Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Fortune telling _ Li

Fortune telling _ Li

My name is excellent composition.

In normal study, work and life, many people have written compositions. Composition is a narrative method that expresses a theme through words after people's ideological consideration and language organization. Then the question comes, how to write an excellent composition? The following are excellent compositions with my name in my collection for your reference, hoping to help friends in need.

My name is 1. My name is Chen Junlin. My father's surname is Chen, so my surname is Chen; My mother said that the word "Lin Jun" was taken by a fortune teller.

My family calls me by my first name, but I have another name at school: Chen Jie. This is because in an English exam, I forgot to write the word "Lin" in my name and wrote it. There is no word "Lin", and my name is very similar to that in an English book, so people call me.

Once, I had a fight with a classmate, and a classmate went to sue the teacher. Because he was used to calling my new name, he said, "Teacher, Chen Jie had a fight with a classmate!" " The teacher asked him, "Is there a classmate named Chen Jie in our class?" Are you mistaken? It wasn't Chen Junlin fighting, was it? ""yes, yes, yes, I was careless and said my name wrong. "This is afterwards, the classmate told me. I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt.

I feel very kind and not angry when my classmates call me that. Because of this, my classmates have more and more contacts with me, and my good friends are more and more. Thanks to this new name, I am becoming more and more famous in my class, and I am no longer lonely.

My name is Qian, and my father's surname is Qian, so my surname is Qian.

Actually, at first, my father didn't call me money, but wanted to call me money. Speaking of the word "Xu", my father still struggled for a long time. Why did dad give me money? Because I was born in the morning of the rising sun! Then why is dad obsessed with the word "Xu"? Because the word "Xu" in Suzhou dialect is not very pleasant to listen to, my father gave me the word "East" in The Rising Sun, just like a red sun in the East, full of vitality.

"Good" is because my parents want me to be a useful person and feel proud of me.

Although the name is common, it is loud and catchy.

To tell the truth, I'm not very satisfied with my name, especially my last name. Mother said, "Silly boy, you can choose any name you want, but your surname must be the same as your father's or mother's, because it has been passed down from generation to generation."

What do you think of my name?

My name is excellent composition 3. I am a delicate girl with an oval face, clear eyes like mountain springs under slightly thick eyebrows, and a small pink mouth. What I am most proud of is my long black hair. I like to let it fall like a waterfall.

My family name is Qin Han, and this name was given to me by my parents. Qin is a "gift" from my father, Yi is a beautiful girl, and Han is a cultured person. It turned out that my parents wanted me to be a beautiful and educated girl. Let's talk about my nickname My nickname is Han Han. My nickname shows how high my parents expect of me.

Finally, my English name-Helen, translated into Helen, was given to me by my foreign language teacher at school. The teacher said that Helen means a gentle, kind and beautiful girl.

Ah, the little name contains rich meanings, and many people who care about me have a good expectation. Whenever I write my name correctly with a pen, I feel warm love, which embraces me like a tide!

My name is excellent composition 4. My name is Yujin. My parents gave me a name. Today is today. Dad wants me to do it today and finish it today.

I am in the first grade of primary school, and others call me "Yu Jin". Just like "Goldfish", I am very unhappy about it, so today I want to give myself a new name "Yu Feifei".

I like a cartoon character named Garfield. He is cute and smart. So I want to name myself Feifei.

My wish is to have a pair of beautiful wings and fly freely in the sky like a butterfly.

Please call me "Yu Feifei"!

Wonderful comments: This article has clear thinking and clear organization. It is not difficult to see from the writing that the little author is full of yearning for cuteness, sunshine and positive energy, just like your name, living today, living in the present and being positive and optimistic! The teacher hopes that you can exercise your self-thinking ability and improve your writing speed in the future, which will be more perfect!

My name is excellent composition 5. Hello everyone, my name is Gu Weiya. Gu is my father's surname, representing a big bird flying high. "Weiya" means that my parents want me to be gentle and elegant forever. I also have a nickname "Lele". It is said that my father wanted to call me "Weiwei" before, but my mother disagreed, saying that she wanted to call me "Lele" because she wanted me to be happy forever. Later, father agreed. The simple word "Lele" is full of my parents' love and care for me.

I like my name very much, but I have my troubles. When many people first hear me introduce my name, they often think that I am "Gu"! After I corrected it again and again, they could say my correct name. Also, because my sister's name is Gu, she used to study in my present primary school. Because of her good grades, even though she is now in college, many teachers remember her, and many teachers will call me "Gu Jia Wei" or "Gu Weiwei" and so on. I'm just angry and funny. Really is in distress situation!

I have many names! For example, my English name is "Mary" and my parents sometimes call me Bao Bao ... Do you think my name is good?

My name is excellent composition 6. I am a sunny boy, and I have a resounding name-horse.

Because my father is a horse, naturally the first word of my name is "horse". The second word "Ze" takes its luster and moist meaning. The word "Hua" is a metaphor for iron. So what Kaiser means is: glowing iron.

