Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Composition: & gt500 About 500 words.

Composition: & gt500 About 500 words.

One thing in the summer vacation One day last summer vacation, my father and I went fishing in Wufa Road. That morning, I got up early, happy and excited, and my father set off with fishing gear. Along the way, I hummed a little song. When I arrived at the fish bank, I saw that the water was crystal clear and could reflect the reflection of tourists. It's interesting that people's reflection falls with the water. The water is so clear that there must be fish. Dad first prepared fishing gear and food ... then, he hung the bait on the hook, threw the fishing rod into the water and waited patiently for the fish to bite. I thought to myself: fish, come and take the bait, I'm still waiting to eat your delicious fish! After a while, a big silver carp weighing two pounds was hooked. Dad yanked at the pole. Ah, he caught it! I jumped three feet for joy. I followed my father's example, putting the bait on the hook, then throwing the fishing rod into the water and waiting. I just waited 10 minutes, scratched my head impatiently, and I pulled the hook. I was disappointed to see that there were no fish. Dad smiled and said to me, "Be patient when fishing." If the fish is hooked, the fishing rod will sink. If you see this situation, pull the pole again, otherwise it will be in vain. "Hearing this, I threw the fishing rod out again and stared at it. After 20 minutes, I really found that the fishing rod had changed-it had sunk. I quickly pulled, and the fishing rod bent like a hook. I caught a big, fat grass carp, and suddenly I cheered with joy, as if to tell the world the news. My father and I fished from 8 am to 7 pm and didn't go home. Although it was late, the harvest was not small-a total of 12 fish were caught, and they were all fat. My father and I looked at our "masterpiece" and smiled happily. On this day, I not only played well, but also learned knowledge. I will laugh when I think about it in the summer vacation, which makes me feel very interesting.

One thing that made me angry during the summer vacation.

One night in the summer vacation, I went to the hospital for an injection and met something that made me angry in the injection room.

That day, I whined and walked into the injection room, and saw an aunt dressed in rustic clothes, holding a child in her arms, with tears in her eyes, incoherent pleading with three "Baiyao angels". But the three "Baiyao angels" didn't seem to hear them, and they were still chatting with each other.

I stepped forward and saw the child in menstruation's arms staring straight, with a purple mouth and a blank face. I couldn't help worrying about her, so I said to the three "Baiyao angels": "Aunt, nurse, hang salt water!"

The two "Baiyao angels" were indifferent, and only one turned his head and asked, "Who! Who wants salt water? "

"She, this little friend." I quickly pointed to the child in my aunt's arms, expecting her to come right away, but she said slowly, "Wait a minute." I raised my voice a little: "Auntie, please! This child is very dangerous! "

The three "Baiyao Angels" ignored it and chatted for a while. They ended their chat reluctantly and came lazily. They grabbed the salt bottle in their aunt's hand and started their work-injection. ......

