Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Bear fortune telling

Bear fortune telling

A touching story written in the first grade

The "One" Story of Grade One

Hello, little brothers and sisters Let me tell you a story. Then, you tell them something valuable that you have met or experienced. Finally, you can tell the truth of this story again and encourage them. That's good!

The complete works of stories written in the first grade of Part II

One of my favorite stories is the ugly duckling.

I like listening to my mother tell me stories about ugly ducklings since I was a child. I always feel sorry for those ugly ducklings who haven't turned into white swans, and I will be happy for them when they turn into white swans.

I also have an ugly duckling story book under my pillow. This is the only best book I have kept, and it is also the longest book I have kept. I always take it out before going to bed every day. The more I watch it, the more I like it. I like that all the dolls I bought are ducks and swans, and there are all kinds of ducklings and swans in the room.

I sleep with the ugliest duckling in my room every day, because I think it is most like the ugly duckling in the story. When you are happy, you will roll around in bed with it. When I am unhappy, I will hold it in the corner of the bed and tell my grievances and complaints with it.

I like The Ugly Duckling, not only because the story of the ugly duckling is beautiful, but also because I like the role of the ugly duckling. I pity her inferiority and delicacy, I appreciate her frankness and frankness, and I cherish and comfort her wet wings.

Would you believe it at first? Will the ugly duckling become a white swan one day, from an ugly duckling that everyone hates and stays away to a beautiful swan that everyone envies?

(3) It is urgent to write a touching story.

Such a person who loves life, two lives were born at the same time in a quiet alley of a poor town, a boy and a girl. Perhaps it is fate, or more likely because the fortune teller said that the baby's life can only be saved by engagement at birth, and the two adults gave a young marriage. The boy and mother pointed to the girl and said, "She will be your wife in the future." The boy giggled while the girl cried. They didn't know anything that year.

Two years passed in laughter and crying. One day, the boy learned to use chopsticks and immediately asked his mother to carry him to the girl's house. After the girl saw the boy's kung fu with chopsticks, the girl cried because he could, but she couldn't. The boy also cried when he came home, because he saw the girl crying. After dinner, the boy insisted on not using chopsticks. Later, the girl finally learned to use chopsticks, but the boy forgot how to use them.

At the age of three, both boys and girls went to kindergarten. While sleeping in middle age, the girl wet the bed. The aunt in kindergarten asked fiercely who peed, and the girl cried. The boy raised his hand and said, Aunt, I peed. However, my aunt still saw that the girl's pants were wet and told her mother. The girl pointed angrily at the boy and said, "You must have complained to your aunt. I will ignore you all my life. " The next day, the boy peed on the bed, and then reported to his aunt that he wet the bed and was scolded and cried by his aunt.

At the age of seven, it's time to go to the first grade of primary school. The boy won the first place in the first semester exam. Teachers and parents praised him. The girl did well in the exam, but she went home angrily. After that, the boy didn't pass the exam for several years. Until the fifth grade, the girls happily got the first place in the home exam, but the boys didn't get the results. The boy's mother was so angry that she couldn't get up in bed. Later, I learned through the teacher that for some reason, the boy said that he didn't want to take the exam and didn't want to get grades. The teacher had to let him take the exam alone and not publish the results.

Six years later, boys and girls were admitted to the same school. At this time, the parents of boys and girls were laid off, and they had to live by odd jobs. At noon, boys and girls eat in the school cafeteria. Girls eat very little and have leftovers every time. Girls always say to boys, "I don't want leftovers." The boy ate the girl's leftovers without saying anything. Three years of junior high school, one is still the first, and the other has no grades. Girls in the senior high school entrance examination were admitted to provincial key high schools with the best results in the whole school, while boys fell behind. The girl cried and asked the boy why and how it happened. The boy said, "I haven't studied for a long time, but I don't trust you at school alone." In fact, another reason is that both boys and girls can't afford it, but the boy wants her to go to school, even if his actual grades are better than her. This summer vacation is the happiest time for boys, because girls accompany him every day and never get angry with him. The boy feels that he is living in heaven, and the smiling face of the girl is the source of all his happiness.

