Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Grandpa Hong's Fortune-telling _ What are the good and bad fortune in fortune-telling?

Grandpa Hong's Fortune-telling _ What are the good and bad fortune in fortune-telling?

Where is God?


God is a Brahma god, and the first meditation has three days: Brahma, Brahma and Brahma. Brahma is greatly worshipped in Thailand, Singapore, Southeast Asia, China, Taiwan Province Province, Hongkong and Macau. Definition in Hinduism: Brahma is one of the three main gods of Hinduism, responsible for creating the universe.

God is much taller than the Jade Emperor.

There is evidence in the Bible that God thinks he is the Creator. . . :

There is also a detailed explanation of Brahma by the Buddha in the Great Compassion Sutra Brahma.

On the night of the Buddha's nirvana, in order to see the Buddha's face again, Brahma came to this world 300 billion years ago, bowed to the Buddha and said to him, "I hope the Buddha can teach me how to practice?" Where does the cloud live "

The Buddha immediately asked Brahma: "Brahma, have you ever said that I am the master of the three thousand worlds, and all beings are inferior to me, and I am higher than all beings?" I created everything in the world, did I realize it? "

Brahma replied, "Yes. Buddha. I said so. "

The Buddha asked again, "Brahma, who created you?" Who realized that? "

Brahma was speechless and could not answer.

The Buddha asked again, "When 3,000 whole worlds were hijacked and burned by fire, it was a sea of fire. Did you create this, too Did you show it too? "

Brahma replied: "Buddha. I didn't create this, nor did I present it. "

Buddha added: "Brahma, this mountain and river live by water, water by wind, and wind by emptiness." The thickness of this land is 6.8 million, which is inseparable. Brahma, did you create this too? Did you show it too? "

Brahma replied, "No ... Buddha."

The Buddha asked again, "In this 3,000-year-old world, there are hundreds of millions of suns and moons, and they all run in an orderly way according to their respective trajectories." Brahma, did you create this too? Did you succeed, too

"No, it's a Buddha."

"Sometimes, the sun and the moon are not in their respective palaces, and the palace is empty. Brahma, did you create this too? Did you show it too? "

"No .. Buddha."

"Spring, summer, autumn and winter are also your creations? Did you show it too? "

"No, it's a Buddha."

"Those water mirrors, Su You, mani, pears and other purifying agents show images in various colors, such as the earth, mountains and rivers, forests, gardens, palaces, houses, villages, cities, camels, donkeys, elephants, horses, roe deer, birds, animals, the sun, the moon, stars and arhats. Have you turned all this into reality? Did you add it? "

"No .. Buddha."

"Those cliffs and ravines, drums, song and dance games, the sound of roe deer, the sound of birds, beasts, human voices, non-human voices and other sounds. Brahma, did you create these too? Did you make it a reality? Did you add it?

"No .. Buddha."

"These beings see all kinds of sights in their sleep, hear all kinds of voices, smell all kinds of aromas, taste all kinds of delicious food, experience all kinds of feelings, know all kinds of methods, play all kinds of games, cry, moan and fear, pain and happiness and many other feelings. Did you create this, too Did you also add it? "

"No, it's a Buddha."

"The horror of all sentient beings (including human beings), fear, pain, concern, anger, killing, floods, fires, sharp knives, strong winds, cliffs, river banks, poisons, evil beasts, enemies, ghosts and gods and other injuries that all sentient beings fear, is this also your creation? Did you cash it, too Did you also add it? "

No, Buddha.

"All kinds of diseases of sentient beings, such as wind, cold, heat and other symptoms, metabolism, and the disharmony of the main parts of the body, if all kinds of karma he had created before caused all kinds of pains in all main parts of the body, all kinds of distress caused by all kinds of diseases of sentient beings. Brahma, did you create this too? Do you realize that? Did you also add it? "

No, Buddha.

"The wilderness, thieves, floods and disasters encountered by all living beings. Or sword robbery, plague robbery and famine robbery in robbery. Brahma, did you create these too? Did you make it a reality? Did you add it? "

No, Buddha.

"The suffering of parents, brothers, brothers, sisters, relatives, wives, children, and good friends encountered by all beings, is this also your creation? Did you succeed, too Did you also add it? "

No, Buddha.

"All kinds of evil deeds done by sentient beings, like those selling animals, making wine, purple ore, betting oil, or traveling to the sea or mountains and rivers, or those divination and fortune-telling methods such as fairy tales. Brahma, did you create these too? Did you succeed, too Did you also add it? "

No, Buddha.

"All kinds of karma created by sentient beings, because of these karma, suffer from being born in man, heaven, or falling into hell, hungry ghosts and animals. Because the good and evil done by body, mind and qi are the ten evils in the world, they are merciless to other beings and often hurt and persecute them. Because of the ten conditions of depravity (murder, theft, fornication and lying), have you turned it into reality? Did you add it? "

"No .. Buddha."

