Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - The myth and legend of night reading constellation 12-Sagittarius

The myth and legend of night reading constellation 12-Sagittarius

Nothing is more certain than uncertainty.

Luck is full of fresh diversity.

Eternity is just impermanence

-Richard Barnfield (English poet)

Before we begin to discuss the image of Sagittarius, we must first know that the planet that dominates this constellation is Jupiter, which is called "Zeus" by the Greeks. We have seen Zeus many times before, especially in the myth of Aries, but Zeus, like Aphrodite, has countless private life histories and is the most important and famous among the gods.

In fact, the various characteristics of Zeus-Jupiter have been clearly expressed in the interesting description of the creation myth story by the English poet robert Graves. Among these characteristics, the most important is the strong desire to win, conquer and talk big. Although these characteristics are traditionally associated with Aries, I don't think Sagittarius is lacking. Sagittarius is far more than an approachable and kind-hearted image in astrological books. Although Zeus was born by Rhea, the mother of the gods, and came to power at her instigation, he later made up his mind to erase all traces of his dependence on women. Of course, this attempt never really succeeded, because its combination with Hera, the queen of God, tied him helplessly to the female side, but his failure was by no means because he dared not try. The legend of Zeus and his lover, and the chaotic marriage life when he married his sister, reveal that the highly individualistic character of this powerful god is not as macho as it seems.

Zeus did not gain power by winning the war between the gods and the Titan. In fact, this victory depends on the participation of his mother Gaia (that is, Rhea) and some of her children. His dominance was actually established through marriage, that is, an alliance with Gaia's daughter and granddaughter.

Zeus is the father of both God and man. His name "djeus" means "light of heaven", so we can see that he is the god of light and enlightenment. When he overthrew the Titan who occupied the earth, he appeared as the victorious king of the gods and established his own kingdom in heaven, which embodied a greater spiritual principle than Moira, the goddess of fate. Therefore, it is appropriate for Sagittarius to rank behind Scorpio, because Zeus represents those things that belong to the immortal spirit and extraordinary human flesh and blood. He is also known as the rain god, arrival, downpour, father, king and savior. The established fate of the body is firmly dominated by inevitability, in sharp contrast to Zeus, who can bring spiritual light. In my understanding, this is the most important image of Sagittarius, and this spirit of constant pursuit can transcend life and death.

It is conceivable that the stronger a god is, the easier it is for him to be compared with "the inevitability of darkness", or simply to be able to replace it. Agamemnon mentioned Zeus before Moi Lamian Noodles when he described that he was destined to be blind. But at the thought of "Zeus's command" or "God's command", the image shifts from "dark fate" to "wise planning and decision-making".

Sagittarius stands out from the conflict with the "dark destiny" and the underground kingdom represented by Scorpio, so Zeus stands out from the domination of the goddess of the underworld and assumes the dominant position over God and man. Mankind's sense of powerlessness and moral conduct, his family fate, and his sharing of evil deeds were all recognized and accepted in the dark and gloomy kingdom of Faust's "ancient mother god", and then the desire for light, which became the core of all religious ceremonies, sprouted here. It was a cordial commitment from immortal souls and an expectation surrounded by the father of the gods.

Nowadays, the God who dominates life as guidance and belief no longer belongs to the ground, but to the sky. So there is only one perfect divinity left in the Three Kingdoms and their respective gods, and that is the bright kingdom of Zeus.

This is Walter Otto's description of Zeus. Even if it is unpredictable, he is still a more comfortable and Jewish-Christian god than moira.