The girl will go to the provincial capital tomorrow. Neither of them slept that night and sat at the door until midnight. The girl kept crying. She is not used to life without boys. He has been bullied by her and taken care of her for so many years. She was afraid without boys around.

The next day, the girl hitchhiked to the city. On the way, she saw the boy. The boy stopped the car with a bag on his back. The girl asked; "Why are you here?" The boy said, "You can save half the fare here." Both of them laughed. After that, the girl lived on campus and lived frugally every day. The boy lives in the construction site and works hard to make money every day. He puts the money in an envelope every month, writes the name of the girl's mother and gives it to the girl. Girls always take time to see boys, and the last thing boys say when they send them away is to study hard and get into college.

One day, a girl came to see a boy. She said to the boy, "What if a boy says he likes me?" The boy paused, and then said to the girl, "Can you study hard? How good it is to be admitted to the university. " The boy was afraid to look at the girl, and the girl smiled and said to him, "I lied to him that I had a boyfriend." The boy smiled and said, "It would be nice to go to college." After the girls left, the boys didn't talk for many days, just worked hard, with tears and sweat. For three years, the girl didn't go home, she was studying during the holiday, and the boy didn't go back. She also looked for other jobs during the holidays.

After three years of hard work, the girl finally got the result. She was admitted to a prestigious school, and on the day she got the admission notice, boys and girls embraced happily. The boy cried. He thinks that girl will get farther and farther away from him. He just wants her to have a good life. It doesn't matter to him how much he has suffered and how much he has been wronged. They rode home together. When the two families found out, they all said that the girl was disappointing and sour.

In order to go to college, girls tutor other children at home every day, and boys find some odd jobs outside. When she left, the girl finally got on the bus to the university with the money she earned and the money she earned at home, and went to another more prosperous city. The girl still scrimped and saved in college and found a regular job. The boy still found an engineering team to help the girl save her tuition. One day, someone told me, "A man came to see you outside and said that he had found something for you to take." When the girl went out, she saw the boy standing far away, wearing clothes for work on the construction site, covered in soil. The girl walked over and asked the boy while patting the soil; "How do you say it is also the person who picks up my things? Why not say it's my hometown or my friend? " The boy smiled and said, "Look at the way I'm dressed. Is your fellow villager friend not ashamed of you? " After that, the girl cried and said to the boy, "Why do you think so? When have I ever abandoned you? " The boy coaxed the girl to stop crying. He carefully took out a head clip with a drill from his pocket and put it in the girl's hand. He said, "I see people in the city wear this. You must look better in it. " The girl cried even harder.

Not long after, the girl received a phone call from someone who worked with the boy, saying that the boy had broken his arm at work and was now in the hospital. When the girl arrived at the hospital, the boy's arm was gone and he was lying in the hospital bed. The girl came to the boy in tears. The boy opened his eyes and saw the girl. He immediately told her excitedly, "We have money and we will pay your tuition tomorrow." "The girl was confused. The boy told the girl: "I just bought insurance a few days ago, hehe." "Girls understand that boys are afraid of not paying girls' tuition fees, so they bought insurance and deliberately broke their arms. The girl cried and said, "I would rather not study than the money you gave me." "The next day, the school sent a notice to the girl, saying that she had paid the tuition. The boy went home with the remaining thousands of dollars, opened a small shop and made a living. After the boy came home, the girl wrote countless letters, but the boy never wrote back. Girls never go home to work at school on holidays, but boys never go to see her. God knows how much he misses her. Finally, the boys went to see the girls in the third year of high school, and now the girls have grown into hibiscus, fresh and refined. The boy's heart was cold, and he was afraid to tell her the truth. At this time, he had to bury his feelings in his heart. They should have embraced happily when they met, but the girl gave the boy a cold face. The girl hates him. Why did he ruin his life by doing that? Why did he not hear from her for so many years? Why did he ignore her? What did he say in college? But she is a senior and he hasn't spoken yet. Two people have been silent together. The boy went home, and the girl stayed at the station and cried all night.

