Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Jizo


In this group, we can put the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha in the middle and the other two on both sides. Because after the Buddha Sakyamuni's nirvana and before Maitreya's birth, the Bodhisattva Dizang was instructed by the Buddha Sakyamuni to act as the acting Buddha. (For details, please refer to the Tibetan Scriptures. )

You can also put Guanyin Bodhisattva in the middle and the other two on both sides. Guanyin Bodhisattva and Tibetan Bodhisattva are both ancient buddhas, which have a great relationship with us. Both positions are acceptable.

Buddha and bodhisattva generally recommend the upper position, that is, the position that you can see at a glance when you open the door.

Of course, the actual situation can be flexibly mastered according to your actual decoration, and the harmony between Buddhism and law is possible.

Where is the top? Sit in this seat, at every door, when people come in, you will see it first. This position is the big position, which is the upper position. Because the building of the house faces different directions, no matter which direction, it is necessary to worship the Buddha in the upper position, not to engage in the southeast and northwest. That's right.

The young man who is good at money and knowledge in Hua Yan Jing visited the south. This "south" is definitely not the south of the southeast and northwest. What if only the south has good knowledge, while the north, the east and the west have no good knowledge? Why did all the good knowledge go to the south? "South" is a representation, representing light. Among the five elements, south is fire, fire represents light, and light represents wisdom. Good knowledge is a wise man. Where he lives, that place is called "South". Good learning is a man with good fortune, and the place where he lives is also called "Fucheng". Therefore, Fucheng and the south do not refer to one direction or one region. We should understand the meaning of Buddhism.

We should understand that as long as we sincerely and respectfully support and respect Buddha and Bodhisattva, we can eliminate disasters and take refuge.

In fact, it's all form, and form must be linked to essence, otherwise it's useless to just do it.

Buddha and bodhisattva statues, offerings, etc. They are all expressive and instructive.

Brief introduction of various forms of supply tools;

Burning incense is not for Buddha and Bodhisattva to eat, nor for Buddha and Bodhisattva to smell. Used to remind yourself that if you never forget the teachings of Buddha and Bodhisattva, you will never do anything wrong or regret it.

People have troubles inside, temptations outside, wealth confuses wisdom, and color confuses wisdom. Offering incense is to remind themselves to have the wisdom and heart of Buddha and Bodhisattva when judging others.

Hua Yan Jing of Dafang Guangfo (Volume 927) 2003/ 1/8 Australian Jing Zong College File Name: 12- 17-0927.

Burning lanterns is to support the public with wisdom and light, and help them break myths and become enlightened. Burning incense is to help the public turn evil into good. Look at the meaning of this sentence "Incense" means teaching by example. Everyone who studies Buddhism knows that there are precepts in the incense praise that are really fragrant, and the five-point dharma body is fragrant. So we burn incense and play lanterns in front of Buddha and Bodhisattva every day. You should understand what it means, not what Buddha and Bodhisattva want. "Incense lamp" is to remind ourselves. When we see cigarettes and smell incense, we should think of quitting; When you see the lamp offered to Buddha and Bodhisattva, you should think of wisdom. Jieding will be a triple gem, "with many precious colors."

Hua Yan Jing of Dafang Guangfo (Volume 734) 2002/6/1The file name of Australasian Chunzong Society is 12- 17-0734.

It is common to offer flowers and fruits in front of the Buddha. It is often seen that people come to temples with fragrant flowers and fruits to offer sacrifices to buddhas and bodhisattvas. What do you mean? Flowers represent cause, and fruit is fruit. Flowers are good, career is good, and fruit is good. If fruit is good, it will be good. Flowers and fruits represent cause and effect, so you can see that you often think that planting well leads to good results. If you can think of this, the light will shine and your heart will shine! It's not for flowers to be seen and appreciated by buddhas and bodhisattvas. All buddhas and bodhisattvas are clay sculptures. How can they appreciate it? Buddha and bodhisattva will not eat fruit, so we must understand this truth. This is teaching. Don't misunderstand the meaning! Someone asked, which flowers can't be dedicated to Buddha and Bodhisattva? What fruits can't be offered to buddhas and bodhisattvas? Then this is superstition. In Buddhism, no matter what kind of flowers can be sacrificed, no matter what kind of fruit can also be sacrificed to the Buddha. Why? Table method! You will know the reason when you see the flowers. What is the reason? Six degrees in all directions. Flowers represent six degrees of radiance. In Hua Yan Jing, flowers represent ten paramita and fruits represent Bodhi nirvana. In Jingzong, the fruit represents the pure land of death, and the pure land of death proves the fruit, and the fruit is a flower and fruit.

