Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - How long can rectal cancer live in the late stage? What are the problems that need attention?

How long can rectal cancer live in the late stage? What are the problems that need attention?

@ Dr. Liu Yongyinuo. WD 13 1

How long can liver cancer live every time I see this problem? How long can lung cancer live? Now, asking how long you can live in the late stage of rectal cancer means that your life is gone, and your heart is inevitably sad, but this is an unavoidable problem, so let's see what factors are related to the survival time in the late stage of rectal cancer.

What are the conditions of advanced rectal cancer? How long will it last? Advanced rectal cancer probably corresponds to patients with clinical stage ⅲ and ⅳ.

Stage ⅲ rectal cancer generally means that the tumor extends from the intestinal cavity to the foreign minister without breaking through the outermost serosa layer of the intestine. If surgical resection, postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy or radiotherapy and chemotherapy can be achieved, more than half of the people who have lived for 5 years can achieve this effect, but the effect without treatment may be far from being achieved. !

Stage ⅳ patients are the worst. Not only do tumors break through the intestine and grow around the tumors, but also some distant organs, the most common one is the liver, and about 20% people have liver metastasis.

Stage ⅳ patients also metastasized to the lungs. A few months ago, a patient with rectal cancer metastasized to duodenum and cecum. After different treatments, the survival time of such patients varies greatly, and many people can live for 5 years.

Different treatment methods have different results. In the advanced stage of rectal cancer, if there is the possibility of potential surgery, or the patient can have surgery, it is recommended to carry out preoperative radiotherapy and chemotherapy. If there is obstruction, bleeding, etc., surgery should be performed first, and postoperative radiotherapy and chemotherapy should be performed.

Some people in the late stage, when they can choose surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, give up and hope for Chinese medicine treatment. This is unacceptable, and the final result is regrettable and irreversible. There are many "magic doctors" in society now, which are misleading and harmful.

At present, science is also making rapid progress. At present, the use of anti-angiogenesis drug bevacizumab in colorectal cancer has greatly improved the survival time after colon cancer surgery.

Different malignant degrees of cancer will also affect the survival time. The factors that affect the malignant degree of rectal cancer are: tissue differentiation, the better differentiation, that is, the closer the morphology of tumor cells is to normal cells, the less malignant degree is; What if the microsatellite expression is unstable? High expression has a low degree of malignancy; The level of carcinoembryonic antigen CEA, a tumor marker, is also positively correlated with the degree of malignancy. Whether there is obstruction, bleeding, tumor infiltration and metastasis range are all factors of high or low malignancy.

Since life is inevitable, should we try our best to make the patients live better in the remaining days? What problems should we pay attention to?

Ways to relieve nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms of advanced rectal cancer. In addition to brighter diet and heavier taste, many people may need medication.

For mild nausea and vomiting, metoclopramide, motilium and other drugs are commonly used. If it is not enough, use 5-HT blockers, various "Jones" drugs, and give some sedatives, promethazine and diazepam if necessary.

Treatment of pain and abdominal distension. Pain, basically cancer pain, can be caused by occupying the primary focus and invading pelvic nerve, or by metastatic focus, such as swelling and pain of liver capsule caused by liver metastasis. Besides etiological treatment, standardized cancer pain treatment is also needed.

Abdominal distension is actually the content of pain and discomfort. If some abdominal distension is caused by ascites, decompress and drain the abdominal cavity. If it is caused by a tumor, you can refer to cancer pain treatment.

Support the principle of malnutrition. 80% of cancer patients will encounter malnutrition, and rectal cancer is no exception. Eat as much as you can. Chewing slowly can't stop your body from losing weight. You should supplement oral nutrients, such as milk, protein powder, walnut powder, soy milk powder and so on. These are all oral nutrients. More scientifically, they are prepared by specialized nutritionists or sold as finished products.

If malnutrition continues to worsen, it is necessary to choose enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition for treatment.

Psychological support is the most important issue. Psychological support is a problem that all cancers should pay attention to. Everyone around the patient is involved, giving the patient warmth and alleviating his loneliness and pain!

There are still some postoperative problems of rectal cancer, such as fecal stoma and collateral damage after radiotherapy. These should be treated on a case-by-case basis, and attention should be paid to them.

Professor Cai Sanjun from Fudan University Cancer Hospital said:

In fact, most patients with mid-term colorectal cancer can be surgically removed, and most of them are patients with stage IV colorectal cancer. For these patients, the main problem to consider is not how to cure them, but how to prolong their survival time and improve their quality of life as much as possible. In such treatment, the 5-year survival rate is basically not discussed, but the "median survival time" is discussed. The median survival time of these patients is about two to two and a half years.