One day a few months later, a woman came to the boy's house. She is the daughter-in-law that the boy family said. The boy's family knows that she doesn't deserve the girl, and the girl's family doesn't seem to agree that the girl is with the boy. Soon the marriage was settled, and the boy called the girl and told her that he was getting married. The girl trembled and asked who it was. The boy said, "It's a rural girl on the edge of town. She is very nice, except for one eye. " The girl put the phone down, asked for leave immediately and bought a ticket to go home. She went to the boy's house and saw the boy cooking with his only hand. She wanted to help him, but she saw a woman come out with a plate. The girl cried. She walked up to the boy in tears and said to him, "I got engaged to you first, don't you remember?" We are engaged to a young marriage. "The boy also cried and said to the girl," You deserve a better life, and I am disabled and can't take care of you. Besides, our parents don't agree that we are together. "

The girl ran home, knelt in front of her parents and talked about the past. "When I was a child, boys were afraid that girls would ignore him and urinate in bed. My aunt was scolded. Primary school boys are very angry, and girls' academic performance is not as good as his. He didn't take the exam for years, and his mother beat him in bed. He gave her leftovers for three years in junior high school. College boys deliberately broke their arms for girls to go to school ... "After the girl finished, the two old people had been crying for a long time. The girl's father said, "If you don't get married,

After graduation, the girl successfully found a job in a foreign company with a monthly salary of more than 20,000 yuan. In the fourth month of work, the girl returned home. Everyone in their town envies the girl, but they also feel sorry for the boy. The girl's dress has long been far away from this poor town, but the boy really gave up after seeing the girl. She belongs to the upper class, not him, who is poor and disabled.

The girl gave the woman 5000 yuan. Although the woman took the money to leave, she left it to the girl to encourage her to live. "It is not easy for a person to really love once in his life. He gave you a lifetime of happiness. You can only repay him with your life. " Yes, she will repay him with her whole life. She never thought of betraying him. Growing up, from the moment he said he would leave her in junior high school, she realized that she belonged to him in this life.

After the woman left, the girl walked up to the boy with the joy of victory and said to the boy, "Now can you tell me what you should have told me in college?" The boy has said it in his heart for tens of thousands of times, but he is afraid to say it at the sight of her. The boy looked at her blankly. It's not that he doesn't understand what she means, but that he can't believe that this different girl will still look at him and think about him. The boy shook his head: "I don't want to keep you." The girl was so angry that she cried and said, "You quit school to work for me, and my heart has already been given to you. What you have done for so many years is something that ordinary people can do? " The girl hugged the boy and kissed him. The boy's tears are sweet in his mouth, and he knows all this is true. He finally hugged the girl with all his strength and trembled and said to her what he wanted to say all his life: "I-love-you!"

A short story about the first grade of primary school

Pippi monkey's face

Pippi monkeys always get their faces dirty. One day, Pippi monkey was playing with mud in the tree. He greeted the little brown bear in the distance. Little brown bear looked up and saw a black man. He ran and shouted, "Monster!" ""deer, you play with me! "Pippi Monkey said." Plop, "the deer fell to the ground in horror and fainted. The deer was taken to the hospital. She woke up and said to everyone, "I met a monster!" " "Pippi monkey drivers play with mud all day, and they can't see clearly when they get home. "You, who are you?" Mother monkey was startled when she saw Pippi monkey. Pippi Monkey thought: In the future, I must be a good boy who stresses hygiene!

Little squirrel goes to school.

