Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - National Sentinel Fortune Telling _ Kuomintang Border Guard

National Sentinel Fortune Telling _ Kuomintang Border Guard

National army evergreen information.

The prototype of the Kuomintang cruiser Changqing in Nanjing campaign: the cruiser Chongqing.

The light cruiser Chongqing is a famous warship presented by the British government to the China government after the Second World War. It is the No.4 ship of Lin Xian class light cruiser, formerly known as Aurora. Many books used to be translated into "Aurora" (also translated as "Leona").

1948 On May 26th, the destroyers "Chongqing" and "Fu Ling" (formerly known as HMS Mendip) leased by Britain to the Republic of China departed from Portsmouth and arrived in Hong Kong on July 28th. 1948. During the berthing period, more than 20 sailors of "Chongqing" went ashore for vacation. "Chongqing" returned to China in August 1948, when it was the largest warship of the Republic of China navy.

During the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, he went to the sea near Huludao to support the rescue of Jinzhou, and bombarded the sniper position of the People's Liberation Army in Tashan with naval guns.

1On February 25th, 949, a secret organization composed of some officers and men on the Chongqing ship launched an uprising. Captain Deng Zhaoxiang led 574 officers and men to join the PLA Navy in Wusongkou, Shanghai, and sailed northward to Yantai, Shandong, which was controlled by the PLA. Arrived in Yantai on the morning of February 26th. Because the captain and other senior officers were taken away, the officers and men on the Chongqing ship were in a state of confusion for fear of being bombed by the National Government.

On March 4th, Chongqing sailed for Huludao, and the bombers mobilized by the National Government from Qingdao bombed indiscriminately for many days. It was hit in many places and the stern of the warship was damaged. March 20th 1 sank in Huludao Port.

Extended data:

1In February, 949, the cruiser "Chongqing", the largest ace warship of the National Government Navy, sailed northward from Shanghai into Yantai Port, Shandong Province. The incident caused a sensation, which not only attracted the attention of the United States, Britain and other countries, but also made the national government led by Chiang Kai-shek plan to transfer the ship to the Yangtze River to prevent the PLA from crossing the river and ensure that the plan south of the Yangtze River was aborted. Gui Yongqing, commander-in-chief of the navy, was also relieved of his post.

The origin of ace warships.

Why is the cruiser "Chongqing" the national government's ace warship? It turned out that its predecessor was the British Aurora light cruiser, which made outstanding achievements in World War II, including sinking the German cruiser Burke, participating in the battle to sink the battleship Bismarck, sinking two Italian destroyers and transport ship 10. In addition, he also participated in the landing war in Sicily.

The "Aurora" cruiser has a displacement of 7,500 tons, a captain 153 meters, a maximum speed of 32 nautical miles, 24 naval guns of various types, torpedo tubes, 7 navigation, maritime warning and naval gun aiming radars, and its long-wave radio station can carry out global communication. At that time, Aurora was a warship with sophisticated weapons and modern equipment. ?

After World War II, the British government handed over the Aurora to the National Government in order to compensate for the losses of six China harbor patrol boats detained by the British authorities in Hong Kong, and later renamed it "Chongqing".

On May 26th, 1948, the destroyers "Chongqing" and "Fu Ling" leased by Britain to China set out for home from Portsmouth, England. There are more than 400 naval cadets 1946+0 1 sent by the government of the Republic of China to study in Britain in June, among them, one member named Bi Chongyuan, 19 years old.

During his stay in England, Bi Chongyuan got to know Alfred, an Englishman, and learned the news about the current situation in China from him. At that time, the People's Liberation Army had won in Northeast China and North China, and the Kuomintang was losing ground.

Bi Chongyuan, influenced by the current situation, is also eager for further instructions from his superiors. 1July, 948, the "Chongqing" arrived in Hong Kong. During berthing, officers and men went ashore on holiday, and more than 20 sailors escaped and did not return. In August, the "Chongqing" returned to China, sailed directly to Nanjing, and anchored in Jiangxin Shimonoseki.

Many important Kuomintang officials, including Chiang Kai-shek himself, also visited the cruiser and held a meeting of senior Kuomintang generals in the Northeast Theater on board.

Rebel against the government of the Republic of China.

