Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Hu Zongnan Fortune Telling Story _ A Brief Introduction to Hu Zongnan Fortune Telling Story

Hu Zongnan Fortune Telling Story _ A Brief Introduction to Hu Zongnan Fortune Telling Story

Du Pengcheng < < Defending Yan 'an > > What is the synopsis of the story?

1947 In March, Chiang Kai-shek ordered Hu Zongnan to lead hundreds of thousands of troops to invade Yan 'an, where the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is located. A Shanxi column of the People's Liberation Army was ordered to retreat and prepared to counterattack, but a company of soldiers decided to fight for the recovery of Yan 'an.

The People's Liberation Army laid an ambush near Tsinghua and wiped out 4,000 people. Peng seized this opportunity and launched an uphill battle in panlong town in early May. Dayong Zhou, the company commander, was ordered to lead his troops north to lure the enemy. They pretended to be defeated and led the enemy to Suide, 200 kilometers north of panlong town. The PLA seized the opportunity to recapture panlong town.

In order to reverse the defeat, Hu Zongnan dispatched troops to send the Guanzhong army northward, and the Majia bandits in Longdong moved eastward, hoping to annihilate the People's Liberation Army in Ansai, but they were defeated by sports tactics. After a short break, the People's Liberation Army went north, successfully conquered Sanchawan and went straight to Yulin City. The enemy reorganized the 36th Division to reinforce Yulin, and our army was forced to retreat. Dayong Zhou covered the evacuation of troops, but his company was surrounded by the enemy. He was calm and brave, led the company to break through the encirclement, fought bloody battles, and finally returned to the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia border region.

In mid-September, the People's Liberation Army turned from defense to counterattack in the northwest battlefield. Hu Zongnan reorganized the 36th Division to reinforce Yulin and then went south in an attempt to do or die. General Peng decided to wipe out the main enemy in Shajiadian area. After that, the People's Liberation Army began a full-scale counterattack on the vast Yuan Ye, south of the Yellow River and north of the Yangtze River, starting from northern Jiangsu in the east and Hanshui in the west. 50,000-60,000 national troops began to retreat in the direction of Yan 'an along the Wuding River, and the main force of the Northwest Field Army pursued south. Brigadier General Chen Xingyun was ordered to ambush in Jiulishan to stop the enemy from fleeing to Yan 'an. After seven days and seven nights of blockade, 50,000 to 60,000 enemies were defeated.

In the battle of Jiulishan, the national army was defeated. Therefore, when the PLA snipers retreated, the national army fled south along Xianyu Highway. Dayong Zhou accepted a new task: to win victory and completely annihilate the enemy of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia. The soldiers and civilians of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region ambushed in Chakou Village, Yongping Town, annihilating two armies, two divisions and five brigades of the National Army.

After the "Battle of the Crossroads", the battalion commander Dayong Zhou was ordered to lead a team to attack the old mountain at the gate of Yan 'an and continue to pursue the remnants of the enemy.

Defending Yan 'an is the first excellent novel describing the war of liberation on a large scale in the history of contemporary literature, and is known as a "heroic epic". First of all, standing at the height of the times and history, it reflects the famous Yan 'an Defence War in the Liberation War with great scale and momentum, and depicts a real and magnificent historical picture of the people's war.

Taking the battles in Tsinghua, panlong town, Yulin and Shajiadian, which a company of my main column participated in, as examples, the work artistically summarizes the historical process of our army's transformation from strategic defense to strategic counterattack around the bloody battle between our regular army and the enemy thousands of times larger than our army in the northwest battlefield. The scenes of the people's war described in the works are large in scale and complex in thought, ranging from major decisions made by senior generals to the fighting life of grass-roots companies to the organization of large and small battles. The works are outspoken, embellishing the severe struggle situation at that time, and it is inevitable that the war will be unprecedented cruel and fierce under the situation that the enemy is strong and we are weak. In every battle, countless brave soldiers died heroically, and "a piece of land is full of blood", and the victory paid a huge price.

The work also profoundly reveals the fundamental reasons for the victory of this war: the correct analysis and wise decision of the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao on the whole war situation, the correct deployment and command of Commander Peng, and the revolutionary heroism of our army soldiers from senior commanders to ordinary soldiers to defend the Party Central Committee to the death, all of which are fully and wonderfully described in the works; The support of the people in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia border region and the people of the whole country for the war has also shown certain performance. The works are always filled with fiery fighting passion, which makes people feel that the people's war is invincible and invincible. Secondly, with high style and vigorous brushwork, a number of plump and vivid characters are portrayed.

Dayong Zhou, the hero, is a heroic image created by the author. Through a series of battles and detailed descriptions, the work highlights the characteristics of his heroic character: infinite loyalty and great dedication to the party, leaders and people. Hearing the withdrawal of the CPC Central Committee from Yan 'an and seeing the people of northern Shaanxi lying in a pool of blood, "biting pain and anger tormented his heart". Strong love and hate and high class consciousness have become a powerful driving force for him to devote himself to the people and create earth-shattering heroic achievements. He always volunteered to undertake the most dangerous and arduous task in the battle. In the breakout battle on the Great Wall Line, he was seriously injured and trapped in a small cave with sick and tired soldiers. Facing the desperate situation, what he thought was how to "fight nervously for the cause of his class" and finally lead the soldiers out of danger. As Li Cheng, the political commissar of the Communist Youth League, said, Dayong Zhou is a person with "sweat and loyalty in his pores". Dayong Zhou's lofty revolutionary heroism, iron will, courage, wit, composure and flexible fighting style are all described in his works. In the battle of Qinghua, he took the lead and completely ignored his personal life and death; Panlong town attacked the enemy with both wisdom and courage, and successfully completed the task of luring the enemy to attack the enemy; Especially on the Great Wall Line, the company fell into the encirclement of the enemy and lost contact with the main force. With unparalleled fortitude and courage, unparalleled wit and composure, he commanded the soldiers to rush about in the enemy group. Dayong Zhou is a people's hero who grew up in fierce battles and severe tests under the education of the Party. His works pay great attention to the formation process of Dayong Zhou's heroic character, which makes this heroic image fuller and more real.

Defending Yan 'an has its own distinctive features in artistic style: a high combination of surging passion, rich poetry and profound philosophy; Depicting the artistic image of heroes in a harsh and typical environment; Magnificent, bold and straightforward style; The language is clear, simple and vivid, with a strong flavor of life and mass style, full of passion. However, as far as the "epic" works reflect the whole picture of an era, the social life reflected in Defending Yan 'an is not broad enough, the depiction of the enemy is thin, the exploration of the inner world of heroes is not rich enough, and the rhythm is a bit monotonous. These shortcomings of the works are limited to the understanding and theory of a certain era. However, they are only minor defects. Defending Yan 'an reached the highest level of novel creation in the early 1950s, and it is worthy of being a treasure in China's contemporary literature.