The rabbit was walking on the road, and the squirrel came to him in a hurry. The little white rabbit asked, "Little squirrel, why are you walking so fast?" The little squirrel said, "We are going to be late." The little white rabbit said slowly, "Isn't it better not to go to school?" The little squirrel said, "You can't learn knowledge without going to school." After listening, the little white rabbit said, "Then I'll discuss it with my mother. I also want to go to school. " The little squirrel has come to school, and the teacher hasn't attended class yet. At this time, the little rabbit also hurried into the classroom with his schoolbag on his back. He said to the little rabbit, "I also want to read books and learn cultural knowledge." The little squirrel smiled and said, "Then let's work together!" " "

Wasps and snakes

In hot summer, the scenery at night is particularly beautiful! A green snake slowly twisted its heavy body and crawled forward, looking around for something to eat. After finding the food and eating it, I climbed a big tree and went there to have a rest. When he came to the tree, the snake was about to close its eyes and rest. For the first time, he heard a wasp "buzzing" and landed on the tree. Snakes have always thought that wasps are annoying except stealing other people's honey and stinging people everywhere, making others unable to rest. Therefore, snakes often eat wasps. The wasp looked down and found that the place where it stayed was where the snake threw it. I thought to myself: haha, this time the opportunity for revenge has come! So it began to sting the snake. Although the snake keeps twisting its body, it still can't get rid of the wasp, because the wasp stands on the snake's head and the snake can't attack. Just then, the snake saw a carriage coming from a distance. The snake thought, it is better to die than to be tortured by it. So he buried his head under the wheel. The speeding wheels suddenly rolled snakes and wasps into patties.

The puppet has escaped.

Doni Rabbit has a puppet, and he takes it with him everywhere. But one night, the puppet suddenly ran away from home! "Why did you leave Donnie Rabbit?" Asked the owl. "She never bathes me!" The puppet said. The puppet said to the cricket, "I want to find a clean little master!" " "At dawn, Doni Rabbit couldn't find the puppet and cried sadly." Doni Rabbit, your letter! "Birds chirped to her window. Doni Rabbit read the letter and ran to the forest and shouted, "Puppet, I will bathe you every day!"! ""The puppet came out from behind the tree. Puppet and Doni Rabbit went home hand in hand happily. From then on, Doni Rabbit often bathed the puppet, and they had a good time together!

A hat hanging from a branch

The duckling wears a small round hat and walks happily to the river. "Hoo-"A gust of wind blew, alas! The hat was blown away! The hat floated, and the duckling shouted, "hat, my hat!" " "The hat fell on the branch and the duckling couldn't reach it. what should he do ? The duckling is standing under the big tree. He thinks of many ways. Finally, the duckling came up with the best idea. The duckling asks Sister Giraffe for help. Giraffe's sister is very tall. He raised his head and took off his hat. Now, the hat is on the duckling's head again. The duckling is so happy!

Running trash can

There is a trash can on the path. He often runs around the path. One morning, Cary, the little brown bear, saw the running trash can and opened his eyes in surprise. "What are you doing? I want to play with you! Cary said excitedly to the trash can. The trash can smiled and said, "I'm picking up the peel!" """I want to make Mother Earth clean and beautiful!" The trash can said loudly. Little brown bear was very moved. He told his friend about it. The next day, the little animals cleaned the street clean. Since then, they have stopped littering casually. The dustbin smiled happily, because everyone became sanitary, and he didn't have to run around anymore!

A terrible sneeze

As soon as I got up in the morning, the little rabbit jumped up and sneezed a few times: "A-choo! Ah-choo! " Mother rabbit said, "I caught a cold by jumping off a building." Do not go out. I'll call the doctor. " With that, she went out. I jumped out of the window for fear of getting an injection and taking medicine. Jumping to the grass, everyone is playing games there. The old goat said, "Your mother said you had a cold. Go for an injection and take medicine. " "No, I'm not sick. I want to play games with you. " As soon as I finished speaking, I sneezed a few times: "Atchoo! Ah-choo! " The recent bear sneezed a few times at once. "oh! This sneeze is contagious, run! " So, the little animals all ran towards the forest. Soon, mother rabbit came with Dr. Hippo. The doctor said, "Don't run around if you have a cold." You see, it has infected everyone. ""I'm sorry I have to get a good injection and take medicine. " Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.

