Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Open the Black Box of Subconsciousness —— Sharing Subconsciousness from Hypnosis Cases

Open the Black Box of Subconsciousness —— Sharing Subconsciousness from Hypnosis Cases

Author | Xiao

(All cases are authorized to be cited with the consent of the parties. In order to protect privacy, use an alias. If there are similarities, it is purely coincidental. )

Hello, everyone. Last time we discussed the trauma in the subconscious through the nightmare in Song Han's book Reproductive Dialogue, so many people raised questions about the subconscious. So this time, we will share what the subconscious is and discuss the significance of the subconscious to us through some hypnosis cases.

What is the subconscious?

Subconscious science?

What is the use of understanding the subconscious mind for us?

This is a picture of an iceberg. Psychologist Freud used icebergs to compare our consciousness. Above the water is the conscious layer, and below the water is the subconscious layer. The conscious layer is the thoughts and feelings that we have noticed, such as "I know this is a table" and "I know I am listening to a thousand chats now". Subconscious is what we don't realize. We are not aware of them, but our understanding of ourselves is not deep enough, and our consciousness is only superficial. It is not only the thoughts and feelings of the conscious layer, but also the subconscious layer that often affects our various behaviors and choices. So, what will happen if the thoughts at the conscious level are inconsistent and contradictory with those at the subconscious level?

I don't know if you have this experience, but I obviously think this road should be chosen and this should be done, but I will still choose that road; Or I know it is more reliable to choose this man with a car and a house, but I just love the prodigal son who travels everywhere, that is, when we feel that there are deeper thoughts below, we need to dig into the subconscious level, which is also the way to understand ourselves.

So, what is hypnosis? Hypnosis is led by a hypnotist into the subconscious to explore and understand the deeper reasons.

I want to use a consulting story to illustrate:

Let's call him Xiao Jing, the protagonist. Xiaojing was a top student in junior high school and entered a key high school in senior high school. His grades are not as good as before. "Everything seems to have started from high school!" She said. All this seems to be the beginning of a nightmare. Her high school grades are not as good as before, and she belongs to the rote type. Her understanding of mathematics and physics is poor, and her grades have been unsatisfactory. The university was not admitted to a famous university. After graduation, the work unit attaches great importance to academic qualifications. Is a famous university a benchmark for promotion? This kind of environment makes her feel that everything has been going downhill since high school, and then it seems that she has been living in this "bad exam" and affecting the future.

When she entered the hypnotic state, under the guidance, she first came to a door, which was gloomy and heavy; As soon as the door opened, she could see the world over there like a fairy tale world, with blue sky and white clouds and bright sunshine, but she couldn't take a step, so I guided her to feel why she couldn't take a step, what her feet wanted to tell her and what information she wanted to send her. After that, she finally took a step and entered the world behind the door. The world behind the door is like the subconscious world, showing the scene of the fairy tale world like a child's crayon drawing, but when she enters this fairy tale scene, she can only face the door with her back to the scene. She thinks she needs to keep an eye on that door, because there is something bad in that door, and she is afraid that if she doesn't keep an eye on that door, that bad thing will affect her.

So, I guided her subconscious to tell her what to do. She wants to close the door. After closing the door, she decorated it with a brush to make it look like the surrounding scenery. She even moved a tree to block the door. However, she felt too deliberate and unnecessary. She thought that something that once existed might have existed, but in fact, it is enough to close it now, so she moved the tree again. Then, under the guidance of the subconscious, she got on a bike and walked straight along the road. In the process of going forward, she saw a strange-shaped door on her right hand side. She knew that there would be something more terrible behind that door, so she decided to keep going and not open the door. She continued riding. Suddenly, it was dark. She stopped. The black rain stopped and she continued to drive. Suddenly, she ran into a pig wearing an astronaut hat. The pig sticks to the wheel like a piece of paper.

