didn't know, "Family Fun".

I touched the silk and shell buttons of my new dress.

I looked at my mother's strange sister,

I sat on a kang stool with a brazier painted on it.

I ate milled rice three times,

However, I am so embarrassed! Because I

I became a new guest in my parents' house.

Dayan River, for living,

After she drank all the milk,

He began to work with his arms embracing me;

She washed our clothes with a smile.

With a smile on her face, she went to the frozen pond near the village with a vegetable basket.

She smiled and cut the radish with ice.

With a smile on her face, she took out the spent grains eaten by pigs with her hands.

She smiled and fanned the fire in the saucepan.

She went to the square with a smile.

Sun those soybeans and wheat,

Dayan River, for living,

After she drank all the milk,

She just holds my arm and works.

Wild goose river, deeply in love with her baby;

During the Chinese New Year, I was busy cutting him the candy of that winter rice.

For him, he often goes to his home near her village quietly.

For him, go up to her and call "Mom".

Dayan River painted his bright red and green Guan Yunchang.

Stick it on the wall next to the stove,

Dayanhe will boast and praise his breasts to his neighbors;

Dayan and once had a dream that can't be told:

In the dream, she ate her child's wedding wine,

Sitting in the magnificent celebration hall,

Her beautiful daughter-in-law affectionately calls her "mother-in-law"


Dayanhe loves her baby deeply!

Dayan and died before her dream woke up.

When she died, her breasts were not with her,

When she died, her husband, who usually beat and scolded her, also shed tears for her.

Five sons, all crying sadly,

When she died, she whispered the name of her child.

Dayanhe, dead,

When she died, her breasts were not with her.

Dayanhe, tears streaming down her face!

With the bullying of human life for more than forty years,

The misery of countless slaves,

With a four-dollar coffin and some straws,

There are only a few feet of land to bury the coffin,

With the ashes of a handful of paper money,

Wild goose river, she went away in tears.

This is big research and don't know:

Her drunken husband died,

The eldest son became a bandit,

The second one died in the smoke of gunfire,

Third, fourth and fifth times

Live in the scolding of the host and landlord.

And I, I'm writing a spell for this unfair world.

When I returned to my native land after a long wandering,

On the hillside, in the fields,

When the two brothers met, they were closer than they were six or seven years ago!

This, this is for you, quietly sleeping Dayan River.

What you don't know!

Dayan River! Today, your child is in prison,

Write a hymn for you,

Give you the purple soul under the loess,

Reach out to you and hug my hand,

To kiss my lips,

What is presented to you is a muddy and gentle face.

It's for you, because you lifted my breasts,

To your sons, my brothers,

To everything on earth,

My big weir nanny and their son,

Dedicated to Da Yanhe who loves me as his own son.

Dayan River,

I grew up eating your milk.

Your son,

I respect you.

Love You!

The image of Dayanhe and the author's emotion;

Dayan River is the epitome of working women in China. She is unknown, bears the burden of humiliation, and strives to devote all her life's love. She is an ordinary but great mother. That's why the poet sang "Dayan River/I grew up with your milk/your son,/I respect you/love you!" By praising Dayan River, the poet pinned his admiration for all the working people on the earth like Dayan River.


Formerly known as Xie Wanying, her pen names are Ms. Bing Xin and Mr. Bing Xin. After the May 4th Movement broke out, she actively participated in anti-imperialist and anti-feudal propaganda activities. The first work she published was Two Families, which started the creation of "problem novels" with the theme of society, family and women. Later, Loneliness and Helplessness and Poor Zhuang and Sister were published. 192 1 year later, superman, stars, springs, etc. It was published. Maternal love or human love is an ideal way to solve social and life problems. 1923, after yenching university graduated, she went to the United States to study, majoring in English literature. At the same time, she wrote essays about her travels and experiences in foreign countries and sent them back to China for publication, which was accepted as "For Young Readers".

Paper boat-for mom.

I never throw away a piece of paper,

Keep it forever.-keep it.

Folding into a very small boat,

Throw it into the sea from the boat.

Some were blown into the window of the ship by the wind,

Some are wet by the waves and stick to the bow.

I am still not discouraged, folding every day,

I always hope that a place can only flow where I want it to go.

Mom, if you see a small white boat in your dream,

Don't be surprised that it dreams for no reason.

This was folded by your beloved daughter in tears.

Wanshui Qian Shan, please bring her love and sorrow home.

Bing Xin's poems are written in the tone of a childish child. Through the childlike action of "folding paper boats", he pinned his thoughts on his mother. Children's hearts are the simplest, and their expectations are single. However, children have the deepest feelings for their mothers. For many years, thousands of children in Qian Qian and thousands of mothers in Qian Qian have been moved by this little poem.

Flower of success

People are only surprised by her present talent,

However, at the beginning, her bud,

Soaked with tears of struggle,

Rain full of blood and sacrifice

Expression Center: Things from China and the United States naturally cost money! Similarly, many beautiful things in life also have her extraordinary experience, that is, "success comes from struggle."