A short story of grade one in Wu primary school

1. Squirrels always ask bears for honey. Before winter came, the bear gave the little squirrel a whole jar of honey. The little squirrel said, "Thank you." Then he skipped away. Little bear smiled foolishly, yawned and fell asleep.

After hibernation, the bear stretched himself. He suddenly saw chestnuts piled at the door of the tree hole. The bear scratched his head. "I don't eat chestnuts." But he still smiled happily.

2. Mr. Owl fell in love with the moon girl. He looked up at the moon with his eyes wide open every night and didn't sleep a wink. Miss Moon said to him sadly, we can't, we are too far apart. Mr. Owl nodded inexplicably, flew to the river and kissed the reflection of the moon quietly.

3. "You don't have to accommodate me," said the little honeysuckle to the chameleon. "You just need to be your own color."

"But," the chameleon blushed as if he had made up his mind, "you are my color."

4. Mushrooms are happy every day. She is always swinging, and there is a little turtle to chat with her. She thinks that happiness in the world is so carefree. Until one day. She met Super Mary.

Mr. tortoise likes Miss Shell. He always swims to the beach to chat with her.

One day, Mr. turtle fell asleep in the sea. He was washed to the beach by the waves. It was nothing at first, but he turned belly up. It took him a long time to turn it over.

"What are you doing?" Miss Shell smiled at Mr. Tortoise, who was sweating profusely.

"Oh, I just want to do sit-ups." He panted, but pretended to be comfortable.

6. "Hey, what's this green one? Anyway, eat it first. " The venus flytrap pointed to what the young master handed me. Ah, it tastes terrible. It seems to be the toothpaste I ate last time. Why is it so spicy? Venus flytrap frowned. The little master looked at the flytrap apologetically. "This is mustard."

7. The duckling asked the little red-crowned crane. "Do you all sleep with one leg at night?" The little red-crowned crane nodded without thinking. "So, which foot do you use?" The duckling is curious. The little red-crowned crane thought for a long time, because he hadn't thought about it before. He had to say, "Sorry, I don't know." The duckling left disappointed. Tonight, the little red-crowned crane has insomnia.

The rabbit drank a bag of coffee today and couldn't sleep. She went to chat with civet cats. She felt very happy chatting with civet cats, but the coffee was too strong. She is very sleepy and has been dozing off. Civet cats look distressed. Say, you go back to sleep, I don't have to sleep at night, talk to you tomorrow.

Little rabbit yawned and nodded. The next night, the little rabbit came to look for the civet again. "I drank four bags of coffee today." Little rabbit's eyes sparkled.

9. She is worried about dinner. She doesn't like jiaozi. Suddenly, she found a dumpling filled with black sesame seeds. She gave a sloped smile. She asked, "What are you doing?"

Mr. Tangyuan quickly wiped his mouth and said shyly, "Nothing, your mouth is watering."

10, the ostrich set up a hitchhiking activity. Any small animal can go home on the ostrich's back. One day, after sending all the small animals, she found a small snail on her back.

She asked, "Where is your home? I will take you there. " The snail said, "My home is on me. I'm just afraid of always being alone. "

There are 50 stories in the first grade of Lu primary school.

There are many stories about the first grade of primary school: concentration, laughter, two-pronged, thoughtful and lifelike.

1, concentrated

In ancient times, there was a chess master named Qiu. He has two apprentices, one is eager to learn, and his chess skills have made rapid progress; Although the other listens to lectures every day, he is very inattentive. He looked at the teacher, but he wanted to know whether there were geese flying in the sky. He didn't listen to a word the teacher said, so his chess skills naturally didn't improve at all.

