Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Make sentences by blind method (about 30 or so)

Make sentences by blind method (about 30 or so)

1. Fate is a blind and moody foster mother. She is often indiscriminate and generous about the children she raises. Butler?

2. Poke your eyes, pull out your hair, splash a face of sulfuric acid, knock out your teeth, and cut off your tongue to make a stick, including MM.

3. Fate is a moody blind foster mother, who is often indiscriminate and generous to her adopted son.

This angered others, who swore at the blind villain, threatened him with ugly words and tried to take the crutches from the blind man, but failed.

5. alas! It rained on Sunday. Li's new knowledge. God is really blind.

6. Some blind fortune tellers can also know our fate by touching bones.

7. The blind blonde blunted the gentle Bond's brand-new bronze blade.

She guessed that there was no emotional communication between the blind old woman and her son.

9. If you cut my throat now, you will be blinded by the boiling blood column.

You blind guides

You filter out midges.

You swallowed the camel.

1 1. The people he guards are blind and ignorant. They are all dumb dogs and can't bark. But dreaming, lying down and sleeping.

12. You blind guides

You filter out midges.

You swallowed the camel.

13. But the Lord Jesus called those Pharisees like Freddie "blind guides". "You filter out midges and swallow camels.

14. The blind old woman walked entirely on crutches.

15. Nature

Those who were born with five injuries and six diseases

Seven tuberculosis and eight decline

Even broken legs and blindness.

They are all ghosts. They were sick before they were born again.

Say to the dead, the mind of a scholar.

16. I will continue to open the door.

The blind woman is still licking her lips and rambling.

I said, girl

Let's retreat before moving in.

17. Of course, these blind people

It's all expensive to wear.

But the envy and evil thoughts in their eyes make people feel sick.

Shun was born in poverty.

His father is a blind musician.

Know a son like a father.

The blind old musician knows everything about his son.

Tried to kill him several times.

But Shun escaped.

19. Zheng Caiwang wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and said, If I hadn't had an affair with pumpkin.

I may have forgotten this home, too.

20. I feel weak gradually, so I will seize every minute while I can still feel the fire in my heart and keep my head clear. Death is waiting for me, and I have intensified all the tragic experiences in my life: blindness, immobility and severe pain. Nevertheless, I am still a very happy person.

2 1. I'd rather count a few dried figs and giggle in my hand than be blinded by a camel because I want to have a peacock gate. Should we be content with poverty, or should we say that talking is better than nothing, and a bird in the hand is better than a hundred birds in the forest?

22. Beautiful women are ashamed of themselves in front of you, handsome men are willing to die under your pomegranate skirt, children are kind and warm when they see you, old people are young when they see you, patients are healthy immediately when they see you, and even disabled people will be born blind because of you.

23. zuhair said that after 80 years of pain and glory, he has repeatedly seen fate suddenly trample on people like a blind camel. Borges?

24. People should dedicate their best crops and livestock to God. However, they provide weak, lame and blind animals and keep the good ones for themselves.

25. The householder was very angry and said to his servant, Go out into the streets of the city and bring the poor, the disabled, the blind and the lame.

26. The other person is extremely ugly.

Humans have grown up.

With a pair of white eyes.

The body is very smooth and delicate.

Muscles are strong and plump.

Like a young man

This man is no one else.

It's the old beggar.

27. Cyclops's nameless anger

He swore and said, "Shit.

Where did the black blind man jump out?

Come here to take care of your uncle's business.

Don't you open your eyes and see what this place is. "

28. In order to show you more intuitively whether those dazzling taillights have how bright.

We spent a lot of money on a photometer.

I hope that through simple data comparison,

Let's take a look at the blind difference between these ordinary taillights.

29. The new combination of three judges, Zhou Libo, Cai Guoqing and Fan Bingbing, surprised the audience.

Cai Guoqing, in particular, wore a flowered suit and orange pants, which blinded netizens.

He was also ridiculed for "putting colorful pressure on Fan Bingbing".

30. The judges' seats are crowded with stars and the lineup is strong, so as to grab the competition.

The biggest highlight is the unprecedented lineup of referees.

Absolutely blind you.