Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Does the jar containing ancestors' bones stand in the direction of Feng Shui?

Does the jar containing ancestors' bones stand in the direction of Feng Shui?

Feng shui industry regulations

Yu fengshui

The current feng shui industry is very chaotic. Because the industry of Feng Shui can make money, many practitioners in numerology, prediction and naming have turned to Feng Shui, calling themselves "Feng Shui Masters". To tell the truth, this situation is not too bad, because mathematics has something in common, and the source of the avenue is Yi. Therefore, as long as you have deep attainments in your respective academic fields and study Feng Shui hard the day after tomorrow, you can still have the opportunity to become a qualified Feng Shui master. Most afraid of being labeled as a monkey, many people can't even understand classical Chinese and traditional Chinese characters. They got a few pirated books, and the geomantic compass only knows three or two levels (some sects don't need compasses, so they should be treated differently), and they became so-called "masters". Without teachers, they not only misled people's children, but also ruined the image of the whole industry.

The following is from the perspective of a professional Feng Shui master to talk about some problems neglected by profit-seekers in the realistic Feng Shui industry.

Feng shui guild regulations

As an industry that has prevailed for thousands of years, Feng Shui has its own specific rules. Here are some points:

Three years to find the dragon, ten years to point.

Geomantic omen is a practical science, and theory alone is not enough. Paleogeoscientists traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers with two legs, so it is difficult to measure the rainfall in Mu Feng. This rule means: it takes at least three years to explore the overall environment; It takes at least ten years to point out a really good place. The former Feng Shui masters were extremely responsible, which is why the houses surveyed by those masters can not fall down for thousands of years-the result of hard work.

Some contemporary feng shui masters, who make a living by surveying houses, go through the motions and do nothing but get a lot of money when surveying houses for people. This is extremely irresponsible behavior and is despised by professional feng shui masters.

Medical unknowns kill one person, geographical unknowns kill the whole family.

As a feng shui master, you have a great responsibility and must not be careless. The doctor's wrong treatment will kill the patient at most, but the bad feng shui will harm the customer's whole family. This responsibility, feng shui master should understand that no one can afford this evil report.

Fate of Mathematicians —— Four Problems (Disability, Disease, Poverty, Widowhood and Loneliness)

There is a proverb in China, "Blowing an open-air machine will be damned". It means changing the normal development track of others and even the whole society without authorization, even if it is well-intentioned, it will be condemned by God. Because mortals have limited wisdom, they can only get a glimpse of the whole leopard and can't understand the overall situation, thinking that they will change someone's fate in good faith. However, "a great achievement will dry up a thousand bones and a family will warm up a thousand grievances", and the chain reaction will change the fate of more people. Whether it is good or bad is hard to control, so God will condemn it. Mathematicians are the easiest to reveal this secret ... so we can often see that good fortune teachers are either blind or lame, and many excellent forecasters are sick.

Feng Shui master, who carries the happiness of his clients' whole family, is more likely to suffer from these four disabilities.

Solemnly advise non-professional feng shui masters not to die if they want money. For your personal happiness, for the happiness of future generations, seriously reflect on it!

Sealed red

In fact, it makes sense for Feng Shui masters to receive generous red envelopes. It is precisely because every time they practice Feng Shui, they have to shoulder great responsibilities and make great efforts, so it is not an exaggeration to get the red envelope of the blessing master.

However, the meaning of sealing red is by no means that simple. Because the rules of different factions in different places are different, this article only discusses it from the religious aspect.

Feng shui is related to secrets, but in causality, the relationship between customers and debts is different. A red envelope can transform many things, and sometimes Feng Shui masters have to accept it without being hurt, even the closest relatives.

Teachers collect merit fees because they don't know the cause and effect and understand the harm of the mathematics industry, so they do merit with this fee, not for themselves.

In other words, as a Feng Shui master, you have to accept red envelopes, and you have to bear the responsibility of heaven. Never accept it blindly. If you take other people's money and don't eliminate the disaster with others, you will surely suffer the consequences.