2, burst into laughter

In the Song Dynasty, there was an official named Feng Xiang. One day, wearing a pair of new boots, he walked into the yamen of the office. A colleague asked him, "How much did you spend on these new boots?" He raised one foot and said, "900." My colleague said in surprise, "Why did I spend 1800 yuan to buy these boots?" Feng Xiang raised his other foot and said, "This one is also 900." The room is full of laughing people.

3, two-pronged approach

There was a famous painter named Zhang Xuan in the Tang Dynasty. He is good at painting landscapes and turquoise, especially pine trees. When Zhang Xuan painted, it was a little different. He can hold a pen in his right hand and draw on paper at the same time. One tube draws green pine branches, and the other tube draws dead branches. The painted pine tree is so lifelike that everyone is surprised when they see his painting. People say he is a magic pen.

Zhang Xuan also has two unique skills in painting: one is to paint with a bald pen instead of a pen; The second is to draw with your fingers. He took a piece of white silk, dipped his finger in paint, painted it left and right, and soon made a picture of a landscape tree.

4, have answers

In the Song Dynasty, there was a famous painter named Wen, who was particularly good at painting bamboo. His paintings are lifelike. In order to draw bamboo well, he planted a lot of bamboo in front of and behind the house. Throughout the year, he is carefully observing the shape and changes of bamboo. So every time I draw bamboo, I already have a very vivid bamboo image in my chest.

5. Realistic

Zhuangzi, an ancient philosopher in China, once wrote a story in his own works: "The dream of the former Zhuang Zhou was a butterfly, lifelike, self-evident and easy to forget!" Zhuang Zhou had a dream that he became a beautiful butterfly, more beautiful than a real butterfly, dancing in the air.

He felt so happy and proud that he almost forgot that there were people like Zhuang Zhou in the world. Hearing Zhuang Xin's words, Wang Xiang was very excited, named him Yangling Jun, adopted his strategy and recovered a lot of lost land.

Qi's short inspirational story is grade one in primary school.

Classic inspirational stories of primary school students

On a sunny summer day, an ambitious frog squatted on the ridge and made a very important decision: climb the tallest willow by the river and see the most beautiful scenery in summer. Knowing the frog's ambition to climb a tree, all frogs cast envious and respectful eyes on it, because they know what an excellent frog it is and how much they trust it. The frog jumped into the tree after choosing the right position, and the other frogs were waiting with bulging eyes. However, most of the frog fell off before clinging to the trunk; Even after a few hugs, I don't know what to do next With the wind, the whole body wobbled and fell down again, but the frog sprinted to his goal again and again.

Cricket saw this frog with black and blue bruises and asked in surprise, "Brother Frog, why do you always climb trees?" The frog looked at the cricket and replied, "I want to see the beautiful scenery in summer. I want to change the fate that frogs can't climb trees!" " "

The swallow flew over and said to the frog, "Can you frogs climb this tree?" The frog panted, "I think we can!" " "

When he fell to his death, the frog kept shouting, "Climb the tree! Climb the tree! "

All frogs were deeply infected by their words and perseverance, and their mood suddenly rose; In order to realize the last wish of this excellent frog, many frogs jumped on the willow tree by the river one after another.

So, a new species-tree frog appeared on the earth later.

Rule number two

Eagle regeneration

The eagle is the oldest bird in the world. Its life span can reach 70 years. To live this long, it must make difficult but important decisions at the age of 40. When the eagle lived to be 40 years old, its claws began to age, and it could not catch its prey effectively. Its peck became long and curved, almost touching its chest. Its wings become heavy because its feathers grow thicker and thicker. This makes flying very difficult. It has only two choices: waiting for death or going through a very painful renewal process-150 days of long training. It must fly very hard to the top of the mountain. Nest on the cliff. Stay there, don't fly. The eagle first hit the rock with its beak until it fell off completely. Then wait quietly for the new beak to grow. It will be nailed one by one with its newly grown beak. When new nails grow, they will pull out feathers one by one. Five months later, new feathers came out and the regenerated eagle began to fly.