However, Zeus is not completely free. He has no absolute power. He replaced moira, or Aeschylus (an ancient Greek poet and playwright) thought so, but from the perspective of God, his marriage with Hera was the source of his eternal sovereignty. This "contract marriage" permanently connects it with the female world. The reason why "contract" is emphasized is a permanent binding force, just like the rune agreement engraved on wotan's spear in Wagner's The Ring. Zeus, unlike the God in Jewish-Christian civilization, could not escape from his wife. Hera is his spouse and sister, and Karl Karenni emphasized her status in this way: She and Zeus represent a suitable marriage, and they are caught in an eternal marriage quarrel, as we mentioned in the story of the prophet Teresias before, and this quarrel is the true embodiment of Sagittarius lifestyle. Zeus will always have philandering, and his lovers and illegitimate children are countless, but Hera secretly knows and frustrates his promiscuity every time. As always, she persecutes her opponents, ruins Zeus' good deeds, and even tries to kill or drive those wild children crazy. These two are always at war, but they will never get divorced. This is the scene where the blazing creator spirit is bound by the material world, the world of human bondage and commitment, and the world of moral decency and secular responsibility are part of Sagittarius's nature (Sagittarius's nature is also manifested in sexual promiscuity, and Zeus himself is the representative).

So it is not surprising that many Sagittarius will get married hastily, just like Zeus and Hera. According to the book saying, Sagittarius will avoid marriage because he feels bound by too many rules and strict expectations. He doesn't like being bound, but likes "nature", which means that he finds the result of his behavior not very pleasant and tries to avoid it. But according to my experience, regardless of men and women, remy martin, who got married late, is actually predestined. They often find their own "Hera". Of course, it may not be in the form of a spouse, but it may also be a job, a career and goal that needs to be bound to itself, or a house, or other things outside. In one version of the legend of Zeus and Hera, Hera's name actually means "mistress", seducing Zeus with a love spell-a magical belt. My brother and sister finally sneaked into the bridal chamber under the deep sea, so that they could escape the revenge of their father kronos. This kind of predestined love created by magic belt looks attractive, and they may also become a trap for Sagittarius. No matter how sophisticated he looks, his freedom-loving nature will make him naive about other people's intentions. They are often trapped by unwanted pregnancies. But without Hera, Zeus is nothing. As Karen pointed out, most of his authority comes from her and her female relatives, and the inevitable marriage bondage not only brings friction and tension, but also pushes him to daily betrayal. Of course, this also makes the image of Zeus look more vivid. Without these frictions, he would become lazy-this is his characteristic in many fairy tales, and if these romances were not taboo games, he would not spend so much enthusiasm to pursue them (a wife is not as good as a concubine, and a concubine is not as good as stealing, which is used to describe Zeus).

I didn't notice your anger. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth and go to the places where Apetos and kronos stayed, what does it matter if there is no sunshine and no wind? Even if you run away, I won't feel your anger.

In Homer's epic, Zeus said this to Hera, because her treacherous revenge against Zeus also included leaving him and running away from home many times, just like a woman's situation in the human world, and the final result was mostly that the woman went home and the two sides reconciled. But despite Homer's description of Zeus, he is actually aware of her anger, but he must habitually reiterate his masculinity.

Zeus and Oak Anoos (the first of the twelve titans, who did not participate in the Battle of Titan and the Battle of Titan) combined with Eurynome (one of the sea goddesses) and gave birth to Cha Park Jung Su (or the three goddesses). According to Karen Yi, Carites is the origin of the word chairein (Greek, meaning happiness) and the root of the word "charity" in English. At the same time, it is also the antithesis of erinus or anthropomorphic hatred and revenge and maternal anger-Erynnyes. Here, the descendants of Zeus provide the counterpart of the underground world dominated by motherhood, because "happiness" means staying away from the gloomy country of Moira. Zeus also married a female titan, Simis, who gave birth to three secular goddesses for Zeus (Holley). They were named Eunomia ("order"), Dike ("justice") and Eirence ("peace"). In this way, in his struggle to get rid of Hera, he produced many characteristics traditionally associated with Sagittarius. More importantly, a just kingdom was born, which can replace the natural and inevitable cruel revenge represented by Nemesis and moira.

Another lover of Zeus was named Mnemosyne, which means "memory". Their children are nine muses, the givers of civilization. And his strangest lover is the goddess herself, who represents inevitability. Zeus and moira are combined here, and so is wotan in Nordic mythology, who combined with the prophetic goddess Elda and gave birth to Valkyria. According to legend, Zeus crossed the ground and crossed the ocean to pursue the goddess of need. The latter turned himself into various forms to escape, and finally became the image of a goose, so Zeus immediately turned into a swan and combined with it. Then she laid an egg, from which Helen was born. This stunning beauty led to the Trojan War. According to the more common version, Helen's mother was Leda, the queen of Sparta. By conquering moira, Zeus released another form of fate to mankind: fatal beauty and fatal attraction. Moira's death and fate may be solved by the inspiration of her soul, but she retaliates with deadly sexual attraction.