"All kinds of sufferings suffered by sentient beings, such as beheading, chopping hands and feet, hurting ears and nose, being dismembered, being thrown into a frying pan, being burned, being injured by various weapons, being imprisoned, being fought, etc. You created it all? Did you make it a reality? Did you add it? "

"No, Buddha."

"All sentient beings' lewdness and evil deeds, or lewdness, mother, daughter, elder sister, bhikkhuni and other evil deeds, are also your creations, are you now? Did you add it? "

"No, Buddha."

"All kinds of killing by sentient beings, such as: history-weariness, corpse-driving, incantations, prescriptions, and obsession, have ruined each other's life. Did you create this? Did you make it a reality? Did you add it? "

"No, Buddha."

"All life, old age, illness, death, sadness, sorrow, distress, impermanence, do everything possible, and the reform has no scruples for all people, which can make all the things you like disappear and ruin your departure. Did you create all these? Did you make it a reality? Did you add it? "

"No, Buddha."

"All sentient beings are entangled in troubles such as greed, anger and delusion. For these reasons, those sentient beings are angry and confused, creating countless kinds of businesses. Brahma, is this also your creation? Did you succeed, too Did you also add it? "

"No, Buddha."

"The three evils of hell, beast and hungry ghost suffer from all kinds of things. Brahma, did you create this too? Did you make it a reality? Did you add it? "

"No, Buddha."

"All sentient beings are drawn by love because of ignorance, tossing and turning in the five paths. Life and death, death and life, are always difficult to know. Sometimes you are human, sometimes you are in the sky, sometimes you are a demon, and sometimes you are a Brahman, a shaman and a Brahman. The world is like chaos, you often go back and forth in the five paths, and you don't know how to jump out of the cycle. Brahma, did you create this? Did you make it a reality? Did you add it? "

"No .. Buddha."

"Then why do you want to say that you created these beings and the world? You made it a reality? Did you add it? "

The Brahma replied, "Dear Lord, I have lost my mind because I lack wisdom and Jaken's complete mind. Buddha always said, I don't listen. That's why I'm saying this. Now I ask Fotuo, who created this world? Who is it? "

The Buddha said: "All the worlds and all sentient beings are created by karma, and karma has become. Why? Brahma, because of ignorance, will act, because there will be knowledge, knowledge will lead to name and color, and name and color will lead to six items (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind). Only when there are six items can there be emotion, reception when there is emotion, taking when there is love, life, birth and death, sorrow and distress, and great suffering. Brahma. Without extinction, all the troubles will disappear automatically, without the original author and placement. If there is law for karma, there will be harmony between all beings. If we can stay away from these causes and the harmony between law and harmony, this person will stay away from the stream of life and death. "

"Brahma, you are tired in this world, you are tired, and you will suffer all kinds of hardships. If you leave, you will be named Nirvana. How can we achieve nirvana? The karma is exhausted, the troubles are far away, and the pain is gone. All these methods are due to the great power of the Buddhas, who added them. Why? If the buddhas were not born to preach, where would they hear these teachings? Brahma, the birth announcement of the Buddhas, will know that these stillness are so deep that it is difficult to feel the method of light. If these sentient beings hear that life is born free. When you hear the laws of old age, illness, death, worry, sadness and distress, you will be relieved accordingly. Brahma is the reason why the buddhas are blessed now. Brahma, the buddhas often make the following statement: All promising dharmas, such as light and shadow, are always in a state of impermanence, impermanence and uncertainty, and will disappear and change, even after the buddhas are extinct, the dharma will disappear. Wise people understand that everything is in an impermanent state, that is, mountains and rivers, the sun, the moon and the stars, palaces all over the sky, villages and forests in the capital of kings, and all lovely things have returned to life, life and death, life and death. After understanding these truths, they are tired of leaving their hometown to practice hard, get the corresponding fruits, and even get the supreme bodhi. "

"Brahma, you know, this world of three thousand worlds is neither your brake soil nor the brake soil of six heretics. This is the world of buddhas. In the past, other monks practiced Bodhisattva here, planted infinite good roots, strictly observed the precepts, practiced Sanskrit, and practiced infinite asceticism by other monks, so that the order of this Buddhist land was obtained. I speak the corresponding dharma according to the root organs of all beings. You were all born in this land of Buddhism because of my overwhelming oath. To listen to me is to convert to me and not to convert to other heresies. "

This 3 billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion.

The Buddha also said, "This 300 billion billion million million million million million million million million million million million million million million million million million million million million million million million world is my Buddha's land, and I entrust it to you today. You should be a person who later preached Dharma. When Maitreya became a Buddha here, its breadth was boundless. Now you should follow me, you should follow Maitreya. "

This 3 billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion world.