This summer vacation, I played a game similar to the Dai people's "Water-splashing Festival" with two sisters and one sister. That day, the weather was very hot, and the earth was boiling hot, as if my hands would be cooked when I touched them. My sister and I sat in an air-conditioned room, doing nothing but sitting. Suddenly, I don't know who said, let's imitate the Dai people's "water splashing festival" and do it under the house. So, we repeatedly said yes. At first, we prepared a large pot of water, one bottle for each. If there is not enough water, we can fill it up. The venue is in the garden downstairs of grandma's house. The "Water-splashing Festival" has begun. I took a bottle, filled it with water and started looking for the target. I chose my second sister, who usually likes to make fun of me. When she was "fighting" with her sister, I made a sneak attack and threw water on her at once. My second sister quickly changed the target of battle and replaced me with the enemy. We have been competing for a long time, and it is still a draw. Suddenly, the second sister's water disappeared. She was anxious like a cat on hot bricks, but I was so happy that I sprayed the whole bottle of water on her, and she suddenly became a drowned rat. When I was proud, I suddenly felt wet all over. Shit, it's hit. I turned around and saw my sister laughing. It's really mantis catching cicada, and yellowbird is behind! I was about to attack my sister when I suddenly realized that my water was gone. I rushed to the water tank, otherwise it would be unlucky ... "Time and time are like birds, ticking forward ..." In our laughter, the sun set and we became a veritable drowned rat. I will never forget this incident, because it recorded my childhood laughter. An unforgettable thing in the summer vacation, July 2 1, during the summer vacation. I met Kiss Honey (drew an animal cat) on the first page of my summer vacation life. This cat is very clever because it brings me a lot of knowledge: riddles, Tang poems, short stories, common sense of small life, and so on. This incident is my most unforgettable. I'm not that easy to forget. Kissing honey has been my good friend, and I still miss it! I hope I can see it again next winter vacation and summer vacation! Handicraft is my greatest pleasure. Because doing manual labor can make your hands do everything so skillfully. Today, I made two small things, one is "Earth Phone" and the other is "Handmade Piano". "Earth Phone" is very interesting. This is a small mobile phone. You can play at home or outside. The "manual piano" can be used as a small "electronic" piano. If you want it to make a sound, just pull it back and it will ring. Today, my mother bought me a sword. My mother also told me the story of a couple. In other words, there are two people named Ganjiang and Mo Xie. They are a couple. They forged a sword called "Ganjiang Moxie Sword", which is an unparalleled good sword. This story tells me something about making swords. And the sword in the story is very similar to the one my mother bought me. My sword is called "peerless sword"

-Answer: Anonymous.-My father took me to the seaside during the summer vacation and stayed at my colleague Uncle Li's house. There, I met my uncle's daughter Xiaoyan. We played together every day and soon became good friends. That day, the weather was fine. Xiaoyan said, "In the afternoon, I will take you to catch the sea." "What do you mean by catching the sea?" I asked strangely. "To catch the sea is to catch those small creatures that have not been swept away by the sea before the ebb tide." Oh! I see. So, I look forward to and imagine the wonderful scene when I go to sea. At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Xiaoyan invited me to the seaside with a fish basket and two small shovels. We came a little early, and the tide was obviously going out. My eyes are just a piece of sea water, and I can't see any lively little creatures. I'm a little disappointed. Xiaoyan seemed to see through my mind and said mysteriously, "Hold your horses, don't worry." After a while, the sea really changed obviously. The sea is ringing, retreating layer by layer, giving people one beach after another. "Now you can do it." Xiaoyan said to me with a smile. I learned Xiaoyan's appearance, first turned up a stone, then shoveled it with a small shovel several times, and immediately, I climbed out a few small crabs. I put them in the fish basket easily. As soon as I was shot, I chased him on impulse and turned up another stone. This time, I shoveled out a big crab. This big guy is not as obedient as that little guy. He waved those big clips at me and swaggered around as if to say, "What's the matter? You little yellow-haired girl, how dare you touch me? " I don't show weakness either. I'll grab it if I reach out. Who knows, this is a big trick. My finger was caught in its clip, which made me scream "Ouch!" " Xiaoyan is still experienced. She ran to help me out of danger by three times, five times and two times. Xiaoyan's action inspired me to have a brainwave and came up with a plan: I called a twig from the beach, picked the leaves clean and waved it to attract big crabs. The big guy who got carried away thought it was a fleshy finger again, and it was a hard clip. This time, you can be fooled. It's called "where there is a will, there is a way". Before I let it go, I quickly threw it into the fish basket. "It worked!" I jumped and screamed with joy. Later, we picked many colorful shells and other small creatures and went home happily. We cooked a sumptuous seafood dinner for the adults with trophies. They are full of praise, we smile on our faces, and beauty is in our hearts. Since then, I feel that my feelings for the ocean seem to have deepened, and I have a strong desire to develop the treasures of the ocean.