In these two to two and a half years, how can we alleviate the patient's condition and let him get a better quality of life? Mainly through palliative chemotherapy, some patients use radiotherapy, and some patients use surgery to relieve their condition. We hope that the patient is alive in a good state, not in pain with a tube inserted. All these need to be weighed by doctors according to social resources, patients' physical condition, economic situation and communication with patients and their families. Living without quality and pain, no matter how long, is also pain, not only the pain of patients, but also the pain of family, society and medical system. Only conscious, less painful existence is worth prolonging.

It's no use being a fairy in the late stage of rectal cancer. No matter how high the medical level is, it can only last for two or three years. When the time comes, people and money will be empty, and the patient will still be miserable. Life is worse than death. That is the reality.

Rectal cancer is a malignant tumor, which is difficult to be completely cured. How long it can survive depends on whether the tumor is found or not. If it is an early tumor, the five-year survival rate is above 90%, if it is an active treatment of rectal cancer in the middle stage, the five-year survival rate is between 50% and 70%, and if it is a multiple metastasis, it belongs to a late tumor, and the five-year survival rate is about 10%.

I can live well for more than 40 years, and so can my father-in-law. I'll be 70 when I'm 39.

How long can rectal cancer live in the late stage? This kind of question, whether it is the patient, the patient's family or the attending doctor, cannot give an accurate answer. There are many decisive factors in the prognosis, effect and life span of cancer. It is not scientific to judge how long a patient can live. It is estimated that the fortune teller can give the answer!

1. How is colorectal cancer caused?

There are many risk factors leading to colorectal cancer.

Having a family history of colorectal cancer has a higher probability of developing colorectal cancer; Patients with a family history of polyposis also have an increased risk of colorectal cancer.

Similarly, patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease have an increased risk of cancer. This risk is related to the patient's age and course of disease.

People who like to eat high fat and low fiber are at high risk of this disease. Long-term exposure to polluted air and water, especially industrial carcinogens, may also be a reason.

Of course, there are also some environmental factors that need to be vigilant.

Second, what are the symptoms and manifestations of colorectal cancer?

Colorectal cancer grows slowly and has no symptoms for a long time. Symptoms depend on the type, location and degree of invasion and spread of cancer.

Fatigue and weakness caused by occult blood in stool may be the only symptom of patients. Patients can see a doctor because of spasmodic abdominal pain or severe abdominal pain and constipation. This is also because when cancer is found, the tumor is large enough for doctors to pass through the abdominal wall.

Most patients with colorectal cancer usually bleed slowly. The patient's feces can be strip-shaped or blood mixed in the feces, but usually no blood can be seen, which needs to be detected by fecal occult blood test.

The most common first symptom of rectal cancer is hematochezia.

Therefore, any time rectal bleeding, even if you know that the patient has hemorrhoids, you should pay attention to it.

Third, how long can colorectal cancer live?

The doctor can't answer this question. Doctors are not fortune tellers, nor immortals, nor can they predict the life span of others.

But objectively speaking, whether it is colorectal cancer or other malignant tumors, once it happens, it will directly threaten the life of patients. Even with active treatment, the current medical means can't save the lives of all cancer patients.

The prognosis life of patients with colorectal cancer after treatment depends on many factors, such as the stage and type of tumor, the patient's physical fitness, the patient's mentality and the degree of cooperation with treatment, the treatment methods adopted, rehabilitation work and so on. All these factors will play a role to some extent.

Say a few words to my best friend:

Girlfriends, this article represents treatment advice, only as a health science.

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How long a patient with advanced rectal cancer can live depends on the development of the disease, personal physique, retention of intestinal function and mental state of the patient.

In general, patients with rectal cancer have developed to the advanced stage, and basically have lost the possibility of cure. They can only continue their lives through radiotherapy, chemotherapy and interventional therapy. But in patients with advanced rectal cancer, there is a very important time node, that is, whether the cancer cells have spread. Once the cancer cells spread to other internal organs, the survival time of patients will be greatly shortened, and they may lose their lives within a few weeks. If patients with advanced rectal cancer have not infiltrated other organs, the survival time may actually be several years. The mental state of patients during treatment also has a very important influence on their life span. The better their mental state, the longer their life span.

How long can patients with advanced rectal cancer live? First of all, each patient's immune function is different and his tolerance to treatment methods is different. Moreover, the treatment of rectal cancer is a systematic process involving many factors. Generally speaking, how long rectal cancer can live depends on the patient's own physique, treatment methods and effects.

This problem is too serious, because it is induced by many factors, first of all, treatment, with what method? Who treats who? Medication and so on. Family, economy, mentality, relatives and friends, diet, environment and other factors.

The topic of how long you can live is too heavy. I don't think anyone is qualified to judge, because there are too many living factors, so I think all people who judge the date of death are lip service. Generally speaking, life is your own, and how you want to live it is your own business. Having firm confidence and believing in yourself is the reason to live.