What is contained in this is the reason why the master of Feng Shui in history finally became a Tao or a Buddha.

Yang Gong's rules and regulations-freedom of loyal ministers, dutiful sons, righteous men and virtuous women.

Feng Shui master is not only for profit. Yang Song, founder of Feng Shui industry, watched Feng Shui for the above four people for free. The rule of his old man's house is that the rich receive more, the poor receive less or not, and the yin and yang family really makes people rich, so the world is honored as "Yang helps the poor".

Why can't we accept it here? Because this is to eliminate disasters and strengthen the body to do merit, this cause and effect can be borne by Yang Gong. Therefore, in the matter of collecting red envelopes, feng shui masters should do something, not be bound by rules and regulations, and should do more things to help the poor. Yang Gong has been famous for thousands of years for a reason.

There are many rules of feng shui, and the above are just the key points. People who want to change careers from other industries can learn from it. Let's work together to revive the atmosphere and make the science and art of Feng Shui truly serve the harmonious society.

A necessary condition to become a feng shui master.

First of all, we should have a strong and keen perception and observation of the interaction between space and objects.

Second, we should master some geophysical knowledge and understand the force of physical energy generated by the earth on the biological field and geomagnetic field generated by people in different regions and different points. We should also have a comprehensive understanding of hydrogeology in various places.

Third, we need to master some meteorological knowledge and be familiar with the meteorological climate and various environmental factors in various places.

Four, we should have a comprehensive knowledge of architecture, and indoor and outdoor design furniture layout shops, offices, factories, government agencies, schools and other facilities should have a comprehensive knowledge.

Five, to be familiar with the theory of geomantic omen and survey methods, familiar with Luan Tou, regulating qi, dragons, acupoints, sand, water, wind, heavenly stems, earthly branches, gossip operation, confused Luo, Yin and Yang, five elements, Eight Mansions, nine planets, Sanyuan Jiuyun and other mechanisms and changes. It can not only accurately infer all kinds of good and bad information of houses and houses, but also strengthen all kinds of good and bad phenomena of geomantic omen accordingly.

Six, to have the knowledge of modern psychology, but also have a certain knowledge of medicine, nutrition, Buddhism, Taoism, Qigong, Confucianism, in order to serve the public more comprehensively and solve problems for people.

Seven, Pepsi filial piety first, respect for teachers, Feng Shui master should be regarded as an example of filial piety, Qian Qian master, ten thousand master will bless you all your life.

The rules of fortune-telling industry

In the fortune-telling regulations, there are the following charges:

1。 The rich get more. [For people with good fortune and rich life, the money for divination can't be too little, too little goes against the sky. People who live well have a great influence on society, and the scope of influence is also deep. It is extremely harmful to reveal secrets. The life of a county magistrate affects the people of a county, the life of a governor affects the people of a province and the life of an emperor affects the people of a country. We were inseparable. 〕

2。 The poor get less. (For people with average or bad fate, try to accept hexagrams as little as possible. The life of ordinary people has little impact on society, and the harm of leaking secrets is also small. 〕

3。 But you must accept it. According to the regulations of fortune telling, if you don't collect money, your life will be lost in vain, which is not good for those who come to fortune telling and for those who vent their lives in the open air. 〕

4。 Don't accept these three lives. Those who accept will lose their virtue;

A. Dying people will not accept it. Those who are dying, that is, those who don't live long, can't receive money to tell fortune. Because the rule is: the living don't accept money from the dead. 〕

B. People who can't avoid disaster will not accept it. 【 catastrophe, inevitable, don't accept hexagrams. This means that disasters are hard to hide, even if they die, they will hurt. Or the whole family will perish. 〕

C. if you are unlucky, you won't accept it. [This person has declined, and the Universiade behind him is getting worse and worse, and there will never be a chance to turn over. This life doesn't charge for divination. 〕

So today, people, especially people in rural areas, are afraid to tell fortune without receiving money. No one wants to encounter such a thing.