I once had a brother who died of illness when he was very young. After a few years, my parents had me again, so my parents' greatest wish was to look forward to my healthy growth and safety. I hope I have tenacious vitality, just like a shiny good iron. No matter where I put it, I will not rust, and the light will remain, so that people around me can feel the light and heat I send out.

Mom and dad put a lot of thought into giving me this name! Among many names they named, they finally agreed to choose Kaiser as my name. From this name, I deeply realized the deep love of my parents.

My parents gave me precious life and such a meaningful name. Growing up, my parents took care of me in every possible way.

This name is the first and most precious gift my parents gave me in my life. This is not only an ordinary name, but also gives me the light of life. I like this name very much. I hope my efforts can be worthy of the name.

My name is excellent composition 7. In this composition class, we gave ourselves a new name.

At first, the teacher gave each of us a piece of paper and only gave us two minutes to give ourselves a new name. It is not easy to give yourself a new name. I saw a classmate write down his name quickly, looking at the name on the paper and still smiling! But some students have racked their brains for the new name, and I am one of them. I think some people are going crazy. As soon as two minutes arrived, the teacher began to collect notes. I didn't come up with a new name until the teacher received the note. Do you want to know my new name? I'm telling you, my new name is "Snow Mountain Flying Fox", which I don't tell most people.

The teacher collected all our notes and began to let us guess. Some names have beautiful metaphors, some are yearning for the future, and some are very creative names. We have various names, some are called "Tian Tian", some are called "Why is my surname Chen", and some are called "Being an official for two minutes" ... You see these names are strange enough!

These strange new names can make us very happy, make us laugh our heads off and stamp our feet.

I like my new name! "Ha ha"

My name excellent composition 8 I have many names, please listen to me to introduce them one by one.

My scientific name is Deng Hu Songya. Because my father's surname is Deng, my mother's surname is Hu, and my sister's name is Wang Hu Yaling. They want me to be named Deng Hu Yamou with my sister. I heard my parents say that there was a Song of Ya in the Book of Songs in ancient China, so they named me Deng Huya Song. I like this name very much, because it sounds very literary. Wherever I go, people will feel very fresh when they hear my name.

My second name is Mimi. My sister took this name when I was born. She always calls me "Mizi". My grandparents also call me Mimi, and I feel a kind of "intimacy".

My third name is "black skin". My aunt called me black. Actually, I am very unhappy. I am black, but you can't call me black! But I think black is the embodiment of health, and American basketball star Jordan is the pride of black people. Black is also very cute!

My fourth name is "Nutrition Pig". Do you think it is cute? This is my blog name. Because I am a pig, and I am very nutritious every day, so I am called "nutritional pig". I hope you will visit my blog often.

I have many other names besides these names. For example, my father calls me "Carol", my mother calls me "Ya Ya" and my English teacher calls me "Deng Hu" ... These names make me feel the care of my relatives and friends.

My name is Excellent Composition 9. I have a friend with a small cherry mouth, long black hair and a high nose. She's beautiful! She is not only good-looking, but also kind and friendly. Let me tell her legendary story!

One day, I went shopping with her and saw two stray cats on the way back. I quickly said to her, "Hurry up." She said, "I think they are starving. Let's feed them!" "Because I also see their poor, so we gave all the food to the kitten. At this moment, I think he is an angel, sent by heaven to help small animals. From that day on, I began to worship her and like her very much.

I still remember one day, I was so hungry when I went out to play that I didn't eat. I happened to meet her. When she saw me like this, she understood. He ate the meat steamed stuffed bun in his hand. That meat steamed stuffed bun is the best meat steamed stuffed bun I have ever eaten in my life! I like her more and more and I like her more and more. And every time someone needs help, she will help! She is also very filial to her parents and other old people. And the results are also very good! It is also very popular with teachers. In short, she is very good and irreplaceable!

I like her very much. She is not only beautiful, but also smart and kind. I really like her!

My name is You Composition 10. I have a friend named Maker. She is very caring and kind. In my mind, she is a beautiful little angel.

It snowed the most just last winter. We came to the back lawn of the school building and made a snowman. The green lawn turned white, just like people spilled cotton on the ground. The gray branches are covered with a quilt. We play on the soft grass and under the white branches.

My maker friend and I were making a snowman, and gradually the snowman was finished, so we had a snowball fight and went back to the classroom unconsciously.

The last calligraphy class in the next class! The teacher said to warm your hands before writing, otherwise the handwriting would be bad. Later, the more I rubbed my hands, the warmer I got, and I began to write. After writing, we will finish school.

After dinner, my good friend Chuangke and I played on the flag stage. Inadvertently, she slipped and brushed. Who knows, I slipped and brushed, and we both laughed on the ground. Then we returned to the quilt ovary together.

I like being with my maker friends.