She said that all the scenes were like an animated cartoon, so even if she hit the pig, it was like a piece of paper, and there was no guilt at all. Then she put the pig on her back and wanted to take it to the hospital. When she finally came to the hospital with a pig on her back, the hospital was empty. She looked at the pig and put it down. She found that the pig could not be described as dead, but there was no sound. So she put the pig here, left the hospital and walked on. Walking, she found a grassland by the roadside. Walking into this field and grassland, I feel very comfortable. There is a big house in this field and grass. She walked into the house, and there were four beds in it. She chose the second bed to lie down, and her heart was full of peace.

After waking up from hypnosis, this sense of calm filled her, and I could feel her calmness and softness from her facial expression.

Next, we discuss what the subconscious wants to tell her.

She mentioned that her mother loves her very much, but her mother has always been that kind of education. Mother always tells her not to be complacent. Even if she got 98 points, her mother would say, "Look, there are still 2 points left. You don't have a perfect score. You can't be complacent." Under such education, she always feels that she is actually as stupid as a pig. Her mother always tells her that you are a stupid bird. You have to fly first, and you have to work harder than others. So she felt stupid like a pig and had to work very hard. Even if taking these certificates will bring her great pressure, she will study hard. The subconscious is telling her that in fact, we have strategies to use for the negative experiences that have affected us in the past, such as closing the door or leaving, so the subconscious takes her away on a bicycle, far away. Then, sometimes when there are difficulties, such as black rain, her strategy is to stop and wait for the black rain to pass. When I hit the pig, the pig was silent, indicating that the subconscious mind was telling her that the label we labeled ourselves as stupid as a pig could be torn off and put down. And when we let go, we will naturally find inner peace.

After a long time, he told me that after this hypnosis, his psychology seemed to have reached a higher level and he had really changed from his heart. In the process of growing up, my mother said that "stupid birds work harder than others" is actually hypnosis. He didn't realize it consciously, but his subconscious always influenced him. It is illogical for us to say that the subconscious mind is smart and stupid. He can't see that this spell is out of date, out of date, but the subconscious also has its own "wisdom" and will help us do something through some images. So I often say, understand the way the subconscious speaks. Dreams are the way the subconscious speaks. Dreams often have no logic, but they tell us some deep information through many images.

Now, I invite you to close your eyes and take a deep breath, inhale, exhale, inhale and exhale. Please say to yourself: Please tell me, when I was hypnotized by my parents and teachers when I was growing up, what did I believe? So, what will happen?

The subconscious mind is often expressed through images.

For example, a friend of mine is a little antisocial. Anyone who comes near him will be hurt, big or small, not externally, but used or vilified by him. Once everyone is practicing meditation and hypnosis and guiding everyone to think of themselves as an animal, he chooses crabs, hard shells and big claws. It turned out that his growth process was broken and hard, and he struggled to grow all the way. No one could awaken his love, but he could only arm himself. The subconscious uses this crab as a metaphor for his way of self-protection, and as we all know, there is a soft place on him that longs to be loved, but his shell is too thick and his claws are too big for everyone to get close to him.

Importantly, through these image metaphors, the subconscious mind also reminds us that the opportunity for healing and transformation is also here.

We once had an article entitled "Life is like a stagnant pool! Subconsciously disgusting mice turned out to be leaders coming out of stagnant water? 》

We call him H, the hero of the story. H feels that life is "meaningless", like a stagnant pool. He always wants to feel his existence through some external "stimuli", such as cross-country motorcycles, paragliders, roller coasters, rock climbing, etc., and feels that life is full of vitality. But this kind of "excitement" is not only manifested in playing some extreme events, but also seems to like to achieve the "excitement" effect through "quarreling" in intimate relationships. Maybe some trivial things are easy to cause an uproar. He is aware of this, but he doesn't know how to change it.

In the hypnotherapy with H, we found that no matter which scene, there would be a disgusting "big mouse", which turned out to be the contrast of "other people's children".

When I was a child, my father always liked to compare himself with others. If he doesn't do well in the exam, he will say, "Why did he do so badly in the exam, not better than' so-and-so'?" . When I grow up, my father still likes to compare himself with other children. More than two months ago, my father said to H, "Look, others can earn 30,000 yuan a month. What is your job? Why doesn't that' so-and-so' earn more? " . When dad sees someone else's house is luxurious, he will say, "Look at that' so-and-so' house, which is so big, hundreds of square meters like heaven." No matter before or now, I always feel sad to hear my father say this about himself. It seems that there is no way to get the father's approval anyway, and there will always be an invincible enemy "other people's children."