If the fortune teller does a calculation for someone and says that you don't have to pay for divination, you don't have to be happy, because you must be one of the three situations mentioned above.

Xu Lingshan People's Publishing House: This article was written by a man named Lin Linzi. It is about why professional forecasters only provide charging services and don't accept apprentices at will. The people of Xuling Mountain think that it can answer the questions that many good believers have been puzzled about, so it is reprinted to the official blog of Taoist Feng Shui College for the reference of most good believers who want to provide free services.

In ancient China, prediction was a very serious matter. To predict something, the customer first presented Jin Run to the forecaster, and then Qian Sanwen smoked on the fragrance of the incense burner, paying tribute and praying: "If you say anything, you must knock; The spirit of god is absent, and the feelings are connected. There is a surname who cares about something, so he doesn't know to put down the blame and only cares about Zock. If not, please tell me. " Just ask the cat, so you won't be asked for the cat's blessing.

Almost all career forecasters include Gai Hua and Tai Chi nobles, who are destined to be food from the sky, so they will not be condemned by heaven for missing the open-air machine. To accept an apprentice, we must first look at his eight characters and predict whether this person has the talent to learn and whether it is easy to learn. Without the necessary talent, Master will not accept him as an apprentice. With natural conditions, you need to learn from your teacher for several years before you can become a disciple and be predicted.

But in contemporary times, many people ask people to tell their fortune through visual prediction, ask people to tell their fortune at will, and do it when they have nothing to do. In particular, many people are keen on free fortune-telling by network software, and regard predicting their own fate as a child's play, but they do not know that this is unconsciously planting a curse for themselves. Some people even hope to meet someone who can tell fortune for free. With the development of the times, forecasting is becoming more and more specialized, operating companies, and the cost of professional forecasters is getting higher and higher, such as website construction, website maintenance, rent, the use of broadband phones and even taxes. Unfortunately, many people think that forecasting is very profitable and does not require capital. The fact is not what everyone thinks, and it is not easy to establish a certain forecasting technology overnight. Divination is one year lower, numerology is three years lower, naming is four years lower, and honesty is five years lower, which is not shorter than studying for an undergraduate or a master's degree. Everyone should remember that nothing can be gained for nothing, and there is a price to pay for knowing the secret! Life has Chen Yuan, and divination has divination. If you profane these taboo cultures at will, your fate will be profaned. When you get a free forecast from a professional forecaster, you are profaning taboo culture and taking up other people's labor for free. Imagine the consequences.

On the one hand, the money collected by professional forecasters is used for necessary operating costs and living, on the other hand, it is used for easy-to-learn research and public welfare undertakings. Without a certain economic foundation, serving the people better will only become empty talk.

At present, career forecasters generally set charging standards. As a customer, if he really has difficulties, he can't pay according to the standard. As long as the customer really has difficulties, the career forecaster will generally understand and take care of some, but there is no free payment.

Many friends study prediction in order to understand some knowledge of prediction, make friends with you and better develop Chinese studies. Basically, they just tasted it. As a hobby, we think there is nothing wrong with it. But to really judge a person's life, you have to think twice. I am writing this article today to give you a basic understanding. So we don't have any causal debts. I hope that friends who read this article will understand their own ideas and be alert.

Nowadays, many people are keen on learning fast in prediction, hoping to master some tricks at once. After studying for three or two months, he claimed to be a master of Yi-ology, and even spent a lot of money to buy a master title from celebrity manufacturing group. There are many such people. "I want the horse to run, and I want the horse not to eat grass." No effort, no real gain!

I once met a young man who asked me that he had to find someone to calculate his life. A few days later, he always accidentally bumped into his hands and feet. I asked him if the forecaster was right, and he said yes. I asked him if he had paid the forecaster a certain fee. He said no, and I calmly said to him, "You met an expert!" " I am speechless.