After Bi Zhongyuan arrived in Nanjing with the "Chongqing", he took time to contact the underground party, hoping to get new instructions. The contact told him to pay close attention to the ideological trend of the soldiers on board, unite some people, and organize actions when there is an opportunity. ?

After receiving the instruction, Bi Chongyuan returned to the warship and began to purchase a batch of so-called "progressive" books and periodicals at home and abroad as a librarian, such as the works of Lu Xun, Ba Jin, Zou Taofen and Guo Moruo on the left, How Steel was Tempered, Red Star over China and so on. And recommend it to sailors to read, instill communist ideas in them imperceptibly, and learn what are "progressives".

1948 10, with Gui Yongqing personally in charge, the cruiser "Chongqing" sailed to the sea near Huludao, Liaoning Province to support Jinzhou. Thousands of shells poured from the ship on the positions in Tashan and Gao Qiao. It is said that under the indiscriminate bombing, this army, which was later named "Tashan Hero", was left with only 18 troops.

Later, after the defeat of the national army in the northeast battlefield, the "Chongqing" undertook the task of assisting in the retreat. At this time, many sailors are unwilling to fight civil war, so they are tired of fighting. According to the party history data, the underground party sent four passers-by to rebel against the officers and men in the warship. Bi Zhongyuan was only one of them, but these four passers-by didn't know each other. They just secretly developed their own personnel and naturally had no connection.

A sailor named Qi Shida revealed in 1979' s memoir "Participating in the Armed Uprising of the Cruiser Chongqing" that he was "led to the revolutionary road by the communist ideal", and the books lent to him by Bi Chongyuan played a great role and finally stood with him in the uprising.

1On February 25th, 949, some officers and men of the cruiser "Chongqing" launched an uprising, and Deng Zhaoxiang, the captain of the cruiser, chose the uprising because he was excluded by the Kuomintang.

Under the command of Deng Zhaoxiang, who has rich sailing experience, the "Chongqing" with more than 500 people sailed to Yantai Port, Shandong Province, and then to Huludao without hindrance.

The uprising of the cruiser "Chongqing" caused a great shock within the Kuomintang. Spokesmen of the US Congress and the US military departments stationed in Japan also expressed "serious concern", and the British authorities in Hong Kong also detained the destroyer "Fu Ling" in Hong Kong at that time. He cursed Gui Yongqing's incompetent Chiang Kai-shek and immediately ordered the national army to send fighter planes to bomb the Chungking.

On March 20, a 2000-pound armor-piercing bullet hit the starboard stern of the warship, blasting a big hole with a diameter of three or four meters. Six sailors died and more than 20 were injured.

After dismantling the main equipment, the cruiser had to sink into Huludao Port by itself. In May, the first naval school, Anton (now Dandong) Naval School, was established on the basis of the officers and men of "Chongqing", with Deng Zhaoxiang as the principal.

Deng Zhaoxiang was awarded the rank of Major General in 1955 and died in 1998.

After 1955, Bi Zhongyuan served as the chief secretary of the political department of the navy, the deputy director of the cadre department of the political department of the navy, and the minister of mass work. 1984 Deputy Political Commissar and Director of Political Department of Ren Haijun Equipment Demonstration Research Center. He died on 20 13.

"Chongqing" was salvaged at 195 1, hoping to restore its combat effectiveness, and invited Soviet experts to evaluate its restoration. In the report, Soviet experts confirmed that the ship can be repaired, but the repair work will take about three years, foreign orders will cost about 50 million rubles, and domestic repair costs will cost about10.8 billion yuan (old coins).

At the end of 1955, Soviet experts came to China again to investigate and inspect the restoration of "Chongqing" and concluded that it was difficult to completely repair the original weapons and equipment of "Chongqing". The best solution is to use the existing hull to carry out all modifications, but the maintenance cost is expensive.

1957, the navy suggested scrapping it to the General Staff and the Military Commission on the grounds that it would take 36 people to maintain the hull, and it would cost/kloc-0.5 million yuan a year to maintain it, which would be a great waste in the long run.

1964, the hull of "Chongqing" became the living accommodation ship of Bohai Oil Company, which was dismantled and scrapped during the Cultural Revolution.


Baidu encyclopedia-cruiser Chongqing