Actually, dad loves H. When I was a child, I would pick her up after class, and then I would hold a heavy schoolbag on my shoulder in one hand. Only China's parents tend to "keep up with the joneses" and always have high expectations for their children. H has been living in the expectation of parents, living in the expectation of comparison with others, and living in the shell of a "perfect child". To prove that the perfect child can always meet the expectations of adults and others.

All the scenes that H big mouse appears are scenes in which his parents accuse him and beat and scold him. This fluffy big mouse, unwilling to touch, feels disgusting, which is exactly the "shadow" that he doesn't want to face directly, representing that his parents are suppressed by power, have no empathy and can't understand her.

H knows, not blames parents, because parents have actually tried their best. He knows that the real question is, how do you face this shadow? How to live the value of self, not just live in the expectation of others?

The subconscious mind is reminding H to learn to accompany himself, be true to himself, and no longer need to "be someone else's child". Why does H always seek excitement? Actually, it's because she's out of touch with her real self. Only through these high-frequency stimuli can her heart feel it; And he has the ability to accompany others, but forgot to accompany himself. Therefore, in consultation, we explore and find out the reasons why he seeks excitement, help him gradually break through the shell of various expectations, turn his perspective back to himself, connect himself, accompany himself, finally find himself, and gradually have the power of life in his heart!

MiltonErickson, a master of natural hypnosis, emphasized that everyone has the resources he needs inside. It's really interesting to explore the subconscious mind, which also contains rich inner treasures, because after understanding this, I really fell in love with it, which is why I became a hypnotist.

Let's take a look at Xiao Fang's story:

Once, Xiao Fang often dreamed of insects in her dreams. Once, a box was full of bugs and the mouth of the box was opened. Although the mouth of the box can be closed, it seems to be broken, so these bugs fill the whole box as if it were going to fall. I asked her how she felt, because feeling is very important in dreams. She said that she just felt terrible and disgusting, and everything was out of control, and then she felt that she couldn't run away. Another time, she dreamed that her sister was in the room. She and her sister are lying on the bed, on both sides, but there is a long bug in the middle. She felt scared, disgusting and horrible, so she kept calling her sister, but she didn't respond. So she took a flashlight to shine on the bug, and then the bug's head rose. She felt very scared. She called out to her mother, and then she was awakened. These are her two dreams about bugs. The same feeling in these dreams is terrible, disgusting, out of control, and I feel I can't run away.

Emotions and feelings in dreams are more important to dream interpretation. What does the subconscious tell her through dreams? During this hypnosis, I first took her to a very relaxed and reassuring place, because she had too much fear and nausea in her dream and seemed unable to escape. So, I first took her to a place where she felt very relaxed and at ease, so that she could enter a hypnotic state with peace of mind and explore signals from the subconscious.

She came to a place with meadows, forests and clear streams flowing down from the mountains. So I guided her to absorb energy from grasslands, forests and streams, so as to gradually relax and settle down. Then, I gave her subconscious to guide her. She mentioned that she had met her inner little girl when she was hypnotized before. She said the little girl came this time, but she didn't know where the little girl was, so I guided her to see her. She sings, dances, plays and plays with the little girl on the grass, and then the little girl sends her flowers. The little girl trusts her very much. When they are tired of dancing and playing, they lie on the grass and have a rest together.

She felt very comfortable when she first lay down. Suddenly, she showed a very scared expression. "It seems that there will be bugs," she said. Then, she suddenly felt that the grass was full of insects, and she was afraid that these insects would eat the leaves in the forest. "Too many insects will destroy the forest." I took her to see the little girl. She said that the little girl was not afraid, but playing with insects. She said that it is because the little girl doesn't have the concept that insects will destroy the forest in her mind that she can play with insects safely. "But I can't!" She said that she had such a concept, so she found many ways to kill all insects, taking pesticides, or using many other methods. However, she gradually discovered that grasslands and forests would also die. Gradually, she realized that some insects will actually die and become nutrients, some insects will become butterflies, and some may become other creatures and other insects. Suddenly, she realized that insects make this forest full of vitality. "But how to balance insects and forests?" This is her next question.