Here, I sincerely remind those who are keen on free fortune telling that you are playing a very dangerous game. Remember, there is no real free lunch in the world. Every time you do a free fortune-telling, you use your fortune-telling Shou Yuan as a bargaining chip! You know, anyone who has a little common sense has a strong magnetic field force. If this forecaster knows how to practice Buddhism, then this forecaster's magnetic field is positive and can relieve some disasters for you. If the forecaster doesn't know how to practice Buddhism, then the forecaster is engaged in predictive divination purely for making money, and its magnetic field is negative. Network software prediction (including name testing) systems are mostly written for non-professionals. It is installed on the website to earn click-through rate, and its magnetic field is negative, so many people find their lives getting worse and worse. Forecasters who are familiar with foreknowledge and practice dharma and pray every day, in order not to let the predicted disaster happen, the magnetic field generated is positive and the influence is positive. Some of our customers gave feedback to verify that some disasters we predicted did not happen at that time, and I think there should be such factors; Someone gave feedback to predict the disaster. I think it's really meant to be. Some people say that the disaster happened, but the loss was not great. I think it also has something to do with personal cultivation. Our investigation found that the good things predicted by those who evaded fees did not happen, but disasters happened again and again. I think it might be a curse.

When writing this article, a netizen sent me such a story: one of Confucius' apprentices helped others find a cow, and Confucius said that his kindness was not rewarded. But another of his disciples benefited from doing things for others, which Confucius said was great kindness. His apprentice asked why, isn't it nice to help others without being appreciated? Confucius said that it is a great good to educate the world to give something in return, a small good to help others without asking for something in return, but an evil to encourage people to get something for nothing.

I want to tell you a recipe that can really change your destiny without spending money, and that is jide. I ching said: if you accumulate good things, there will be Qing Yu; If you accumulate bad things, there will be more disasters! As long as you are kind to people, keep thinking, don't worry about being ineffective for a while, and stick to it, I am convinced that you will change your destiny and avoid misfortune! Why not spend half a penny on such a simple thing?

Millennium feng shui secret

On the Millennium Secret of the Application of Geomantic omen in Geosciences

This secret news is the highest criterion of learning, and few people know it for thousands of years. I got this secret news by accident. After several years of hard work, I have passed it on to the world for free, hoping that the world will pass it on without losing its virtue.


At present, the geomantic omen in Zhouyi has been circulated in some disguised forms, especially in geosciences, which is not wrong. However, it only trains students, but never teaches them the basic moral principles they should abide by. Some people have learned to look around random crypts and even point them out directly on the Internet. This behavior is very harmful. On the one hand, it unintentionally destroyed the ecological environment, on the other hand, it led to the return of people's feudal thoughts. Now that there are graves, young people in China will have no land to use. Feng Shui Feng Shui is a good thing, but it should be applied from the principles of maintaining the environment, soil and water, purifying the atmosphere, saving land and sustainable development. Keeping pace with the times, burial must be reformed, cremation should be simple, and planting trees will gain shade, which is not beneficial but unfavorable. Don't stand on the stone tablet. Reinforced concrete brick walls are self-defeating and self-imprisoned. It is advisable to make use of the subtleties of heaven and earth.

Seek pleasure and profit, and put honesty first.

Whether you invite people to see Feng Shui or show it to others, you must be sincere first. An unclean heart means an unclean mind, and there is no concentration of qi. If qi is uncertain, it is impossible to combine yin and yang, let alone get happiness. If you are sincere, even if you can't get good feng shui, you won't be fierce. If you are fierce, you will reduce your strength. Good feng shui is nothing more than kindness, and kindness is nothing more than virtue.

Second, feng shui can be a town that cannot be dug, and it is not appropriate to blame the family.

Everything has its vanquisher, everything has its vanquisher. It is more harmful to people. The danger to people has been extinguished first, and the destruction of the land of the real dragon will endanger the country.

