Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - West Lake in Huizhou-Where is the grass in the end of the world?

West Lake in Huizhou-Where is the grass in the end of the world?

Text/Figure/Master Tsing Yi

I have long thought that if I go to Guangzhou, I must go to Huizhou to see Mr. Dongpo's last West Lake and the West Lake that knows him best.

The day before I left Chengdu, my friend said that someone gave me two tickets for drama, Su Dongpo, the provincial art platoon. I thought I would like it and invited me to go with me. My first reaction is that this is an invisible arrangement, a hint that I am afraid to give up Huizhou halfway because of the long journey. Indeed, it hardly happened, and it was this hint that helped me make the final decision. Now that I think about it, if I give up my trip to Huizhou for other reasons, it will be a long time. I will think that I like Mr. Dongpo insincerely, and I will not admire him. Let's call it "celebrity kidnapping". I am willing to kidnap such a person.

The day I went to Huizhou was the day before New Year's Eve, February 14 in Gregorian calendar. It is not a deliberate arrangement, but when I arranged my trip, I found a coincidence and I was happy for this coincidence: on such a day, I went to Huizhou in the distance to worship the sages and express a kind of worship. I don't know if it is true love. It takes two hours to drive from Guangzhou to Huizhou. The road into Huizhou city is being repaired, which is an intuitive integration of urban and rural areas. It's normal to walk to West Lake Park after leaving the station. It was not until the next day that I heard from my friends that Huizhou was the cleanest city in the first batch of papers. It was really unexpected.

Huizhou West Lake, formerly known as Hufeng Lake, is certainly not as famous as Hangzhou West Lake, and it is said that Hangzhou is rich but light. There is a tall tower in the park, which looks a bit like the Leifeng Tower in Hangzhou from a distance. It is called Sizhou Tower, which is the oldest building in the park. It was built in the Tang Dynasty and was called Sheng Da Tower when Mr. Dongpo came. Dongpo Memorial Hall is located on a hill adjacent to it, also called Gushan, with the same name as Hangzhou West Lake. We went directly to Dongpo Memorial Hall. I finally saw the white portrait of Mr. Dongpo and finally stood in front of it. We stood staring at it, feeling reunited after a long separation. The memorial hall is still relatively high behind the statue, but it can't walk straight. We can't wait to bypass the winding corridor on the right.

Out of the cloister, the second exhibition hall is on the right, and the first exhibition hall is directly in front, but it is the back door. We bypassed the main entrance. On the door is the monument "Dongpo Memorial Hall". The first museum consists of preface, Dongpo's footprint and Dongpo's beneficial deeds, and displays pictures, characters, stone tablets and objects reflecting Dongpo's life. The second hall displays Mr. Hui's poems, calligraphy works and related books and materials. More than 200 related cultural relics and pictures of Mr. Dongpo in Huizhou were exhibited in the two museums, which fully reflected his creation and life during his stay in Huizhou.

When I leave the museum, I can see a sculpture, Dongpo and Chaoyun. Mr. Dongpo's image is basically the same as that in other places, but his wife vomited about Chaoyun's dress. I also feel that dreaming back to the Tang Dynasty is not harmonious.

Coming out of the second exhibition hall, we followed the sign and got off at the left facing the main entrance of the exhibition hall. Then we turn left, and there is a pavilion that says "Liu Ru Pavilion". There is a note saying that it was named after Chaoyun reciting the Diamond Sutra on his deathbed, "Dream is like a bubble, dew is like electricity". Behind the pavilion is the tomb of Chaoyun, with the statue of Chaoyun on the right in front of it.

History: In the third year of Shaosheng in the Northern Song Dynasty (1096), Wang Chaoyun, who lived alone with Mr. Dongpo, died at the age of 34. According to Chaoyun's instructions, Mr. Wang buried her in the southeast pine forest of Qi Zen Temple, opposite the Great Sage Tower, and built six pavilions beside the tomb to commemorate her, writing couplets on it "inappropriate, only Chaoyun can know me; A person plays the old tune and misses you every time it rains. " There is a famous allusion in this couplet: "Dongpo retired from the DPRK for one day and ate." Gu walked slowly and said to his servant, "What is the way of your generation?" A maid suddenly said,' It's all articles', but Poe disagreed. Another person said,' full of knowledge'. Porter didn't expect when it would be. When he reached the clouds, he said, "The belly of a bachelor is out of date. Poe laughed and praised, "People who know us only face the clouds." .

In fact, when the tomb first came up, Mr. Dongpo seemed to be on the left, so this road should be the right route to visit.