Zeus seduced or pursued countless mortal women. He gave birth to heroes Poerxiusi, Dionysus, Semele, Wang Mi Minos of Crete, Demeter, the virgin goddess, and countless other gods. According to my understanding, the most important factors in this series of events are his super fertility, his endless creativity, his restlessness and willfulness, and his ever-changing ability to invent. These are his characteristics, but Hera is his destiny.

Now let's turn to the eccentric Cheiron. It is this image of Sagittarius that constitutes Sagittarius in the sky. There are two theories about his father. The first is that he is the son of Ixions Whee Wye, a mortal. He met Hera, the queen of God, and pursued her. As a responsible wife who wants her husband to be jealous, Hera told Zeus about him. In order to find out the truth, Zeus transformed Yun into his wife and called her Nephele (the goddess of the cloud). Ixions Whee was bewitched by hallucinations, embraced Yun, and gave birth to a centaur child with him. This centaur, sometimes called Ken Talas, later bred a centaur family with a mare on Mount Parion. The race in this forest has four legs at the lower part and a human figure at the upper part. Khyron is one of them, but it is also said that Khyron himself was the first child of a centaur.

In the second legend of Centaur's birth, he became the son of kronos Saturn, so he was Zeus' half-brother. Kronos had a one-night affair with Philyra, the daughter of Oxius, but was caught by his wife Rhea in the process. So he turned himself into a stallion and ran away, leaving Philella alone to give birth to a child named Khyron Centauri. Philella didn't want to breast-feed the monster. She prayed to God for liberation and was turned into a bodhi tree.

No matter which story, Khyron is a child of the earth, conceived by mortals or titans, not included in Olympia. He is regarded as the smartest and most upright centaur, and is famous for his healing ability, knowledge and prophecy. However, he is a god of darkness, belonging to a group of active worshippers, or a semi-animal mentor of the gods, symbolizing the wisdom of nature and the body itself. Kailong became the king of centaurs, and cultivated children of heroes and gods in a cave at the foot of Mount Perion. Among his students, the most outstanding is the healer of the demigod, Creppi, who was taught medical skills by centaurs.

On an ancient vase, he appeared in a robe decorated with stars. On his shoulder, there is a uprooted tree with his trophy hanging on it, and his dog is with him. This is the image of a savage hunter and the god of darkness.

The Hunter and the Dark God has a tragic fate. Just like Zeus, he also fell into the trap, and it was his own body that caused all this. On Mount Pelion, while entertaining Heracles, Khyron was shot and killed by the latter who tried to catch ullman Toth wild boar (a mythical creature that runs very fast and is one of Heracles' great achievements). According to different versions of the myth, the injury is probably the knee, foot or thigh, but no matter which myth, the injury is half of the horse. The murder weapon is not an ordinary arrow. It was once soaked in the blood of Xu Dela, a hydra killed by a hero, so it is highly toxic. Heracles, who accidentally hurt his old friend, pulled out an arrow sadly. Khyron was responsible for the healing, but the treatment didn't work. Khyron ran back to the cave and shouted in pain. Because of his immortal status, he won't die, but he can't live, because Xu Dela's blood poison has no antidote, and his pain will never be alleviated. After a long time, when Prometheus was punished by Zeus for stealing fire and released by Hercules, Zeus asked someone to accept the punishment instead of him, and the immortal had to go down to hades to bear the death for him. And this man is Khyron, the inventor of healing, who sacrificed himself to save Prometheus, the Titan who brought fire to mankind.