Our most common water supply, water is the most important of all offerings, provide a glass of water. It is best to hold water in a transparent glass. Why? Let's see, this is the best, it shows the law! What does water stand for? Water represents our hearts. This glass of water is clean and pollution-free, showing a clean heart. There are no waves in the water, it is flat, representing equality. So this glass of water is for us to see. We often think that my own heart should be pure and equal, that's what it means. Water can always be supplied, as can flowers, fruits and lanterns. Teaching you to watch during the day and at night, no matter when, will cause Tathagata to teach us. It always reminds me that I am in that place, which means this. Just because food can't be preserved for a long time, because there is less expression for food and more expression for gratitude. When we eat three meals a day, we don't forget: I want to support the Buddha and all sentient beings in the dharma world. Buddhism calls eating out. Eating out is for all ghosts and gods, and we don't forget to eat. But you should know that all buddhas and bodhisattvas eat once a day, so sooner or later they decide not to provide food, but to eat once a day. Provide at noon, and withdraw after the supply is completed; Just like you invite people to dinner, of course, you should take the rest of the dishes away after dinner, and you can't always put them in front of the guests. Run out at any time and withdraw at any time. So offer food to Buddha, and withdraw immediately after feeding. It must be understood that after abstinence, it is for the public, first for the Buddha, then for the public. Fragrant flower fruit display, display methods can often be placed there.

Now we have seen some Dojo. Their incense and candles are made of electric lights and look like candles. There is a red light bulb on it. I've seen a lot. The same is true of incense, not really fragrant, but the front end of incense is a small light bulb, a very small light bulb, and what you see is a red light spot. This is tangible and odorless, but it's ok. I'll show you how to learn. Flowers and fruits are also for fake flowers and fruits. In this business, why? This is a symbol, so you can often see it and think of it, but you won't forget it. That's what it means. It can be said that there is nothing in the venue and Buddhist temple that is not expressive. If you can see it, you can certainly understand it. If you go in without saying a word, the Buddha and Bodhisattva can explain the scriptures to you. That's really a "profound and subtle method"! Everything is in solemn silence, you understand it carefully.

What does the incense burner show? Incense burner is burning incense, incense represents faith, and faith is fragrant; Incense represents abstinence and wisdom, and abstinence is the real fragrance; Incense is also a five-point fragrance, as I said before. So when you see the cigarette lingering around you and smell the fragrance, you remind me: I want to take three lessons of abstinence from wisdom and five dharmas, that is, "the light shines." There is no burning incense. You see, there is no incense in the incense burner. I think of burning incense when I see a censer. When I saw candles, I used to worship lanterns, oil lamps and candles in front of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. That expression is obvious, that is, burning yourself and illuminating others. In modern times, you say that you sacrifice yourself and dedication for others. It is convenient and clean to switch to electric light now, but the notation is not easy to detect. Therefore, you must know that support is teaching and must receive teaching results.

Brief introduction to the expressions of Buddha and Bodhisattva;

The Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha expresses filial piety (see Ksitigarbha Sutra for details), and the name of Ksitigarbha refers to the treasure in the heart, which everyone has. If you really want to plant blessings, you must plant them from the heart, that is, from filial piety, so that you can have real gains. Confucius' Book of Filial Piety says: Filial piety is the foundation of virtue. With the origin, there are various interests behind it. The Buddha also said that caring for parents is the cause of the three Buddhas. ("The View of Infinite Life", net merit and three blessings, the first blessing, the first sentence, filial piety to adoptive parents. )

Some temples are also dedicated to the honorable Galand (Guan Gong), which means "loyalty". Loyalty is the implementation of filial piety, not foolish loyalty, but loyalty. You can tell by reading the words that the letter of the Middle Way is correct, representing loyalty and your heart is correct, your heart is unbiased and your heart is not inclined. This is called loyalty; In other words, this is what Buddhism says.

Guanyin Bodhisattva expresses great kindness and compassion, and those who are kind "give pleasure" and those who are sad "pull out suffering". There is no difference between the big and the small, regardless of gender, age, nationality and religion, and they will all help save the country equally. There are also the eyes of Guanyin with a thousand hands, which means that the eyes are in front of us. Help as soon as you see it, that's what I mean.

In fact, Buddhists and Bodhisattvas all have the same intentions, such as hiding filial piety and Guanyin being unfilial? Actually, it's just as filial. Aren't Maitreya, Guanyin and Pu Xian Manjusri kind? Are very kind.

We understand that, in fact, Buddha, Buddha and Tao are the same, and Buddha and Bodhisattva are the same in truth, but they actually show us different sides. Seeing the image of Buddha and Bodhisattva can remind us not to forget the teachings of Buddha and Bodhisattva, let go of delusion, persistence and separation, and get inner purity and coolness. That's good.