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What is the effect after the tire side is accidentally scratched? Can I still get on the highway?

How to increase the number of times to guide girls after the age of 20? Height is very important to everyone, and some short female friends in Qi Long especially want to grow taller. They all hope that they can have a perfect tall figure, which can greatly enhance their temperament and self-confidence. So how can women grow taller after they are 20 years old?

First, make up for protein.

Protein is the foundation of life, and the proliferation of bone cells and the development of muscles and organs are inseparable from protein. People's growth and development is more rapid. More importantly, fish, shrimp, protein, lean meat, eggs, peanuts and bean curd residue are rich in high-quality protein, so we should pay more attention to supplement them.

Can a woman grow taller after 20 years old?

Second, increase minerals.

The height of human body depends on the growth and development of bones, among which the growth of long bones of lower limbs is most closely related to height. In other words, only the epiphyseal chondrocytes in long bones keep growing can the human body grow taller. Calcium and phosphorus are the main components of bones. Therefore, milk, shrimp skin, bean products, ribs, bone soup, kelp, seaweed and other foods rich in calcium and phosphorus should be supplemented in May and June. In addition, we should go outdoors to bask in the sun and increase the chances of ultraviolet radiation, so as to facilitate the synthesis of vitamin D in the body and promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the gastrointestinal tract, thus ensuring the healthy growth of bones.

Third, get enough sleep.

How to increase after 20 years old? Only with a good sleep and a scientific and regular sleep can the body organs get a full rest, which is conducive to the recovery of body functions and the improvement of the body.

Fourth, get more sunshine.

As the saying goes, "Everything grows on the sun." Healthy growth is inseparable from sunshine bathing. Usually, you should take part in outdoor activities as much as possible and get more sunshine, which is not only good for your health, but also good for your height.

Can a woman grow taller after 20 years old?

Fifth, the posture of sitting, standing, walking and lying should be correct.

How to increase after 20 years old? Female friends usually stand and sit. Don't develop bad habits such as walking with your head down and reading and writing on your desk. How do girls grow taller after they are 20 years old?