The end of this tragedy is particularly tragic, and the noble and kind centaur ended up like this. However, the painful Khyron and his incurable wounds do conform to the image of Zeus, that is, the overbearing and insatiable Lord of heaven and man, just like the relationship between darkness and light. Perhaps where there is light, there must be darkness. Pain exists on the side of centaur, and also on the legs, the limbs we stand in the material world. Khyron is just one of many gods who are injured in the leg or in the relationship with material reality. His intelligence has no influence on this, because Xu Dela's venom is an incurable poison on the dark side of life. My feeling is that this kind of sadness and pain is an inseparable part of Sagittarius, which forms despair and depression under the optimistic surface. I believe this is why Sagittarius people try to be happy and pretend to be happy. Zeus created lightning in heaven. Nothing is more positive and flexible than this. But for the wounded centaur hiding in his cave, he can give everyone medical treatment and wise prophetic advice, but his poison comes from the confrontation between his kind nature and the dark and evil side of the world.

Perhaps it is because of this pain that the shooter can provide hope and optimism for himself and others instead of ignoring them. This is not a constellation with unrestrained body, nor is it a constellation that likes the limitations of life and secular requirements. Sagittarius's character is like Zeus, with an upward direction. Along the direction of the arrow, their feelings about the meaning of life and the kindness of their souls are most easily recognized and appreciated by others. However, in Sagittarius's fanatical preaching of the truth, there is sometimes a color of blind faith, and fanaticism is usually closely related to deep doubts. I found that sometimes there is a deep pain, a pain lurking in the ground. In some ways, they can't be completely cured, that is, the spiritual factor that produces Sagittarius ambition and provides power for its upward flight. It can't be cured because people can't become gods, so it can't be said that this kind of depression or pain is necessarily bad, because it exists in many of the most creative aspects of this constellation. In other words, this is the animal pain in people, which makes people fly low. It is silent and bound by the laws of nature. This is part of the battle left over from the Scorpio theme, and the toxicity still exists. If Sagittarius can bear such pain, it will make Sagittarius greatly powerful, because he will no longer have that kind of excessive pursuit, but will know how to use his talent to create in a more practical and purposeful way. Khyron's self-sacrifice is also very important, because he gave his life with the permission of Zeus, not the suffering of Prometheus on earth. His own talent-magic from the earth was taught to people, and Prometheus gave people a gift-fire was officially recognized and no longer a sin. I don't know what this means, but it reveals an act of sacrificing magical knowledge and "luck", which is often accompanied by Sagittarius's early life and needs to give way to some consciousness that is more suitable for this world.

Zeus is the god who dominates Sagittarius, but the myth of Khyron also exists as the background, which constitutes the dark side of this constellation. I once met a Sagittarius who told me about his injury: he had an accident after marriage. That year, he was in his twenties. He fell down the flight stairs and was stuck in his hip by a piece of debris. He never recovered. Despite the best medical care and the use of various antibiotics, he was infected and continued to fester slightly, which made him suffer a lot. Although it is not serious enough to affect his work and personal life, the persistence of this kind of physical injury is enough to make him calm down and think more carefully, because this kind of physical problem conveys a strange and spontaneous feeling-as if he came from other places and had his own consciousness. He happened to listen to my fairy tale about Khyron, and he was surprised and annoyed to find that his experience was so consistent with the legend. I think it's disturbing, too, but it's not surprising, because I've met the real reappearance of characters in myths. Scenes in the prototype matrix always scare us in such an obvious way. After all, we usually make sure that we live in a world far from ancient legends. People may ask themselves what such a thing means. It may just mean that something clumsy and tangible, such as physical disability, will make his outgoing and enthusiastic soul introverted, focus on deeper problems in life, or focus on the deep meaning of marriage, which is just in line with his injury.

But this is the result of Khyron's injury. Just like other factors in mythology, it can also be understood by teleology (because the mythical prototype is sensitive to certain experiences, in a sense, it will lead human behavior to further understanding and finally act according to the contents of the collective subconscious). This pain points upward to Zeus and the eternal life of the soul; It also points out that the same sacred material life must bear such a fire-like soul and suffer the same pain. Just like the phrase "Great Miracle" in the Anthology of Hermes (also known as the Anthology of Hermes, the works of Hermes Timstis), Sagittarius is a creature worthy of respect and glory, half demon, half god, half beast and half fairy.

(Sirius Alpha)

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