In other words, don't use the principle of feng shui to do things that harm others and don't kill people for no reason. The rise and fall between heaven and earth has its own laws. You can't artificially change and destroy, harm others and accelerate your own demise. Only by killing the perpetrator can others be destroyed, and so can others' help. If you destroy the real dragon land (a large ecological atmosphere), then the whole country will be on the verge of extinction. Serious turmoil or disaster may occur. If dragons, dragons or rivers are seriously damaged, a great turning point in the fate of heaven and earth will surely occur, people's hearts will be greatly disturbed because of the change of airflow, and social order will also be disrupted. ......

Third, we should use the right method and gain weight by luck.

Yinzhai is different. Enterprises and individuals have their own differences. To coordinate with their own lives, the orientation depends more on the year and month. When you see it is really good, you can't use it for your own use. The real dragon can't get a few points for acupuncture. In other words, when you make good use of it, you must have the right time, place and method to play a role. You can't just use it for your own use. You really can't take it lightly. Even if you just take it away or make a small crypt next to it, it will be considered as destroying the vein, and the real crypt will be invalid, leading to disaster. At the same time, it will be equivalent to revealing the secrets of geography. The world will know at a glance!

Look at Ford in a small way and see the opportunity in a big way.

The fortune is too shallow to occupy the land, and it is impossible to occupy the land before the time comes. In other words, first of all, it depends on your luck, life and morality. The poor will get rich, the danger will get a draw, and the rich will ask people to protect the long-term; You seek peace and stability, and the wise and brave take your bureau to help the world, and each takes what he needs, depending on whether he arrives or not. In today's society, because of convenient information and developed transportation, it is easier to get Feng Shui. So some people went all the way to find the real dragon treasure, and bought it for their own use, thinking that as long as one of the three-yuan fortune arrived, they could make a big difference. This is a big mistake. According to textual research and analysis, it usually takes hundreds or even thousands of years for the earth to turn around. Some good people lived for hundreds of years before they got rich, while others didn't get rich for three or five hundred years. For example, Mao Zedong's ancestors in Shaoshan began to live in their land during the Hongwu period, but there were no outstanding people for hundreds of years, and it was not until five hundred years later that a great man Mao Zedong was born. There are also some feng shui treasures that have flourished for hundreds of years without relocation, such as the ancestral home of former Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. What's even more strange is that other people's families have lived for hundreds of years, and some people gave birth to precious children as soon as they moved in, and some even gained weight because they passed by temporarily. Therefore, the land of wealth also depends on chance. In particular, it shows that the popular ternary Kong Xuan Dayuan method can be used to determine whether sitting posture is lucky or not, but it is absolutely impossible to break the luck of dragons. The real dragon fortune comes not from Sanyuan (natural luck), but from Gan Long and Gankun divination. Sanyuan Jiuyun is a star fortune, which corresponds to weather (external gas), while Gankun divination is an earthworm fortune, which corresponds to terrestrial gas (internal gas), only when internal gas and external gas exist at the same time. This is the experience summed up by the collective wisdom of dozens of generations of sages and ancestors in our school for hundreds of years, and even the geomantic masters of past dynasties and the teachers of the DPRK can't get a glimpse of it. As for when the heavens and the earth will meet, and where the weather and the earth will meet (orientation), how to guess this is still a secret, and it is impossible to know and know! According to the former teacher, the ancient sages were determined by observing the sky and hanging down the elephant, so it can be seen that this is a secret that human beings can't make a difference!