It takes courage and determination to change yourself. Bad habits are also formed for a long time. Changing them doesn't mean that you can change your different behaviors in a day or two. The formation of good habits is the result of accumulation over time. Don't be too hasty, don't be afraid of doctors, don't be too tolerant of your own shortcomings, dare to face them and have the determination to get rid of them. Only in this way can we make progress and make greater achievements.

In the first grade story-telling competition, the teacher asked to tell a touching story.

Tell the story of Snow Child, which is an animated film that every child likes. Let the children watch it on the computer first, and then remember it.

Nine, write a love story of senior one, 30 words.

1. When I was a child, the little boy's family was poor. When eating, there is often not enough food, so the mother shares the rice in the bowl with the children. Mom said, children, eat quickly, I'm not hungry! -Mother's first lie

When the boy grows up, hardworking mothers often go to the rural river ditch on the outskirts of the county to catch fish to supplement calcium for their children. The fish is delicious and the fish soup is fresh. While the children were eating fish, their mother was eating fish bones and licking the meat stains on them with her tongue. Feeling distressed, the boy put the fish in his bowl in his mother's bowl and invited his mother to eat fish. Mom didn't eat it. Mom put the fish back in the boy's bowl with chopsticks. Mom said, son, eat quickly, I don't like fish! -the second lie my mother told.

When I was in junior high school, in order to pay enough tuition for boys and brothers and sisters, my mother, who was a sewing worker, went to the neighborhood Committee and took some matchboxes home. In the evening, she earned some money to make up for her family. One winter, the boy woke up in the middle of the night and saw his mother bending down under the oil lamp to paste the matchbox. The boy said, Mom, go to sleep. You must go to work tomorrow morning. Mom smiled and said, children, go to sleep quickly, I'm not sleepy! -the third lie my mother told.

In the year of college entrance examination, my mother took time off to stand at the entrance of the test center every day to help the boys in the college entrance examination. It's midsummer and the sun is shining. Stubborn mothers will stop for hours in the hot sun. At the end of the exam, * * * rang, and the mother came forward and handed her a cup of strong tea soaked in tin bottles for the children to drink. Tea is also strong, and feelings are stronger. Looking at his mother's chapped lips and sweat, the boy handed back the tin bottle in his hand and let his mother drink it. Mother said, son, drink quickly, I'm not thirsty! -Four lies my mother told.

After the death of father, mother is both father and mother. Relying on the meager income of the sewing society, she dragged several children to study and lived a miserable life. Uncle Li, who is repairing his watch under the telephone pole at the intersection of Hutong, came to help him with big and small things, such as moving coal, carrying water, sending some money and food to help the boy's home. People are not vegetation, who can be ruthless. Neighbors see it in their eyes and remember it in their hearts. Everyone advised his mother to remarry, so why bother? However, my mother kept her virginity for many years and never got married. My mother wouldn't listen to others' advice. My mother said, I don't love her! -Tell five lies

6. After the boys, brothers and sisters graduated from college and joined the work, the off-duty mother set up a stall in the nearby farmers' market to make a living. Children who work in other places often send money back to subsidize their mothers when they know about it. Mothers resolutely refused and returned the money. Mom said, I have money! -Tell six lies

7. The boy stayed in school to teach for two years, and then got a doctor's degree from a famous American university. After graduation, I stayed in a scientific research institution in the United States. The treatment is quite rich and the conditions are good. The boy from a foreign country wanted to take his mother to enjoy his old age, but the old man refused. Mom said, I'm not used to it! -Tell seven lies

8. In her later years, her mother was seriously ill and was admitted to the hospital. When the boy from the other side of the Atlantic came back by plane, my mother was dying after the operation. When his mother was old, he looked at her who was tortured to death by the disease. The boy was heartbroken and burst into tears. But mother said, son, don't cry, I don't hurt. -Tell the last lie