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Can people burn incense when they are old and unhappy?

I wrote an article about the principle of fate in Buddhism and the methods to change it. Let me pass it on to you.

Hello, everyone. I am a Buddhist enthusiast and have studied Buddhism for many years. Today, from the perspective of Buddhism, I will talk to you about numerology.

Some people live a very good life, are born in wealthy families, and have a successful career at a young age, while others live a very bad life. They were sick when they were young, and everything went wrong when they grew up. What is the root cause of this?

Some people tell fortune and say that they are destined to make a fortune. When they meet a noble person, some people are doomed not to make a fortune. What is the root cause of all this? Is fate arranged by heaven? Why is the fate that God has arranged for us so different? Some people are happy, while others are miserable. Is heaven randomly arranged? Is it unfair to say so?

Today I will answer this question, and then talk to you about ways to change your life and luck. Can fate be changed? Buddhism tells everyone that you can!

First of all, a Buddhist principle is called cause and effect. That is, good is rewarded with good, and evil with evil. From the Buddhist point of view, what we are suffering at the moment is caused by the bad karma of the previous life, and what we are enjoying at the moment is the maturity of the good karma of the previous life. What makes us happy is our own goodness, and what makes us miserable is our own evil. This is the root of happiness and pain.

For example, if a person practices medicine to help the world, do we really wish him health and longevity? If a person makes a fortune to help the poor, do we really wish him a big fortune? If a person steals someone else's hard-earned money, will we curse him for being poor all his life? So is heaven. Heaven rewards diligence, punishes evil and promotes good. If a person has accumulated virtue and wealth in his last life, he will be born with wealth, smooth sailing and prosperous business in this life. If a person has not accumulated virtue in his last life and has done many bad things, he will pay attention to it in this life.

Set the pain, everything goes wrong.

Therefore, fate is made by oneself.

Don't envy those big entrepreneurs, whose assets are hundreds of millions. It was a blessing from others, because his great kindness in his last life was rewarded by God. Some people say that they work hard on their own. In fact, everyone who has worked hard knows that there are some things that you can't get through hard work.

Some people are born seriously ill and unhealthy, which is generally the result of killing too many things in their last life.

Some people seldom get sick and live a healthy, safe and long life. This is usually caused by his past life bringing health to others, such as practicing medicine.

Why does life make a fortune? Because there was charity in my last life, why didn't I get rich? Because you couldn't give it and didn't help others in your last life, you don't have that blessing. Some people have understood why there is a noble person to help them. This is because they like to help others.

Having said that, some people may say that people have no past lives, but don't you believe in fate? Do you believe that fate has an arranged side? Who arranged fate? Think about this problem.

In fact, there is a god in the world. There are gods three feet above the head, buddhas and bodhisattvas. Buddha and Bodhisattva tell us through Buddhism that people have past lives, afterlife and karma.

To sum up in one sentence, life is made by yourself.

So, can the established destiny be changed? For example, fortune tellers count my life as bad, and I am doomed to be poor. What should I do?

The answer is the eight words that Buddha and Bodhisattva taught us: all evil should be done and all good should be pursued.

Don't do evil, it is to change, and all good practices are to accumulate virtue. This is why our ancestors taught us to accumulate virtue.

People are doing it, and the sky is watching. Try your best to help the poor, and perseverance will pay off, and the sky is watching. That's how wealth comes from. Don't be superstitious about mascots. Do you think that a person with bad moral character and a lucky mascot can change the fate set for you by God?

People have a bad life because they have done too many bad things in their last lives. God punishes them. What should I do? Those eight words are all evil, all good and indomitable. Accumulate good deeds, and you can touch God.

There is a saying in the induction article that the so-called good people are respected by everyone and blessed by God, and fortune follows. All evils are far away, and the gods protect them, and what they do will be achieved, and the gods can hope. He also said that Ji people speak well, treat goodness as life, and do good deeds and accumulate virtue. Three good things a day, three years will be blessed. The murderer spoke evil words, regarded evil as evil, and did many evils. Three evils in one day, three evils in three years. Hu was not encouraged to do so. (Hu means why, why not encourage yourself to act? )

Some people say that I see some people around me doing evil things, but they are safe and rich. Some people do good deeds all their lives, but they are poor. I don't see cause and effect. Let me explain this problem.

For example, someone has 1 100 million yuan in the bank and drinks every day. Is it safe? Someone is heavily in debt. Although he works hard to make money, is he still poor?

This is called, cause and effect have three, and the third is past lives's afterlife. There was great kindness in the past life, but good deeds are mature in this life. Enjoy it. There are great evils in my life, but evil is not yet mature, so I haven't seen what goes around comes around.

There were great evils in previous lives, and bad karma matured in this life, so there were bad karma and great goodness in this life, but the good karma was not yet mature, so I didn't see the good karma. Do you understand, my friend? It's not like you don't report it. Not yet.

Only by tinkering hard and doing good deeds can we slowly change our destiny. Temporarily invalid, don't worry. We should abandon our old career with fate, stop creating new ones and try to do good deeds. One day, we can be happy.

In addition, I also want to say that killing is the first evil karma in Buddhism. Think about it. We usually have pain when we give an injection, and animals will be killed. What is it like? Put yourself in someone else's shoes. Therefore, killing is rewarded with evil. Many of those cancer patients eat meat every day. The meat is too heavy to kill their karma. However, if a Buddhist lover has compassion, he can consciously avoid killing and become a vegetarian. It is the first merit in the world to put it in parallel and let it go.

Another point is filial piety to parents, which is also ignored by many people who want to change their destiny. Confucius said that the most difficult thing for parents is "color difficulty", that is, it is difficult to be kind to parents. Friends, think about it, is it true? Being mean to parents is the most harmful thing.

In Buddhism, we also talked about the principle of heaven and man. It is who can go to heaven in the next life, who can be reincarnated as a human being in the next life, and who will suffer in hell.

The answer is to observe the five precepts and ten good deeds of Buddhism. The five commandments are: don't kill, don't steal, don't commit adultery, don't talk nonsense and don't drink alcohol. The Buddha said that those who practice the five commandments and ten good deeds can ascend to heaven in the afterlife, and those who practice the five commandments and ten good deeds can be reborn in the afterlife and enjoy the beauty of the world. Too many evil things will be planted in hell.

One more thing, in Buddhism, you don't pursue going to heaven for fun, because heaven is still in the six divisions of the wheel of karma, and you will still get what you deserve and suffer.

What is the pursuit of Buddhism? It is the pursuit of becoming a Buddha. Buddha is not in Liudao. Is the way to get rid of happiness completely.

If a friend is interested, you can consult a Buddhist introductory book for a detailed and comprehensive understanding. I recommend Enlightenment written by Master Kong Jing. This book can be invited in the temple. If it is not convenient to go to the temple, you can also invite it on Taobao. Buddhism explains the origin of the universe, the truth of being a man, and how we mortals can eliminate pain, disaster and happiness, all of which are worth learning.

Finally, back to the topic, I recommend a small Buddhist movie called Fan Sixun Movie Edition to see how Fan changed his destiny and achieved his wish by doing good deeds. He has no children all his life. How can he break them? He did a lot of good deeds, and finally God rewarded him with a son.