No matter whether your bureau is rich or strong, land can't be taken lightly and used indiscriminately. Hundreds of thousands of people with few mountains and rivers can only stop at a few places once in a hundred years. Even wealth has great risks. If it is not good, it will not be conducive to seeking happiness and turning disaster into disaster. As for the rare places of real dragons, if you don't ask for it for more than a hundred years, you will have it if you don't look at it, because most of these places are only owned by famous military commanders, scholars, heroes or general monarchs who are born to govern the country and ensure the security, so ordinary geographers and individuals should not think about it. Why? Some people may think that this is only in feudal society, but it is not. Imagine that this kind of person will only appear when the country is in turmoil and the society is undergoing major changes. They hold the power of the rise and fall of the country and the life and death of the people. How can they misuse it? There are so many local departments in the world. If you make a hole, it's not chaos. What will future generations use? There is an ancient warning: if you don't look at the land of the real dragon, you will be blind in yin and yang! The ancients really warned not to joke about the safety of the people of the country and the blessings of future generations. There have been many examples in ancient times. There will be many people who do not observe and accumulate virtue in the future, and those who maintain this virtue will ensure the prosperity of future generations. Today's world must know. As for the thousand-year-old saints (Confucius and Zhu Xi, King of Literature) and the five-hundred-year-old wise monarch (the king who founded the country to control chaos and prosper the world and made great contributions to the world for a thousand years), it is necessary to be in harmony with the right time and the right place, and the sky is like a statue. It is forbidden to guess and say anything, and occasional signs cannot be conveyed, otherwise disasters will happen again and again.

If someone asks, since there are taboos, how to use Feng Shui? In fact, the ancients have told us the solution. Since the Qing Dynasty, the popular Three-element Confucius-Xuanda Universiade method can be used (the ascending date selection method of Sanhe School can also be used). As long as there is an auspicious day for the intermodal water affairs bureau, it is a good thing. Don't always talk about the dragon cave. Even if it is impossible for the Heshui Bureau to choose the Universiade, just choose the one that conforms to the house transportation and the main transportation. Why? You should know that all social movements and changes are accelerating now. Although fate has not changed, with the change of environment, the excavation of rivers, roads, bridges and tunnels and the acceleration of people flow, the migration and operation law of geogas have also changed, so don't stick to the ancient law, otherwise it will be a disaster without test! Here, I will unreservedly combine the non-biography secrets of the sages of past dynasties with the current social reality and make them public, hoping to help and enlighten the world.

Five expensive but two dynasties, rich but three generations.

In other words, no matter how powerful the official position is, it will not exceed two different dynasties. Generally, the world is warned to pay attention to restraint and self-discipline when gaining power, and not to bully others. Three generations generally describe a hundred years, indicating that the rich and the poor are not eternal, warning people not to be unkind to the rich and to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

The six feng shui masters can only be heroes, not sinners.

Feng Shui is not only a natural regulator of the gap between the rich and the poor, but also a catalyst for accelerating social transformation. On the one hand, geomantic omen benefits the public, but when the society is in turmoil, it intensifies the fierce struggle and division of society. Therefore, it is better to be careful. If you commit a crime, it is a crime.

One sedan chair is carried by everyone, and one family is rich and thousands of families are poor.

The principle of feng shui blessing, like the conservation and transformation principle of water source or mechanics, is the result of the transfer and accumulation of material power and wealth to the poles. Some people get rich and need a lot of people to pay and maintain, so it is said that people with good feng shui can't enjoy it, even if someone forcibly or artificially gets it, it won't last long. This is the principle of energy conversion of geomantic omen (I call it the law of geomantic mechanics for short), which is consistent with the principle of gathering wind and water in geomantic omen. But in general, geomantic omen virtually promotes social development, coordinates the transformation between the rich and the poor, and is beneficial to environmental protection to some extent.

Planting trees for shade, injecting water to open up sources, and asking people to look after the land in return.

Everything has a cause and effect. Of course, if you choose a land with good feng shui, you must sow the seeds first, and then you can reap something. True geomantic omen is to damage and reduce one's fortune (virtue) when doing good deeds for others (excellent geomantic omen), because while benefiting one person, he unconsciously damages the interests of others and some people, revealing that geographical secrets violate the laws of natural operation, and the fortune of oneself and future generations is first damaged. Some swindlers who don't know Feng Shui have lost their moral integrity because of human error, and sometimes they have to blame themselves. Therefore, feng shui should wait for a certain return at the same time, and the return depends on the individual. Otherwise, it will be unfavorable to both sides and the fulfillment will not last long. But mediocrity can't cheat money on this ground.