Then she decided to go into the forest. This forest is like a virgin forest. She didn't dare to go in before, because she was afraid that the bugs would suddenly fall from somewhere. She felt very scared. In hypnosis, we realize that this is a fear of the unknown. Later, she thought she could put on something, a bit like a coat or raincoat, and go into the forest. She can explore. In the process of exploration, she found that as long as she is ready, as long as she can put on this coat, this exploration will make her cells alive. She feels that the whole person has become very lively! She said that life can't stay in the same place all the time, and exploring the unknown will stimulate her life. It's actually fun, so she's not afraid anymore. She found a way to face the forest again. She said that when she can't fully understand the forest, she can also go to the grass to replenish her equipment when necessary. Originally, she didn't take the little girl with her when she went into the forest, because she didn't know what she would meet. She is worried that the forest is too dangerous. Now, she is not afraid. She thinks that if the little girl runs into the forest, she is confident that she can find her.

After hypnosis, we talked about her own understanding of this hypnosis. She said that the little girl was the leader of her expedition, because there was no concept of fear in the little girl's concept. In fact, this is how the forest lives. She used to have a lot of fears because she knew nothing about the future. In this subconscious exploration, it helped her to cope with the fear of the unknown future, and also guided her the way: as long as we can get ready (put on equipment), then moderate exploration will make our life more vivid. She smiled in surprise and said that her life was so rich. "I used to own a large forest, and it is still a virgin forest!" "

In fact, each of us has a large forest inside, and each of us is so rich inside. It's just that we often seem to be blocked by fear. This fear may be the fear of survival, the fear of the unknown, and all kinds of things. It seems that there is always some fear in the middle, so we are far away from the real life-the essence of that life. We also have no way to accept the energy from life itself, the power of life itself. For Xiao Fang, the fear of the unknown future is like a bug repeatedly dreamed, which makes people sick and afraid, and even more unavoidable. This time, hypnosis helped her to connect with the rich power and rich forest in life. Because the little girl inside has no concept of fear and can trust life completely. Her subconscious is telling her that with an adventurous heart, facing the unknown future, she can transcend her fears and make her life more vivid!

She, finally connected to the real power inside her!

Isn't it interesting?

Erickson's hypnosis school assumes that people have abilities and resources far beyond what we can realize. In fact, all the resources a person has are enough to make us happy. Unfortunately, many resources are separated from our current experience. Therefore, the hypnotists of Erickson school usually don't try to impose anything on the hypnotist. Instead, they help each other explore deep resources and learn to use the resources they already have. The development and utilization of these resources are not realized through the conceptual understanding of therapists or hypnotists, but through the experience exploration of hypnotists themselves. My hypnosis is also deeply influenced by his thoughts. In the process of hypnotherapy, I help the other person how to connect with the existing resources in his heart and "wake up" the other person's innate life resources and strength.

All right! Today's sharing is over. I don't know if you are curious about your subconscious after listening to several stories today.

Understanding a person's subconscious is not only to heal wounds, but also to inspire us to live out our potential in this life. I wish everyone a wonderful life in live high!

Xiao, born in Taiwan Province, 1972, is a senior psychological counselor, hypnotist and explorer in the deep heart. ? Because of the loss of childhood and her mother's experience of recording her suicide note, she was imprisoned in the abyss of depression for a long time, but she had a nightmare with no way out. She took her through fortune telling, philosophy, religion and so on. But she can't escape. After the attempted suicide, she vowed to find a better way of life. From the entrance of psychology to meditation, she went deep into her consciousness, found herself, and took off her coat layer by layer. Finally, she "saw" life and realized that every stage of life is leading the way and leading us to settle down in life, so she sorted out what she had learned, shared her "life mentality" and lived with everyone.

Figure: Source network.