My name is excellent composition 1 1 One day, I suddenly asked my mother, "Mom, who named me?" Mom replied, "Your father gave you a name, and there is a little story about giving you a name!" " "There is a story, I pestered my mother and said," Tell me, tell me! "

"The first person to name you is grandpa, and he always calls you Peng Damei. I don't think so. Unlike the old society, girls don't have to take names now. What are their names? Big sister, second sister, third sister ... I named you Peng Yang Yue Qing, with both father's surname and mother's surname. " Mom told me with a smile.

"Then why don't I call Peng Yang Yueqing?" I asked my mother.

Mom replied, "Although the name is meaningful and foreign, your father is very opposed to it. It is too long and sounds like a Japanese name. This is not good, it has no Chinese flavor. So your father carefully named you Peng Qing. "

"What's the point of my father naming me Peng Qing?" I keep asking.

"Your father said, I hope that when you grow up, you can do everything clearly and cleanly, and become an upright and great person." Mom scraped my little nose and asked, "Do you understand now?"

Oh, I see. I will certainly live up to my father's expectations.

My name is You Composition 12 Friends like Jin, sometimes you will lose them if you are not careful. Friends are like peach blossoms on peach trees. Some flowers accidentally fall on the ground, while others will not fall despite the wind and rain. I have such a friend.

This morning, my friend Chuangke and I saw a child writing. If he doesn't sit well, the pen will retract. I envy you when I see it. The friend said, "What's the big deal? I will do it. Let's go together. " Just then, my father asked me to go home for dinner, and I left. When I went to see him after dinner, he had already made a multifunctional magic pen. I am so envious. I said to him, "Can I try?" "Of course." I picked up the pen and saw six buttons on it: switch, pencil, pen, fountain pen, brush and electric fan. I turned on the switch of the electric fan because I was too hot to play. Wow! It's amazing! I saw the electric fan turning, which was really cool. My friend gave it to me when he saw that I liked it so much. I happily took it home to show my mother. My mother said, "This is amazing! How much did you buy it! " I quickly said to my mother, "This was invented by my friends." Mom said, "Maker is so smart!"

This is my friend Maker. He is generous and clever. I like my friends.

My name excellent composition 13 Today, the teacher asked us the meaning of each person's name. Everyone is whispering and discussing excitedly.

Wu Xinyu said, "Faith means prosperity." Peng stood up and said, "Tu means the future. The moral of my name is that my parents want my future to be bright." ……

Then the teacher asked, "Do you like your names?" Some people say "like" is heaven, while others say "don't like" with a sad face. They all have their own reasons: the people they like think the names are simple and pleasant to listen to, and there are some good wishes from their parents. People they don't like think their names are too many strokes or always mispronounced.

"Excuse me, students who don't like their names have ever thought about giving themselves a new name?" Then the teacher asked questions and the classroom became quiet. Some students scratch their heads and look around, some meditate and frown, and some write and draw on books with pens.

Although I like my name very much, because it is the love and hope of my parents, it does not prevent me from giving myself a new name. I want to give myself a new name "Lin Congya", because I always want to be very smart and elegant, and become a knowledgeable and gentle person.

My name is my decision, my future is my decision!

My name is You Composition 14. My name is "Chen Qiaochu", which is a good name my parents gave me by rummaging through the dictionary!

"Outstanding" refers to "tree beauty", which originated from the Book of Songs three thousand years ago. Later generations compared the best among the people to outstanding talents. My father and mother gave me this name because they wanted me to be a useful person to society.

I like this name very much, not only because it reflects my parents' hope for me, but also because I am proud whenever I introduce my name to others. I know only I have such a good name.

Speaking of which, I thought of the name and helped me a lot! Once the computer teacher asked us to type our own names, and many students spelled out the pinyin of the names, but there were no complete words in the word selection box. What can we do? There's nothing they can do. Only I am lucky-my name is a fixed word, and the teacher praised me on the spot for being the first to complete the task.

After that, I prefer my name.

My name is excellent composition 15. I am a girl who loves music. I know music like the back of my hand. Although his grades are average and his looks are not so good, he sings very well and is still in the school choir!

I believe everyone knows last year's "Super Girl". I am a real corn. Maybe you will say, "Chris Lee is handsome and her singing skills are crooked, but what I appreciate is her handsomeness, and her singing skills can be taken slowly!

Just say that when "Super Girl" won the championship, I watched it from the beginning. My middle mother invited me to eat hot pot, and I would never go (hot pot is usually my favorite! After watching TV, I begged my mother to take me to dinner, but she wouldn't do anything. But it's worth not eating when you see Chunchun winning the championship, haha! ! ! The next day, I bought back all the newspapers about last night. I keep the entertainment edition. I have all the newspapers about "Super Girl". When selling waste newspapers, only my stack of super girl newspapers didn't sell. You have to watch unlimited entertainment every day to know the latest situation of "Super Girl". Do you call me a music freak?

Now I'll buy the album in Chunchun, hee hee!