Nine. Pure and single-minded, you can't take it from other places before shipment. Although the land is rich, don't be greedy.

The secret of feng shui making people fat lies in the unity of qi and yun, that is, the strength is pure and single-minded, just like a person's brain can only consider and deal with one thing at the same time. The principle of qigong is to exert great force at a point in an instant. When people see good feng shui, they will spare no effort to use it all at home, so that several feng shui will be launched at the same time, but the nature and direction of operation are different in different places at different times, which is like a signal that they will lose themselves. For example, the original main force of the cart was to push forward, and then several forces pushed back and left and right. Even if the directions of the forces were roughly the same, when the fate of the cart declined, more forces would only accelerate its demise. Throughout the tombs of emperors and generals, they all want to occupy the best feng shui in the world, and the time, year, date and layout of the gods used are also legal. But the best irony and explanation is that after they were buried, many generations of descendants were inferior to one, and some even died or left home soon, but the graves of their ancestors were still alive. It is not that the geomantic omen chosen by emperors and generals is not good, but that the geomantic omen is too good, which washed away the original fate of ancestors and accelerated their decline. At the same time, too many luxury builders have artificially changed the fortune field of the earth, so there is still good fortune, which is the highest core criterion of Yin House Feng Shui (it seems that many ancient literati and Buddhist masters don't know it, and even dare not violate the respect of the royal family). Therefore, good feng shui should not be greedy. It also conforms to the circular law of the operation of heaven and earth from birth to development to prosperity to decline and then to rebirth. This is also the mystery of Feng Shui that most Feng Shui teachers, including some top masters throughout the ages, have not known for thousands of years. In fact, Yang Zao taught later generations that geomantic omen is used to help the poor, provide disaster relief, develop industry, help the world and protect the country. Of course, for the existing rich geomantic omen, it can slow down its decline and coordinate its balanced development in all aspects. It is also possible for enterprises or public institutions to make rational use of it, because it is not for one person. In short, we should pay attention to thrift, don't point at random, and don't occupy land at will.

10. The wind and water turn, and wealth sometimes.

Get a good feng shui, don't get carried away, you have a destiny, you have your own time; If there is no help from Feng Shui, you should not complain. As long as you work hard, there will always be times to turn, and the wind and water will turn. ...

Second, Mr. Feng Shui's Ten Iron Laws

The "five noes" are:

Don't talk nonsense;

Make no mistakes;

Non-personal use; Don't point to the real dragon; Leave it to fate and let heaven decide. )

Don't leak the secret; A good place must not reveal secrets before it is fulfilled to prevent people from doing bad things.

The "five elements" are:

Have fun with others;

Help the poor and the weak;

Punish evil and promote good;

Protect the context of the earth;

Teach students with heart;

Third, the merits and demerits of local division.


That is, sharing happiness with others; Help the poor and the weak; Punish evil and promote good; Save people from danger; Do not cheat, do not cheat; Shut your mouth; Ford is quite; Actively protect the land; Kuang she she e

Damage to morality:

Made a mistake, Ford is not worthy; Greed for one's own use; Intentionally hurting others; Cheat money; Feng shui fighting method; Helping others to abuse; Random points in the dragon point; Damaged drainage vein


Confusing the real dragon cave and destroying the ancient dragon vein is the first taboo of feng shui masters, which is a hundred times stronger than losing money. It takes hundreds of millions of years for heaven and earth to create a real dragon cave, and it takes at least three yuan and hundreds of years to repeat its vitality. Don't be careless! Generally speaking, from the mountain to the Yuan Dynasty, the year, the month and the day, it is advisable to take good luck, and the dragon point should be used as little as possible, especially the Zhenlongzheng point.