When it comes to Mr. Dongpo, we can't help but talk about his poems. If the poem that Mr. Wang in Hangzhou must say is "Thick makeup always suits you", what about Huizhou? Is it "300 lychees a day" or "it is said that Mr. Wang sleeps beautifully in spring, and the Taoist taps the five-watch clock"?

Actually, this is what I say in my heart.

Flowers wither and red apricots are small. Swallows fly, green water people go around. Small catkins are blowing on the branches There are many fish in the sea.

Swing inside and outside the wall. The layman in the wall, the beauty in the wall laughs. The laughter died away, and so did the sound. Affectionate but heartless chagrin.

This is a familiar word. The original intention is that spring is getting late and catkins are getting less and less, but the world is still full of green grass, and there is another feeling. Although there are sighs, there are also open-minded words. Now "there are plenty of fish in the sea" has long been a necessary quotation for the treatment of lovelorn. When this word was written is controversial: some people think it was written in Mizhou, some think it was written in Huangzhou, some think it was written on the way from Dingzhou to Yingzhou, and more people think it was written in Huizhou.

I'm an amateur, so I can't prove it. I just think it is the most appropriate song to say Dongpo Ci in Huizhou.

Lin Yutang said that "Su Dongpo's life in Huizhou is known to have something to do with the love of Chao Yun" (Biography of Su Dongpo by Lin Yutang, Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House, P3 14), which is closely related to this situation.

It is said that in the second autumn of Huizhou, Dongpo asked Chaoyun to sing this word, and Chaoyun's lips were light and tears were full! Mr. Wang was surprised and asked why. Chaoyun replied: I can't sing, but "there are fewer willows blowing on the branches, and there are more fragrant grass in the end of the world." From then on, I recited the words "catkin cotton" on a cloudy day, and every time I recited it, my clothes were wet with tears (Cold Zhai Night Talk). Later generations even said: "The word' Zhi Shang' destroyed Chaoyun" (Poems of Caotang), "Chaoyun died soon, and Zi Zhan never listened to this word again" (Cold Zhai Night Talk).

Mr. Dongpo has made many friends all his life, and his admirers are like clouds. He had three companions in his life: his wife Wang Fu, his stepwife Wang Runzhi and his concubine Wang Chaoyun. Chao Yunben is a singer. In Hangzhou, his second wife, Wang Runzhi, was a maid, while Huangzhou was Dongpo's concubine. Song people love to leave words, and Dongpo also loves to leave words. "There are several concubines in this family." After the Wutai poetry case, they "resigned in succession and moved south alone." They went to the wilderness for thousands of miles with Mr. Dongpo and never left. This makes Mr. Dongpo very happy to be compared with Bai Juyi, a poet he admires: "It's not like the joy of Yang Zhi, but just like Tongde and Lingyuan" (when Bai Juyi was old and weak, his beautiful concubine Su Fan, who was deeply loved by him, also left). Later generations rated it as "a friend in need". Huizhou three years, Chaoyun died of illness, long eyes in Huizhou West Lake. Even though Dongpo is so broad-minded, after that, the world is so big that there is no more grass!

Before, I only thought it was a poem that hurt spring, or a young man's self-mockery, but I didn't know there was such a sad story behind it.

Besides, Dongpo Ci is in Huizhou, let alone "dead Hua Lian", let alone!

Looking back at the statue of Mr. Wang, I suddenly felt sad.

We came out along a winding pontoon bridge, the sky became clearer and my mood became more and more cheerful.

When I leave the park, I'm ready to go. I always feel that something is wrong. Check the map and find: I didn't go to Su Causeway! How did this fall? I was tired at this time, so in order to save time, I took a taxi to my destination "Su Causeway for the Moon". Arrived at the door: Huizhou West Lake, this square is the main entrance, and I went wrong today. After entering the gate, I walked 100 meters, and there was a monument on my left hand, cursing "Su Causeway playing the moon", which was very familiar. When I saw it clearly, I signed it: Xu Liming! I was shocked and said to my daughter: hurry up, hurry up, master's words!

My daughter also ran over and scratched with her fingers, saying, how vivid it is! What vivid words! We're here for a group photo. I sent a special card to my friend, Mr. Zou, my daughter's calligraphy teacher. I wanted to surprise him, but he didn't reply. He may be drunk.

In the end, we couldn't go to the former residence of Baihefeng Dongpo, which used to be called Chaoyuntang, and we couldn't find Hejiang Building, so we had to return to Guangzhou. Maybe I will come again.

At this time, the sky actually ignited the sunset glow, and a touch of egg yolk-like sunset glow has been drifting outside the window, and the horizon is brilliant. I think this is a gift from God. Is this a long trip for us? Maybe, maybe not.

I hope it's because: true love.